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so.. uh.. I digress.


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Just watched 2 hours of a <Hey im mvp> vs <Synergy> stream in ranked. and boy was I wrong about the bads. The Jugg tank, Justbaddies. I think i can honestly say he's the best PvP tank I've ever seen play. The streams I saw before must have been of a B team or something because these games were completely different. Ya'll can hate if you want, but these guys, both Pub and Imp side, are very good. and I'm excited to play with/against them and become a better player for it. I might get my **** pushed in for a month or 2, but it'll be well worth it :rolleyes: can't wait to get over there.


Watch out, Bastion. The RP'ers are coming.

Edited by NvrShoutNvr
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Once they've made big bucks off of server transfers, then they'll roll out cross server queues.


I wouldn't doubt this. Nevertheless, I'll pay to get some games before this fall, then if they release it, great, if not I won't be as disappointed as I otherwise might be.

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Have you seen

The change in tactics was so drastic that the opponent was simply too surprised to come up with a response. Enjoyed watching the match very much.


That was an interesting strat. However, I'm fairly certain any of the Ranked teams on BC could have wiped the floor if thyey were using that comp. They did not even seem to focus targets at all. (Please don't accuse me of trolling =[ )

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Exactly, claiming they don't play objectives in ranked was beyond obsurd. And to think people thought you were "trolling". Smh


lolwut. All of my ranked career revovles around pure kills, objectives are for the regs only I thought O.o

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That was an interesting strat. However, I'm fairly certain any of the Ranked teams on BC could have wiped the floor if thyey were using that comp. They did not even seem to focus targets at all. (Please don't accuse me of trolling =[ )


From what I can see, I'm assuming that the team put together probably wasn't as well thought out as some of the teams I've seen BC guilds put together. So this group might have been playing just as casually as a premade in a regular que, using a simple strategy to win in Hypergate, since it really is a game that you can win based off of some CCs and the occasional stop here and there. The strat they used was the stall game, to prevent the other team's pylon cap, and I think they were able to pull it off because the other team seemed to not see it coming (It could be when Hypergate was first released and people still were working to form strats, since this was a level 50 ranked match). Who knows how they could've played in a different game mode, or even if they really were the best group.


So yeah, be careful! You can never really assume how well a ranked team will do against another until they meet in a ranked match, since there are too many factors to determine where a match could go :)

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