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How to fix Powertechs


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I absolutely agree with you. Pyrotech and Prototype are more mid ranged - close range oriented. Dont give me the ball in huttball cuz the opposing team will just ankle lock me and force me to walk a slow death or pass the ball. DPS powertechs have no knock backs or no REAL speed burst abilities that matter much.


Recently i was in a WZ and i sprinted up behind a Sage healer who was comfortably spamming heals to an ally. So i sprinted up and started to work on him. He obviously notices that he needs to address me. So he force speeds away, and i pull him back with grapple, then he knocks me back and force speeds away again. This happens in under 6 seconds from his first force speed. I am still baffled at how this is possible. I chased him relentlessly to keep him from healing and It seemed like when i slowed him he could still break any speed impairment from my powers or any stuns and would speed away. I couldn't help but think "How many break frees does this guy have and why doesn't his force speed have a cool down?" This is an honest question so if someone can honestly educate me i am eager to be properly educated. Thanks.


Force speed is only like a 20 second CD and on a healer it resets when you use the immortality CD. Honestly though, I'd have just spammed cleanse, hit you with affliction and then just beat you up because there's nothing you can do to me if I'm heal spec'd that I won't laugh at.

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Since when do pt's not have a gap closer? My favorite thing about my pt is grapple. GET OVER HERE!!

yes but why should PT`s be the only class limited by resolve on ur onyl gap closer? as an example I`d like to see warrior not being able to leap targets with full resolve then we will talk "OH but youz got a gap closer!"

And in pugs it just rains with idiots that randomly mezzez and then aoe`s right after, you know how many times in huttball some idiot flashbanged on whirlwinded the enemy ball carrier who`s about to score thus giving him full resolve and just a minor delaying the inevitable and screwing my chance to grapple the dude into the pit or firetrap?

Edited by iDraxter
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There is only 1 solution: like mercs, cryin' on forum whole next year about pt/vanguards...


Yeah I hear you all those mercs creating madness in ranke....in regu...taking up space on the fleet was bad for the games engine.

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yes but why should PT`s be the only class limited by resolve on ur onyl gap closer? as an example I`d like to see warrior not being able to leap targets with full resolve then we will talk "OH but youz got a gap closer!"


Bigger issue is the huge cooldown and the fact that it doesn't root unless you spec into it on the *tank* tree (which beings at the time of pull, meaning its only like a 1 second root anyway). Anyway, they have the same issue now that lethality operatives had pre-2.0 - not enough range for the complete lack of a speed buff and such a weak snare. Pyro PTs need a reliable root if they're going to have no speed buffs, a 10 meter range and 70% of their damage is cleansable.

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Bigger issue is the huge cooldown and the fact that it doesn't root unless you spec into it on the *tank* tree (which beings at the time of pull, meaning its only like a 1 second root anyway). Anyway, they have the same issue now that lethality operatives had pre-2.0 - not enough range for the complete lack of a speed buff and such a weak snare. Pyro PTs need a reliable root if they're going to have no speed buffs, a 10 meter range and 70% of their damage is cleansable.
don`t even get me started! 35/45 sec cd limited by targets resolve< 12/15 sec cd and Resolve? who gives a fck leap away UP UP and AWAY!:rak_01: simple logic


ok i get that we are medium ranged class so we can do something at 4-10m from target compared to warrior who have to be in 4m so ok longer cd on gap closer but the resolve thing kills it

Edited by iDraxter
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don`t even get me started! 35/45 sec cd limited by targets resolve< 12/15 sec cd and Resolve? who gives a fck leap away UP UP and AWAY!:rak_01: simple logic


It also offers a different utility.


1) Pulls into hazards/away from goal

2) Gap closes for your entire team (pull into middle of your group rather than you going in solo)


There are pros and cons to both. But as long as you save it for when they escape, you'll never have problems staying with someone on a PT/VG in pyro spec. So, if you are using this ability and then that sage is running away, you are doing it wrong. Just like a warrior that leaps at a sage and then they run away is doing it wrong. Don't forget you have the added bonus of doing damage from 10m with multiple abilities that hit hard. It's not ideal, but can easily finish an escaping target off.

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Force speed is only like a 20 second CD and on a healer it resets when you use the immortality CD. Honestly though, I'd have just spammed cleanse, hit you with affliction and then just beat you up because there's nothing you can do to me if I'm heal spec'd that I won't laugh at.


Ahh the ol' "beat me up" strategy. I have seen that a couple of times. I guess that just proves the point, that DPS PT's have a mobility issue. Whether or not people agree that it should be addressed is another issue entirely. I get that. I will have fun either way.


thanks man!

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Force speed is only like a 20 second CD and on a healer it resets when you use the immortality CD. Honestly though, I'd have just spammed cleanse, hit you with affliction and then just beat you up because there's nothing you can do to me if I'm heal spec'd that I won't laugh at.


Only the worst Sage/Sorc in history would pop Force Barrier just to reset force speed. Why use my oh **** button to pick up a second force speed ten seconds sooner? You also can't cleanse PT DoTs as a Sage/Sorc so...

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When will you people learn..


Just because class <A> has <Ability> doesn't mean that your class should have something the same. If this were the case there would be no point in having different classes whatsoever.


Only the worst Sage/Sorc in history would pop Force Barrier just to reset force speed. Why use my oh **** button to pick up a second force speed ten seconds sooner? You also can't cleanse PT DoTs as a Sage/Sorc so...


You can cleanse their bleed if you are heal spec.

Edited by Jayshames
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Only the worst Sage/Sorc in history would pop Force Barrier just to reset force speed. Why use my oh **** button to pick up a second force speed ten seconds sooner? You also can't cleanse PT DoTs as a Sage/Sorc so...


Yeah i have never seen a Sage/Sorc cleanse a explosive dart, unload, retract blad, rail shot, rocket punch, flame burst and flame thrower. Which are the big hitters anyway. My original point was that the guy i ran into had "multiple" (4 - 5 at least) speed bursts away from me that didn't coincide with he 20 sec CD. Was just asking how he did that. I have never seen that before.

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