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Best 2.0 PvP Assassin Builds?


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What do you guys got. 2.0's been out a bit now and I'm curious to know what the most successful Assassins are doing.


So far, been playing full Deception, and I find it the best for overall damage. Darkness isn't bad either, though. Seen a few hybrids too. I'd say try them all out. Try something like http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200rcrkzdfdMZsZfroor.3 maybe?

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Full deception is in a really good place now and should be the go-to dps spec...But there are definitely a few things to try!


I've fallen in love playing this spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#2000cZfRcRzGbRbZcMcRr0z.3


For me it's a perfect mix between dot and burst playstyles which I really enjoy. Bring lots of utility to the table and I've gotten my highest dps games from it.


Discharge: Should be put on the target you're attacking

Death Field: Use on cooldown and for interupting caps

Crushing Darkness: Used when proc

Maul: Used when proc

Low Slash: Used for stun/interupt

Shock WITH recklessness for some added burst

Thrash to your hearts desire

Edited by Rynis
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Found a fun spec. It's all about Shock damage. You use Dark Charge and a focus. Recklessness on Energize Procs only. Exit combat for more recklessness. Maul on proc, thrash to proc energize, and I use Discharge for extra AoE damage + debuff. Low slash for positioning. Key talents: Crackling Blasts, Energize, Electric Ambush, Induction, Duplicity.


The only build is about the same, but different in the sense that you go up more in Darkness for the Force Regen over Madness.



Personally suggest the top build, but you can play around with it. Has more survivability than full DPS, and can use Blackout for defense. First build also has the reduced AoE damage.


Have fun! Remember to use focus for shock damage, and guard healers.

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Found a fun spec. It's all about Shock damage. You use Dark Charge and a focus. Recklessness on Energize Procs only. Exit combat for more recklessness. Maul on proc, thrash to proc energize, and I use Discharge for extra AoE damage + debuff. Low slash for positioning. Key talents: Crackling Blasts, Energize, Electric Ambush, Induction, Duplicity.


The only build is about the same, but different in the sense that you go up more in Darkness for the Force Regen over Madness.



Personally suggest the top build, but you can play around with it. Has more survivability than full DPS, and can use Blackout for defense. First build also has the reduced AoE damage.


Have fun! Remember to use focus for shock damage, and guard healers.


Have your tried running it with a shield and adjusting the Darkness talents to get the force regen and dark bulwark? I am just curious if you substantially noticed a dip in dmg or an increase in surviability?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Full deception is in a really good place now and should be the go-to dps spec...But there are definitely a few things to try!


I've fallen in love playing this spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#2000cZfRcRzGbRbZcMcRr0z.3


For me it's a perfect mix between dot and burst playstyles which I really enjoy. Bring lots of utility to the table and I've gotten my highest dps games from it.


Discharge: Should be put on the target you're attacking

Death Field: Use on cooldown and for interupting caps

Crushing Darkness: Used when proc

Maul: Used when proc

Low Slash: Used for stun/interupt

Shock WITH recklessness for some added burst

Thrash to your hearts desire


You do realize this spec does not work? unless you are using lightning charge instead fo surging?

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Full deception is in a really good place now and should be the go-to dps spec...But there are definitely a few things to try!


I've fallen in love playing this spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#2000cZfRcRzGbRbZcMcRr0z.3


For me it's a perfect mix between dot and burst playstyles which I really enjoy. Bring lots of utility to the table and I've gotten my highest dps games from it.


Discharge: Should be put on the target you're attacking

Death Field: Use on cooldown and for interupting caps

Crushing Darkness: Used when proc

Maul: Used when proc

Low Slash: Used for stun/interupt

Shock WITH recklessness for some added burst

Thrash to your hearts desire



lolz, Is this real tea?


Quoting this post so a copy of it remains in infamy. Is this from the same hero that got 1 million protection with only 100k damage in a extended wz?

Edited by KettleBelll
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lolz, Is this real tea?


Quoting this post so a copy of it remains in infamy. Is this from the same hero that got 1 million protection with only 100k damage in a extended wz?


Hahah because tank damage means a lot. Bursting down with those 2k shocks!


Hate on the spec all you want...Have you even tried it? It's fun as hell and puts out the damage. I wouldn't play it in rateds but its something different in regs because full infil is an easy mode spec.


Anyways see you on pot5!


Some screens for your viewing pleasure.







Edited by Rynis
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Hahah because tank damage means a lot. Bursting down with those 2k shocks!


Hate on the spec all you want...Have you even tried it? It's fun as hell and puts out the damage. I wouldn't play it in rateds but its something different in regs because full infil is an easy mode spec.


Anyways see you on pot5!


Some screens for your viewing pleasure.








What charge are you using for this spec? Either way, you have more wasted points than necessary.

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What charge are you using for this spec? Either way, you have more wasted points than necessary.


Lightning charge


The only real wasted points are in Saber Conduit and Surging Charge but they both lead to a nice little gift (Recklessness cooldown/30%maul crit damage)


And like I said before...it's just a fun spec to play with, not a dps spec to replace them all lol

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Lightning charge


The only real wasted points are in Saber Conduit and Surging Charge but they both lead to a nice little gift (Recklessness cooldown/30%maul crit damage)


And like I said before...it's just a fun spec to play with, not a dps spec to replace them all lol


2/31/13 is far more viable. You should try that.

Edited by Pearlie
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2/31/13 is far more viable. You should try that.


I have and its also fun. I'm not trying to say that spec is most viable or not I was just pointing out a different one.


Something different and everyone freaks out ^_^

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I have and its also fun. I'm not trying to say that spec is most viable or not I was just pointing out a different one.


Something different and everyone freaks out ^_^


Thanks for posting your spec, it definitely an interesting spec that I will be trying out.

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  • 2 months later...
Lightning charge


The only real wasted points are in Saber Conduit and Surging Charge but they both lead to a nice little gift (Recklessness cooldown/30%maul crit damage)


And like I said before...it's just a fun spec to play with, not a dps spec to replace them all lol


Isn't that 7 points wasted ? I read a lot of "While surging charge is active"


I currently have a madness tanking hybrid that I am enjoying.


Was wondering about a deception build. Is the points into those slow skills useful?

If not is this about right for DPS? http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200bcZdrrRkGbRrbdzZcM.3

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys, my game is updating like forever now :mad:, so I decided to dig trough the forums a bit to get some inspiration for my assassin on how to skill and so on. I'm a complete newbie, one char, lvl 26.

It may be a bit early for me to wonder about this stuff but I just played around with the skill calculator a bit, trying to find a promising and effective (Pvp) build which makes good use of the deception tree.

This is what i came to: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200bcZfrbRkGbRrbdzZcM.3


Then I read this:


Isn't that 7 points wasted ? I read a lot of "While surging charge is active"


I currently have a madness tanking hybrid that I am enjoying.


Was wondering about a deception build. Is the points into those slow skills useful?

If not is this about right for DPS? http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200bcZdrrRkGbRrbdzZcM.3


"...damn, this is nearly exactly my total-noob-no-idea-of-actual-highlvl-pvp build! wOOt"

possibility 1: I'm just good :cool:

possibility 2: well... :o


I didn't put any points into Assassin's Mark, because I thought Impose Weakness would do the job, just don't use Maul as an opener and use it after Spike or Low Slash. I thought these two pionts would have more effect in Chain Shock.

Oh and same question as AluminiumFalcon, is it legit not to put pionts into those slow skills in this build?


soo... what do you think about these two builds?

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  • 3 weeks later...
If you want to kill tech classes especially snipers in cover force damage really hurts. Lightning and those little light side pebbles eat through the defenses so remember that as you play with these builds. Speaketh he with a lvl 55 mm/lethality sniper and learning on a lvl 40 Sin hybrid (mostly tank)
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