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Current State of PvP.....Meaningless....Boring


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Srry but this i do not believe. maybe u had a better chanse in 63 gear but as i went in theire in bh /rakata gear i was gettiing destroyed.

The expertice did all the rest. even if you where skilled it would not madder.


You don't have to believe it then. :p 1on1 I took people down quick just because PvE naturally will give you a lot of dps in general, that's the way it's built. Expertise negates it a small fraction, but your output is still really high. I was spinning striking people for 6-8k :p And Shadow strikes were up there as well. PvP gear honestly really means nothing. The only people that think that are the ones that need the advantage.

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You don't have to believe it then. :p 1on1 I took people down quick just because PvE naturally will give you a lot of dps in general, that's the way it's built. Expertise negates it a small fraction, but your output is still really high. I was spinning striking people for 6-8k :p And Shadow strikes were up there as well. PvP gear honestly really means nothing. The only people that think that are the ones that need the advantage.


why is it then that i now rarely get destroyed? nothing changed just the difference between gear.

i use my pve spec and have 69/72 pve gear.

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why is it then that i now rarely get destroyed? nothing changed just the difference between gear.

i use my pve spec and have 69/72 pve gear.


Cause you were bad without bolster? Every think that you lacked skill? Cause I didn't get destroyed in my PvE gear before 2.0. I don't know what to tell you :p

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Cause you were bad without bolster? Every think that you lacked skill? Cause I didn't get destroyed in my PvE gear before 2.0. I don't know what to tell you :p

I was not bad nor was i good...

but i tell u now i live 4 sec longer if i get jumped by a sentinel :p

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Too fast or too slow? Either way, it is still likely faster than through purely raids.


IMO, incentivizing pvp only via a gear progression will likely leave certain groups largely unhappy. They are demonstrating that they can implement xp and reputation bonuses based on whether you are in a guild, and even how "active" that guild is. That is just one example of how EA/BW could incentivize pvp separate from gear progression.


PvP gearing is much slower imo. Flashpoints can be run all day for decent loot drops - Ops once a week (which I despise the limit on). In PvP, you're not limited by the number of wz's, but you're required to trade in meaningless/useless gear to advance. In PvE, if I get an Underworld drop, it's all I need. The Arkanian gear isn't terribly hard to acquire and I was outfitted in 69's within a week of 2.0 (minus armorings with a set-bonus). I'm still working my way through the PvP gear, slowly and I'd say I spend most of my time PvPing.


In terms of PvE, gear does limit your group. Not so in PvP. A good PvPer can go into PvP and top the charts with no PvP gear, but you can't go into a NiM OP and expect a full clear in anything other then the tier lower then what drops.


I agree. I hate the limit, in PvP or PvE. I'd prefer to allow players as much ability to cross play as possible, meaning gear shouldn't be a limiting factor.


What about pre-2.0, when PVP players had gear that was good enough to clear most (if not all) PVE content?

Why was that OK and now that the tables have turned, it's wrong?


I've NEVER said it was wrong - EVER! I'm 100% the opposite opinion. I feel no player should ever be discouraged from doing something, simply because they don't have the right gear. The only thing the gear divide creates is an artificial wall between activities that limits participation in both.

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This I agree with 100%.

I've said it before that I'm bored of the same WZs and I don't even PVP nearly as much as a hardcore PVPer does.

PVP content in the game is not enough, even for a game that's not very PVP-oriented.


Thats part of the issue honestly. I don't want it to go back to where pve gear is useless in pvp since I prefer skill > gear, but with so little content for the pvp subs like myself at the moment and nothing coming in sight until too late down the road, pvp gear is basically the only content we got with the expansion, and now it loses a whole lot of it's luster. The main issue is, and has been, the lack of pvp content and the slow time it's released.

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Thats part of the issue honestly. I don't want it to go back to where pve gear is useless in pvp since I prefer skill > gear, but with so little content for the pvp subs like myself at the moment and nothing coming in sight until too late down the road, pvp gear is basically the only content we got with the expansion, and now it loses a whole lot of it's luster. The main issue is, and has been, the lack of pvp content and the slow time it's released.


BW just has too much trouble trying to keep the PvE side saturated enough for people to stick with that. (Majority of the players are PvE players). Since it's their majority, they have to cater to them in fear of losing alot of their player base. The next PvP only update will bring a wave of anger from the PvErs in this forum and it will be quite funny. The front page head line will be, "This game still has no end game content, yet you dedicate a patch solely to PvP!!!"


Ionno, they don't focus as much on PvP because that's not where the majority is.

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Post-Bolster changes sure you can PvP naked. Pre-2.0 expertise made a tremendous difference so if you were doing so well without it I really doubt your opponents were wearing it. If you are going to discuss expertise you may want to know what it actually did. Bottom line is that there is zero incentive to PvP for gear at this point. I would love to see the reaction of the community if a bolster type system was implemented for PvE content. :rak_04:



You don't have to believe it then. :p 1on1 I took people down quick just because PvE naturally will give you a lot of dps in general, that's the way it's built. Expertise negates it a small fraction, but your output is still really high. I was spinning striking people for 6-8k :p And Shadow strikes were up there as well. PvP gear honestly really means nothing. The only people that think that are the ones that need the advantage.
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