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May I have an immune to knockbacks, interrupts and stuns please.


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I see you are working long and hard to make snipers more to your liking mate, any success? :) How is your doctorate on SWTOR balance going? :rak_02:


He just wants melee classes to be able to faceroll all three of the ranged DPS classes. Which is why he will insist that merc is the "model" ranged class, rather than sniper.

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and they are only "the ideal ranged" in the eyes of every ranged. because what caster WOULDN'T want to be uninterruptable and unmoveable for 20s of ever 60? who cares if you, yourself, aren't moving. you can't move while casting anyway. not much of a trade off.


The tradeoff is that you lose entrench if you move during it's duration. So you cannot, for example, reset your ballistic dampers during entrench without ending it prematurely. Diversion can still knock a sniper out of cover when entrench is up. The worst case scenario is that you simply los and wait until entrench is over before attacking/CCing the sniper. Or better yet, have a stealther behind the sniper ready to CC as soon as entrench ends.

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I think a lot of you are missing the point of this thread, and let me clarify: IN A TEAM SETTING, SORC/SAGES ARE FINE.


BUT Sorc/Sage solo viability is garbage compared to most other classes, and that's what kind of irks most players. We are a support class, that with a few tweaks, could have as much solo viability as a sniper, but with our own distinct playstyle. :cool:


only point to this thread was so bad Sage/Sorcs could complain and cry they need buffed. We have interrupt immunity, we have immunity to everything, we have a free self heal, we have a bubble that eats a pretty good amount of damage, I mean what else could you possibly need.



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