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E3 - Will Bioware announce a new SWTOR Expansion?


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Just because it is delivered digitally doesn't mean it isn't a full expansion. Many gaming companies are forgoing physical expansion because doing it digitally are less expensive. Yes LotRo does have full blown expansions. I have had a lifetime account with that game since beta and they have had a couple full blown expansions. So stop talking about something you know nothing about.


No, LOTRO has expansion packs, but they do not offer the equivalent level of what people expect out of MMO expansion packs which is basically WoW. Blizzard set a standard and now many people are stuck within that mind set of what an expansion is or should be.


There are far more people that will disagree with you that LOTROs expansions aren't "full on" than there are those who will.


And btw LOTRO is the only game your providing an example of btw, where are these "many" F2P MMOs you spoke of that do full blown expansion packs?

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No, LOTRO has expansion packs, but they do not offer the equivalent level of what people expect out of MMO expansion packs which is basically WoW. Blizzard set a standard and now many people are stuck within that mind set of what an expansion is or should be.


There are far more people that will disagree with you that LOTROs expansions aren't "full on" than there are those who will.


And btw LOTRO is the only game your providing an example of btw, where are these "many" F2P MMOs you spoke of that do full blown expansion packs?


Actually I'd be much happier with smaller more frequent updates than waiting 18-24 months for a large update. I always hated waiting for the next xpac in WoW. And according to my sources, the landscaping crew at the building around the corner from Bioware Austin, that's exactly what they are going to announce at the cantina tour in San Fransisco.

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Found this little gem on Facebook


It is a promo for EA panel on Monday, watchable here: http://www.ea.com/e3


But i guess that "Star Wars" part is just talking about the acquisition of "long term" SW license from Mickey Mouse, right?


That would be my guess. SWToR is now a proud member of the Island of Misfit MMOs.

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Found this little gem on Facebook


It is a promo for EA panel on Monday, watchable here: http://www.ea.com/e3


But i guess that "Star Wars" part is just talking about the acquisition of "long term" SW license from Mickey Mouse, right?




They probably will touch on other things they will do with the IP license.


Sims Star Wars Expac still can come. New way to kill a sim is have Palp show up and force lightning storm them.


Battlefield 4 first DLC will be Star Wars MP map with playable Luke, Obi-Wan, and Han Solo. Leia will be additional 10 dollars because you will get her in many forms: Episode 4 bun-hair version, Episode 6 slave-girl outfit version, and a yet to be seen on the movie screen Jedi Leia version with a pink lightsaber (because EA already has that god-awful looking color coded thanks to BW)


SimCity 2013 new DLC will be Star Wars themed nightclubs for your city that doesn't work because the game is still bugged. But if you can get it built enough, you can get stormtroopers as the bouncers at the door and Vader as the DJ. You don't like the music he picks, he force chokes everyone. And you hear James Earl Jones VO come over the computer speakers saying, "I find your lack of musical tastes disturbing."


Madden 2014 will have a DLC team you can download for franchise mode as well as MP. A SW themed team named the Naboo Gungans. Mainly EA will learn that people get this DLC really for franchise mode so they can do some destructive tackles on them and take out frustrations. The cheerleaders for this team will be twi'leks. (did we see a female Gungan or were they just too similar to the males?)

Edited by Jacen_Starsolo
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Actually I'd be much happier with smaller more frequent updates than waiting 18-24 months for a large update


I was fine with ROTHC and liked it quite abit and would be happy if we got updates like that.


Given how difficult it is for MMOs to survive or capture a sizable audience and keep them, the 18-24 month cycle of an expansion (big or small) doesn't seem to work for the current climate. We have more things than ever to pull us away from our favorite MMO that it's really hard to keep a stable audience.


We've had a number of F2P MMOs for awhile now that are pretty telling of the type of content F2P MMOs are able to generate compared to a monster like WoW. That's why I never really understood the people who expected ROTHC to be more than it was when existing MMOs that started out as pay then went F2P like Champions, STO, DCUO, etc, never put out traditional or "full on" expansions.


Once TOR went F2P I thought about the fact that nearly every MMO that's done the same has ended up using the same model, ie in-game store where you purchase mostly cosmetic items, buffs, and things like that. Basically if you want to see what TOR's future will be like in terms of the CM just go on the store pages for games like Champions or STO. I can't imagine TOR will progress differently, even if it is a different company/studio.


That would be my guess. SWToR is now a proud member of the Island of Misfit MMOs.


I remember hearing a story from Jeff Green (GFW, 1UP, EA, Popcap) where he said that people at EA who have been long enough act like The Sims Online is something that never happened. As if it's this horrible traumatic thing that nobody every wants to bring up.

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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lets just hope this one is a Expansion and not just a big patch this time around


This one what? There isn't an expansion coming that we know of. It was confirmed that TOR won't be at E3 this year.


Also what about TOR post F2P makes you think they could actually put out the type of expansion you're asking for? If anything you should be expecting the next major updates to TOR to be the same size or smaller.

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I remember hearing a story from Jeff Green (GFW, 1UP, EA, Popcap) where he said that people at EA who have been long enough act like The Sims Online is something that never happened. As if it's this horrible traumatic thing that nobody every wants to bring up.


Coincidentally, a few million SimCity fans wish the EA "online" SimCity never existed too.

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Just because it is delivered digitally doesn't mean it isn't a full expansion. Many gaming companies are forgoing physical expansion because doing it digitally are less expensive. Yes LotRo does have full blown expansions. I have had a lifetime account with that game since beta and they have had a couple full blown expansions. So stop talking about something you know nothing about.


This is so not true. I've been playing lotro since release and these "expansions" are far from what they delivered in Mines of Moria. As I said before, lotro's "expansions" provide them new ways to monetize their cash shop. The content continues to get lighters as the price goes up. Have any of lotro's recent expansions provided new classes, raids, dungeons, etc? No, no, and no. They did add mounted combat recently but that content is very much wedded to the cash shop and there are STILL complaints about how the engine can't handle it. About the only thing provided in these expansions is an increase in level, a new zone, and continuation of the epic story. Paltry when compared to WoW's or even Rift's expansions.


SWTOR is headed down the same path.

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This is so not true. I've been playing lotro since release and these "expansions" are far from what they delivered in Mines of Moria. As I said before, lotro's "expansions" provide them new ways to monetize their cash shop. The content continues to get lighters as the price goes up. Have any of lotro's recent expansions provided new classes, raids, dungeons, etc? No, no, and no. They did add mounted combat recently but that content is very much wedded to the cash shop and there are STILL complaints about how the engine can't handle it. About the only thing provided in these expansions is an increase in level, a new zone, and continuation of the epic story. Paltry when compared to WoW's or even Rift's expansions.


SWTOR is headed down the same path.


Didn't the Rohan expansion add some raids and a couple of new areas?


Honestly, I could care less about new classes, they tend to cause all sorts of problems. DK's have been a mess of pve and pvp balance issues since day 1, Monks not as bad but still pretty annoying. Out of all the classes DaoC has added during it's life, Maulers and Banshees are the only ones I'd call "balanced", and even then Banshees are iffy. So yea, I'd probably rather no new classes ever.

Edited by Stncold
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Doubt it, Swtor is dead, EA knows it, they are just trying to leech everything they can from the cartel market. It didnt meet the shareholders expectations thats the sad truth. Makeb and scum and villany were beeing produced since 1.2? and at least scum and villany was supposed to be released around 1.6 but because of obvious cuts on the personel they just couldnt deliver.


Expect disapointments on E3, aka nothing about swtor.


It was exactly the same with Warhammer online (land of the dead... and then after that, Nothing!, just replace land of the dead with makeb -----> same thing) and dum dum dum! same fail crew, aka mythic.

Edited by xxIncubixx
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Doubt it, Swtor is dead, EA knows it, they are just trying to leech everything they can from the cartel market. It didnt meet the shareholders expectations thats the sad truth. Makeb and scum and villany were beeing produced since 1.2? and at least scum and villany was supposed to be released around 1.6 but because of obvious cuts on the personel they just couldnt deliver.


Expect disapointments on E3, aka nothing about swtor.


It was exactly the same with Warhammer online (land of the dead... and then after that, Nothing!, just replace land of the dead with makeb -----> same thing) and dum dum dum! same fail crew, aka mythic.



True,remember pre launch when they said 500 k subs was enough to keep the game alive ?

well they said they have 500 k subs, and now with Rift going F2P with a really good F2P model

and the news that there will be no cross server PvP this game will lose alot more subs next months

not to mention teso and wildstar, i think this game will get a minimum of funding to survive with as you say

primary focus on cartel market.Btw Makeb was in the making waaay before 1.2.Remember E3 video of Makeb

june last year.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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Expect disapointments on E3, aka nothing about swtor.


Apart from the rest of your post coming along as the usual whining stupid (and why are you even here?), there's a fairly simple explanation for the game not being represented at E3:


E3 sucks, and it is EA policy to only take new and upcoming titles to trade shows.

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Apart from the rest of your post coming along as the usual whining stupid (and why are you even here?), there's a fairly simple explanation for the game not being represented at E3:


E3 sucks, and it is EA policy to only take new and upcoming titles to trade shows.


not really... if there was anything to announce that was worth atention they would put on E3, like if it was a margin success but it wasnt, it was a disaster followed by disasters, it is what it is. When an MMO goes F2P it means it died and its on life support (cart market updates is just a way EA to keep milking from a dead cow).


Apart from the class stories (which there wont be any sort of continuation) the rest of the game is mediocre at best, and awful (especialy pvp and endgame) --> only fanboys seem to not want to hear.

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not really... if there was anything to announce that was worth atention they would put on E3, like if it was a margin success but it wasnt, it was a disaster followed by disasters, it is what it is. When an MMO goes F2P it means it died and its on life support (cart market updates is just a way EA to keep milking from a dead cow).


Apart from the class stories (which there wont be any sort of continuation) the rest of the game is mediocre at best, and awful (especialy pvp and endgame) --> only fanboys seem to not want to hear.


So, Rift is on life support now?

And, why hasn't WoW, Rift, LOTRO, Aion, EVE, etc. been at E3? And will they be there this year?


Doubt it. But, random kids in forums pretending to be seasoned game analysts? Yeah, they seem to show up everywhere.

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not really... if there was anything to announce that was worth atention they would put on E3, like if it was a margin success but it wasnt, it was a disaster followed by disasters, it is what it is. When an MMO goes F2P it means it died and its on life support (cart market updates is just a way EA to keep milking from a dead cow).


Apart from the class stories (which there wont be any sort of continuation) the rest of the game is mediocre at best, and awful (especialy pvp and endgame) --> only fanboys seem to not want to hear.


Then why are you here, posting on the forums when you could be playing one of the many other MMOs that don't suck?


Signed An Ardent Fangirl

Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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When an MMO goes F2P it means it died and its on life support (cart market updates is just a way EA to keep milking from a dead cow).
Yeah, I think you really need to wake up from your years long sleep. F2P seems to be the general direction in which the game market is heading, mainly due to the questionable rise of mobile gaming (only time will tell if it is just a fad or an actual thing), which shows that customers (the only thing that matters in business) prefer F2P models. And this trend followed onto classical games. For example EA COO Peter Moore stated in interview with Kotaku (June 20, 2012, so almost a year ago) that he can imagine that in 5 to 10 years, all titles will allow players to install a client for free and then charge for add-ons. And we can see several games planned as F2P, like new CnC: Generals, or even many MMOs
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The reason market heading F2P is not that it is a better model. It is out of necessity and hard competition. All F2P MMOs would prefer sub model. It is guaranteed money. Don't overrate the revenue coming from cartel market. It may disappear in a very short time.
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The reason market heading F2P is not that it is a better model. It is out of necessity and hard competition. All F2P MMOs would prefer sub model. It is guaranteed money. Don't overrate the revenue coming from cartel market. It may disappear in a very short time.


Incorrect. It is a more profitable model no matter what.


Games that launch F2P with a subscription option gather money from subs AND, ON TOP OF THAT, money from CCs from those subs.


Most people are paying $15/mo, and also spending more on the CM. In sub-only games, they pay $15/mo and never spend another dime.

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Incorrect. It is a more profitable model no matter what.


Games that launch F2P with a subscription option gather money from subs AND, ON TOP OF THAT, money from CCs from those subs.


Most people are paying $15/mo, and also spending more on the CM. In sub-only games, they pay $15/mo and never spend another dime.


right but cartel markets don't have to be only in f2p games. you can always have some kind of a store in a sub based game, you don't need f2p for that. you go to f2p because you can not convince people to stay subscribed. I don't think an f2p player would spend in CM more than 15 bucks a month.

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