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RIP Jung Ma.


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Oh I agree that transfers will affect Jung Ma, but I'm tired of seeing the one sided argument of it. Does anyone stop to think about the players on the other servers who want to come to Jung Ma? I've heard plenty of people talking about it, especially on RP servers. People who'd like to participate in World PvP and RP especially show interest in Jung Ma.


I'm in no way saying that Jung Ma will not suffer some population drain at first, but I do believe very strongly that after the people who don't like it here move, we will stabilize out and possibly gain replacements on those who left via other servers with the same "Grass is greener" mentality.


Yes, people leave and people come. Lets date back to SWTOR launch(earlyaccess) again If I had played on Helm of Garash instead of coming to Jung Ma, I wouldn't be looking to transfer. I'm not one to keep jumping servers, I stick with one that I'm satisfied with and don't look for another. Its not that the grass is always greener on the other side because its something new.

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Oh I agree that transfers will affect Jung Ma, but I'm tired of seeing the one sided argument of it. Does anyone stop to think about the players on the other servers who want to come to Jung Ma? I've heard plenty of people talking about it, especially on RP servers. People who'd like to participate in World PvP and RP especially show interest in Jung Ma.


I'm in no way saying that Jung Ma will not suffer some population drain at first, but I do believe very strongly that after the people who don't like it here move, we will stabilize out and possibly gain replacements on those who left via other servers with the same "Grass is greener" mentality.


Honestly, do you think people coming into Jung Ma would out weigh those leaving? I know of two large guilds 1 from BC, and one from Ebon HAwk that would enjoy the RP-PvP experience, but they will not transfer to a server with the lowest pop, and it will get lower once transfers go live.


I know players want to see Jung Ma stay alive, I know in the past people from A-coy, Jen etc... defended that this server is not dying, but anyone can see that currently jung ma pop is hanging by a thread in comparison to the other servers, and with that in mind, how many do you think would run the risk of transferring to a server that rarely hits heavy?


Say what you want but Jung Ma pop is small, and I do agree transfers will hurt the server, but that is the price we pay for rolling on an rp-pvp server. I guess

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Honestly, do you think people coming into Jung Ma would out weigh those leaving? I know of two large guilds 1 from BC, and one from Ebon HAwk that would enjoy the RP-PvP experience, but they will not transfer to a server with the lowest pop, and it will get lower once transfers go live.


I know players want to see Jung Ma stay alive, I know in the past people from A-coy, Jen etc... defended that this server is not dying, but anyone can see that currently jung ma pop is hanging by a thread in comparison to the other servers, and with that in mind, how many do you think would run the risk of transferring to a server that rarely hits heavy?


Say what you want but Jung Ma pop is small, and I do agree transfers will hurt the server, but that is the price we pay for rolling on an rp-pvp server. I guess


Jung Ma population is small and has a tight-knit community....again TIGHT-KNIT COMMUNITY and you think Jung Ma is going to die lol. I'm transferring off the server and I'm defending the server's well being. Jung Ma shall continue to Jung Ma if you know what I mean....hint hint.

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Jung Ma population is small and has a tight-knit community....again TIGHT-KNIT COMMUNITY and you think Jung Ma is going to die lol. I'm transferring off the server and I'm defending the server's well being. Jung Ma shall continue to Jung Ma if you know what I mean....hint hint.


A-PAC servers had a tight-knit community, that did not stop them from let us say passing into the void of mergers.

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Actually, I have spoken to all the major pvp guilds on the server at least once and most say they are staying, with only a few considering leaving (as in one or two members). Jung Ma isn't dying guys. Not many people or guilds are leaving.


Most likely staying: DLS, Immortal (fragmented right now), Project Mayhem, Overlord, The Imperial Guard, Sinister.

Most likely leaving: Credit Shot (considering going to Bastion instead of POT5), Crimson Elite (POT5?)


From what I can tell, that means most of the PVP-priority guilds are staying. I don't know where this guy from POT5 is getting his information but if you know me in game and in mumble you know that I keep up on the gossip better than anyone hehe.


I know, given the opportunity and assuming that Jung Ma isn't going to be a one-way ticket, I will be leaving to Bastion for technically reasons. I do NOT want to leave the server but my ms when I play here versus when I play on my operative on the Bastion is completely different. For me its like playing a whole new game. I won't go from 25% to 0% health without being able to use my Force Barrier because of the ms delay, which is really annoying because the animation starts but I die because server is always right! Ping is my switching factor since I am a west coaster. ONLY reason. I don't think the grass will be any greener on the other side to be honest. I have put together a rated tournament here. I have participated in Open world PVP and RP events. I know when I enter wzs, who to taunt on the other side or who to run away from when healing. The community is small, but I like it like that. You can have the PVP competition with the community we have, but it is all about organizing (a little harder on the imp side since all the strong PVP players are dispersed across multiple guilds and wont unify for rated...). At any rate. There is my little rant about Jung Ma. And POT5 can go nag some other server for people because I only know individuals who are considering transferring to their server, not guilds (and at that, not many).

Edited by KanDekB
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A-PAC servers had a tight-knit community, that did not stop them from let us say passing into the void of mergers.


Yea that's different, APAC didn't die they got forced merged because bioware found no point in keeping the servers up to save some money.


Whatever tho, when I transfer off I'm gonna act like I was never on this server before. I'll act like I've been on Helm Of Garaush and Pot5 and no other server like nothing new has happened.

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Actually, I have spoken to all the major pvp guilds on the server at least once and most say they are staying, with only a few considering leaving (as in one or two members). Jung Ma isn't dying guys. Not many people or guilds are leaving.


Staying: DLS, Immortal, Project Mayhem, Overlord, The Imperial Guard, Sinister.

Most likely leaving: Credit Shot (considering going to Bastion instead of POT5).


From what I can tell, that means most of the PVP-priority guilds are staying. I don't know where this guy from POT5 is getting his information but if you know me in game and in mumble you know that I keep up on the gossip better than anyone hehe.




Hate to hear that you may have to transfer. Have you been having these issues recently, or for a long time? I know over the last week or so a lot of people have been getting lag issues that have never had it before.




What you are posting is the same thing I am hearing. Pot5 may be bigger, but that does not necessarily equate with better. I personally like that you know the players in Jung Ma PVP. It makes the games more meaningful when you go up against X,Y,Z. Maybe its a smaller community, but I think a good amount of the players are actually having fun, which is what matters.


Empire PVP is hilariously frustrating though. But who knows, maybe one day someone will unite the clans.

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And yeah, the ping has always been an issue. Only noticed the issue when I started playing on the Bastion. It is all about geographical distance from server. I have called and looked it up. Feel bad for the Aussies.
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Actually, I have spoken to all the major pvp guilds on the server at least once and most say they are staying, with only a few considering leaving (as in one or two members). Jung Ma isn't dying guys. Not many people or guilds are leaving.


Most likely staying: DLS, Immortal (fragmented right now), Project Mayhem, Overlord, The Imperial Guard, Sinister.

Most likely leaving: Credit Shot (considering going to Bastion instead of POT5), Crimson Elite (POT5?)


From what I can tell, that means most of the PVP-priority guilds are staying. I don't know where this guy from POT5 is getting his information but if you know me in game and in mumble you know that I keep up on the gossip better than anyone hehe..


I'd like to point out that Immortal and Credit Shot are both leaving to Pot5 and Bastion respectively. These are our server's best pvp guilds. And the reason they are leaving aside from ping (CS) is that people in this server just aren't interested enough in ranked warzones. It is a fact that we (or myself at least) have tried over and over to get people interested in competition only to find ourselves in EMPTY maps because other guilds are running inhouse queue dodging us, or just having straight up no other teams queuing.


To the people defending Jung-Ma.

We get it, you like it here because the server offers you what you need. But there are a few of us that are always thriving to be the best at what we do, whether ingame or IRL, and sadly (and i would dare anyone to offer me a counter argument) Jung-Ma does not have what it needs to satisfy the needs of the more "hardcore" pvp community. Those are the ones that are leaving, and no argument I've seen here directly tackles the issue that's causing our migration.

I am Theel/Perfecticable and I have a lot of friends in Jung-Ma but sadly I got fed up with trying to get people to queue for ranked, I created the ranked channel whispered guilds members individually to get them to join the channel so that we would unite the ranked pvpers, I begged people to form groups constantly, I myself screwed up my rank by joining pug teams to face others in ranked only to not see those players again. I held weekly PvP lessons to get pvpers to get better only to see those players leave and come back months later all the meanwhile I had to teach other players... I give up. The population of this server just isn't "Competitive Centered" and because OF THAT we are leaving Jung-Ma.


I really would hate to see the server die, and I sincerely hope it doesn't. I would also hate to keep seeing comments on fellow servermates telling us that we are moving out of instant gratification desires. You sir do not know the half of it. I hope this wall of text shed some light and you will stop degrading us for being man enough to know when we have lost the fight. WE LOST the fight against the casual mentality of the server members. I for one am extremely anxious to face new opponents EVERY night in ranked warzones and not having to wait 20 minutes in queue just to run a regular warzone.


I'll miss you Jung-Ma for what you were, not for what you are right now.



Edited by Elogio
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I can only speak for myself, but if you are at the top, its natural to try and find better/more difficult competition.


Whether other servers will provide that, whether they will be more fun, who knows. I wish more people would que for ranked, but it seems that the powers that be will only que when they have their perfect line up.


Hope you guys rep Jung Ma well :)

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It's ma'am actually, Theel. Thanks.


I've already stated in previous posts that it is not my intent nor have I outright said anything that I consider degrading or demonizing in any way. I care about this server and all of its aspects. I know who you are, I know who all of the hardcore PvPers are. I respect them and you and always have. I've already explained myself multiple times in various ways on my take with the transfers. If Bioware chooses to have transfers off of Jung Ma, good for you and all of the rest. But there are many of us left behind that are not getting so sweet a deal out of it.


If you truly believe I'm attempting to insult you or anyone in this server, I dare you to actually spend some time to get to know me better.

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It's ma'am actually, Theel. Thanks.


I've already stated in previous posts that it is not my intent nor have I outright said anything that I consider degrading or demonizing in any way. I care about this server and all of its aspects. I know who you are, I know who all of the hardcore PvPers are. I respect them and you and always have. I've already explained myself multiple times in various ways on my take with the transfers. If Bioware chooses to have transfers off of Jung Ma, good for you and all of the rest. But there are many of us left behind that are not getting so sweet a deal out of it.


If you truly believe I'm attempting to insult you or anyone in this server, I dare you to actually spend some time to get to know me better.


I'm game for getting to know you better.

So how old are you??? XD

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I'm game for getting to know you better.

So how old are you??? XD


87. You'll have to be tempted a little longer though, beauty sleep calls. Even then, it seems our time is not meant to be. You are leaving me soon after all.



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There will still be plenty of players left on Jung Ma after the transfer. Most of the player base doesn't even read or comment on the server forums. I wish the best for those transferring out (if BW even allows it), but I'll be surprised if you find this "competition" that you're looking for on the other servers you're wishing to transfer to. PvPers and PvEers from all servers have been trying out other games because they're bored with the current content. Either way, there will still be plenty of fun people to hangout with on Jung Ma.
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There will still be plenty of players left on Jung Ma after the transfer. Most of the player base doesn't even read or comment on the server forums. I wish the best for those transferring out (if BW even allows it), but I'll be surprised if you find this "competition" that you're looking for on the other servers you're wishing to transfer to. PvPers and PvEers from all servers have been trying out other games because they're bored with the current content. Either way, there will still be plenty of fun people to hangout with on Jung Ma.


Seriously, whats with the doubt. Fact is.....its happening deal with it.


Only server restriction is NA<->EU.(Can't transfer from NA servers to EU etc.)

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