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@ the current state of the game.

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so far I only see bad players/casuals say something like that. Like any competititve pvper I asked/know will move to that game. Not meant to be an insult, just facts,


When Roudy says something he is god.... he is always right


If you do not agree you are a bad player or not a competitive PvPer.


Maybe people defending this game just like the SW lore, which is what kept me here when my server was half dead in the first place.


Anyways you are annoying man... You like Wildstar just leave this game no need to make a thread about it. If this game will die I look for another one be it WS or CU or just go fishing,

For me you can leave now, actually if you do it its better as you are just bad for the community the way you talk. Much worse then Evo can ever be....

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When Roudy says something he is god.... he is always right


If you do not agree you are a bad player or not a competitive PvPer.


Maybe people defending this game just like the SW lore, which is what kept me here when my server was half dead in the first place.


Anyways you are annoying man... You like Wildstar just leave this game no need to make a thread about it. If this game will die I look for another one be it WS or CU or just go fishing,

For me you can leave now, actually if you do it its better as you are just bad for the community the way you talk. Much worse then Evo can ever be....


Who the f*ck are you? Im gonna leave the game if 2.4 wont bring anything. Thats for sure.


p.s. I was defending this game for *********** ages, arguing with ppl that left swtor to go back to wow. And then a guy who didnt play swtor for 1.5 year asks me - "hey whats new in pvp there?". What can I tell him - "Nothing. Still Pre-Season". I wanted this game to be a "wow-killer", a great mmo with good pvp content. But now...now I just dont give a fck anymore.

Edited by Roudysgoodguy
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Gerikke didn't do ****. But I really can't be bothered to try and talk sanity into a clouded mind.


why do you lie? :D go look back for sainte's excuses in an other topic lol


it was 1.7 thou

Edited by elitegerike
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I honestly think if you like this game you just leave and watch by the sidelines....


No need to make a thread and try to convince people to go 2 Pixar WS....


But I am with u on something, if 2.4 is not good I will take a break as well from here.

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Randomly calling out exploits and bashing people, then asking Gerikke to autoclick for you in ranked so you could win. GG Roudy GG


Also please tell Pifpaf to teach me how to drop player agro with countermeasures plsty


countermeasures also works as a root cleanser in lethality tree

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so far I only see bad players/casuals say something like that. Like any competititve pvper I asked/know will move to that game. Not meant to be an insult, just facts,


I am not stating either way about WS itself but you are wrong here. just because you are moving doesn't mean everyone else will. Granted i know some will try it.

Edited by stephenalandavie
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countermeasures also works as a root cleanser in lethality tree


no healer in their right mind would go so far up the lethality tree for counterstrike :')


when pifpaf uses countermeasures while i atk him, ill switch targets, just cuz i find it adorable and i like to roleplay

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no healer in their right mind would go so far up the lethality tree for counterstrike :')


when pifpaf uses countermeasures while i atk him, ill switch targets, just cuz i find it adorable and i like to roleplay


hahahaha <3

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no healer in their right mind would go so far up the lethality tree for counterstrike :')


when pifpaf uses countermeasures while i atk him, ill switch targets, just cuz i find it adorable and i like to roleplay


When a Tank taunts me I ALWAYS attack them. I dont know why but there is some power in those taunts

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Randomly calling out exploits and bashing people, then asking Gerikke to autoclick for you in ranked so you could win. GG Roudy GG


Also please tell Pifpaf to teach me how to drop player agro with countermeasures plsty


lol... I too watched that stream :D hahahahhaha

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no healer in their right mind would go so far up the lethality tree for counterstrike :')


when pifpaf uses countermeasures while i atk him, ill switch targets, just cuz i find it adorable and i like to roleplay


Have to admit this is fking epic

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Ill never forget spending my days as a TKM grinding squill outside of anchorhead to one day find two Imperials with AT-ST's dominating all republic who tried to kill them only to see 4 jedi (for the first time) uncloak themselves and destroy every imperial who decided to bring the fight over to anchorhead, my absolute favourite scene from an MMO I'd witnessed because I'd appreciated those guys had spent months grinding upto 25 professions to get their jedi class.


They also sprinted faster than speeders which was also funny, shame the game never for the support from SOE it deserved, it could of been so much more than it was.


That sounds like what I was hoping to find here . But I Know they can still turn this around They have had over a year to research what is asked for most in this game through all the forums twitters ,facebook, and podcast to completely put this game near or to the top of the mmo plateau.

I really feel they need to keep the hype engine going we should be watching video on what to expect from the big projects that are being worked on every week not what we are getting right now .I know they can drum up 2 min of the super secret space project at this point if it is really being developed and that goes for hood toggle ship vanity upgrades guild ships etc. Even if its a year out ,seeing proof will go so far.

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Was playing during night aswell, waiting for the whisper from my orange friend. Didnt get it, just like last time.


I've seen you on for like 10 seconds.. Then you logged off around 10pm cest. Basically just when i got back from work.

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I live in Russia, 12 pm here is like 9 in EU.


That's fine. Just keep in mind that the evening for 90% of the people here is from 21:00cest to 0:00cest.


I think ill be done an hour sooner today. But no promises.

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I am done.


Was thinking of having a raffle for my stuff at first but screw that. The main reason to why I'm leaving is that there's no way of avoiding all the idiots ( and I mean the clinically retarded people you come across in every warzone) so I'm not going to risk that my crap ends up with one of those.



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