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Get to know your server....


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As there is going to be some server transfers over the next couple of weeks/months I though it prudent to do a get to know your server thread.


The premise is to show other people what characters you have, what you are willing to help with and where you get enjoyment out of the game,


Please do NOT turn this into a flaming thread otherwise this thread will be closed by the administrators, there should be no comments on other individuals posts, just post if you want to inform the server the characters you play, allegiance etc....


With that, I will start


Characters: N'abi (Sorc), N'bi (Sniper), Nabi (Sin Tank), Z'abi (Jug), Belladai (Shadow)

Guild: Solatium

Position: Quartermaster, basically look after the bank and be a lieutenant to the guild leader

Allegiance: Mostly Imperial, all my 55s are on the Imp side

Motto(s): A closed mouth gathers no foot. Question beliefs and believe questions, for in the questions lies the answer. Those with a closed mind will become enslaved by their beliefs.


Enjoyment: I mainly enjoy walks down the beach (just kidding). Most of my days in SWTOR are spent running dailies, crafting, and flashpoints with guildies. A couple of times a week as a guild we run a progression raid and a comms raid, currently running HM TfB where I run as a Sorc healer.


Where to find me: I am typically always on between 6-8AM Pacific Time and usually run a couple of dailies (BH, SecX, Makeb), occasionally hitting the PVP scene with my Hybrid Sniper (N'bi), usually the queues don't pop much at this time of the morning. During this time I am always available for running content with other people on the server. Most nights of the week I will be on but am usually helping run guildies through flashpoints or completing weeklies.


Skills: I can help people on Sorc healing, Sin tanking and Sniping. Still learning the ropes in PVP as everyone is.

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This seems like a worthwhile endeavor.


Characters: Moco (scoundrel), Chapulin (shadow), Azucena (vanguard), Cagafuego (commando), Anolya (sorc)

Guild: Eternal Guardians / Dark Covenant

Position: Officer (Raid, help with one, co-lead another)

Allegiance: Republic (I have an imp that collects dust)

Mottos: "My awesomeness is only limited by the mediocrity of others." "I may not be very good, but at least I'm pretty."


Enjoyment: Our guild is just an enjoyable group of people. It's good to run flashpoints, ops and other dailies with guildies. I also frequent PUG PvP quite a bit and love a marauder or two in my face. I tank ops on my shadow and heal PvP on my scoundrel and break out my troopers every once in a while when needed.


Where to find me: I'm usually around on fleet early evening (5-11 PM PST) when I'm on or in a PUG. I don't venture out onto planets very often unless something I'm doing calls for it.


Skills: nunchuk skills, bo staff skills, computer hacking skills. Also decent at PvE. Scoundrel healers are too OP for me to be able to chalk that up to skill though. Scamper and HoTs FTW!!!

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Characters: Te'fia (Operative), Te'f (Scoundrel), Teffy'cakes (Marauder), Mac'Gyver (Sniper), Keoto (Powertech), Tefia (Sage), Achllia (Sentinel)

Guild: Sovereign (Imperial) and Order of El Elyon (Republic)

Position: "Operative Healer"

Allegiance: Imp > Pub

Motto(s): "Yolo"


Enjoyment: I love both PvE and PvP aspects. So I would complete Te'fias' pvp dailies and the proceed to just level any toon that I see fit. I just like to hang out with friends in Teamspeak and goof off practically. I enjoy healing overall on any of my toons. Tanking, eh, not so much :rolleyes:.


Where to find me: I'm typically on everyday rotating crew skills, leveling anyone of my alts to get that "cool ability", or I'll be on Te'fia 55 PvPing with some friends. Also, our guild typically does premades or double premades in either lowbie or "Peewee Leagues" lowbie in the middle of the night. Or I can be in a raid.


Skills: I heal.

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Characters: Hancase (Scoundrel), Themes (Shadow), Tôny (Sentinel), Quiguniun (Guardian), Xevior (Bounty Hunter), Byzantine (Marauder), Ailili (Assassin)

Guild: The Eternal Guardians and Dark Convenent

Position: Healer, occasional Tank, Officer, Backup Ops lead

Allegiance: Basically a pub.

Motto: Don't follow the scoundrel. He doesn't know what he's doing.


Enjoyment: I love PvP, running flashpoints, running ops, reading fleet chat (/popcorn), helping out guildies when I can, and making lists(kidding). Got a great group of guildies ranging from the wisest teenager I've ever met to a retired marine to a chemist. Wouldn't trade 'em for anything. Maybe a singing jawa....naw.


Where to find me: When I'm not running warzones, flashpoints or ops, I like to hang out in my ship hangar on fleet. My computer sadly isn't the best in the world, and I find the lack of lag there to be preferential to fleet.


Skills: I make a mean spaghetti. Oh, and I heal. And seem to get chased a lot.

Edited by Akon-Or
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Characters: Hugob (Sentinel), Jesseniab (Commando), Jeminab (Guardian)

Guild: Company

Position: Enforcer

Allegiance: Light/Dark side

Motto: "Don´t tase me bro" / "Thats how i roll"


Enjoyment: PvP all the PvP and some PvE why not lol, also having fun with guildies/friends


Where to find me: Fleet or doing dailyes on Makeb, yeah im a poor player :(


Skills: Bad typing skill , Bad english skill , Bad internet conection skill , Bad DPS skill

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Characters: Maren (Sniper), Krysar (Juggernaut), Krym (Assassin)

Guild: Solatium

Position: Guild Leader

Allegiance: Imperial

Motto(s): "Working as intended" or "#@%&ing Sorcs!"


Enjoyment: Running flash points and operations. Along with those activities I mainly spend my time chatting with guild mates and people watching on the fleet for "Awesome" names.


Where to find me: On fleet usually while I craft or wait for an FP/Ops.


Skills: Tanking, every once in a while I get to DPS. I do not heal, ever, for your safety. Artifice, Synthweaving and Biochem, for stims, kits and augments.

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Characters: Thorazine, Iamatank, Klah'Jeak and Thorii(impside)

Guild: Hit and Run

Position: Professional Troll

Allegiance: Republic

Motto(s): "The AOE lies!"


Enjoyment: Face pulling during ops and blaming it on other people and tickling people during warzones.

Where to find me: Running laps around fleet, I'm currently on lap 20216


Skills: Trolling fleet. Having mediocre DPS and pretending I know how to heal and tank.

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Characters: Radzkie, Radz, Galan, Elím, Denizen and some others I wont bother to mention.

Guild: Doomed Lemmings

Position: Officer

Allegiance: Empire even though I mostly play on the republic side. ;) LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE!

Motto(s): Star Trek > Star Wars


Enjoyment: Raiding('specially the joint ones with DoA), PvPing, RPing, chatting on fleet and reading forum drama.


Where to find me: The fleet or my ship.


Skills: Healing, whining, getting picked on by guildies and making them laugh. <3 my guildies.

Edited by Radzkie
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Characters: Jordo (vanguard), Corun (guardian), Charcan (scoundrel), Sabo'di (sage)

Guild: Infamous

Position: Officer

Allegiance: Republic man till I die

Motto(s): Live and let live


Enjoyment: I like PvP a lot, especially on this server. There is a good balance between factions and healthy competition. I also love PvE. I love progression raiding, working with a tight group of friends to take down something tougher than you is uniquely satisfying.


Where to find me: Usually on the fleet in the Combat Training area, or in Infamous mumble hanging out with my brother from another mother, Arty.


Skills: Mediocre DPS skills and lousy tanking skills.

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Characters: Ardevall (Combat Sentinel), Orrekek (Medicine Operative), Xel-marr (Kinetic Combat Shadow), Jaeskorry (Sawbones Scoundrel)

Guild: Company

Position: Mook (nub)

Allegiance: Mostly pub, but I play my operative often

Motto: "If we get Ancient Hypergate again I'm rage quitting."


Enjoyment: 95% of my time is spent PVP'ing, but I do participate in the odd Op and am forced to do dailies because I'm a PVP'er and always broke.


Where to find me: Across from the PVP terminal. If you're in my spot I tend to pout.


Skills: When on my DPS I like to pretend I'm an objective player since my 1v1 skills are lacking. When I'm on my tank my skills are placing a guard on somebody then mashing buttons. On my healers, my skills are running away and forgetting to change heal targets, then wondering why the person I want to heal isn't getting healed.

Edited by LaVall
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Characters: Viscinea(Gunslinger), Viscaria(Shadow)

Guild: Hit and Run

Position: Hired gun!

Allegiance: Republic

Motto(s): "Prove who you are and what you can do"


Enjoyment: PVE, I enjoy clearing content in different style of DPS that I used. For PVP, sometime I get mad and ignore all objective and kill people as much as I can and the results, 7 other people get mad!


Where to find me: Just click search term on Who, I'm everywhere.


Skills: DPS, I irritate everytime I came second in my raid DPS chart, don't care if it was adds or boss fight. I don't gonna lose in DPS race. In oprations, I fights both mobs and my teammates!

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Characters: Kirá (scoundrel), Narika (shadow), Carvér (vanguard), Ophi (sage) and some others too since too many to list (alt-holic!!!)

Guild: Infamous

Position: Officer

Allegiance: I prefer the Republic, but i got to admit Imperials have better fashion styles :x

Motto(s): Boo!


Enjoyment: I like to have fun in this game, whether it be pvping or doing challenging things such as operations with friends. I also do like the occasional RP but i feel that i'm too rusty and terrible to RP on a regular basis.


Where to find me: I'm either on my one of many alts during when the nocturnals are up (since i live in the future named Australia), either chilling in combat training or somewhere sunny (not Corellia since the loading screen... ugghhh)


Skills: Getting everyone addicted to kolto, jumping around and getting stuck in holoterminals and pretending to be a decent ninja

Edited by alexine
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Characters: Cherribomb- Vengence Juggie with a smash addiction, DaddiWykkid - Recently converted to healing sorc, Kagonesti - Sentinel with an Identity crissis, LuvChild - Infiltration Shadow, WykkidWyld - Op

Guild: Notorious

Position: Officer

Allegiance: My republic toons have a bit of dust on them

Enjoyment: When I sit down to play its to get away from RL for just awhile so I can get back to it recharged, so if you not enjoyen it find something else :)

Where to find me: I'll Find You on the other side of a WZ

Skills: Jack of all trades Master of none. but I still do just fine :)

Moto Everything is Better with Cherri on top!

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Name: Rerkk (Guardian) Zekan (Shadow) Geyo (Scoundrel) Xek'o (Sentinel)

Guild: Company

Position: Co-founder, Council member



I enjoy PvP and PvE though i have been doing more PvE nowadays. I love playing with my guildies and friends when possible.


Where to find me:

If your on the fleet ever you have probably seen me lingering around the GTN and combat area. On rare occasions maybe out doing dailies.


Skills: Adept in all roles, still got some work to do though


Moto: Alt+F4 should fix that. "I want <insert any item here"

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Characters: Desiirea

Guild: Ascension

Position: guild mom

Motto(s): There is no emotion, there are only cookies.

Enjoyment: I like people. They all have their unique stories and personalities. :)


Where to find me: Nowhere and everywhere. I don't know where I am half the time. Sometimes raiding, sometimes in warzones, sometimes just standing around the fleet with a blank look on my face imagining lots of people whispering in my ear! It's a little crazy. :p


Skills: Healing until the Imps rage and making cookie addicts.

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Characters: Lydiah, healy operative... and any other toons with a Kupo in their name.

(Seriously too many to bother listing, they don't all fit in my siggy or even on this server.)


Guild: The Foot... and sometimes Ashen Order lets me roll with their awesomeness.


Allegiance: Imperial fo sho, but I'll still heal Republic scum when I'm on a pubby toon.


Motto: Does saying stupid stuff count? :D

Also I like tinsel bombing everyone and peeing my pants mid-hug.


Enjoyment: Making the galaxy glitter! Plus warzones, raids, dailies, leveling alts, making new alts & shopping.

Admittedly haven't been warzoning as much as I'd really like lately. Too much stuff carrying over from RL has been making it too hard to keep my cool. =(


Where to find me: Typically chillin on Imp fleet, otherwise leveling alts across the galaxy. Online sporadically during the day when Jawa (kiddo) is napping and more steadily from 7pm PST until ~11pm PST.


Skills: Best mediocre healer ever! And I'm really efficient at leveling too. =)

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Characters:Ravnn(Imp),Culainn (Pub),No-Name (Pub),Sodomos (Imp)

Guild: Which character?

Position: *steps to the wall to get frisked...again*

Allegiance: Whoever is on my team in a wz

Motto(s): See sig


Enjoyment: shooting people in the face.

Where to find me: Fleet (typically sitting on a pillar or on the pvp terms)


Skills: I has skills?

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