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Walking Armories

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I just want my Jedi & Sith wearing normal cloaks and robes like in the movies. That's not too much to ask, is it?


Just because I have a Juggernaut it doesn't mean I have to look like I'm wearing half of Lord Vaders mask :(

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I just want my Jedi & Sith wearing normal cloaks and robes like in the movies. That's not too much to ask, is it?


Just because I have a Juggernaut it doesn't mean I have to look like I'm wearing half of Lord Vaders mask :(


And if they only made robes and cloaks some other guy would moan about it. Its a lose / lose situation. I'm glad they put new stuff in and there is enough robes if thats your style.

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I just want my Jedi & Sith wearing normal cloaks and robes like in the movies. That's not too much to ask, is it?


Just because I have a Juggernaut it doesn't mean I have to look like I'm wearing half of Lord Vaders mask :(


So wear a robe. What's the problem? There must be a dozen of them you can wear.

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There are no traditional robes available to players. And if you're looking for nicer stuff which is resembling classic gear then it's on NPCs. Tython npcs are wearing somewhat classic Jedi attire players can't get and if they can (battle expulsor) - it's hood up and limited to armor type. Game needs more simple, iconic robes. Don't mind that they are all over the art work, books and more TOR-related media! Have a look through the journal of master Gnost-Dural.


http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/4/41/Gnost-Dural_SIS_JMGD.jpg - traditional brown robe over the white tunic. movie-style

http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/4/41/Padawan_Gnost-Dural_JMGD.jpg - tunic. dye it white with dyes and you'll get movie-style. look at the Jedi in the background


http://www.rpg-ash.me.uk/swtor/collectors_edition/master_gnost-dural_journal_3.JPG - master kiwiks wearing traditional robe not found in game


http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/5/5d/Dantooine_skirmish_JMGD.jpg - Darth Baras (left, not fat yet) wearing somewhat traditional and simplistic black attire


http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120807203654/starwars/images/e/eb/Dural_first_duel_JMGD.jpg - So much for wearing armor into battle.


This is taking place barely 20 years before the events of the game. So your arguments about lack of the iconic outfits because of the time difference is INVALID. Besides look at the consulars. There is maybe one armor set with any armor on it (pregnant set). Why they have no traditional clothing but instead they get looks styled after the queen of Naboo? http://images.mmorpg.com/images/galleries/formatted/492011/372df45a-c34e-4a8e-9fea-1f6eb6e76c91.jpg


Besides the image of a Jedi wearing armor is just not cool. I'd get it if it was few enhancements, like some shoulder pads or light chest piece but making a warrior look like a medieval knight (new helmet was even styled after one https://www.google.ie/search?q=barbute+helmet&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&authuser=0&ei=lj2rUdXHH5KA7QbhmoHgCw&biw=1440&bih=808&sei=mT2rUf3bC9Sp7AauxoHIDw) is not cool. Using Force or not - it does not look proper and fine when a character is performing so much acrobatics in a heavy armor.


Bioware, ppl will throw monies at you if you'll provide them with simple robes. Look at the prices Thana Vesh's outfit is reaching on gtn :/

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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THis is an issue that's been going on for ao long I can;t begin to understand why BW haven;t acted out it. It's been called for since beta, yet wilfully ignored.



People may say that there's been an improvement, but it's not really the case. The few hood-down robes - Destroyer, Conservators and Valiant - are either armoured or have crazy shoulder pads. Oh, and we got Jolee's robe, which can't be dyed.

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Considering KOTOR 2 had many Jedi robes inspired from the prequels, which were quite well made I might add, and were even on the games front cover! I just can't understand what on earth went wrong that none of them made it to SWTOR. Did the Jedi order have dress standards before the events of SWTOR then suddenly decide to let their dress code slide?


I do miss seeing the iconic Jedi attire.

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I was looking forward to Jolee's robe but it was destroyed by ridiculous sack on the back, poorly designed crotch flap and awful color scheme. The robe got ravaged by creamy and orange color scheme instead of sandy and brown. Why are armor sets broken by needless additions?
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Considering KOTOR 2 had many Jedi robes inspired from the prequels, which were quite well made I might add, and were even on the games front cover! I just can't understand what on earth went wrong that none of them made it to SWTOR. Did the Jedi order have dress standards before the events of SWTOR then suddenly decide to let their dress code slide?


I do miss seeing the iconic Jedi attire.


I get that long sleeves might causea tech issue but there are dozens of npcs on Tython wearing somewhat traditional attire. Dozens. And this generic style is not widely available to players.




Have a walk around Tython, you'll see that nearly all o them are wearing battle expulsor look-alike armor with hood down and complete set without additional tubes on their boots and gloves.


Despite differences in time and all Star Trek DID ADD original series outfit into their cash shop. With so many hideous outfits right now nothing will really break TOR anymore. At this stage it's just as much Star Wars as Mass Effect or Dragon Age.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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My shadow is still wearing the esseles robe from level 10. I got it two days after early release and everything I've tried since just looks out of place. I was hoping for jolee set but the colour scheme is horrible. Do yourselves a favour preview jolee robe with dark brown and white and two tone brown its so much better
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If you are on the 'pub side, there is one that is really close. Can't remember where you get it. It's a mission reward for Sentinels I believe. Maybe Taris. But that is is the closest I've gotten to KOTOR 2 style robes or 3000 years in the future robes.
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It's a shame they don't make an "Item Reconfiguration Chamber" which would work much the same way Transmogrification works in World of Warcraft. Basically, as long as the item is Green quality or higher, is the same type (medium armor) and the same slot (chest, for example), you could make the current level 55 item look like the lvl 11 Jedi robe. It allows your character to retain their stats, but modify the gear to be more suited to their personal appearance preference. Maybe they need to introduce something like Transmogrification and have another Credit / CC option in the game for people who would "give anything to modify their armor".

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