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is sidious really the strongest sith


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There's nothing to speculate there: for 1000 years, the Sith lived in secrecy under the rule, until this process created a Sith powerful enough to destroy the Jedi--Sidious.


Oh,for the love of...

The Rule of Two did not create Sith powerful enough to destroy the jedi.The sith were always powerful(except the Brotherhood of Darkness idiots).And the ancient sith are the most.

The rule of two just changed tactics,strategy, the organization and the means.The main thing the rule of two did is to prevent the sith from destroying themselves before destroying the jedi.Naturally every apprentice is going to be better than his master.

Still the peak of the sith teachings and culture is during the Old Sith Empire and Vitiate's reconstituted empire.You don't need ''canon statements'' to realize this.Just common sense and some basic knowledge of some social sciences and humanities in real life.


Sidious being the most powerful is a statement from a time when nobody had a clear view about sith,jedi and their history.It's retro and old news.Sidious is a fossil.And the old Star Wars concept in which Sidious is the most powerful sith is also a fossil.Srsly ppl,get on with the times.

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Sidious is the strongest based on one thing I believe, the rule of two's philosophy that only the strongest person of the two will survive the eventual encounter between the two siths. Sidious is the product of over a thousand years of sith knowledge and each apprentice being stronger than the master, therefore to me, he is the strongest. Although he did kill Plagueis in his sleep, so who knows.
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Okay, using G-Canon only. Which is Absolute Canon (Movies Only). To Define the powers of Darth Sidious, he already is not the strongest Sith in existence. Darth Vader is. I cite the fact that Darth Vader picks Sidious up while Sidious is hurling Force Lightning in an arc in front of him, and promptly tosses him into a ravine. Granted doing this short circuits Vaders life support, but if Sidious were the most powerful Sith in existence, he would have instantly turned off his Force Lightning, pulled out his lightsaber, and lopped off Vaders arms or legs before he could lift Sidious.


While accomplishing this act may have redeemed Vader and allowed him to regain status as a Jedi, it does not revoke his status as Sith Lord. Thus Vader, the Chosen One, is in fact the most powerful Sith of all time according to G-Canon.


If we expand this to T-Canon (The TV Series). Then Anakin Skywalker becomes even more powerful, because he was able to make both the Daughter and the Son (1,000,000 year old entities composed of Pure Force Energy made conscious) submit to his will. Even if it was only for a short period of time. That feat in and of itself is not something to laugh at. It shows an unbreakable determination.


That said, if we are going strictly by raw Force Potential. The Son, is the strongest manifestation of raw Dark Side Energy in existence up until the time of his death. He would easily have beaten Sidious in a matter of seconds. It took 3 Jedi and his Father to defeat him when he was actively fighting. One of these Jedi was Anakin.


Now progressing to C-Canon, Luke becomes the most powerful Dark Sider (maybe not Sith) by virtue of the fact that he is the most powerful Force User ever. Period. So during his Dark Side Phase, he was easily more powerful than Sidious.


I am going to ignore S and N-Canon because they are questionable Canon.


That said, there have been numerous people who could arguably be more powerful by merit alone, if not by raw force potential, than Sidious. Vitiate is stronger by Merit. Exar Kun was able to force at least a handful of Jedi to submit to his mental control. And managed to use one to blow up a few systems (not even Sidious accomplished that).


If we are judging Sidious' power based on his Force Potential only. I have yet to see anything he has done which rivals what my Sith Characters can do in Star Wars the Old Republic. And in fact, Malgus in the Opening Trailers for this game, does a hell of a lot more using Force Enhanced Combat techniques than Sidious ever did. I mean Malgus took a Thermal Detonator to the face (so did the Trooper that fired it, which is impressive), as well as a continuous Force Push, and then a Force Avalanche and still survived. You don't see Emperor Palpatine doing anything remotely similar to this. Closest he does is fighting off 3 Jedi, but of course Palpatine has the element of surprise on his side, and cuts 2 of the 3 down before they can really even start defending themselves. Mace Windu fares better but is caught off guard by Anakin's support of Palpatine.


The only thing Palpatine apparently has as an advantage over all the other Sith Lords I have ever seen, is that he is a Master of the game of Chess as defined by TV Tropes That in and of itself does not make one powerful in the ways of the Force.


Hah I like this +1.

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Sidious is the strongest based on one thing I believe, the rule of two's philosophy that only the strongest person of the two will survive the eventual encounter between the two siths. Sidious is the product of over a thousand years of sith knowledge and each apprentice being stronger than the master, therefore to me, he is the strongest. Although he did kill Plagueis in his sleep, so who knows.


Even in a best case scenario-which means on paper everything would work out perfectly , this would not make Sidious the most powerful sith ever.It would only make him the most powerful After Bane reorganised the sith.


But in reality ,Bane's idea is screwed over by many factors.For example,an apprentice will usually fight his master when he is old,or just after his prime.I even believe this is the case with Bane and Zannah.He may also not fight him at all,but just make sure he dies some other way.Plagueis killing Tenebrous and Sidious killing Plagueis are surely not the only examples of this.Also it cannot be assumed that the apprentice will kill the master only after he learns everything he knows 100% as it is shown with Sidious killing Plagueis.

Not to mention the destruction of tons of sith lore,holocrons and artifacts by Darth Gravid which brought back the Rule of Two for centuries.Also don't forget that Bane basically started from scratch(because the Brotherhood of Darkness were a joke),it's not like the Rule of Two builds upon a strong foundation of complete sith lore gathered by all the sith before him.


I am pretty sure if Palpatine was born in the Sith Empire he would have become much stronger,because of the abundance of sith lore,rituals,magic,teachings and all that ,and he would not waste so much time inflitrating the republic,he would practice and study instead+ he would be tested all the way to the top,by other just as powerful and ambitious sith,which would make him even more powerful on top of everything else.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Oh,for the love of...

The Rule of Two did not create Sith powerful enough to destroy the jedi.The sith were always powerful(except the Brotherhood of Darkness idiots).And the ancient sith are the most.

The rule of two just changed tactics,strategy, the organization and the means.The main thing the rule of two did is to prevent the sith from destroying themselves before destroying the jedi.Naturally every apprentice is going to be better than his master.

Still the peak of the sith teachings and culture is during the Old Sith Empire and Vitiate's reconstituted empire.You don't need ''canon statements'' to realize this.Just common sense and some basic knowledge of some social sciences and humanities in real life.


Sidious being the most powerful is a statement from a time when nobody had a clear view about sith,jedi and their history.It's retro and old news.Sidious is a fossil.And the old Star Wars concept in which Sidious is the most powerful sith is also a fossil.Srsly ppl,get on with the times.


the Sith Order was founded in 6,900 BBY. The Rule of Two was published between 1,000 and 980 BBY. This means that the Sith Order existed quite effectively for approximately 5900 to 5920 years without collapsing. On the otherhand, with the Rule of Two in effect, the Sith Order basically collapsed in on itself at the end of Emperor Palpatine's first life. Granted there were a few holdouts after that point, but nothing major. So basically comparing nearly 6,000 years of Sith existence, with 1,000 years and saying that somehow the 1,000 years was better because during the 1,000 years the Sith Order had better survival odds is quite stupid. There were more Sith at any given time prior to 1,000 BBY which means they were harder for the Jedi to wipe out. They had a self enforced goverment overseen by an Emperor in most cases (arguably this was very likely Vitiate for the past several thousand years, assuming what the Emperor's Hand claims is true and he isn't actually dead).


Simply put, the Rule of Two is not how you go about establishing a Sith Society. It is how you go about establishing a Dictatorship which resembles the Third Reich. The Sith Empire of SWTOR, is vastly different in power structure from the Galactic Empire of Palpatines time. Even if they utilize alot of the same motiffs.


I mean all the Jedi have to do to whipe out the Sith (which Yoda had thought he had done) after the establishment of the Rule of Two. Is to kill both the Master and the Apprentice at the same time. And then confiscate and lock away all Sith Holocrons and Datacrons.


Sidious is the strongest based on one thing I believe, the rule of two's philosophy that only the strongest person of the two will survive the eventual encounter between the two siths. Sidious is the product of over a thousand years of sith knowledge and each apprentice being stronger than the master, therefore to me, he is the strongest. Although he did kill Plagueis in his sleep, so who knows.


No, more accurately Sidious is the product of a society that has existed for only a little under 1,000 years at the time of his birth, where the Master teaches the student everything he knows, and then promptly attempts to kill the student, assuming that the student will fight to the best of his ability, defend himself, and either succeed in taking his masters life, or die himself. If the student fails, then the process starts over with a new apprentice.


This method of training basically means that any given Sith Lord is required to know EVERYTHING that all the previous Sith Lords knew. Because he is the only one passing knowledge along to the future. Therefore anything that the teacher doesn't share prior to the time when he dies, is automatically lost to history, unless it is stored in a datacron somewhere.


It is this centralized source knowledge that hinders the Rule of Two in its totallity. Imagine what would have happened to the Sith Order if Palpatine had been shot by a Balistic Sniper Rifle (not one of those Laser ones) using High Powered Balistic Shells that allows you to fire from miles away. He would have had to be actively scanning the entire city quadrant of Coruscant for potential snipers using this particular attack method at any given point in time to even pick up a hint that it is incoming. Through if it were my oh so favorite anime chick Misaka Mikoto doing this she wouldn't even need the sniper rifle, she can turn any metal object she throws into a RAILGUN of unbelievable potential. And I mean an actual railgun, as in the Asteroid Smashing Orbital Destruction Array. Palpatine may be fast, but I don't think he can dodge a bullet that has been launched at velocities approaching the speed of light.


So again, assuming he had been assassinated before obtaining a Clone Army, or revealing himself as Sith. Or heck, before he even got elected Supreme Chancellor. And assuming that likewise Darth Maul and Darth Tyranus got hit by orbital bombardment as well without warning.


Do you realize how unlikely it would have been for the Sith to recover the knowledge that Sidious, Maul, and Dooku had trapped in their brains at that point? Unless they were constantly uploading information to Sith Datacrons and Holocrons for later use. Even that is questionable.


EDIT: Although it was Satelle Shan who pulled it off... the Instant you show me where Sidious demonstrates his ability to perform a bare handed blade block verses a lightsaber. I will call him the equal of the Sith and Jedi of Vitiate's Sith Empire Era.

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Okay, using G-Canon only. Which is Absolute Canon (Movies Only). To Define the powers of Darth Sidious, he already is not the strongest Sith in existence. Darth Vader is. I cite the fact that Darth Vader picks Sidious up while Sidious is hurling Force Lightning in an arc in front of him, and promptly tosses him into a ravine. Granted doing this short circuits Vaders life support, but if Sidious were the most powerful Sith in existence, he would have instantly turned off his Force Lightning, pulled out his lightsaber, and lopped off Vaders arms or legs before he could lift Sidious.


While accomplishing this act may have redeemed Vader and allowed him to regain status as a Jedi, it does not revoke his status as Sith Lord. Thus Vader, the Chosen One, is in fact the most powerful Sith of all time according to G-Canon.


If we expand this to T-Canon (The TV Series). Then Anakin Skywalker becomes even more powerful, because he was able to make both the Daughter and the Son (1,000,000 year old entities composed of Pure Force Energy made conscious) submit to his will. Even if it was only for a short period of time. That feat in and of itself is not something to laugh at. It shows an unbreakable determination.


That said, if we are going strictly by raw Force Potential. The Son, is the strongest manifestation of raw Dark Side Energy in existence up until the time of his death. He would easily have beaten Sidious in a matter of seconds. It took 3 Jedi and his Father to defeat him when he was actively fighting. One of these Jedi was Anakin.


Now progressing to C-Canon, Luke becomes the most powerful Dark Sider (maybe not Sith) by virtue of the fact that he is the most powerful Force User ever. Period. So during his Dark Side Phase, he was easily more powerful than Sidious.


I am going to ignore S and N-Canon because they are questionable Canon.


That said, there have been numerous people who could arguably be more powerful by merit alone, if not by raw force potential, than Sidious. Vitiate is stronger by Merit. Exar Kun was able to force at least a handful of Jedi to submit to his mental control. And managed to use one to blow up a few systems (not even Sidious accomplished that).


If we are judging Sidious' power based on his Force Potential only. I have yet to see anything he has done which rivals what my Sith Characters can do in Star Wars the Old Republic. And in fact, Malgus in the Opening Trailers for this game, does a hell of a lot more using Force Enhanced Combat techniques than Sidious ever did. I mean Malgus took a Thermal Detonator to the face (so did the Trooper that fired it, which is impressive), as well as a continuous Force Push, and then a Force Avalanche and still survived. You don't see Emperor Palpatine doing anything remotely similar to this. Closest he does is fighting off 3 Jedi, but of course Palpatine has the element of surprise on his side, and cuts 2 of the 3 down before they can really even start defending themselves. Mace Windu fares better but is caught off guard by Anakin's support of Palpatine.


The only thing Palpatine apparently has as an advantage over all the other Sith Lords I have ever seen, is that he is a Master of the game of Chess as defined by TV Tropes That in and of itself does not make one powerful in the ways of the Force.


You are just wrong here.


I am going to focus only on G-Canon, even though you seem to know something of the EU, so I am surprised you don't know of some of the incredibly ridiculous things Palpatine has done in the novels.


I am also going to leave off the fact that GL flat out says Palpatine is the strongest, and his word is G-Canon by definition.


During the course of the movies, Palpatine does several things that set himself apart.


First off, he not only conceals himself, hiding in plain sight, from all of the Jedi of his time (who are widely considered the most powerful collectively of any time), but he also clouds their judgement and manipulates them. Included in this council are the #2 most powerful Jedi of all time, Anakin, an arguable top 5 all time in Yoda, and an arguable top 10 of all time in Obi-wan.


Then, when he is finally discovered, he cuts down one of the best duelists of the time, Kit Fisto, and holds his own fairly well against arguably the best duelist of all time in Mace Windu (it is unclear if Windu was actually winning or if Palpatine was throwing the fight for Anakin's benefit).


After that, he is confronted by the previously mentioned arguably top 5 of all time in Yoda, and defeats him in a duel of both Lightsaber and Force combat. At the end of that duel, Palpatine is laughing his *** off while Yoda runs away like a *****.


Leaving the fighting aside, the fact that he was able to manipulate and deceive the entire council while sitting in the same room as them suggests to me that he was incredibly powerful. That to me dwarfs anything any other Sith has ever done, especially given that the movie time period is considered the golden age of the Jedi Council's power.


You cannot consider Luke in the discussion because he never truly became Sith. He may have fallen for a brief time, but that does not make him a Sith.


You cannot consider the Son in this discussion because he is a dark side entity, not mortal, and again not a Sith.

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Okay, using G-Canon only. Which is Absolute Canon (Movies Only). To Define the powers of Darth Sidious, he already is not the strongest Sith in existence. Darth Vader is. I cite the fact that Darth Vader picks Sidious up while Sidious is hurling Force Lightning in an arc in front of him, and promptly tosses him into a ravine. Granted doing this short circuits Vaders life support, but if Sidious were the most powerful Sith in existence, he would have instantly turned off his Force Lightning, pulled out his lightsaber, and lopped off Vaders arms or legs before he could lift Sidious.


Considering that Sidious killed Vader in the process, I guess they would be equals using this logic. But then we have canon to support the fact that Vader did not become as powerful as Palpatine.


While accomplishing this act may have redeemed Vader and allowed him to regain status as a Jedi, it does not revoke his status as Sith Lord. Thus Vader, the Chosen One, is in fact the most powerful Sith of all time according to G-Canon.


According to G-canon you are wrong.


If we expand this to T-Canon (The TV Series). Then Anakin Skywalker becomes even more powerful, because he was able to make both the Daughter and the Son (1,000,000 year old entities composed of Pure Force Energy made conscious) submit to his will. Even if it was only for a short period of time. That feat in and of itself is not something to laugh at. It shows an unbreakable determination.


Obi-Wan matched Anakin's Force push on Mustafar. Using your logic, we can assume that Obi-Wan could make the Son and Daughter submit.


Then there's the fact that Anakin was not Sith at the time, making your "point" moot.


That said, if we are going strictly by raw Force Potential. The Son, is the strongest manifestation of raw Dark Side Energy in existence up until the time of his death. He would easily have beaten Sidious in a matter of seconds. It took 3 Jedi and his Father to defeat him when he was actively fighting. One of these Jedi was Anakin.


The Son is not a Sith. He is a Dark Side entity. Just as Mother Talzin isn't Sith, but a Nightsister.


Now progressing to C-Canon, Luke becomes the most powerful Dark Sider (maybe not Sith) by virtue of the fact that he is the most powerful Force User ever. Period. So during his Dark Side Phase, he was easily more powerful than Sidious.


Luke becomes the most powerful Jedi. Can you prove that he was more powerful than Palpatine during his time on the Dark Side (I assume you are referring to Dark Empire)?


I am going to ignore S and N-Canon because they are questionable Canon.


You seem to be ignoring a whole lot more than that. :rolleyes:


That said, there have been numerous people who could arguably be more powerful by merit alone, if not by raw force potential, than Sidious. Vitiate is stronger by Merit. Exar Kun was able to force at least a handful of Jedi to submit to his mental control. And managed to use one to blow up a few systems (not even Sidious accomplished that).


If you are referring to the Cron Cluster, that was a cluster of stars destroyed by Aleema Keto. Exar Kun tricked her into believing that she would not be harmed.


How is Vitiate stronger than Palpatine by merit?


If we are judging Sidious' power based on his Force Potential only. I have yet to see anything he has done which rivals what my Sith Characters can do in Star Wars the Old Republic. And in fact, Malgus in the Opening Trailers for this game, does a hell of a lot more using Force Enhanced Combat techniques than Sidious ever did. I mean Malgus took a Thermal Detonator to the face (so did the Trooper that fired it, which is impressive), as well as a continuous Force Push, and then a Force Avalanche and still survived. You don't see Emperor Palpatine doing anything remotely similar to this. Closest he does is fighting off 3 Jedi, but of course Palpatine has the element of surprise on his side, and cuts 2 of the 3 down before they can really even start defending themselves. Mace Windu fares better but is caught off guard by Anakin's support of Palpatine.


Haven't read Dark Empire, I see. Well, I think this discussion is over. Come back after you are fully familiar with Palpatine. Then we can talk.

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except he make a living eternal god out of himself by the force

and makes an empire that lasts more then 30 years




may be if sidious wasn't killed by a boy and a crippled man - he could in a long long long time get the power lord vitiate had


sidius did nothing outstanding with his force - only cunning and plotting


You mean make his subjects think he was a god, and ya he ruled a much, much smaller Empire in the shadows and even then the Dark Council did most of the work. Though again were determining power here and not ruling, even then Palps wins over Vitiate on that one.


Nothing outstanding with The Force?....Someone needs to read up on Palps.


Also to the Anakin vs the Entities thing, Anakin went into a state of Oneness on that part. There was no other way he was going to do that to the entities unless that happened.


Luke becomes the most powerful Jedi. Can you prove that he was more powerful than Palpatine during his time on the Dark Side


He wasn't Palpatine prior easily disarmed Luke during a duel, and needed help to come back before falling completely over to the darkside, he won their 2nd duel but by then became more powerful, however it took the combined strengths of Luke, Leia and Solo to cut Palpatine off from the darkside so that he lost control of his Force Storm.

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Whattf is this *a letter-canon* ,being used as an ultimate argument?

Can't people just learn about a character and decide for themselves who is more powerful?Considering that even ''a lol letter canon'' statements are not enough,not to mention actual evidence in the lore,don't convince people,Palpatine is just no the most powerful sith ever.

Why everyone agrees that Morgot is the most powerful evil being in LotR?Because he just is.Palpatine just isn't.

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Whattf is this *a letter-canon* ,being used as an ultimate argument?

Can't people just learn about a character and decide for themselves who is more powerful?Considering that even ''a lol letter canon'' statements are not enough,not to mention actual evidence in the lore,don't convince people,Palpatine is just no the most powerful sith ever.

Why everyone agrees that Morgot is the most powerful evil being in LotR?Because he just is.Palpatine just isn't.


G-canon is the absolute law in Star Wars, but you just can't accept that. Please prove to me that a different Sith Lord is more powerful than Palpatine. Make sure you have concrete facts to prove it.


I really don't think you can.

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He wasn't Palpatine prior easily disarmed Luke during a duel, and needed help to come back before falling completely over to the darkside, he won their 2nd duel but by then became more powerful, however it took the combined strengths of Luke, Leia and Solo to cut Palpatine off from the darkside so that he lost control of his Force Storm.


Yeah, I know. It was a rhetorical question.

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Leaving the fighting aside, the fact that he was able to manipulate and deceive the entire council while sitting in the same room as them suggests to me that he was incredibly powerful.


This is nothing special for a sith worth his salt.Simply an agent of the Emperor and the Sith Empire was not only able to do that but more- pose as a jedi.-Barel Ovair.And as stated by Gnost-Dural,there is no telling how many more sith were infiltrating the jedi and the republic in many years before and after the Jedi Civil War.

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G-canon is the absolute law in Star Wars


In reality is the absolute law in the movies.Otherwise,there wouldn't be so many threads and discussions here and elsewhere about this stuff.

I can see one way Sidious can be most powerful.If he as a character was created today.Otherwise as it is now- he is just a fossil,that is allowed spotlight because he is in the movies,and because he is created by the creator of SW.

Objectively he is just a very powerful sith,one of the most powerful,along with many others.


Ofc,if he does some spectacular comeback in the new SW movie ,we can talk then.

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In reality is the absolute law in the movies.Otherwise,there wouldn't be so many threads and discussions here and elsewhere about this stuff.

I can see one way Sidious can be most powerful.If he as a character was created today.Otherwise as it is now- he is just a fossil,that is allowed spotlight because he is in the movies,and because he is created by the creator of SW.

Objectively he is just a very powerful sith,one of the most powerful,along with many others.


Ofc,if he does some spectacular comeback in the new SW movie ,we can talk then.


If you don't want to discuss what is G-canon, then we can resort to C-canon.


In C-canon novels and comics, palpatine displays powers that clearly prove him as the most powerful Sith Lord.


You have yet to disprove this. Your only argument is that he isn't a new character, yet you provide zero proof to back up any of your claims that Vitiate or some random ancient Sith is more powerful than he is.

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Forgot to mention: Sidious being the most powerful ''evidence'' comes from Dark Empire and other post episode 6 trash,which Lucas doesn't like.At all.

The argument that if we consider 1 EU story ,we must consider all,doesn't work because the EU after episode 6 is clearly about characters which fall under GL's dominion.Which means they are not as valid as other EU.


All the EU before Darth Ruin on the other hand,is a completely different SW story and SW saga ,about which GL has nothing against.


All this means that everything Palpatine did after episode 6 is trash and not to e taken seriously.Not to mention that it is trash for purely quality reasons + lore reasons(it was created for an old Star Wars concept which doesn't exist anymore)


Regarding proof,i already did some a few pages back.WIll do more later if the topic is alive.

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Forgot to mention: Sidious being the most powerful ''evidence'' comes from Dark Empire and other post episode 6 trash,which Lucas doesn't like.At all.

The argument that if we consider 1 EU story ,we must consider all,doesn't work because the EU after episode 6 is clearly about characters which fall under GL's dominion.Which means they are not as valid as other EU.


All the EU before Darth Ruin on the other hand,is a completely different SW story and SW saga ,about which GL has nothing against.


All this means that everything Palpatine did after episode 6 is trash and not to e taken seriously.Not to mention that it is trash for purely quality reasons + lore reasons(it was created for an old Star Wars concept which doesn't exist anymore)


No the evidence also comes from stuff prior to Ep 6, showing Sidious as being the most powerful.

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No the evidence also comes from stuff prior to Ep 6, showing Sidious as being the most powerful.

There is evidence for one of the most, hardly any pointing to being *the most*.

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Forgot to mention: Sidious being the most powerful ''evidence'' comes from Dark Empire and other post episode 6 trash,which Lucas doesn't like.At all.

The argument that if we consider 1 EU story ,we must consider all,doesn't work because the EU after episode 6 is clearly about characters which fall under GL's dominion.Which means they are not as valid as other EU.


All the EU before Darth Ruin on the other hand,is a completely different SW story and SW saga ,about which GL has nothing against.


All this means that everything Palpatine did after episode 6 is trash and not to e taken seriously.Not to mention that it is trash for purely quality reasons + lore reasons(it was created for an old Star Wars concept which doesn't exist anymore)


Regarding proof,i already did some a few pages back.WIll do more later if the topic is alive.


It's still canon. George says he doesn't like it, but he also says that he doesn't follow the EU.


But then there's also Palpatine's "Movie era" feats and actions that clearly points to him being the most powerful Sith.


But please, bring forth your "evidence" again.

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It's still canon. George says he doesn't like it, but he also says that he doesn't follow the EU.


But then there's also Palpatine's "Movie era" feats and actions that clearly points to him being the most powerful Sith.


But please, bring forth your "evidence" again.


If he didn't like it, then I am sure he wouldn't have made Aalya Secura or YT-2400's G-canon. He just doesn't follow the EU, never seen any quote from him saying that he hates the EU.

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Here's something interesting:


The original idea for Dark Empire revolved around the Empire using an impostor in Darth Vader's armor (or a replica of it) to use as a continuing symbol of fear to help force far-flung worlds into obedience. This concept was personally shot down by Lucas himself. Instead, Lucas directed them to bring back the Emperor through cloning.


So Palpatine coming back was Lucas' idea! :jawa_evil:


If he didn't like it, then I am sure he wouldn't have made Aalya Secura or YT-2400's G-canon. He just doesn't follow the EU, never seen any quote from him saying that he hates the EU.


Of course, I was merely referring to what he said about him doing things differently. He never said he hated the EU, and I took a liberty there.

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Quoted for Truth


Besides I just don't see how it would make sense, unless the Imperials are morons and can't tell the difference. Besides who in the galaxy, would actually fit not only Vader's personality but power?

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