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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Scoundrel/Operative Roll


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I fail to see the sense in having this ability be based on resources and not just on a cool down like every other classes speed ability. The roll is just plain obscene in Huttball and they can get to any cap points faster than any other class. Because they can also pop their resource recovery ability as well for even more rolls. Again, please look at putting this ability on a CD.
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You can get 5 rolls as an operative with a full energy bar.


If you aren't snared you roll 12 meters/roll.


If you are snared you roll 6 meters/roll.


That really doesn't seem overpowered to me compared to some of the other movement skills other classes get...like Sorcs who can spec into being immune to CC effects while using their force speed.


Maybe you should try to learn how to more effectively and intelligently cc people to get around their abilities instead of crying about things on the forum.



Edited by Mackeyla
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I dont understand, where are these bads that dont know how to slow? In rateds I tend to have a minimum amount of 3 slows on my scoundrel at any given time >_>


Tell me about it, getting a 12m roll off in rateds can be very hard and darn near impossible if you are being focused.

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You can get 5 rolls as an operative with a full energy bar.


If you aren't snared you roll 12 meters/roll.


If you are snared you roll 6 meters/roll.


That really doesn't seem overpowered to me compared to some of the other movement skills other classes get...like Sorcs who can spec into being immune to CC effects while using their force speed.


Maybe you should try to learn how to more effectively and intelligently cc people to get around their abilities instead of crying about things on the forum.




Aren't the forums here for me to voice my opinion? Oh wait... yes they are. Oh, and pray tell, how do you snare one of these combatants at the start of a fight when they are in their spawn zones running to the objectives? Oh wait... you can't. So you tell me, what's wrong with having this ability on a CD like a sniper?

Edited by RattyRattail
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Oh but what's this; you can stealth and say wait for someone to toss the ball minimizing the ability of anyone to snare you. Automagickal score. Yeah, the roll is over the top when spammable. Most people are able to see this plainly. For the record when I SEE a scoundrel the first thing I do is slow them apply another slow through CL. To pretend you can always slow them however is just plain foolish.
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Oh but what's this; you can stealth and say wait for someone to toss the ball minimizing the ability of anyone to snare you. Automagickal score. Yeah, the roll is over the top when spammable. Most people are able to see this plainly. For the record when I SEE a scoundrel the first thing I do is slow them apply another slow through CL. To pretend you can always slow them however is just plain foolish.


1 person shouldn't be able to slow an operative 100% of the time.


Multiple people can tho.

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Aren't the forums here for me to voice my opinion? Oh wait... yes they are. Oh, and pray tell, how do you snare one of these combatants at the start of a fight when they are in their spawn zones running to the objectives? Oh wait... you can't. So you tell me, what's wrong with having this ability on a CD like a sniper?


Sniper gets 2 sec CC immunity when he uses it??



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I fail to see the sense in having this ability be based on resources and not just on a cool down like every other classes speed ability. The roll is just plain obscene in Huttball and they can get to any cap points faster than any other class. Because they can also pop their resource recovery ability as well for even more rolls. Again, please look at putting this ability on a CD.


longer CD and shorter range.

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So you tell me, what's wrong with having this ability on a CD like a sniper?


Honestly, give me the same bonuses that snipers get from their roll, and I will easily take the CD.


In other words:


No energy cost

Entrench (!)

Removes all controlling effects (slows etc etc)



Also, reduce warrior charge range to 12/18m. And duration of force speed needs to be reduced to cover a maximum of 12/18m. Also, force pulls / grapples max 12/18m range.


Make the changes mentioned above, and I'll be fine with swapping my roll for the snipers one.


Or you know.. leave everything as is, as the balance is perfectly fine. If operatives/scoundrels doesnt get the ball in huttball first, guess what? The shadow / assassin will. If the shadow / assassin doesnt, guess what? The team with carnage marauder's predation will.


L2Slow plox.

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Sniper gets 2 sec CC immunity when he uses it??




What immunity are you talking about. Are you referring to the immunity to movement affects, or the immunity they get when they spec into the MM tree and have entrench drop at the end of the roll. I don't have any issues with giving the operative/scoundrel the basic level of burst speed that snipers have. Just put it on CD that means even when snared can roll full distance.

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Another one of these threads.. I can't even be bothered giving a good response anymore.


The ability is garbage. Seriously, if you can't stop them then you and your team need to go watch some guides or something.

No wonder PvP is the way it is, people like you with nothing better to do then complain about every class but your own clogging up the forums with these stupid posts.

Edited by Jayshames
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What immunity are you talking about. Are you referring to the immunity to movement affects, or the immunity they get when they spec into the MM tree and have entrench drop at the end of the roll. I don't have any issues with giving the operative/scoundrel the basic level of burst speed that snipers have. Just put it on CD that means even when snared can roll full distance.


Do what you want, i really don't care what happens to it. I will adjust, like all good players do. I wont come here and cry about something being broken, that clearly isnt broken when countered by GOOD players.

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What immunity are you talking about. Are you referring to the immunity to movement affects, or the immunity they get when they spec into the MM tree and have entrench drop at the end of the roll. I don't have any issues with giving the operative/scoundrel the basic level of burst speed that snipers have. Just put it on CD that means even when snared can roll full distance.


When a sniper rolls, during the roll it's essentially a free 2 second evasion with total immunity to any incoming cc effects during the roll. Not to mention, any existing slows are broken - note, you cannot break/roll from a pure root.


Then, IF MM/SS, we get a 3 second entrench which obviously continues to make us CC immune. Every 20 seconds.


I really think this is a situation when people just take one look at an operative rolling around in a lol warzone with 8 opponents - 6 of which have no idea what a root is or have it on their tool bar - and scream OP.


When honestly, done right, the sniper roll and subsequent speed boost from MM (Seek cover) is one of the easiest scores to make - if you get the pass in time to actually take 3 steps from the top catwalk and execute your full roll. You go clear over the last fire pit, wait for entrench, pop out, 6 seconds 50% speed buff and run to the end zone for the score.


Truth of the matter is though, in my warzones if I see a good 'roller' active on the other team, I just tend to hang back in the defense zone somewhere to make sure they get the leg shot they so richly deserve :)

Edited by islander
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Another one of these threads.. I can't even be bothered giving a good response anymore.


The ability is garbage. Seriously, if you can't stop them then you and your team need to go watch some guides or something.

No wonder PvP is the way it is, people like you with nothing better to do then complain about every class but your own clogging up the forums with these stupid posts.


You sir, are my hero.

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Another one of these threads.. I can't even be bothered giving a good response anymore.


The ability is garbage. Seriously, if you can't stop them then you and your team need to go watch some guides or something.

No wonder PvP is the way it is, people like you with nothing better to do then complain about every class but your own clogging up the forums with these stupid posts.


How do you think we're getting stun escapes reset on death now :confused:

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Oh man. Is there any worse resolve management in pugs then when an opponent has the ball "at the 5 yard line" and everyone is just spamming their stuns like morons cause that'll REALLY stop them from getting to the end zone.
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Oh man. Is there any worse resolve management in pugs then when an opponent has the ball "at the 5 yard line" and everyone is just spamming their stuns like morons cause that'll REALLY stop them from getting to the end zone.


And here BW thought, the last change to resolve would sort that.


How wrong were they lolololololol.

Edited by Scotland
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Another one of these threads.. I can't even be bothered giving a good response anymore.


The ability is garbage. Seriously, if you can't stop them then you and your team need to go watch some guides or something.

No wonder PvP is the way it is, people like you with nothing better to do then complain about every class but your own clogging up the forums with these stupid posts.


45s harpoon cd. 0s scamper cd. if I don't freeze them in a fire, they're gone.


but tbh, that's not really the issue I have with the ability. tab targeting "breaks" when they scamper. if they can continually scamper, they become untargetable. and blinking across the screen makes them equally impossible to mouse target. I think that's something BW should be able to fix outside of the actual ability (as in a targetting glitch)


the other issue I have with it is that scoundrels are now required to grab the natural node in CW. we just changed needing a combat sent for a scoundrel. it's the epitome of spinning one's wheels.

Edited by foxmob
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I fail to see the sense in having this ability be based on resources and not just on a cool down like every other classes speed ability.

Then allow me to enlighten you.


The roll is just plain obscene in Huttball and they can get to any cap points faster than any other class

Someone has to be the fastest.


Because they can also pop their resource recovery ability as well for even more rolls

The scoundrel's abilities are balanced around this move. Use it now for non combat purposes, and DPS/HPS drops.


Again, please look at putting this ability on a CD.

You'd have to remove it's high energy cost and the snare penalty.


Actually, making >10 energy and maybe a 6 sec CD without snare penalty I think would make it more useful to me as an actual gap closer in mid combat. Right now it's just too energy intensive imo.

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when building a template, people can chose talents providing +0.75% dps per point, or talents providing 0.75% health per point, or a multitude of utility talents like, snare procs, gap closers, pull, knockdowns, root procs, Aoe snares, reduction of cooldowns on CCs or aforementioned roots and snares.


bad players always go for the damage talents.


good players always go for the utilities.


movement is key, keeping your ability to move while denying the others is what wins games.


But bad players think 0.75% of dps is what is going to help them beat the dps chart records and provide eternal recognition among their peers.


then they come here complain about enemy's sprints and mobility,


NEWSFLASH, someone has to snare, it could be YOU, it SHOULD be YOU.

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