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Dread Guards Nightmare overtuned

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So, now we've seen 4 guilds clear this so far. I've seen merc/op/sorc healers, I've seen Jugg/PT/Assassin Tanks, I've seen sniper/mara/jugg/merc/sorc dps compositions. Only thing missing is PT/Assassin/op dps, all of which btw I believe can be part of the group. I know that top AP PT/Assassins/Operatives can all parse quite high in operations.

Not that high, at least on that fight... Im self benching myself for the group sake, still think its BS, i can do the mechanics perfectly (well when im not lagging -_-), yet the numbers arent there.

Edited by ElitehunterDS
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So, now we've seen 4 guilds clear this so far. I've seen merc/op/sorc healers, I've seen Jugg/PT/Assassin Tanks, I've seen sniper/mara/jugg/merc/sorc dps compositions. Only thing missing is PT/Assassin/op dps, all of which btw I believe can be part of the group. I know that top AP PT/Assassins/Operatives can all parse quite high in operations.


Severity had a vanguard dps in our 16man DG kill

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Its way overtuned.


My guild is not the best in the world, we know that. We want to enjoy the game and have a bit of a challenge too. We are all full 72 augmented but the dread guards are impossible for us.

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I am curious. Have any of the guilds that cleared DG in the first week cleared them already this week?


A lot of the suckafish players are feeling burnt out from last week so we haven't gone in yet, probably will over the weekend or something.

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apparently James Gandolfini tried to down the dreadguards this morning in italy and died from a heart attack...sad


o cool new boss idea!!!! after styrak dies in nim s&v have gandolfini's spirit posses him quoting "heart disease was only a minor setback (evil menacing laugh)"

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A lot of the suckafish players are feeling burnt out from last week so we haven't gone in yet, probably will over the weekend or something.


I definitely understand why. Im just wondering if its going to require the insane 20-30 hour commitment and perfect RNG every week.

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i think all the guilds that kill DG, will skip then in the future, and farm the op for gear, because they will take many attemps to kill then again(hours), and for what? relics, not worth the pain


And i ask BW, is this what you want? Kill a boss and after the 1st kill skip then and farm the rest of the op until you are overgear

Edited by ErosGyne
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Not that high, at least on that fight... Im self benching myself for the group sake, still think its BS, i can do the mechanics perfectly (well when im not lagging -_-), yet the numbers arent there.



Don't worry it will get better

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We are by no means an elite guild, but we do a fairly good job with all previous content. We are generally one of the earlier guilds to get it cleared. We have been hit with some of our core raiders missing a couple weeks due to RL, so we are not Min/Maxed Full 72's, I would say 75% there.


I would say our guild is a great benchmark of a guild that should be capable of clearing a Nightmare Op with a lot of hard work and effort.


We killed First boss first week, skipped DG's, and spent quite a bit of time on Operator.


Second Week, We one shot first boss, skipped DG's, and spent the rest of the night on Operator. Our DPS on operator is not an issue, just silly mistakes, etc. 2nd night we go in and kill operator, and we have the mechanics to this fight pretty much down.


We are now on Kephess, and it is pretty intense. My hope is we get it down tonight.


I can assure you, even though a few people will be against it, next week we skip the DG's again. Some people's pride will get in the way and say man we can do it. Maybe, but why spend THAT MUCH time trying to kill it and get lucky in the process. Maybe in a week or two after we have more 75's in our gear.




The SECOND boss in an operation should be so difficult that only a extremely small portion of people are able to kill it, and even then it requires a bit of luck.

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Most ppl thinks this is a skill problem,or mecanics, sometimes is not, some ppl dont have top end machines to run this game, dont have the perfect latency because they are on the opposite side of the servers, dont have a 12 buttons mouse or something like that.

the skill is there, the hardware isnt, is no excuse i know, but this things count alot at this level (NiM is tuned)

i know alot of ppl that even with all this problems,(notably lag) they rock in this game, especially healers and tanks, but this is too fine tuned to overcome so many things

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Most ppl thinks this is a skill problem,or mecanics, sometimes is not, some ppl dont have top end machines to run this game, dont have the perfect latency because they are on the opposite side of the servers, dont have a 12 buttons mouse or something like that.

the skill is there, the hardware isnt, is no excuse i know, but this things count alot at this level (NiM is tuned)

i know alot of ppl that even with all this problems,(notably lag) they rock in this game, especially healers and tanks, but this is too fine tuned to overcome so many things


It is nightmare. Things are supposed to be so fine-tuned it leaves little room for error. If you want to have room for error, either wait to do the content when you outgear it or do it on an easier setting. Just because the hardest setting is available doesn't mean everyone should be able to do it. Its the hardest for a reason. It exists solely for those who want the challenge of having to play near perfectly to overcome.


I thoroughly enjoyed the NiM DG fight. Was it vastly overtuned? No. Not at all. We had to tweak our strategy often before finally figuring out something that worked. If you are running in there with people not playing to their potential and using a subpar strategy- you are going to be wrecked. Just switching healing assignments for us was the difference between 30% and 5%. Just a few adjustments and we had a near kill.


Those saying that everyone will skip this boss just to get gear from the other bosses are the ones who haven't even downed it yet. I have faith that those of us who have killed it can actually go in the following week and get it in a few attempts. Just because you killed something once doesn't mean you automatically should one shot it the next week. Lastnight, on our 2nd, 3rd, and 4th attempt we had DG to a near kill every time. A few adjustments and boom... a kill. We just have to repeat that next week and the week after. Every week will become easier and easier as we get more and more used to the fight itself.


This is what nightmare is supposed to be. It is a 5 boss Operation. I don't want to clear something on a Tuesday night and not have anything to do the rest of the week. That isn't raiding. That is just rolling a dice and hoping you get loot.


If you're struggling, just skip it like others and get loot from the later bosses to help you progress on NiM DG. I promise you, the fight really isn't as hard as people are making it out to be. Yes, its challenging but once you are doing everything you're supposed to do, you succeed.


(Imagine that...)

Edited by Aerro
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It is nightmare. Things are supposed to be so fine-tuned it leaves little room for error. If you want to have room for error, either wait to do the content when you outgear it or do it on an easier setting. Just because the hardest setting is available doesn't mean everyone should be able to do it. Its the hardest for a reason. It exists solely for those who want the challenge of having to play near perfectly to overcome.


I thoroughly enjoyed the NiM DG fight. Was it vastly overtuned? No. Not at all. We had to tweak our strategy often before finally figuring out something that worked. If you are running in there with people not playing to their potential and using a subpar strategy- you are going to be wrecked. Just switching healing assignments for us was the difference between 30% and 5%. Just a few adjustments and we had a near kill.


Those saying that everyone will skip this boss just to get gear from the other bosses are the ones who haven't even downed it yet. I have faith that those of us who have killed it can actually go in the following week and get it in a few attempts. Just because you killed something once doesn't mean you automatically should one shot it the next week. Lastnight, on our 2nd, 3rd, and 4th attempt we had DG to a near kill every time. A few adjustments and boom... a kill. We just have to repeat that next week and the week after. Every week will become easier and easier as we get more and more used to the fight itself.


This is what nightmare is supposed to be. It is a 5 boss Operation. I don't want to clear something on a Tuesday night and not have anything to do the rest of the week. That isn't raiding. That is just rolling a dice and hoping you get loot.


If you're struggling, just skip it like others and get loot from the later bosses to help you progress on NiM DG. I promise you, the fight really isn't as hard as people are making it out to be. Yes, its challenging but once you are doing everything you're supposed to do, you succeed.


(Imagine that...)


You complety miss the point i has trying to make with my post, is not a skill or strategy problem to many other players

Edited by ErosGyne
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heh all I got from that wall of text was that aerro doesn't want his nightmare title run because he wants to raid more than just on tuesday night:P


For now. That is something to strive for, not get because the content is easy.


Also, the only other thing I picked out was that lag was a factor and its not fair to those that have it.

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i think all the guilds that kill DG, will skip then in the future, and farm the op for gear, because they will take many attemps to kill then again(hours), and for what? relics, not worth the pain


And i ask BW, is this what you want? Kill a boss and after the 1st kill skip then and farm the rest of the op until you are overgear

Yeah ^^.


Idk bout my guild but im farily certain they'll do no skipping whatsoever.


People just want to get it down asap for the "race" but i dont see why your guild is obligated to beat at it in NiM when it can be skipped in HM and the rest of the place farmed in NiM. After several weeks you should have enough 75 gear to beat the enrage easy. That's why i don't think it needs a nerf because it shares a lockout with HM.. the rest of the place is easy enough in 8-man NiM as it is... and we want the place to be easier?? (i feel like a broken record saying this over and over again lol)

Edited by paowee
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You complety miss the point i has trying to make with my post, is not a skill or strategy problem to many other players


Correct me if I am wrong, but your point seems to be that the Hardware end of a player effects their outcome in these fine tuned fights. Since some players do not have good hardware (Mouse, Keyboard, Game Pad, GFX Card, Processor, Internet Speed, etc), they can not perform well; when in reality, if they did have the hardware they could outperform.


Basing my comment on the above assumption.....You are in effect, asking Nascar to make the Daytona 500 a shorter race because your car can not handle it. Since, you are a skilled driver you should be able to compete. Even though your car (Hardware) is not up to the challenge.


TL;DR Your Hardware not being able to keep up with this game is not a reason to argue that this fight is over-tuned.

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I wouldnt blame the hardware for the whole fight. I have noticed though I get many psuedo GCDs at the beginning of this fight though if Im in MOX. People just have to learn to adjust to the combat delays and pseduo GCDs that we have all become used to experiencing with SWTOR and its horribly optimized engine.
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TL;DR Your Hardware not being able to keep up with this game is not a reason to argue that this fight is over-tuned.


Here did i said this fight is over tuned?? I said fine tuned, is a big diference.

And all the ppl said is a question if skill and mecanics, i say in many causes is not

You guy are going overboard with my word, try to play with a low-in PC with 100 ms and tell me that your skill can beat the lag, if you do, stop liying to yourselfs

Many players have the skill but not the tools. and thats nobodys faults, but dont come here and tell me that the tools are not important where the fights are this FINE-TUNNED

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Here did i said this fight is over tuned?? I said fine tuned, is a big diference.

And all the ppl said is a question if skill and mecanics, i say in many causes is not

You guy are going overboard with my word, try to play with a low-in PC with 100 ms and tell me that your skill can beat the lag, if you do, stop liying to yourselfs

Many players have the skill but not the tools. and thats nobodys faults, but dont come here and tell me that the tools are not important where the fights are this FINE-TUNNED


I have a mid range pc and usually around 180-200 ms on my server. Still havent downed DG yet though close...wouldnt blame the lag though a pike here and there a delay here and there sure but nothing that is going to result in the extra 100k dmg we need to down DG:P

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I have a mid range pc and usually around 180-200 ms on my server. Still havent downed DG yet though close...wouldnt blame the lag though a pike here and there a delay here and there sure but nothing that is going to result in the extra 100k dmg we need to down DG:P


Seriously!!! you dont see the problem there? if a player can go through 6 gcd and you in the same time 5 because of delay, lag, you cant see the lost of dps there, in a 5-7m fight you will lose a huge amount of dps.you can go from 2400 to 2700 easy. i did, in vacacion on the UK

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