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[POT5][Galactic Domination World PvP Event] Saturday, June 29 @ 6:00pm EST


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[Galactic Domination World PvP Event] Saturday, June 29 @ 6:00pm EST




Planetary battles will take place in Instance 1 of each planet, unless otherwise designated.


Map of Quesh Battlefield - Republic Operational Headquarters / Imperial Outpost


Map of Ilum Battlefield - Republic Base Camp / Imperial Base Camp


Map of Belsavis BattlefieldRepublic Prison Administration Center / Imperial Lodgment




My live stream will contain all relevant event information, in addition to a real time strategic look at the galaxy, so make sure you’re watching!




Galactic Conquest Map

In the scoreboard shown above, colors signify galactic control of that sector: red for Imperial, and blue for Republic.




All same faction communications relating to this event will be coordinated through the corresponding chat channels listed below. In order to join a new chat channel, simply type /cjoin <channel name>


/cjoin QueshPvP

/cjoin BelsavisPvP

/cjoin IlumPvP

/cjoin GalacticPvP


I will have a designated mumble set up where the Faction Generals and Operations Leaders from both factions can check in to update the status of the Galactic Conquest Map.




Due to the overwhelming interest in World PvP on Prophecy of the Five Server, I decided to try something very different. Instead of focusing the event on a single base, this event will encompass multiple bases across different planets! How can things get more epic than that?


Like the previous World PvP events held on Hoth, Belsavis, Voss, and Quesh, this event is about nothing more than killing at faction bases. There is however one objective, GALACTIC DOMINATION! This will not be a zerg-fest or a single battle, this is an all-out war. Each faction will be required to use strategy and tactics to outplay their opponents as they bid for galactic domination across multiple planets. If you lost control of a base on Ilum, no problem.. go attack their base on Quesh!


It is no secret that Imperial forces outnumber the Republic, but the Republic still has a great chance at achieving victory, see “HOW A FACTION WINS” below. I expect the Republic will be more mobile, taking over a base and moving on before the main Imperial forces can arrive. What does this mean? Imperials will need to have defending garrisons standing by at each of their bases to repel invaders and call for help.



Details to follow, but this is what I’m thinking…..


The Imperial faction must control the Republic bases on all three planets, in addition to their own, to declare victory.


The Republic faction must ensure they maintain control of their bases on all three planets, in addition to controlling and occupying an Imperial base on any planet.


A base is considered under enemy control with the flight point for the given base is occupied and all PvE and PvP guards and turrets are neutralized.


Republic Tactics

Republic forces, you will need to coordinate your attacks swiftly and carefully to take out an imperial base and move on before their reinforcements can arrive.


Imperial Tactics

Imperial forces, expect the Republic forces to coordinate surgical strikes against your bases. Plan accordingly and ensure adequate garrisons at all bases. Main Imperial forces must be ready to respond to a threat quickly.




In this event, each faction will designate one Player General decided by vote of the participating Operation Leaders. This player will be responsible for coordinating (via chat channels and mumble) the movement of each operations group in their faction.


Additionally, each faction will designate several Operations Leaders. These individuals will coordinate the movement of all players in their operation, as well as communicate with the other Operation Leaders and the Faction General.


Any guild or player interested in being an Operations Leader, please post in this thread and I will add your name!


Republic General - TBD

Republic Operation Leaders

Darkyogurt <Skey>

Xekshek <Slackers>

Gary <Rude Dudes>

Bryson <Pax Republica>


Doox <Advanced Recon Commandos>


Imperial General - TBD

Imperial Operation Leaders



Taurelz <Ubique>

Feign <RL>

Freedannad <D F R>




Open World PvP on Voss


Open World PvP on Belsavis


Open World PvP on Hoth


I am still hashing out certain details and coordinating with guilds and players to ensure good turnout on both sides. Suggestions and comments welcome, this event is for all of us! See you out there. :rak_03:

Edited by Cilas
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Now this is something I can get into. something other than just mindless zerging at one base. There's actually going to be some strategy involved.


Sort of reminds me of world war 2 online. You'd have the allies often outnumbered, but they could often stop an axis attack on their town by quickly switching players to attack an axis city, thus taking the heat off the defenders of the allied town.


You know if you got enough people brain storming this, you could actually start full scale galactic campaign lastling over several days. You could start the campaign at a specific date and time with an objective or two, or even more, on every planet open to both sides. Once a faction conquers a objective they have to hold it for say an hour or so, then it becomes permently conquered and cannot be retaken by opposing faction. You'd probably have to designate off hours as being a truce so as to prevent off hours capturing of undefended bases.


Once one faction conquers all the objectives the campaign ends and they are declared the winners. Maybe to help out the republic you could put a time limit, lets say the imps have a week to capture all the objectives, if they fail to get them all the reps are declared winners.


Just some ideas in case you ever want to expand on what you are doing and make a full scale galactic war spanning the entire galaxy and lasting several days.


In ww2 online they had a players high command on both sides that would map out strategy's, in this game we would have to go a little further than that and have players map out both the objectives and all the ground rules. There would also have to be umpires to settle disputes. Basically you'd have a star wars version of ww2 online with players taking over certain responsibilities to make up for the lack of game mechanics that ww2 online has but this game doesn't.


I know it sounds like a lot of work, but if you can get enough people involved so they can divide up the work load I really think this is doable.

Edited by Pat-Rat
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Now this is something I can get into. something other than just mindless zerging at one base. There's actually going to be some strategy involved.


Sort of reminds me of world war 2 online. You'd have the allies often outnumbered, but they could often stop an axis attack on their town by quickly switching players to attack an axis city, thus taking the heat off the defenders of the allied town.


You know if you got enough people brain storming this, you could actually start full scale galactic campaign lastling over several days. You could start the campaign at a specific date and time with an objective or two, or even more, on every planet open to both sides. Once a faction conquers a objective they have to hold it for say an hour or so, then it becomes permently conquered and cannot be retaken by opposing faction. You'd probably have to designate off hours as being a truce so as to prevent off hours capturing of undefended bases.


Once one faction conquers all the objectives the campaign ends and they are declared the winners. Maybe to help out the republic you could put a time limit, lets say the imps have a week to capture all the objectives, if they fail to get them all the reps are declared winners.


Just some ideas in case you ever want to expand on what you are doing and make a full scale galactic war spanning the entire galaxy and lasting several days.


In ww2 online they had a players high command on both sides that would map out strategy's, in this game we would have to go a little further than that and have players map out both the objectives and all the ground rules. There would also have to be umpires to settle disputes. Basically you'd have a star wars version of ww2 online with players taking over certain responsibilities to make up for the lack of game mechanics that ww2 online has but this game doesn't.


I know it sounds like a lot of work, but if you can get enough people involved so they can divide up the work load I really think this is doable.


Some good points in there. If this one takes off, I could definitely see something lasting for several days. Thanks for the support!

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I like the idea of trying to control this more.


Cilas, please please please keep the Imperials under control. For the love of PvP please no spawn camping.


I know you cannot control what others do, but we need a truce of a sort. If it's possible please get the Generals to work together in a small way to determine how many go to each planet. The more even the numbers the more fun this will be.

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Thank you for putting this together. What an excellent idea! I will try to attend myself and will mention it to my guild mates. Thanks again.


What guild? If you have enough guilder represented, please consider submitting a name for an operation leader

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LOL I love how the bastion member comes in and tries to get any kind of attention to this thread. I would be jealous as well if this EVENT wasnt on my server because its the ONLY ONE EVER TO BE DONE. POT5 is the only server who has ever ATTEMPTED at doing this kind of world event and if successful many more in the Future. We are not only highly involved in the PVP community, but we have a thriving Ranked Warzone Community as well. I SUGGEST everyone come join us on this fantastic and well supported Server from the PVE and PVP Community. POT5 FOR SERVER TRANSFER OF CHOICE TUESDAY!!


P.S. - This EVENT will be the first SWTOR MASSIVE Multi-World PVP EVENT EVER THROWN!

Edited by zathmaulthegreat
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I like the idea of trying to control this more.


Cilas, please please please keep the Imperials under control. For the love of PvP please no spawn camping.


I know you cannot control what others do, but we need a truce of a sort. If it's possible please get the Generals to work together in a small way to determine how many go to each planet. The more even the numbers the more fun this will be.


I will do my best. As you can see, the objective for controlling a base is locking down the flight point, not the medical center/spawn point. That being said, there are multiple bases involved and I know for a fact the imperials will not be able to lock down every republic base easily (if at all). If republic forces are in trouble on one planet, it more than likely means imperials are in trouble on another.

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Oh World PvP Cilas style. This will be epic.


Count me in.


Good deal, grab your French-Canadian brothers! Will you guys be on imp or pub toons? May need more ppl on pubs, but it's obviously your call :)

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