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Bioware: When are you fixing the engine?

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I was running in true fullscreen mode. I just tried Fullscreen (Windowed) mode and my warzone FPS was about the same.


Not sure if it will help or not but running fullscreen "window" you can also try disabling desktop composition and disable visual themes to see if it helps with performance, this can be done on the properties, compat tab for shortcut.


This is normally only a real benefit for low end systems though, but it may help someone else one day


There is also this - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=641420

Edited by OwenBrooks
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I have an i5 2500k at 4.5ghz, 8 gb ddr3, and a single gtx 480 and I easily clear 50+ fps in warzones max setting 1920x1080....something else is wrong because this rig is very similar to your buddies.
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@ OwenBrooks: Its just the people coming in with one-liners that I do not like. People like you, that state their system spec and their experience is actually helpful in my ever going search for a "fix".


I am also running in Windowed Fullscreen mode since normal Fullscreen will disable triple buffering (need to have a third party program running in the background to keep it enabled - 3DOverride) resulting in stuttering and lag when moving the camera. And the overall FPS is higher when running in Windowed Fullscreen as well - should be the other way around like any other engine.


I have also tried various settings with SWTOR Unleashed (the RAM drive setup) without much results. Seems you need more then 8GB to make full use of that utility since all player animations and effects quickly fills up (no point in using all RAM for it since the game does need around 1.5-2 GB of free room for the two swtor.exe processes).

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Try setting the pre-rendered frames to 4 and that should help with the stuttering, if it doesn't try 2 or 1 , but whilst 1 will lower input latency it may also lower FPS. Most first person shooters benefit from pre-rendered frames as 1 for example.


Fullscreen window can result in higher FPS then fullscreen, it depends a lot on the system.


Fullscreen Window effectively forces vsynch irrespective of game settings, hence disable desktop composition, but which is best is known only by trying the settings.

Edited by OwenBrooks
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normaly i got around 110 fps but when am on fleet i can drop to 25 and samme with 16 man raids inn big aoe packs my fps droid to 20...

i realy belive they should focus alot of on opptimizing the engine... it will make the game alot more fun and smoth


and turning the grafic down gives close to zero improvments on the fleet at packet plases and 16 man raids.


setup 2 680 sli i7 3770k oc 4.5 16 gb ram and ssd

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Intel e8500 duel core 3.2gz , hd 6850 ati 4 gig Ddr3 game settings medium/ high no aa on a ssd runs smooth as you like with shadows and details on high. So I'm guessing people need to drop the settings a bit unless you have a high end rig which I'm affraid most posting have middle range rigs at best.
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normaly i got around 110 fps but when am on fleet i can drop to 25 and samme with 16 man raids inn big aoe packs my fps droid to 20...

i realy belive they should focus alot of on opptimizing the engine... it will make the game alot more fun and smoth


and turning the grafic down gives close to zero improvments on the fleet at packet plases and 16 man raids.


setup 2 680 sli i7 3770k oc 4.5 16 gb ram and ssd


Is it the same with non-sli ? I have a single 670GTX and minimum is 45 for me per my post a bit back and that is a very very brief 45 usually before it is 60+ again. have you tried dropping the overclock slightly, it is possible to impact performance under certain conditions. The game for me is smooth, I run stock with only the ram is on a xmp profile.

Edited by OwenBrooks
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This engine will get a bit more optimized, but will never be fixed and run smooth. Reduce your graphics settings,:(


This. They already posted that they are working on a forked version of an old engine, so they can't/won't merge updates from the original vendor. You're stuck with an engine that might have been decent in 2005.



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In my experience, the most helpful optimization is to turn off nameplates(at least for friendly players). I get the same fps regardless of graphics settings, however, turning off nameplates seems to really boost the engine performance.

Make no mistake, the game engine is horrible. There is a reason that large scale pvp doesn't exist, and they keep lowering instance caps.

Edited by Samoth_Nomad
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In my experience, the most helpful optimization is to turn off nameplates(at least for friendly players). I get the same fps regardless of graphics settings, however, turning off nameplates seems to really boost the engine performance.

Make no mistake, the game engine is horrible. There is a reason that large scale pvp doesn't exist, and they keep lowering instance caps.


Any chance you are running a ATI/AMD graphics card? On my nvidia card it does not make any difference. In response to someone else, I am running with pre-rendered frames set to 1 (the best setting for my rig - the mouse is pretty smooth and it helped a bit with overall FPS). I manually had to override the Ambient Occlusion in the defalt SWTOR profile as well with the Inspector tool.

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It's the broken engine making the game not work properly on many specs.


Which doens't make sense. Your rig MASSIVELY outclasses mine, and yet I will get an half second drop to @30-40 if all the stars line up and light refracts from Venus and hits this one circuit at a 35.5489 degree angle at 12:45 EST on an odd numbered day of the week. Otherwise, I get 50+ in WZ. It doesn't make sense that my POS is running better than yours. As many have pointed out, it is probably on your end (and by default your cousin). You guys probably have the same tastes, use the same programs running in the background, etc. It is far more likely that the problem rests on your end than on the game end.


Not that the HeroEngine doesn't suck, but it probably isn't the problem here.

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It's well documented how poorly optimised the game is.


If it's running well for you, congrats, but there's been enough evidence over the last 18 months that it isn't always the end users fault in the case of poor FPS performance on SWTOR.

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Which doens't make sense. Your rig MASSIVELY outclasses mine, and yet I will get an half second drop to @30-40 if all the stars line up and light refracts from Venus and hits this one circuit at a 35.5489 degree angle at 12:45 EST on an odd numbered day of the week. Otherwise, I get 50+ in WZ. It doesn't make sense that my POS is running better than yours. As many have pointed out, it is probably on your end (and by default your cousin). You guys probably have the same tastes, use the same programs running in the background, etc. It is far more likely that the problem rests on your end than on the game end.


Not that the HeroEngine doesn't suck, but it probably isn't the problem here.


As stated before, I'm running on Windows 7 Ultimate with zero extra stuff installed.. Only running with Skype, 3DOverride (to force the triple buffering for smoother camera) and Game Booster 3 (to shut down all non-gaming services when I start windows). That hardly qualifies as "any ones taste", but mere basics for a gamer. No Steam, no P2P services or anything of that kind. Just those few applications I listed.


Even have to run the game in Windows XP Service 2 mode or I lose even more FPS.

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It's well documented how poorly optimised the game is.


If it's running well for you, congrats, but there's been enough evidence over the last 18 months that it isn't always the end users fault in the case of poor FPS performance on SWTOR.


Link me the documents.

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I have noticed that my GPU runs extremely hot on this game, much more so than any other game I play even ones that seem to have better quality graphics. I noticed it when I would hear the fans rev up when ever I would load this game. FPS wasn't an issue though. So I started watching the temp on my GPU/CPU and woah would it spike when this game was running. I tried a bunch of other games as a test and nothing made the heat bump up like this one does.
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i got 680 sli and i73770k and 16 gb ram my fps drops alot aswel inn pvp i can drop to 35. i know not that bad.

but when i raid 16 man raids and inn big aoe packs with lots of mobs i can drop to 20 fps....

and its not only me that got this problem my whole raid team got fps problem. even ppl with titan cards!


normaly my fps is 110 all the time. but when there is more then 8 ppl fighting my fps drops alot.

and turning down Graphics dont help at all. so yes they need to work on the engine so it can handle 16 ppl fighting with out fps drops.


sorry for bad english:p

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I love how people defend this games cruddy *** engine by saying it's peoples computers lol. Like they are morons. I run:


32 gigs of ram,

500 gig SSD

500 gig raptor drive for extra space

AMD XFS 6 Core OCed to 4.3ghz

ATI FirePro V7900 OCed as well,

Liquid cooled,

Humungous case with awesome airflow


I rape every game in existence. Like other s have said, I will go from 6-100 FPS randomly because the engine.... IS GARBAGE. No use trying to defend it. I also see the same results on low settings, medium settings, high, it doesn't matter.


It is an issue they need to look at seeing as how their engine seems to be compatible with 10% of their player base where 90% of their playerbase suffers poor FPS spikes on more then optimal machines.

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