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Low FPS - Pretty Decent Rig


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Okay so I have:

i7 3770k

Dual 680s Windforce OC edition in SLI

16GB ram

2x SSD - one primary SSD and one SSD cached platter drive.


Swtor is on the main SSD, I've tried playing the game with SLI off/on and I've tried SWTOR unleashed but from time to time I get crazy mad fps drops from say 100FPS(seems capped at that) down to 20fps and I get crazy mad stutter which really hurts in warzones.


Anyone have any weird/normal suggestions like turning HT off or chaning C states etc?

Edited by illuzian
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Okay so I have:

i7 at 3.7Ghz

Dual 680s Windforce OC edition in SLI

16GB ram

2x SSD - one primary SSD and one SSD cached platter drive.


Swtor is on the main SSD, I've tried playing the game with SLI off/on and I've tried SWTOR unleashed but from time to time I get crazy mad fps drops from say 100FPS(seems capped at that) down to 20fps and I get crazy mad stutter which really hurts in warzones.


Anyone have any weird/normal suggestions like turning HT off or chaning C states etc?




This game does run on SLI but it runs better on 1 card + 2 680's is way over kill. Your stuttering is partially coming from the fps rate dropping below your minitor refresh rate and when that happens in sli the game stutters like a b***h


run on one GTX 680

Turn shadows to low first and see what happens.


In my office system i am running a GTX560 and everything on high except shadows and character aa and im getting 90-100 regularly.

Edited by CrazyCanukk
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I've tried running with one 680 setting the high preset and turning shadows off but the problem is still there. When the FPS drops I get mostly red with intermittent green flashes.


EDIT: Also have tried pre-rendered frames at 1-4 no real noticeable improvement - in fleet and PvP it just stutters like mad when things are happening


EDIT2: Also thanks for the replies guys - bit slow and lacking in punctuation atm doing a second 10 hour shift at work with only a 4 hour break between :(

Edited by illuzian
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  • 2 weeks later...

So far I've tried the following

  1. Updated video BIOS
  2. Removed sound card and switched to on board
  3. Game is on SSD
  4. Tried SWTOR Unleashed - no improvement except loading times slightly
  5. Updated to latest Nvidia driver release
  6. Forced settings the High Performance in NVIDIA settings for SWTOR
  7. Tried overclock
  8. Checked individual core temps - nothing abnormal
  9. Checked individual GPU temps - nothing abnormal
  10. Tried with an without SLI - no real noticeable difference
  11. Updated SSD firmware
  12. Tried running in XP SP3 compat mode
  13. Installed directx runtimes
  15. Vsync is off
  16. Have tried windowed and fullscreen windowed


Basically I get 60-100FPS with not characters on screen then when I get characters pop in I get 20-40 FPS with significant stuttering. It's absolutely horrible. I really have no idea what's going on. I've run a 3dmark 11 bench to ensure my cards aren't doing anything funky and I get ~X6000 which is the extreme bench which is decently high.

Edited by illuzian
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I have just this past week began to experience this in WZs as well not sure *** is going but it's annoying as all hell. I haven't gone through my PC to the extent you have yet but I am going to update my drivers again and see of that helps. Of you figure out what resolves it would be nice to know.
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What helped me on my fps problems was one solution these forums produced, something about a NVIDIA INSPECTOR. Search that solution on these forums as it really will help you seeing as it's the only solution that's helped mine. Edited by DeathDevilZero
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Here is a idea, and I base this off my own experience, my comp is pretty decent and I was having the same fps issues. I have been using a flat screen AOC monitor with DVI output for the longest time and one day I decided to try out how hdmi looked on the game so I hooked the computer up to my TV and BAM the game ran so much more smoothly and I was able to run the game on higher graphic settings and not have such a drop in fps. I am not saying this is a fix but something definitely worth trying.
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First of all, red or green FPS when dropping?

(CPU or GPU/SLI issue causing it)

Second - CPU or GPUs overclock and temperatures during play/FPS drop?

Third - OS version and resident software?

(DX9 added, VC++ updated & so on)

Edited by morfius
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You might try removing the overclocks to test if they are involved at all.


I had similar issues in certain locations, and it was my cpu running too hot and throttling back. It seems like this would show up during your benchmarks etc. if that was the issue, but it wouldn't hurt to try without the overclocks just to eliminate that as a possible cause.

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First of all, red or green FPS when dropping?

(CPU or GPU/SLI issue causing it)

Second - CPU or GPUs overclock and temperatures during play/FPS drop?

Third - OS version and resident software?

(DX9 added, VC++ updated & so on)


According to a Bioware post: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=4748197


Greetings All,


So the actual explanation of the FPS display colors:


Red = Rendering bound/Video Card

Green = Simulation bound/CPU

Yellow = Mix of both

Current FPS (Lowest FPS over the last 10 seconds or so)


@nrazen_nl: some things just don't get into the patchnotes.


Thank you for playing Star Wars: The Old Republic[/Quote]

Edited by spectreclees
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Any people try to say there is nothing wrong with the game engine. Take note of threads like these and think the next time you want to offer someone worthless advice...




And Yet I use a 6870 and a an i5 2500k and hit 100 fps no problem. Normally 50-80 fps. :/ Everything maxed.

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I get red whenever I have a dip.


So new stuff has been done - I've been having an issue with my PC turning off and had already replaced the PSU so the mobo went along with a new closed water cooling loop and a new SSD.


  1. Fresh install on Win 7 on a new SSD
  2. New motherboard
  3. Game on different SSD


And that hasn't fixed it at all. Unless someone can think up a magic trick I'm pretty sure it's not me. I retested my 3dmark 11 score and it was X6667 which is great(x for extreme).

Edited by illuzian
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Remove one of the video cards entirely and test with only one.

Test it in OC and without OC (OC in SWTOR sometimes lead to throttling)

Check your PC power plan



If you read above I've already written that I've done the above. Considering I get consistently good FPS in all other games acceptable for 2x 680s and I've already tested it with and without SLI on I won't be removing a card. My PC power plan is on high performance, things like min/max proc state and various other settings known to cause issues I always change in new installs.


I'm not getting any throttling, I use AIDA64 to burn in, while I am now on a 4.4Ghz OC my stability test ran overnight at a max individual core temp of about 87C and recorded no throttling.


EVGA precision X has my cards target power at max but isn't on an overclock.


I might add though that on a fresh install and this new mobo the frame drops are quite a lot smoother and I would expect some dips but I'm still tanking at 20 quite a lot.

Edited by illuzian
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