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Another thread bites the dust....


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Guys can we try to keep this civil here, it is getting to be an almost daily occurrence that the administrators on this forum delete a thread,


A lot of the information in these threads start of civil and provide useful insights into the server, then they degenerate into flame wars, At which point the forum admins have no course but to remove the whole thread.


If you need to take your anger out on people doing it in game in the form of a duel. If people respectfully decline, move on, or meet them in the WZs.


Remember most people join an RP-PVE server as it tends to attract a more mature crowd so lets not turn people off with petty squabbles.

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I'm willing to wager 100K cred (I'm kinda poor) this thread is derailed and deleted within a week. Any takers?

(And for the sake of fairness, I'm not going to instigate any activity to get it deleted).

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Man... I was in the middle of reading it too when it got deleted lol they even kicked me out of my log in for it lol


You missed some pretty hilarious posts.

On topic, I appreciate what you are trying to do. It would be great if we could have civil arguments where people don't try to comment of other player's personal life or playing skills. But sadly I don't think its possible. Some people will always have more fun trolling than having a cogent and logical argument. We can't really do anything about it. Internet grants unconditional freedom of speech to everyone.

Edited by Helmholtzz
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I'm willing to wager 100K cred (I'm kinda poor) this thread is derailed and deleted within a week. Any takers?

(And for the sake of fairness, I'm not going to instigate any activity to get it deleted).


To be fair, the overall topic is bound to attract an argument because it chastises the ones who took part in the one that led to derailment/deletion. Which in all honestly, it wasn't really derailed that badly: a player makes the OP post about how there are bad players worse than ours on a different server. Being a dev and seeing that one: the current argument between two kids about stating opinions as facts (I never did get to post my final response :() on the topic of ranked PvP, and then secondly: the Bastion players coming in to defend their server's PvP quality, I would've deleted the thread at the point it got to as well lol.


With this thread, we see the problem of potential kids coming in and continuing the argument here, since it's criticizing the other argument for even happening. So if that comes to pass, where everyone comes here to argue again, then yes, I would add another 100k to the pot as well :D


But don't worry, out of respect for both Nabi, and the sake of the server, I won't fuel the fire this time. Even if that's where I get my kicks from here on the forums :/

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You missed some pretty hilarious posts.

On topic, I appreciate what you are trying to do. It would be great if we could have civil arguments where people don't try to comment of other player's personal life or playing skills. But sadly I don't think its possible. Some people will always have more fun trolling than having a cogent and logical argument. We can't really do anything about it. Internet grants unconditional freedom of speech to everyone.


The internet grants unconditional freedom of speech to anyone, forums don't. Hence the bans if you call out players.

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The internet grants unconditional freedom of speech to anyone, forums don't. Hence the bans if you call out players.


But I am pretty sure you have noticed that with a little guile you can avoid calling people out directly. You can be inflammatory without mentioning any names but specific enough that your target will know you are talking about him.


I personally abhor people commenting on other player's personal life comments such as: "They have too much free time" or "They can only get sense of accomplishment from these threads". Commenting on playing skills is also pretty bad but if relevant to the discussion it might be mentioned. Its not surprising nor unexpected that one might not know everything and that is not a crime. Being blunt while addressing it on the other had is shameful.


The one thing that surprised me the most is how people don't understand the difference between opinions and facts. Its not true just because you 'think' so. People present opinions as facts and pretend that other people are ignorant for questioning it. Facts need the backing of proof.


Back to the shenanigans there is 300K in the pot ... you wanna bet :p

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I'm actually glad it got deleted. It caused far more drama than was intended, which was none to begin with. It was just me rambling about my experience so far on the server. I just assumed that anyone who rolled a PvP server would know how to PvP and that was a mistake on my part, because you're going to have bad players no matter where you go. Very excited to go the the Bastion and play with the guys over there. Apologies if anyone was offended in any way, it was not the intention of the post.
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But I am pretty sure you have noticed that with a little guile you can avoid calling people out directly. You can be inflammatory without mentioning any names but specific enough that your target will know you are talking about him.


I personally abhor people commenting on other player's personal life comments such as: "They have too much free time" or "They can only get sense of accomplishment from these threads". Commenting on playing skills is also pretty bad but if relevant to the discussion it might be mentioned. Its not surprising nor unexpected that one might not know everything and that is not a crime. Being blunt while addressing it on the other had is shameful.


The one thing that surprised me the most is how people don't understand the difference between opinions and facts. Its not true just because you 'think' so. People present opinions as facts and pretend that other people are ignorant for questioning it. Facts need the backing of proof.


Back to the shenanigans there is 300K in the pot ... you wanna bet :p


This. It is quite easy to twist a few words around here and there to make something seem as if it's not a direct personal insult, despite it being a definite instigator. For example, when someone says "I've noticed that many of the people are a bunch of <insert insultive phrase> here because of <reasoning that sounds somewhat unbiased>"


A statement like that may be insultive, but one could argue that it was merely an evaluation. And also, there are some phrases that people are naturally inclined to feel are insultive, perhaps for example: "Someone throws their opinion around as fact".


That phrase means simply that one person has presented their opinion as if it weren't just an opinion, which by no means should be considered insultive. However, the wording of the phrase possibly attracts the negative emotions, as it might allude to something like "throwing your weight around", which could lead to "thinking yourself superior to others", which if someone tries to pride themselves in the ideology that they aren't trying to prove anything to anyone, you get an ensuring conflict. Political correctness is a game that no one can really win at, so naturally, there will always be phrases and words that will lead people to believe your meaning is different in nature than you perhaps intend it to be.


And honestly, I think most people here do understand the difference between opinions and facts. It's just the presentation that they use for them that is flawed. There are some who forget to present their opinions as just that whenever they make naturally insultive comments at the end of them, such as for example "Poor skills, loud mouths." The contex of a quote like that one changes the game, as it can be taken as a clear insult to another party despite the main portion of the post being a simple analysis of another's playstyle because the presentation isn't "I think they have poor skills, and loud mouths". It's presented in a little phrase, as if it were a fact.


That's what I believe some problems between what is an opinion and a fact occur, mostly just because of presentation.

Edited by ZooMzy
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But I am pretty sure you have noticed that with a little guile you can avoid calling people out directly. You can be inflammatory without mentioning any names but specific enough that your target will know you are talking about him.


I personally abhor people commenting on other player's personal life comments such as: "They have too much free time" or "They can only get sense of accomplishment from these threads". Commenting on playing skills is also pretty bad but if relevant to the discussion it might be mentioned. Its not surprising nor unexpected that one might not know everything and that is not a crime. Being blunt while addressing it on the other had is shameful.


The one thing that surprised me the most is how people don't understand the difference between opinions and facts. Its not true just because you 'think' so. People present opinions as facts and pretend that other people are ignorant for questioning it. Facts need the backing of proof.


Back to the shenanigans there is 300K in the pot ... you wanna bet :p


I totally agree, representing opinions as facts (although apt in the modern news cycle) does not make them true.


I understand a lot of people on these forums (my opinion) benefit from the communication between the players and learning from each other in a constructive manner, e.g take the example of the "records" threads. The people posting their records will occasionally post their logs (especially on the PVE records). This allows other people to figure out optimum rotations and helps the general population.


I would rather have more constructive criticism on how people can improve their playing experience. If that be Operations, have a successful Operations guild, e.g Sovereign, help break down the tactics. Or PVP, maybe Ascension can give pointers on Huttball or something. I do believe that the vast majority of the players on this server work together well and will help each other out when they can, be it healing a HM 55, or giving pointers to new players leveling on DK. Everyone can benefit from learning from others.


I would rather not bet on this thread being torn down as I am the OP but it does seem par for the course lately.

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