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Hate to say it, but I'm never going to be uber


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I'm mostly pve'r. Played since !999 EQ. Can Tank, OT, Heal, Top damage charts, w/e in most games, but ... I'll admit it ... I'm a mouse clicker.


I need a little help here. Anyone know of some positive ways to slowly learn to not mouse click if you dont even touchtype? What are some forgiving class/strats? Anyone know of a simple link or simple ideas to help?


I don't need to top all damage, healing, and medals, but I'd like to really contribute as much as possible.


Play with an Vaio 18.3" in bed while wife sleeps.


Have a:

52 Sniper

43 Sin (played Dark till nerf)

37 Merc

36 Inq

24 Van

23 Mara

15x2 Jugg

14 Mara


Any little advice beside thread killers would be really healpful.


I'm very glad you came to the forums to seek help rather than complain about resolve and OP classes :)


The only way to learn is through practice, trial and error. Figure out which hot keys work best for your hand. I personally use:


1-6, shift+1-6, z x c v b a d f g h r t y and shift+ z x c v b a d f g h r t y.


You can also invest in a razor naga mouse, which allows you to use 1-9 with your right thumb.


For me, the best place to practice new keybinds is in an unranked warzone, or against a training dummy.


Good luck!

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Seriously... this one always gets under my skin though... there is no excuse to defend the click other than being narrow minded. Simple as that.


and thus you are narrow minded. Not being rude but your belief that your way is only is narrow minded. I do agree with you that if a person gets keybinds down then it will prove to be helpful but some folks are not able to do so for whatever reason but for you to say they aren't ever going to be good as you is as narrow minded as someone who doesn't want to learn keybinds.


When comes down to TOR pvp I don't care if you keybind or click or use your nose. If you know your class, know warzones and do your best everytime, your going to win games.

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He was good, maybe great even... but he WAS NOT AS GOOD AS HE COULD HAVE BEEN IF HE KEY BINDED.


I don't need proof... simple logic should be enough for you to understand that within a 1.5 second GCD a human being and a computer together CAN NOT ACTIVATE 3 ABILITIES WITHIN THAT TIME WITH ONLY A MOUSE AND A MONITOR. (Not to mention movement while doing so)


- 1 ability starts GCD

- 1 ability off of the GCD (taunt or retaliation for example)

- 1 ability on the GCD


You can not click that within 1.5 seconds on a regular basis, not to mention healing or guard swapping when having to click friendly players names from the operation frame.


Will not and does not happen.


Binding > clicking


There is no argument. There is only fact.


Shocked that this was rebuttled....

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and thus you are narrow minded. Not being rude but your belief that your way is only is narrow minded. I do agree with you that if a person gets keybinds down then it will prove to be helpful but some folks are not able to do so for whatever reason but for you to say they aren't ever going to be good as you is as narrow minded as someone who doesn't want to learn keybinds.


When comes down to TOR pvp I don't care if you keybind or click or use your nose. If you know your class, know warzones and do your best everytime, your going to win games.


The OP obviously WANTS to learn keybinds... why is that even part of your comment?


Someone CAN be effective clicking... but they obviously CAN NOT perform to their best ability clicking.


He's clearly saying he wants to perform at the best of his ability... and there is nothing narrow minded in saying that a player CAN NOT perform at the best of their ability while clicking.


I will pay a 6 month sub to anyone that can prove that they can click 3 abilities in 1.5 seconds, while guard swapping or healing for the duration of a 15 minute war zone as effectively as a competent key binder.

Edited by Baedwulf
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The OP obviously WANTS to learn keybinds... why is that even part of your comment?


Someone CAN be effective clicking... but they obviously CAN NOT perform to their best ability clicking.


He's clearly saying he wants to perform at the best of his ability... and there is nothing narrow minded in saying that a player CAN NOT perform at the best of their ability while clicking.


I will pay a 6 month sub to anyone that can prove that they can click 3 abilities in 1.5 seconds, while guard swapping or healing for the duration of a 15 minute war zone as effectively as a competent key binder.


Challenge accepted. I could use 6 month I thought I bought one but I was mistaken...22 days and counting.

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Challenge accepted. I could use 6 month I thought I bought one but I was mistaken...22 days and counting.


LOL! That sucks... it would literally be worth it to see someone try and keep that up by clicking for a 15 minute WZ. I'm sure someone could click 3 abilties in 1.5 seconds a few times consistently... but to keep that up for an entire WZ, I just don't see how someone could pull that off.


Especially tanking or healing. The only way you could effectively heal or guard swap would be to at least key bind the friendly targeting.... but then it's still binding.

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LOL! That sucks... it would literally be worth it to see someone try and keep that up by clicking for a 15 minute WZ. I'm sure someone could click 3 abilties in 1.5 seconds a few times consistently... but to keep that up for an entire WZ, I just don't see how someone could pull that off.


Especially tanking or healing. The only way you could effectively heal or guard swap would be to at least key bind the friendly targeting.... but then it's still binding.


Question. Its wing night so heavy drinking usually goes hand and hand which by my logic makes for a perfect test night...how well do I have to perform, like 100k deeps? Or shall I get a larger sample size and run tank and use some guard swapping?

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My suggestion would be time consuming, but it worked for me.


Make a new character and bind up the first few abilities you get. Then you can keep adding the new abilities as you level. Because you start with so few, you'l be used to them by the time you get more. Gradually you'l be able to use keybinds with all you abilities.

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I'm mostly pve'r. Played since !999 EQ. Can Tank, OT, Heal, Top damage charts, w/e in most games, but ... I'll admit it ... I'm a mouse clicker.


I need a little help here. Anyone know of some positive ways to slowly learn to not mouse click if you dont even touchtype? What are some forgiving class/strats? Anyone know of a simple link or simple ideas to help?


I don't need to top all damage, healing, and medals, but I'd like to really contribute as much as possible.


Play with an Vaio 18.3" in bed while wife sleeps.


Have a:

52 Sniper

43 Sin (played Dark till nerf)

37 Merc

36 Inq

24 Van

23 Mara

15x2 Jugg

14 Mara


Any little advice beside thread killers would be really healpful.


All classes are easy, I'd recommend rolling a new character and using nothing but keybinds for that character. And also check this out : http://taugrim.com/2011/04/07/guide-to-strafing-movement-and-keybindings/


FWIW, I have my hand "homed" to the 'asdf' row, with w as move forward, a and d as my strafe keys, s bound to backpedal and all my attack abilities bound to e, r, t, g, h, c, v, b, lesser used ones bound to 1-5 (throw huttball is always 1 for me) and generally I try to keep with this theme between specs and characters. For instance 'g' is always my dot. Doesn't matter what toon or spec I'm playing, g is going to be a dot. R is almost always my main rotation attack. Shift+T is always my big AOE. Etc. That kind of consistency makes switching characters and specs much easier.


And also FWIW, ignore people who say you can click as well as keybind. I can queue up multiple attacks, while moving and *LOOK AROUND THE SCREEN AT WHATS GOING ON* while key-binding. I can't imagine being able to do that as a clicker since you need to focus on the mouse pointer to target your skills. The GCD is what gives me plenty of time to watch what else is going on, since I'm never looking at my hands or the toolbars other than a sideways glance to see how long is left on a CD.

Edited by dcgregorya
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Question. Its wing night so heavy drinking usually goes hand and hand which by my logic makes for a perfect test night...how well do I have to perform, like 100k deeps? Or shall I get a larger sample size and run tank and use some guard swapping?


I was thinking about that.... trying to find a good gauge because I have no doubt that you can perform above average.... but that isn't saying much in this game.


I think if you guard swapped effectively while taunting on CD and putting up what would be considered decent tank DPS... that would do it.


I mean really... having to click a taunt within the time of a GCD is really my point. If you can do that while still being effective on other areas. It would have to be kind of subjective but I wouldn't do ya dirty if you actually pulled this off for an entire WZ.


I'm gonna hate myself if you DO pull it off too cuz I know you agree with me in general. :D

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I was thinking about that.... trying to find a good gauge because I have no doubt that you can perform above average.... but that isn't saying much in this game.


I think if you guard swapped effectively while taunting on CD and putting up what would be considered decent tank DPS... that would do it.


I mean really... having to click a taunt within the time of a GCD is really my point. If you can do that while still being effective on other areas. It would have to be kind of subjective but I wouldn't do ya dirty if you actually pulled this off for an entire WZ.


I'm gonna hate myself if you DO pull it off too cuz I know you agree with me in general. :D


Ill see what I can do. No question ill have to redo all my quick bars to put skills I use more often next to eachother...man I don't know if I can do this but ill put in some effort.

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I'm mostly pve'r. Played since !999 EQ. Can Tank, OT, Heal, Top damage charts, w/e in most games, but ... I'll admit it ... I'm a mouse clicker.


I need a little help here. Anyone know of some positive ways to slowly learn to not mouse click if you dont even touchtype? What are some forgiving class/strats? Anyone know of a simple link or simple ideas to help?


I don't need to top all damage, healing, and medals, but I'd like to really contribute as much as possible.


Play with an Vaio 18.3" in bed while wife sleeps.


Have a:

52 Sniper

43 Sin (played Dark till nerf)

37 Merc

36 Inq

24 Van

23 Mara

15x2 Jugg

14 Mara


Any little advice beside thread killers would be really healpful.


I had the same problem as yourself. Then I got me a Logitech g600, took a while to get used to, I'm talking weeks, but now I use just keybinds. I found it helped to arrange my action bars into rows if four across and three down, so they match the twelve side buttons.


The G600 has a Ctrl modifier button, so you can easily have 24 keybinds just from the twelve side buttons. I have scroll up to scroll though enemies and scroll down to scroll though allies. I also have pressing the scroll wheel down, left and right bound, along with a button behind the wheel.


That's a whole lot of key binds without having to use the keyboard.


One thing that really helps is having key abilities on the same binds for all characters, like interrupt, stun, cc, stun break, signature class ability one and two (eg cover or pull).


This was all mostly from advice from these forums. I did almost give up on the mouse though as it really did feel very wierd for ages. Now I can pull of all sorts of reaction based shenanigans in PVP :)


Hope that helps you from one old timer to another.

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Its just like anything else, practice makes perfect.


I was a beginner to keybinds once, I used 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 'R' (for acid blade) and clicked everything else.


Ah those were the days, lol.

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Ill see what I can do. No question ill have to redo all my quick bars to put skills I use more often next to eachother...man I don't know if I can do this but ill put in some effort.


Before I forget too... I'm surprised I'm even able to post today. I thought the sub ran out on this account over the wkend but hit me up on notpersonal.enjin.com if you don't me around here much. I'm sure I only have a few days left and once I can't post I check far less often.

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I had the same problem as yourself. Then I got me a Logitech g600, took a while to get used to, I'm talking weeks, but now I use just keybinds. I found it helped to arrange my action bars into rows if four across and three down, so they match the twelve side buttons.


The G600 has a Ctrl modifier button, so you can easily have 24 keybinds just from the twelve side buttons. I have scroll up to scroll though enemies and scroll down to scroll though allies. I also have pressing the scroll wheel down, left and right bound, along with a button behind the wheel.


That's a whole lot of key binds without having to use the keyboard.


One thing that really helps is having key abilities on the same binds for all characters, like interrupt, stun, cc, stun break, signature class ability one and two (eg cover or pull).


This was all mostly from advice from these forums. I did almost give up on the mouse though as it really did feel very wierd for ages. Now I can pull of all sorts of reaction based shenanigans in PVP :)


Hope that helps you from one old timer to another.


I have a G600 and I use it for certain cooldowns but I could never imagine using it for a rotation. I just can't get my thumbs to act independently of my hand to move and fire in coordination properly. Independence of left and right hand to me is paramount for maximum speed. I'm sure you can get it "good enough" but I don't think entirely mouse driven will ever be 'optimal'.

Edited by dcgregorya
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He was good, maybe great even... but he WAS NOT AS GOOD AS HE COULD HAVE BEEN IF HE KEY BINDED.
Could he beat you? yes or no.


I don't need proof...


lol. :rolleyes:


simple logic should be enough for you to understand that within a 1.5 second GCD a human being and a computer together CAN NOT ACTIVATE 3 ABILITIES WITHIN THAT TIME WITH ONLY A MOUSE AND A MONITOR. (Not to mention movement while doing so)


Absolutely we could, because the limiting factor isn't hardware. I have definitely been in a situation in pvp were I needed to activate multiple abilities in a second. It's not that difficult. Yet no matter what I say, you won't believe me so I suppose it's a moot point.


This is one example of a rotation I can click in 1.5 seconds.


- 1 ability starts GCD = Bacta Infusion

- 1 ability off of the GCD (taunt or retaliation for example) = Tech override

- 1 ability on the GCD = Any ability on my quick bar minus AOE's.


You can not click that within 1.5 seconds on a regular basis, not to mention healing or guard swapping when having to click friendly players names from the operation frame.


Will not and does not happen.

You see clickers do use a degree of key binds. :rolleyes: I know shocking. All of my movement's and target applications are bound to the number pad and I click my abilities on the mouse with my left hand. Which saves me the need to target with the mouse (I still do from time to time :))


It does happen but I guess you are completely oblivious to it. :D




Binding > clicking


There is no argument. There is only fact.

Your entitled to your opinions, just not your facts.


Have a good one.

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and thus you are narrow minded. Not being rude but your belief that your way is only is narrow minded. I do agree with you that if a person gets keybinds down then it will prove to be helpful but some folks are not able to do so for whatever reason but for you to say they aren't ever going to be good as you is as narrow minded as someone who doesn't want to learn keybinds.


When comes down to TOR pvp I don't care if you keybind or click or use your nose. If you know your class, know warzones and do your best everytime, your going to win games.


Forgive his narrow mindedness he is sith after all. They see things in absolutes. :p

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I have a G600 and I use it for certain cooldowns but I could never imagine using it for a rotation. I just can't get my thumbs to act independently of my hand to move and fire in coordination properly. Independence of left and right hand to me is paramount for maximum speed. I'm sure you can get it "good enough" but I don't think entirely mouse driven will ever be 'optimal'.


I felt like that for ages, that's why I almost gave up, but muscle memory does wonderfully things. I just have all key rotation abilities in the non Ctrl modified twelve side button binds. Probably get arthritis in my right thumb from it, but my thumb can find any if the twelve buttons without thinking about it.


Now using the Ctrl modifier, that can be a bit harder to get down.


Also when I said a whole lot of keybinds without using the keyboard, I was not saying I do t use the keyboard, just that I have lots if keybinds before even considering what I can do on the keyboard.

Edited by Godlymuppet
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Could he beat you? yes or no.


No. I don't think any clicker could beat me in a PVP 1vs1, let alone be as effective as me in a group vs group scenario. Simple example - you get interrupted. There's NO WAY you can click a new alternate skill as fast as I can hit a keybind. If so you need to be playing counter strike, not this game, because your mouse skills can win you some serious cash. And doing all that while never exposing your back to maul or back blast? Not going to happen.

Edited by dcgregorya
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I felt like that for ages, that's why I almost gave up, but muscle memory does wonderfully things. I just have all key rotation abilities in the non Ctrl modified twelve side button binds. Probably get arthritis in my right thumb from it, but my thumb can find any if the twelve buttons without thinking about it.


Now using the Ctrl modifier, that can be a bit harder to get down.


Honestly I feel like left hand = attack, right hand = move is just easier for me. I also have my interrupt on middle mouse key, because I like split second speed with that.

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Honestly I feel like left hand = attack, right hand = move is just easier for me. I also have my interrupt on middle mouse key, because I like split second speed with that.


I think I edited while you were typing.


It took me a few attempts to get it down, as I'm slower than I used to be (37 now and had lightning reflexes as a teen).


Was almost as hard as giving up smoking, that took a few attempts, but for both ill never go back now lol.


I really would encourage you to keep trying, maybe do a gunslinger, they have a nice rotation in sharpshooter spec, that always feels real nice on the side buttons.

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I felt like that for ages, that's why I almost gave up, but muscle memory does wonderfully things. I just have all key rotation abilities in the non Ctrl modified twelve side button binds. Probably get arthritis in my right thumb from it, but my thumb can find any if the twelve buttons without thinking about it.


Now using the Ctrl modifier, that can be a bit harder to get down.


Also when I said a whole lot of keybinds without using the keyboard, I was not saying I do t use the keyboard, just that I have lots if keybinds before even considering what I can do on the keyboard.


My naga and g600 gave my carpal tunnel as I played too much lol

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No. I don't think any clicker could beat me in a PVP 1vs1, let alone be as effective as me in a group vs group scenario. Simple example - you get interrupted. There's NO WAY you can click a new alternate skill as fast as I can hit a keybind.


This exemple statement is not valid because it's not impossible for someone to have his mouse over the icon of the next skill, within a reasonable timeframe before the opponent can interrupt it : the time frame left by the opponing player will be like 0.1s server-to-client latency (in the case both have a good ping), plus 0.5s from reaction time (average is 1s, 0.5s is extremely fast) then you have at least 0.6s spare time to have your mouse ready over the next skill. That's clearly not impossible.

I didn't take into account the fact that the opponent can already be in GCD, or that an ability was already queued before he could react, dealying even more the interrupt. You have as much chances to be at the beginning, or middle or end of GCD, so that the average time before an ability can fire is half a GCD (0.75s) which is even longer than what I said before, so even the fastest players can hardly interrupt before 0.75s.

If an interrupt fire before it, it's likely that it has been misfired, and luckily interrupted something.

Is it impossible to someone to move his fist within 0.6s or 0.75s ? Clearly not.


I hope one day, you'll be with a long-time clicker with aggressive clicking through a vocal because of his over-sensitive mic.

You'd be surprised how they seem to mash their mouse button. It's like if they try to compete about how fas they will "kill" their mouse. They have enough time to click at least 4-5 times before the ability fires and it's hard to notice a silence meaning the mouse is on the move.

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Ill see what I can do. No question ill have to redo all my quick bars to put skills I use more often next to eachother...man I don't know if I can do this but ill put in some effort.


Oh yeah... and interrupts... :D

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