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PUG etiquette for bio and scavenging

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I know there are really no rules when it comes to bioing and scavenging but do you really have to bio or scavenge EVERY SINGLE droid or monster in a flashpoint or op? When the team has to constantly wait for you it gets very annoying and adds much unnecessary time to the run.
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I would say it's the law of the jungle.


Myself I scavenge away but I keep an eye out. If anyone else also wants it I'll just leave every other.


Keep in mind though that a lot of players wont even notice that you also want it. And some simply don't care.


My advice is to be the bigger man (or woman). If you do an FP with a total jerk just beat him to the punch or grab one when there are multiple. You can also try to talk to them but I wouldn't advice it :D


I think it's rather about the group having to wait for so long other than several people wanting to scavenge the same droid.


And I have to agree, I only scavenge casually or if I am running with guild members. I find it annoying to have to wait all the time for other players because they are scavenging all the time.

Edited by Sorei
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in a flashpoint, depending on a role I'm playing, I either try to split the mobs or let the other person have it, or scavenge everything I can manage without lagging too far behind. why? mats are expensive and can occasionally be a pain to get and sometimes i craft not only for me and my alts (but even crafting for just me and alts and companions get get mindboggling).


I haven't been pugging operations lately, but in our guild runs, its pretty much assumed that someone will scavenge/bio everything that's possible and then share some of the mats with the guild - since those mats will go for crafting upgrades for the guildies. when I did used to pug, I'll see if someone else is scavenging/bio and if no one is, I'll act the same as in flashpoints. that means that sometimes I don't get to scavenge everything, but every little bit still helps.


due to above, I don't mind waiting a little for people to finish scavenging. because I understand where they are coming from.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Just don't wait. The person will most likely get the hint and speed up a little.


Personally, I might scavenge/bioanalyze 1 droid or creature and then move on so I can still catch my group pretty easily, and I think that's okay. But if one person wants to scavenge 4 droids after a battle, I'm not going to wait.


Though, the thing is different if the majority of the group scavenges - I think it's reasonable that 1 person waits when 3 people scavenge or something.

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I know there are really no rules when it comes to bioing and scavenging but do you really have to bio or scavenge EVERY SINGLE droid or monster in a flashpoint or op? When the team has to constantly wait for you it gets very annoying and adds much unnecessary time to the run.


Did your group tell the player? If you voiced your concerns and the payer ignored them, I think a vote kick would be in order. If you're complaining about them doing this but nobody spoke up about it, then it's on the group as a whole because the player who was probably leveling their crafting figured it was okay since no one said anything.


Just my thoughts as someone on the outside looking in.

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Did your group tell the player? If you voiced your concerns and the payer ignored them, I think a vote kick would be in order. If you're complaining about them doing this but nobody spoke up about it, then it's on the group as a whole because the player who was probably leveling their crafting figured it was okay since no one said anything.


Just my thoughts as someone on the outside looking in.


/Agree with this assessment.


Is it difficult to spend 2 mintues at the start of a run and mutually agree on ground rules on loot, scavaging, etc?... in a PUG where nobody knows anyone?? Seriously???

Edited by Andryah
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It's not like it takes THAT long to loot the corpses. However, I typically only do it on Esseles and Hammer Station for a new toon when I'm still in the early stages of leveling up the skills and people tend to go a little slower and need to heal up more in between fights. I might do it here or there elsewhere if someone is healing, goes afk for a sec or whatever. But if you have some concern about it, then you should say something.....politely. Some people go into group finder, join a PUG and just start shouting their demands for how things are going to go right from that start.....that type of approach usually doesn't go over too well. Also, not everyone plays this game like they must race through everything as fast as humanly possible because it's their last day on Earth.


I think the bigger etiquette question is what if more than two people are doing it, who gets them? I usually try to alternate turns so we both get roughly an equal amount of opportunities.

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its called Pooper scooping, and the worst of it is in TFB inside that cave, many times we had to wait like 3 minutes for pooper scoopers inside the cave to get everything


If you can pooper scoop and have rocketboots and catch up to group I'm okay with it but not when you are mile behind still scavenging yes I will have issues

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Instead of just seeing at is your FP being slowed down you can also chose to see that it's treasure collected from a zone not solo-able.


It's a bit of a wow mindset going on here when someone is barely allowed to eat/regenerate before pulls.


If you are so anti you can always be vocal about it before you start, by demanding a cut or persuade them to not collect. >>> Them social skills <<<

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I know there are really no rules when it comes to bioing and scavenging but do you really have to bio or scavenge EVERY SINGLE droid or monster in a flashpoint or op? When the team has to constantly wait for you it gets very annoying and adds much unnecessary time to the run.


This is an understandable frustration. But I would say, IMO, it is one of the few places where you can get a gob of mats all in one place.

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/Agree with this assessment.


Is it difficult to spend 2 mintues at the start of a run and mutually agree on ground rules on loot, scavaging, etc?... in a PUG where nobody knows anyone?? Seriously???


Well yes, that's 2 minutes out of 30 total, so about 7% of total time doing absolutely nothing. It's incredibly annoying to have some tool group leader assume we're all morons who've never run a fp before. I saw some dick the other day explaining what aoe heals were to a level 55 hardmode group that had done nothing to provoke such a lecture.

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I know there are really no rules when it comes to bioing and scavenging but do you really have to bio or scavenge EVERY SINGLE droid or monster in a flashpoint or op? When the team has to constantly wait for you it gets very annoying and adds much unnecessary time to the run.

I disagree.

It is my fp to and those fps are goodplaces to get the maths what you need.if i am in another fp where none of my maths drop i do not complain if people are harvesting them.

It is not my place to say others that they can not do that.

So i will not listen when they forbid me that same right.

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It's rude not to ask if other people have the same skills and take turns. You scavenge everything in sight, but everyone will think you're a dick. It might also get you put on ignore lists, just as needing on stuff that you obviously don't need will, if that's not enough of a reason not to do it. There are prob people in the game who have no idea why they have such a hard time finding a group through group finder. To those people--it may well be that people think you're a selfish player and don't want to group with you.


Oh, and personally, I go out of my way to avoid doing anything with people who want to do speed runs each and every time, whether it be by not looting anything, not letting people who wish to listen to dialogue or skipping absolutely everything possible. It's boring, selfish and sucks all the fun out of doing these things at all, making them work, not play. Sure, if it's 3 am and they mention it when they want to group, or if the server is going down, but otherwise I'm going to thik it's pretty lame.

Edited by errant_knight
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The solution would be for the devs to reduce the time it takes to scavenge mats in FPs and Ops to maybe half a second to 1 second.

And I harvest off mobs because I rarely get the loot anyhow. And I have the rocket boost to catch up to the rest of the group.

When 1 mat is 2500 credits on the GTN I will spend the time to stop and harvest at least 1 mat off a group/pile.

Devs just need to reduce the time it takes to harvest - that would help.

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The solution would be for the devs to reduce the time it takes to scavenge mats in FPs and Ops to maybe half a second to 1 second.

And I harvest off mobs because I rarely get the loot anyhow. And I have the rocket boost to catch up to the rest of the group.

When 1 mat is 2500 credits on the GTN I will spend the time to stop and harvest at least 1 mat off a group/pile.

Devs just need to reduce the time it takes to harvest - that would help.


Yes this I will be fine with half second to 1 second would be fine.. but planting yourself with garden gloves and a tent picking up mats while we wait long enough for the idiot tank to put on makeup or have a smoke break turns flashpoints into a hour and raids longer..

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I know there are really no rules when it comes to bioing and scavenging but do you really have to bio or scavenge EVERY SINGLE droid or monster in a flashpoint or op? When the team has to constantly wait for you it gets very annoying and adds much unnecessary time to the run.

Communication. Establish up front if people are gonna wait while others harvest. Personally, I would not group with folks that impatient, but I would get it out of the way before starting and if they said "No, we're not gonna wait" I'd say "OK, take it easy, then."

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speaking of TFB, my guild pretty much gives carte blanche to scavengers to stay behind and pick up the bodies (like I said though, we tend to share mats) we also have a rule not to loot until pull is done, so that bodies don't start to despawn before they can be scavenged/bioed (though sometimes, depending on how well the fight is going, I or others might start scavenging while the pull is still getting cleared up)


I like it. and it honestly doesn't take THAT much longer to get through the op/flashpoint

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