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BC - PvP Hall of Fame, Epeen, and Splendor


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Anni maras aren't the only ones, Rage will be close as well, especially in voidstars.


Well you can take that a step further, since Rage is the smashbomb spec, it would be safe to assume smashing Juggs can get high kill numbers as well in Voidstar if the set up is right.


Still, I'm wondering what you think of the seperation by AC idea, Hulc? The only problem would be, of course, the amount of work, but I'm sure there must be some way to ease the burden by having other people manage different sections of the board. Like one person in charge of Maras, one for Juggs, so on and so forth.

Edited by ZooMzy
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I don't think you get the reference I'm trying to make. ;)


You're right I'll have to study up on my poorly-reviewed-Jim-Carrey-movies-from-10-years-ago trivia so that I can understand what it is you're trying to say. :)

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Name: Mythical

Screenshot Link: http://i41.tinypic.com/k0sjsx.jpg

Record Broken (Ex. DPS #2): Highest Healing in a Single Hit #1

Value(Ex: 1532.52 DPS): 11898

Type of Match (Ranked or Unranked): Unranked

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Name: Sabina

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/f1a3nSy.jpg

Record Broken: Most Kills in a Single Warzone #1

Value: 58

Type of Match: Unranked


Name: Ravnn

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/f1a3nSy.jpg

Record Broken: TIE for Most Medals Earned in a Single WZ #2

Value: 20

Type of Match: Unranked


Name: Winterfall

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/f1a3nSy.jpg

Record Broken: TIE for Most Medals Earned in a Single WZ #2

Value: 20

Type of Match: Unranked


Name: Sabina

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/f1a3nSy.jpg

Record Broken: TIE for Most Medals Earned in a Single WZ #3

Value: 19

Type of Match: Unranked

Edited by Shinwon
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Why are all three of the highest protection slots filled with Liscil's records? Since when have people been allowed to take up more than one spot in a category? :confused:


why not? did he/she not earn them...


~ we need to lose the participation award mentality in today's society



*edit* let me further expand on this... I view this just like I do sports records...

This link should provide any justification


click me

Edited by hulcalan
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Your using a game to game type system where one person may have lots of good games I don't think we need to see their second and third best efforts only their best effort. Just my opinion and I don't think in general most players would care about there second and third place scores if they had the top score.
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My personal stance on this has always been entrees can be limited to 1 per person per category. I stand by it because it promotes not only fair play but equality amongst all classes. Certain classes in this game can dominate certain categories. That makes that category too one dimensional and also misses the great scores other people can achieve with "sub-par" classes or specs.


This is just my opinion


Ultimately this is Herro-Kitteh's thread and to maintain any sort of standardization you have to follow by his rules.

Edited by xContex
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Your using a game to game type system where one person may have lots of good games I don't think we need to see their second and third best efforts only their best effort. Just my opinion and I don't think in general most players would care about there second and third place scores if they had the top score.


My view is this is a Records Thread not a High Scores thread, but if we want to switch to high scores type system. That is okay with me. I am not that ridged in my thinking. After all, this is everyone's thread yes?

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I agree with the OP. If Liscil is awesome enough to have all 3 spots, then he should be recognized for all that fame, epeen, and splendor.


I'm really sick right now which is probably why I'm posting my opinion... Usually not a wise thing to do.

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I agree with the OP. If Liscil is awesome enough to have all 3 spots, then he should be recognized for all that fame, epeen, and splendor.


I'm really sick right now which is probably why I'm posting my opinion... Usually not a wise thing to do.



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Sorry Liscil, can't let you have every tank record. ;)


Name: Wolfbane

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/MyDcfd6.jpg

Record Broken: 3rd Highest Protection

Value: 616475

Type of Match: unranked


Name: Wolfbane

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/MyDcfd6.jpg

Record Broken: Most Protection in a Single Life

Value: 541875

Type of Match: unranked


Name: Wolfbane

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/4ItjUXa.jpg

Record Broken: 2nd (or 3rd) Damage Taken in a Single Warzone

Value: 902024

Type of Match: unranked



Theis one doesn't have a date but I'll throw it in since I've seen others with no date posted. :p


Name: Wolfbane

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/70tUGWZ.jpg

Record Broken: 2nd Damage Taken in a Single Warzone

Value: 915408

Type of Match: unranked

Edited by Xantil
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Name: Herro Kitteh

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/fDfGj0s.jpg

Record Broken: Most Kills in a Single Warzone #1

Value: 63

Type of Match: Unranked


Name: Chex

Screenshot Link: http://i.imgur.com/fDfGj0s.jpg

Record Broken: Most Kills in a Single Warzone #1

Value: 66

Type of Match: Unranked


some rulings... Everyone is eligible to submit for any record, so long as their screen shot says they broke it. I will no longer take screen shots w/o dates. Lastly, This is a records thread. If someone submits 3 different scores and they happen to be the top 3, then so be it.


I welcome all discussion on the thread, as that is what these things are for ^_^. Happy hunting guys

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Small correction - Juan'pablo's Highest Healing in a Single Hit was 10073, not 9116. Also, it looks like this one was missed.


Name: Roisinn

Screenshot Link: http://imgur.com/CTga1Qx

Record Broken : Highest Healing Per Second

Value (Ex: 1532.52 DPS): 2006.33

Type of Match (Ranked or Unranked): Unranked


sorry Didnt go that far back ... and stupid copy paste errors .. thanks for the diligence back to the nba finals :D

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Highest healing in a single warzone #2






Highest healing per second #1



Edited by Joritan
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so there was this great game that went down like twenty-five minutes ago and I'm still in shock because wow it was good and even though we lost, it was a good game and worth losing. c: cheers to the imps that crushed us!




Highest protection






Highest protection in a single life






Highest damage taken





*note: I don't have the date in the chat box on this one because I forgot to hover over the chat for this one, but the date is also in the bottom right hand corner. dunno if that is sufficient

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