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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Change dark ward back


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This new update totally 'broke' assasin for me. I'll be going back and playing my other alts now.


I do NOT like glowing bright purple with this new holocron shield that is ''dark ward''


Anyone else a bit peeved they changed it?

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I thought the Shadows Ring of rocks looked bad but this dark ward is just horrible. I will be going back to my Juggernaut for tanking. Thank you Bioware for killing another class for me.


Yeah thats how I felt exactly. I hated the ring of rocks. Now i see they implemented something worse. I really have a hard time telling if I hate the floating holocron more....or the bright, CONSTANT purple aura.


Glad I have alts, I wont be playing assassin anymore. My characters appearance, thats right in front of me every second of my game play, is important to me. And this new animation change looks VERY 'makeb'.

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I don't particularly care for the graphic they chose, but it is a good thing that they (finally) added a visual indicator that Dark Ward is active beyond the buff icon.


Naturally, any Assassin tank is going to be monitoring their stack count on Dark Ward frequently in any case, but there are plenty of reasons why an additional indicator is a good thing.


I think a less in-your-face glow and a drastically toned-down graphic would be more than sufficient. The elaborate animation and flashy visuals are distracting.

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The animation they added looks like a paladin buff from world of Warcraft MMO

If i wanted flashy Buffs with glows and runes revolving around me as if am a casino roulette i would not play a starwars.. i would play wow.


Reverse the change i cant hardly look at my character anymore.

All i see is some purple Glow and rotating Crap flying around.

I got great joy from watching my character Block and absorb with my shield.

When i used dark ward my shield went up to like 55% and watching it proc all the time was amazing.

All that is now Ruined...

I cant look at my character any more....


Tell me Bioware... Please tell me.

How do you justify the Buff graphic ?

The casting of the dark ward has an Amazing animation with a nice visual effect. Like creating a shield out of darkness...

Where exactly does the Rotating Rune Roulette Paladin Buff from world of Warcraft fit in the High tech Starwars Lore ?

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The animation they added looks like a paladin buff from world of Warcraft MMO

If i wanted flashy Buffs with glows and runes revolving around me as if am a casino roulette i would not play a starwars.. i would play wow.


Reverse the change i cant hardly look at my character anymore.

All i see is some purple Glow and rotating Crap flying around.

I got great joy from watching my character Block and absorb with my shield.

When i used dark ward my shield went up to like 55% and watching it proc all the time was amazing.

All that is now Ruined...

I cant look at my character any more....


Tell me Bioware... Please tell me.

How do you justify the Buff graphic ?

The casting of the dark ward has an Amazing animation with a nice visual effect. Like creating a shield out of darkness...

Where exactly does the Rotating Rune Roulette Paladin Buff from world of Warcraft fit in the High tech Starwars Lore ?


I'm glad I'm not alone, I can't stand the animation at all now. I hate both the purple glow and the floating holocron box.


I hope they change it back

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The new dark ward animation is an insult to the eyes, and to everyone around this class in general each 10-20 seconds of combat...and for something so irritatingly aweful in every concievable way that is going to add up to being A LOT OF @)(# sdkljfslkd times. It clips through the double bladed lightsaber blade as well as any object near our characters also, so of course, even its implementation is a complete failure. Terminate!
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This animation is garbage and totally distracting, and especially bad since if we are tanking correctly it will be up ALL the time. It is neither consistent with the other assassin animations/effects nor the lore of the class.


I came in expecting to see a nice shadowy or lightning (or both!) cloud orbiting around me. Instead I see a JEDI holocron (Jedi holocrons are cubes, Sith holocrons are pyramids) orbiting around me. Ridiculous. Makes me want to change specs.

Edited by Nemarus
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I'm assuming this is a troll topic? It's very convincing that people are actually serious about this though.




Its not a troll topic... I play since beta and i m very serious about my games.

I Didn't see this coming. i though that nothing would stop me from playing my assassin tank...

I underestimated bioware's ability to mess things up.



You need to be very careful when adding an animation that is always active.

If you play the assassin tank as it should be played... that stupid animation is always on.

Edited by Ravand
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Please, for all that is holy...change it back..


it's bad enough I have to keep pressing a buff button every 15 secs ( even less if I'm getting hit by multiple NPCs) just to be comparable to other tanks. Now you want me to show off this psychotic form of retardation like a slow kid pretending to be a tornado....

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Seriously people are complaining about this? Am I the only one that thinks it looks cool? It also looks plenty star wars-y, it looks like a sith holocron when it starts above your head...


Also people don't like the floating rocks equivalent for shadows??? You guys need better things to complain about.

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Seriously people are complaining about this? Am I the only one that thinks it looks cool? It also looks plenty star wars-y, it looks like a sith holocron when it starts above your head...


Also people don't like the floating rocks equivalent for shadows??? You guys need better things to complain about.

First, as has already been mentioned, it's a Jedi holocron, not Sith. Second, how can spare parts of an oversized holocron give any protection? Rocks i understand, but holocron pieces? Also, it's understandable that Shadow rips his rocks from the ground, but where does an Assassin take his huge holocron from? It simply comes out of nowhere.


Speaking about myself, i'm pretty tired of all these flashy spell effects in other MMOs. Lack of them in this game was one of the things that attracted me. And now i get one of these things right in my face...


Just change it to a very transparent cloud of Dark Side energy and everyone will be happy.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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Speaking about myself, i'm pretty tired of all these flashy spell effects in other MMOs. Lack of them in this game was one of the things that attracted me. And now i get one of these things right in my face...


Indeed. Clean and crisp animations was one of the few strong points of this game. They've consistently taken steps to ruin that though, and soon enough I'm sure we'll have as much spell clutter as in other games.

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I guess I underestimated the pettiness of people then. I love the assassin class too much to just stop playing it because of an animation I don't like.


Why is this petty? Because you're the only person out of the 3 pages of people now that don't agree with the topic? Since we are all forced to look at the character we play in front of us, we of course want something more appealing. And SUDDENLY, without warning, changing my assassin that i loved, to now a glowing purple people eater, with a floating box around him...is NOT something that I am enjoying.


I care what my characters look like, and I do not like the way he looks now. And worse, we can't change it.


Bioware, change this back!

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Speaking about myself, i'm pretty tired of all these flashy spell effects in other MMOs. Lack of them in this game was one of the things that attracted me. And now i get one of these things right in my face...


Just change it to a very transparent cloud of Dark Side energy and everyone will be happy.


I agree, I LOVED dark ward prior to this update, because it was barely noticeable. I don't know WHY they felt the need to change it. I thought it worked and looked great.

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