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Name question


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Hello.. new to the game.. LOVE it so far..


Wanted to use the same name I had for SWG.. it would not let me put a space in it so I had to settle for



Now that I have been playing for awhile I see people with two seperate names .. say Joe Smith instead of Joe'Smith


Is this done with the rename thing for 1000 on the cartel? Thanks

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It's called a Legacy name.. The only way to fix this your character the first name of your SWG char with Cartel Coins, or create a new character altogether. As F2P you'll get a last name option when you complete Act I but you'll be like Joe'Smith Smith if you don't fix it.
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Only one thing to add is that your first name must be unique, so there cannot be a character named Joe Smith and another named Joe Mesala. I advice to choose nice first name and then play and wait for legacy.
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What I've found works is to use your Legacy as your Last Name, and your Character Name as your first name. For example, my character is named Velliti, and my Legacy name is Deathstalker, so my nameplate says Velliti Deathstalker. It locks the last name as your Legacy name, but gives your character a full name.
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