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Eradicator Mask Account Unlock


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I was wondering about the unlock cost of the Eradicator Mask. I may be incorrect , but the initial cost of the Mask is 480CC and the unlock cost the same 480CC. Is this correct?


If so, it would be contrary to statements issued in the article on http://swtor.crystal-dreams.us/?p=3014.


The relevant portion states - 1. A small fee was mentioned to essentially unlock an item. Does the fee depend on the item or is it the same amount for everything?


Once you have bound an item on a character, it becomes unlocked in your Collection and you can create unlimited copies for that character. It is only the account-wide access unlock that costs Cartel Coins. For pack items, the Cartel Coin cost is based on item rarity, and ranges from 60 to 600 CC. For direct-sale items, the unlock fee is a fraction of the item’s base price.


I have been holding off on purchasing the Account Unlock thinking that the pricing may be incorrect but I have not noticed any comments related to this. Can someone shed any light on this?


Thanks for your help.

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Ahh, we have seen this type of occurrence before.


I suspect this will be another instance of "poor word choice." Where one thing is said and expected, but a different thing actually happens.

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OP, you are taking a blanket statement by them and then applying it to your convenience of perspective.


Personally, I did not spend a single CC on the Eradicators mask.. I bought one off the GTN for a few hundred thousand credits.


But that's beside the point. The real point is that if you have a number of characters that you want to apply the mask to..... do you want to purchase additional copies of the mask, or would you rather pay a one time unlock to access the mask across all characters? What makes economical sense to you personally? If you want to apply it across all characters.... it's a no brainer..you pay the one time unlock IMO.


OR.... you could wait a while and see if they put any of the collections prices on "subscrber discount". And meanwhile.. you do without.


I don't see the relevance of nit-picking over any perceived inconsistencies in their collections pricing model. Rarity of item, type of item, and item price are all factors at play when they set a collections price. AND if you think popularity does not also factor into it.. you need to take a deep breath.. becasue I'm sure it in fact does. But in the end, only they know the exact recipe for how they set an unlock price.


The Eradicator set + Mask.. what is the total to unlock it? Is it less then the total price of buying them? If so.. then it is indeed a fractional amount. I only bring this up becasue the Eradicators set is a bit unique in their offer by them offering the set and mask separately and at different release times.

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Yea some of the unlock prices seem a little high to me as well. I cant recall what I paid to unlock the entire Eradicator set minus the mask. But I really like the gloves, legs and belt for most of my characters so it was cheaper to equip the pieces I didnt like then sell the other legs and gloves I had in my bank for alts.


The one I am hesitant about paying is for the Command Throne 600 CC seems a little steep to me for something I dont think is totally awesome and I likely would've just sold it is I knew the CC cost for the unlock was that high but prior to equiping it I couldnt find the unlock price anywhere or I am a tard and just didnt see it (I also asked on the fleet but it was a Sun morning and most know what fleet chat turns into the weekend mornings).


All that said, you have to decide is the mask worth the cost? Or would you rather buy another one or 2 with credits? Anyway that is how I decide.


Not to say I dont think they did a super job explaining the Collections functionality and they misrepresented it through their chose of words. Using Revan's Mask as an example was a sure way to create a buzz they just left out you need the gloves and sash as well.

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OP, you are taking a blanket statement by them and then applying it to your convenience of perspective.


He (or she) isn't really, though, is he? Their statement was pretty specfic and should apply in this case as the mask is sold directly.


I'm not saying it's a big deal, but the OP is right to ask if the price is correct or not considering that statement.

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I noticed this as well, way to expensive to unlock on all characters.... But then again, it is useless to me since it does not have a voice modulator, wish I never bought it. Bioware selling broken items is typical.
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OP, can the mask be unlocked on its own or does it need the whole Eradicator Set + Mask?


Because if the mask costs 480, is a separate collection entry from the rest of the Eradicator Set and you still need 480 to unlock it account-wide then it's obviously a mistake.


If, on the other hand, you need the whole set for it to be unlocked in your Collection, then 480 compared to 900+480 = 1380 to buy it for every one of your characters seems reasonable to me.

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OP, can the mask be unlocked on its own or does it need the whole Eradicator Set + Mask?


Because if the mask costs 480, is a separate collection entry from the rest of the Eradicator Set and you still need 480 to unlock it account-wide then it's obviously a mistake.


If, on the other hand, you need the whole set for it to be unlocked in your Collection, then 480 compared to 900+480 = 1380 to buy it for every one of your characters seems reasonable to me.


The Mask and the set unlock separately. The combined cost to unlock Set+Mask is less then the CC price to buy the Set+Mask though.


Really...this is more an artifact of them having split Eradicators to begin with. And like everything in the game, worth is in the eyes of the beholder. I have unlocked sets just to get to one or two pieces in the set... but I'm not complaining about having to pay the full unlock price. It's the cost of admission.


Besides, we don't have much in the way of data points on headpieces in the unlocks, but what we do have... they are expensive to unlock [evidence scanner eyepieces.. which are 240 to unlock, as a separate example]. An argument could be made that we are getting scalped on headpieces (no pun intended :p ).

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The Mask and the set unlock separately. The combined cost to unlock Set+Mask is less then the CC price to buy the Set+Mask though.


If that is the case then it doesn't make sense and it's probably a mistake on their part.

I mean the fact that it costs less to unlock Set+Mask than to buy them again, doesn't really say much because since they are not all in the same set you could choose to only unlock the mask or the set.

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If that is the case then it doesn't make sense and it's probably a mistake on their part.

I mean the fact that it costs less to unlock Set+Mask than to buy them again, doesn't really say much because since they are not all in the same set you could choose to only unlock the mask or the set.


I don't disagree.


I think it's a flaw for us as players to try to make sense out of their unlock pricing personally. Why is it that I can unlock the new Gurian Speeder for less then half what it costs to unlock a blue or red head scanner... to site just one example.


For each of us, an unlock is either worth it to us or not... totally depending on what it is we want to do. One persons' "ugly" or "useless" is another person's "to die for" item.

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I don't disagree.


I think it's a flaw for us as players to try to make sense out of their unlock pricing personally. Why is it that I can unlock the new Gurian Speeder for less then half what it costs to unlock a blue or red head scanner... to site just one example.


For each of us, an unlock is either worth it to us or not... totally depending on what it is we want to do. One persons' "ugly" or "useless" is another person's "to die for" item.


Obviously, yeah.

The whole point of unlocking something in your Collection is so that your alts can use something that you find "to die for".

If an armor set or a lightsaber or a speeder is "cool" enough for you to want to have it on each and every character, then that's what you should unlock.


As for the Gurian Speeder, maybe it's considered rare instead of super rare? I don't know. I suppose their pricing has to do with the number of items (armor set) and the rarity of that item.


I'm just happy I bought my hoverchair with the certificates I had and then unlocked it for all my alts :)

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OP, you are taking a blanket statement by them and then applying it to your convenience of perspective.


Personally, I did not spend a single CC on the Eradicators mask.. I bought one off the GTN for a few hundred thousand credits.


But that's beside the point. The real point is that if you have a number of characters that you want to apply the mask to..... do you want to purchase additional copies of the mask, or would you rather pay a one time unlock to access the mask across all characters? What makes economical sense to you personally? If you want to apply it across all characters.... it's a no brainer..you pay the one time unlock IMO.


OR.... you could wait a while and see if they put any of the collections prices on "subscrber discount". And meanwhile.. you do without.


I don't see the relevance of nit-picking over any perceived inconsistencies in their collections pricing model. Rarity of item, type of item, and item price are all factors at play when they set a collections price. AND if you think popularity does not also factor into it.. you need to take a deep breath.. becasue I'm sure it in fact does. But in the end, only they know the exact recipe for how they set an unlock price.


The Eradicator set + Mask.. what is the total to unlock it? Is it less then the total price of buying them? If so.. then it is indeed a fractional amount. I only bring this up becasue the Eradicators set is a bit unique in their offer by them offering the set and mask separately and at different release times.


Andryah, I am not sure why my question has disturbed you so. It was a very simple question regarding a pricing matter. I asked if there was a mistake. I used a direct quote from an interview given by a representative of the company. I did not apply it from MY perspective, it was theirs.


Second, I don't care what means you used to obtain the item.


The point is, yes, I do have a number of characters I want to apply the item to. And I would prefer to pay a one time unlock fee that is a fraction of the items original price, as they told me I would be able to do.


I am not "nit-picking perceived inconsistencies". They are verifiable inconsistencies made on more than one occasion on more than one topic. This constitutes a trend.


All I have asked is whether this is the correct pricing or not. I then gave a direct quote as a way to demonstrate that this could be an error. I was not rude nor was I demanding. I asked a question. I am not here to debate the merits of their pricing strategy.


My question for you is, why are you upset with me? Why would you tell me to pay up or do without? Unless you are a paid representative of the company, who are you to issue such statements? Why do I need to take a deep breath?


I don't find anything in your response constructive or helpfull. But thanks for taking the time to make your thoughts known.

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My question for you is, why are you upset with me?


I'm not upset with you. Not in any way at all, not even remotely upset at you, or your question. Please stop projecting.


I don't find anything in your response constructive or helpfull.


Hey, that's completely up to you my friend.


Let me give you the TL;DR version then: That is indeed the price. We can all check it and verify it. There is no indication that the price is incorrect (only an apparent inconsistency with a comment made during an interview with a Bioware staff member, and it's really not that uncommon for interview comments to be inconsistent with in game reality). If you personally feel it is incorrect.... /BUG_REPORT it. That is the proper way to have something you think is wrong/incorrect fixed inside the game.


Further.... there are in fact pricing inconsistencies (looking at it from the outside) on a number of items in Collections IMO. Then again...none of us has the algebra they used to create their pricing... so it's all just discussion among outsiders here.


I really do not understand what exactly you think is achieved by starting this thread if you have no desire or intention of discussing the topic in general forum.. where threads are generally posted to invite discussion, from all angles and views on any given topic. If you only wanted this thread to solicit formal comment/correction by Bioware... you are going about it wrong IMO.

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Andryah, I do believe you we're upset or you would not have taken a defensive and perhaps adverserial position with your remarks to begin with. I notice from many of your posts that you seem to take any criticism of the game very personally. I am not projecting, only observing.


And now you call me friend. My friends dont speak to me condescendingly. We are not friends. Not even aquantences. You are a only person who spends an inordinate amount of time responding to these forums, and primarily in the defense of EA/BW. Maybe that's your thing. Good on you. Again, i only asked a simple question.


Next, I believe we are in agreement with regards to the pricing inconsistencies. It would be nice if we could receive some clarification.


And that is what I wanted to achieve from this thread. Exactly what I asked to begin with: Is the pricing on the item a mistake? If a forum user or CSR could provide any information that clarifies or amends EA/BW's previous official statement, I would be interested in seeing it.


In the future you may find that when addressing people, a kinder tone will help. I would be happy to begin anew with you if you are willing. I am actually a very easy going person and don't like to argue, even on the interwebs.


Thanks and good luck to you.

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I'm not upset with you. Not in any way at all, not even remotely upset at you, or your question. Please stop projecting.




Hey, that's completely up to you my friend.


Let me give you the TL;DR version then: That is indeed the price. We can all check it and verify it. There is no indication that the price is incorrect (only an apparent inconsistency with a comment made during an interview with a Bioware staff member, and it's really not that uncommon for interview comments to be inconsistent with in game reality). If you personally feel it is incorrect.... /BUG_REPORT it. That is the proper way to have something you think is wrong/incorrect fixed inside the game.


Further.... there are in fact pricing inconsistencies (looking at it from the outside) on a number of items in Collections IMO. Then again...none of us has the algebra they used to create their pricing... so it's all just discussion among outsiders here.


I really do not understand what exactly you think is achieved by starting this thread if you have no desire or intention of discussing the topic in general forum.. where threads are generally posted to invite discussion, from all angles and views on any given topic. If you only wanted this thread to solicit formal comment/correction by Bioware... you are going about it wrong IMO.


Seems like a harsh response for a very fair and simple (not to mention, polite) question by OP. And seems like the "projecting" came from your responses -- assuming OP was complaining about "pricing" or complaining about "inconsistencies" when OP was actually seeking clarification of whether to fork over money right now, or wait for a "bug" fix. OP clearly said he was unsure if this was a bug/error or not -so, nothing to bug report yet. As a third party looking in on this (and with the EXACT same question as OP - and taking the EXACT same "wait and see") your responses just looks outright hostile.

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