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Confused about 2.2 content

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I realize they are increasing the guild xp bonus, but am I to understand that the upcoming "major" update is essentially only the implementation of tfb/s&v nightmare mode ops? This is not a qq thread, I just want to be clear. It seems like simply unlocking a difficulty mode should be a 2.1.X update, not 2.2. I looked back over past major increments and there seemed to (somewhat) consistently be a lot more content rolled out with major updates.


I rarely get to do ops. As a dps -- heck even with my healer toon -- I have never managed to get into S&V via group finder and so have never even done it, and I've done TFB sm once. My perception is that a rather small subset of players will actually even be able to do NiM TFB or S&V, therefore 2.2 is only meaningful to a small subset of players. I would think that a major update would have "significant" content that a substantial portion of the game's population can engage in right away. In general the patch notes I'm seeing seem to show an extreme lack of content considering the 2-month wait time. So what am I missing? Is it just that they are limiting the info to the NiM ops because that's where they want testing to concentrate on the PTS? I see a couple of class ability changes, and like I said the guild XP buff, but I would be extremely shocked and rather disappointed if 2.2 rolls out with nothing more than what the current patch notes show.


TL;DR: Am I missing something, or will 2.2 content-wise have only the new NiM ops modes?

Edited by DimmuJanKaarl
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I realize they are increasing the guild xp bonus, but am I to understand that the upcoming "major" update is essentially only the implementation of tfb/s&v nightmare mode ops?

I don't think anyone would consider 2.2 to be a "major" update.....2.0 was a major update. No one should have expected 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3 to then also be "major" updates.

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I thought they had said they were going to be doing a lot of quality of life improvements for awhile and I didn't see any QoL in the bullet points. I'm hoping they just haven't listed everything yet...


That is my hope as well. I also went back and looked at the length of patch notes from previous major updates and so far 2.2 is by far the shortest. I hope that is an indicator that they simply are holding back a lot of detail not related to the NiM ops.


I'm trying to stay positive but i am really, really worried....

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I don't think anyone would consider 2.2 to be a "major" update.....2.0 was a major update. No one should have expected 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3 to then also be "major" updates.


i think you're mistaken.

i think alot of people would consider the format of X.X to be a major update. if the content or timing of 2.2 shouldn't be considered a major update, it should be referred to as 2.1.3 or whatever sub-number they're on.


2.0 was an expansion. that should be bigger than a major update. there has only been one update of that significance in the lifespan of this game (about a year and a half?) so, a new planet with a new op and a bunch of story that would take over a week to complete would get the number X.0. That's a 'zero' not an 'O.' A new flashpoint plus a warzone map and some QoL improvements would take the format X.X. fixing the bugs from that patch and introducing minor content like cartel market expansions or a couple QoL type things and rebalancing classes as required would be X.X.X.


re-releasing existing content yet again would be more like an "X.X.X" update instead of an "X.X" update. but they said they would be releasing "X.X" updates every 8+ weeks or so, so they might have to be a bit flexible on content to keep on schedule i assume.

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