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DEVs Only Care About PvE Content and not PvP


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I started this thread because I saw the DEVs post about update 2.2.1 dates with the possibility of no transfers again, so I wanted to state a couple of things on behalf a lot of comments I've heard and read. First, I consider myself (and I know there are more in every server) a PvP guy so I basically don't play or run PvE content. The only PvE thing I've done is EV SM over 1 year ago. As it's for today, everytime I log in I only do Warzones and I still don't know why we (PvPers) can't get some love from the DEVs with every update. 2.0 was Makeb and S&V (PvE content), 2.1 Bug Fixes for PvE stuff and I know that most of us were expecting transfers for 2.2 and there you go, Nightmare Ops and no transfers (again just PvE Content). I can assure you guys that around the 90% of the people waiting for transfers are PvPers that want to merge with other servers so they can enhance their PvP Gameplay. Besides transfers and not to mention the boltster's bugs, we didn't get fixed the thing that we click on everyday, the PvP button, such a simple fix that could have been fixed during 2.2 delay, but instead DEVs delayed the update to fix Nightmare Ops (PvE Content). I know there is a big PvP update in 2.4, but wait, 2.4?, 2.4?. I bet that update will be till December 2013 or the beginning of 2014.


So my request to the DEVs is: Can you put PvE content aside for one week or two and work in getting the transfers done so they can go live in 2.2.1. That would be a great update for us PvPers so we can transfer and start doing more rateds and play warzones with new people, new gaming skills and get more challenge while we wait for the PvP update 2.4.


Thank you.

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The short answer is that the developers have no clue how to develop PVP.


That was apparently clear with Ilum (twice) and the 1.2 delay of ranked Warzones. They also can't seem to figure out how to do cross server que's to at least breathe life into the already stagnant warzones. ... and it's still preseason... which is laughable.


I honestly don't know how anyone that just plays the game to PVP is still here.

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This is not a first thread about the same problem, what makes you think it will get any special attention? I would rather have developers forget about PvP and concentrate on PvE. Your opinion, my opinion Edited by ELRunninW
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This is a PvE-centric game. Bioware said that right from the start.


They also were impressed with the massive amount of players taking part in PvP from the start.


Read me.


And the bottom line is, neither the PvE nor the PvP content is all that epic...lol.


C'mon mang.

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This is a PvE-centric game. Bioware said that right from the start.


Pretty much this.


Not wanting to sound like a *****. But wouldn't the fact that the game was constantly advertised as a "STORY-TELLING MMO" be a colossal dead giveaway?


I hate to draw comparison to this here (As ironic as it may be, since the two are completely the opposite of eachother in terms of what keeps people playing ), but it's like buying a Battlefield game for its campaign. You really don't know what you're missing with the PVE. Same being with the (Very small minority)of people that *Only* plays the singleplayer of a largely multiplayer shooter.

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And peeps, let's be real here...PvE, PvP or RP...are not the enemies of one another...


We all want development from our preferred gameplay option....


The fact of the matter is though, of those 3 types, is any one of those really "performing amazingly in the development" catagory?


I've seen a lot of disappointed posts today about the new "content" for PvE, it didn't look good. RP has gotten the shaft for a long time, and PvP is just riddled with broken features.


I think at this point, all 3 aspects are lacking, and NEITHER one of them are more important than the other.


The only important "bottom line" anymore with TOR...is the Cartel Market...every other gameplay aspect takes a backseat to this. Period. And that's the truth.

Edited by Pistols
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While I agree with the Op they don't care about pvp I can't agree with him saying they only love pve. This game has come out with very little new pve content in comparison to what our sub money should be getting us. With that said I can tell you that the devs only care about the cartel market. As it sits there have been more updates and content pumped into the cartel market outside of things that didn't have anything to do with the cartel market. We've seen pay 2 rep, pay to play update, pay to win space missions and majority of their resources used to update that stupid store.


As far as I'm concerned they don't care about anything but how much money they can make and will continue to put out the minimum to keep people subbed.

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And peeps, let's be real here...PvE, PvP or RP...are not the enemies of one another...


We all want development from our preferred gameplay option....


The fact of the matter is though, of those 3 types, is any one of those really "performing amazingly in the development" catagory?


I've seen a lot of disappointed posts today about the new "content" for PvE, it didn't look good. RP has gotten the shaft for a long time, and PvP is just riddled with broken features.


I think at this point, all 3 aspects are lacking, and NEITHER one of them are more important than the other.


The only important "bottom line" anymore with TOR...is the Cartel Market...every other gameplay aspect takes a backseat to this. Period. And that's the truth.


Ya the themepark really limits the pvp and rp.


Side Note: Bioware can only pump out so much content to keep up with casual players but not with players that play more often.

Edited by Jonoku
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The only thing limiting RP is the imaginations of alleged RPers . If they need that many tools to do their "RP," the should go play Second Life.


Actually, a lot of RPers have creative imaginations, the game simply isn't sandbox where they are given a lot of tools. The only thing limiting RP, is that its themepark. People that like to RP all the time don't have limited imaginations lol.

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While I agree with the Op they don't care about pvp I can't agree with him saying they only love pve. This game has come out with very little new pve content in comparison to what our sub money should be getting us. With that said I can tell you that the devs only care about the cartel market. As it sits there have been more updates and content pumped into the cartel market outside of things that didn't have anything to do with the cartel market. We've seen pay 2 rep, pay to play update, pay to win space missions and majority of their resources used to update that stupid store.


As far as I'm concerned they don't care about anything but how much money they can make and will continue to put out the minimum to keep people subbed.


I do not think devs even care about cartel market that much. All of the stuff on the cartel is either putting an armor that have been already in the game, but not available to player, a spin-off of another armor already in the game with different colors or simply putting in the game a design for an armor that was already in Kotor.


PvE got little updates. 2.2 was major disappointment. PvP getting stuff in 4-5 month.


The direction the game looks like its heading in is BW trying to milk as much subs money and money from cartel, before most subs abandon ship. I do not see any investment made in the game.

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This is a PvE-centric game. Bioware said that right from the start.


Agreed. 2 years before the game launched everyone who perused the interviews should have know that PvP was not the primary content of the game. Then people buy the game (because it's Star Wars) and complain that PvP is neglected. They never promised to give PvP the same amount of attention as PvE, heck they implied that PvE would always get more focus than PvP.

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Agreed. 2 years before the game launched everyone who perused the interviews should have know that PvP was not the primary content of the game. Then people buy the game (because it's Star Wars) and complain that PvP is neglected. They never promised to give PvP the same amount of attention as PvE, heck they implied that PvE would always get more focus than PvP.


And by all that is the Force, one should NEVER deviate from that comment over 3 years ago, even despite the massive influx of PvP types...NEVER DEVIATE...stay mostly PvE driven...oh waiiiiiiiiit....


I see how that worked out...



Edited by Pistols
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You think PvP players get no love? Try being a role player. Seriously, at least they give you something once in a while.

I feel so sorry for you RP'ers. I really do feel you guys. They shell out stuff on the CM that is darn expensive, and if I was an RP'er in games I'd never be willing to shell our RL $ just for my style of play (only money I'd pay would be my sub).


Being an RP'er must be expensive as f***.

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A PVE-centered game is more focused on PVE than PVP? Not exactly earth-shattering news.


Frankly, they should just live PVP as-is or get rid of it. There's no way to get it to a level that PVP'ers would be happy anyway. Any attempts they have made at Open World PVP quickly turn into a bunch of people standing around trading objectives. PVP stuff is constantly being undermined by hacks and gimmicks and exploit of glitches. If there's a way to exploit something, damn, PVP'ers will find it fast. While PVP'ers might not have had a lot of content updates lately....all of the class/skill changes are always PVP based. They are constantly tweaking the classes and skills and that's not because of PVE.

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