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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Status Update on Game Update 2.1.1


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I really approve how you handled this, BW.


Yes delays happen, that's life, but thanks for the heads up, thanks for giving us a projected date, and thanks for being clear.


Keep it up!

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All those absurd posts.

People on the forums get up in arms about NOT getting information.

There is an almost constant refrain of, "When the next update and what's in it?".

So in response BW has laid out their framework for the next few updates, what they plan to put in them, and when they are going to be out. Again, this is because people have been asking for this information.

With the information, BW was pretty clear that what they laid out were speculative dates and goals. Eric was upfront about the possiblity of the dates not being set in stone and I think most people can respect that. Testing anything on a massive scale isn't something done in a few hours. It takes a lot of time to find issues and then correct them and re-search for issues that fix may have created.

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Again, don't announce a date when you're not sure you can meet it. This has been happening a lot lately with your game updates. Continue with what you're doing, you'll have more fans that will love you for delaying.


It's this kind of nonesense why developers are hesitant to give transparency to players. It's good that they give us an idea of when something is coming and we should understand that things can always happen unexpectedly that could give delays like this.


You simply fail to understand the complexity of the programming behind an MMO and that you simply can't test everything or foresee every possible issue that could ever happen.


I am glad they keep us in the loop now and I accept that things like this can happen. This perfection of patches that you expect is simply unrealistic.


BW have made some big mistakes and I am glad that they've chosen to change their approach towards the community. The last thing we need is to have the lid back on and nobody knowing what's happening or when. Dates are always tentative and things can always go wrong unexpectedly. If that's not good enough for you, I foresee a lot of angry times in your life.

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  • Dev Post

I wanted to give an update so I wasn't leaving you guys hanging! Right now we look entirely on track to publish Game Update 2.1.1 tomorrow morning with maintenance. Assuming no other speed bumps jump out, Amber will be posting maintenance messaging and patch notes later today.


Thanks everyone! Should anything change I will let you know but otherwise we are good to go for tomorrow.



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Hey eric thanks for update, but can you update the APAC players on their transfers to NA servers? Many people have taken breaks from the game till this announcement is made and some info would be nice :) considering that you expect us to be playing on NA servers by the time 2.2 is out.
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If those bugs were that serious even if you think you squashed them maybe you guys should put this up on the test server first, at least for a day or two?


Just a thought.


That would do literally no good. At all. PTS is the absolute worst way to test anything, and should never be used in place of sufficient QA.

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Again, don't announce a date when you're not sure you can meet it. This has been happening a lot lately with your game updates. Continue with what you're doing, you'll have more fans that will love you for delaying.


Can't tell if troll or QQ. :t_rolleyes:


Seriously, it's good that they set expectations and then gave an update that something came up (even some info about what the problem is) and stated that the patch would be pushed back. Now we have another update stating that the patch is coming tomorrow... just a day late. The communication is not only acceptable, it is refreshing.

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Now that the patch notes are up.... it says that a lots of quests will now have better quest rewards.... does this mean new custom gear and stuff... If that is the case, they really should make some of these repeatable, as I can't do The Jedi Prisoner again as I did that a long time ago.
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