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Rusty Old Me


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Hi all,


as the Title meaning i wasnt played SWTOR for long time (close to one year).


i used to play Bodyguard healer Merc. even when the nerf hit us i still played that on the PVE content and on the PVP. even when players prefer to get sorc/agent for healing ops.i leveled from 1-50 as healer.


my question is (as i havent played long and wasnt here for the 2.0) is there any improvment to play merc healer?

players across the general chat say that now even the dps merc can heal ,is that so ?


it take time to for me to get back where i stood, i fell old,rusty even the movement is to get used to again.

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I know exactly where you are coming from, for i have been away more than a year and only came back few weeks ago.


I never really looked into the bodyguard tree as healer is not my "thing" however, i can in my own words and as someone also returning... Confirm that BH healers are very impressive now from the FP, OPS, and pvp WZ i have done with some. I even remember running with a few who i became friendly with and expressing to them how effective they are now at keeping a group going.


I have no idea what has changed but i can say i have experienced a great increase from the heals received hahah.


I am sure others can explain your question in more detail though, people on this forum have been helpful to get me caught up.

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Welcome back, to the both of you!


If you are wanting to know more about Mercenary healing, I have written a guide on the basics and you can find it here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=641258


I can assure you that we have received some positive changes and are competitive with Operatives and Sorcerers, although common opinion would seem to dictate that we are the underdogs. It will be up to us to show them otherwise. :D

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Thanks for answering for both of you.


it's indeed good news to know that some changes are made and healing as merc is back.. i kinda fear that i will need to roll my spec into dpsing - not that it isnt good or fun , it is just not me :).

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Welcome back, to the both of you!


If you are wanting to know more about Mercenary healing, I have written a guide on the basics and you can find it here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=641258


I can assure you that we have received some positive changes and are competitive with Operatives and Sorcerers, although common opinion would seem to dictate that we are the underdogs. It will be up to us to show them otherwise. :D


thanks you for the guidie, i read it and i love any part of it..good to have players like you among us! carry on the great job.

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