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The Group Finder ignores the ignore list!


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- Short version: If you just reported someone for harassment and they are in your ignore list, the group finder should not put you in the same group as them!


- Long version: (I'm terribly sorry about how long this is, none the less, here it is for those who care...)


The game needs more tanks they said, so I leveled up a Guardian tank. I finally reached level 43 and the group finder thought it would be cool to send me to the [Flashpoint: Red Reaper] for my daily. It was my first time doing this instance as a tank.


In the group, I had a well geared level 49 DPS bonehead who was pulling before I do, breaking all the CC and doing AoE to hold all the aggro off six level 45 strong mobs! Since my AoE taunts works only once every 45 sec, it was inevitable that we wiped a few time. That's when the healer started blaming me while shouting and cursing in group chat. When a vote to kick me out of the group failed (the other DPS was kinda supportive,) the healer started calling me all kind of colorful names. Boy did that escalate quickly. Being a mature player, I did not respond to his abuse. I simply realized that this was turning into a mission impossible and Tom Cruise was definitely not in this group. So, I reported the healer for harassment, put him on my ignore list and quit the group. My hope was that they would find a higher level tank and keep going. Little did I know that the group fell apart when I left.


After a short time, I queued up again, and guess what? The group finder decided that it was wonderful idea to put me in the same group as that same healer, yes. The one that I just reported for harassment and is sitting pretty in my ignore list!


Fed up with my alleged "horrible tanking" the healer declined the group, and we were put on top of the queue again. Guess what happened next? That's right, we were put in group together AGAIN! the healer declined once more, and the same thing happened right after. The third time, I felt bad for those two DPS as they are most likely have been waiting in queue for a long time, so I declined and queued up again after a few minutes... only to be faced with the same problem! Finally, I logged off in frustration...


BioWare, I rest my case...

Edited by Calhoun
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Gotta say, this is quite the fail on Bioware's part.


Love how the healer blamed you. Most all problems happen because of the DPS being foolish. If they had booted the DPS and gotten another one (which would have taken all of .00005 seconds) the run would have been smooth as can be.


Also, unless it was a heroic...you can use a fully epic equiped healer companion with a small bit of micro management to heal in ANY 4 man group if your dps aren't total idiots and know how to use and abuse the many CC skills every dps class has access to.

Healer PCs are seriously that easily replaced, tanks on the other hand are never replacable thanks to the way they nerfed tank companions.

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