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Pug Group Players Read This!

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If I am going through an ops or flashpoint, when we get to a boss or anything other than a random fight, I ask if everybody has done this before. If not, I give a brief summary of what to expect ex: Esseles final boss, stay out of the circles. Then you can rightfully tell them off if they don't listen...


"doing it before" does not mean they know what they are doing. It's almost to the point where you can't count on a pug to know even basic concepts anymore.

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Pug Group Players Read This!


Play as you wish, have fun, don't take things too seriously. Contrary to what some folks would seem to want you to believe this is not a job. Play this way and get votekicked. Also, If I vote kick you make sure to place me on ignore forever. Very important. I should not be running in PUGs. I probably shouldnt even be playing the game. I'm one of those players that makes everyone miserable that plays with me.


It's ok to make mistakes. Want to have fun? Listen to any friendly advice that you ASK FOR from people that are genuinely helpful, and pick and choose what makes sense to you. If you continuously screw up after having the encounter explained, prepared to get vote kicked. Actually, you put me on ignore, so you won't get votekicked this time because I wasn't able to find a group of people I could berate.


Tune out those that demand you play the way they want you to play.


Tune people out if you like to get vote kicked. But don't forget about placing players like me on your ignore list. This is vital the the health of the game. I take games far too seriously and probably should not be playing them at all.


The reason for this? Players that make these kind of demands are being predatory...they already have a method to insure they can play with like minded individuals...the Premade and Guilds.

Encounters are scripted to be beaten in a few different ways, if you're not beating the encounter, you're doing it wrong. See? It's like I told you...I take this way too seriously. Really, I think I should probably step away from the game for a while. Thank you for placing me and players like me on ignore.


These types of players should not join PUGs. If they do join PUGs, they should understand the risks involved.


A PUG is NOT going to act or operate like a Premade.


Just my slant.


Re-fixed. Thanks for playing.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Why oh why are you all so ANGRY at him? He's right, although like someone earlier said, the people who need to listen to this won't.


When you choose to play an MMO, you choose to play a game where your fun and the fun of someone else have to be balanced. Sure, you can play how you want, but if you're being detrimental to the group because you refuse to do basic things that help everybody stay alive, then you're not "playing how you want", you're just being a jerk to spite the others.


Interrupting saves everyone from annoying or possibly deadly casts. Not standing in the bad means you live longer and get to pew pew more. Why WOULDN'T you do this? Yes, the OP is being direct and forceful. So sue him, he's frustrated that people don't have common sense.


I say it once again: Playing an MMO, you are playing a game where your fun and the fun of the other people around you has to be balanced. This is a team game, not a one-man show. If you choose to participate in the multiplayer aspect of this game, you choose to take on your share of the responsibility in the group, even if pugging. That means interrupting, moving out of the bad, using your defensive cooldowns to not die, and using any other utilities your class may have.


This may be a game, but it's a game where you aren't the only person that matters. You can choose to be part of the team, or you can "play it your way" and ruin the fun for not only yourself, but everybody else as well.

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Why oh why are you all so ANGRY at him? He's right, although like someone earlier said, the people who need to listen to this won't.


When you choose to play an MMO, you choose to play a game where your fun and the fun of someone else have to be balanced. Sure, you can play how you want, but if you're being detrimental to the group because you refuse to do basic things that help everybody stay alive, then you're not "playing how you want", you're just being a jerk to spite the others.


Interrupting saves everyone from annoying or possibly deadly casts. Not standing in the bad means you live longer and get to pew pew more. Why WOULDN'T you do this? Yes, the OP is being direct and forceful. So sue him, he's frustrated that people don't have common sense.


I say it once again: Playing an MMO, you are playing a game where your fun and the fun of the other people around you has to be balanced. This is a team game, not a one-man show. If you choose to participate in the multiplayer aspect of this game, you choose to take on your share of the responsibility in the group, even if pugging. That means interrupting, moving out of the bad, using your defensive cooldowns to not die, and using any other utilities your class may have.


This may be a game, but it's a game where you aren't the only person that matters. You can choose to be part of the team, or you can "play it your way" and ruin the fun for not only yourself, but everybody else as well.

This post illustrates full well that LordArtemis had it spot on: some people take the game way too seriously. Do you take at least equally seriously things in life which actually matter?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Tune out those that demand you play the way they want you to play.



My guild "pugged" a healer. Who was actually a friend of someone in our guild. This guy ended up "tuning us out".


All we asked was that he did not stand in front of the boss because of cleave. We put a star over the head of another guy, and said to follow him. Made it easy, but he continued to stand in front of the boss and took so much damage that he couldn't heal himself enough to stay alive, let alone anyone else.


I'm not sure why someone wouldn't want to listen to advice that you know...kept you alive. Ego? Stubbornness? :confused:

Edited by Radzkie
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If I am going through an ops or flashpoint, when we get to a boss or anything other than a random fight, I ask if everybody has done this before. If not, I give a brief summary of what to expect ex: Esseles final boss, stay out of the circles. Then you can rightfully tell them off if they don't listen...


I think this is the key. Some people dont watch OPP and FP runs, everyone has a first time fo doing something. I know a lot of times people have just assumed the group knows what to do and then someone dies by one of the purple circles of death and everyone shouts. Help people learn dont just assume.

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My rant for today.


Part 1. For all you pug group players out there. This also includes every class.


Learn your interrupt skill and start using it.

Part 2.


Don't stand on fire, poison, static fields, BIG GIANT RETICLES on the ground. Move out of it, save a healer and save a kitten.


Anyone with half a working mind, learn these basic skills. You will make your life and the group life so much easier.


/rant over


A shout out to the pug shadow tank today from the Lost Island run. A big thank you for running through the giant static bubbles today. It made healing you so much fun. Thank goodness it was only a story mode run.


I can interrupt? Why should I interrupt when I can just as well continue killing my opponent, let the rest of the group deal with the others.

As for running through reticles etc, that is why we bring a healer in the first place. You heal and we'll do damage. And as a tank, why on earth should I pull aggro to myself, the healer is not healing me so why should I pull that spawns off his back.



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I think this is the key. Some people dont watch OPP and FP runs, everyone has a first time fo doing something. I know a lot of times people have just assumed the group knows what to do and then someone dies by one of the purple circles of death and everyone shouts. Help people learn dont just assume.


It is upon first timers to let others know so that they can have the tactics explained for them before the group wipes repeatedly due to stupid/ignorant moves.

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I can interrupt? Why should I interrupt when I can just as well continue killing my opponent, let the rest of the group deal with the others.

As for running through reticles etc, that is why we bring a healer in the first place. You heal and we'll do damage. And as a tank, why on earth should I pull aggro to myself, the healer is not healing me so why should I pull that spawns off his back.




this made me lol :p

but serious now. I have no problem with people making errors. It

happends and you can learn frome them. But if you do that same error over and over again and make 16 man wipe all the time. well then we have a problem.

And people who are saying a dps should just dps and nothing else. well you will never get an ops invite from me :p

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Permits... great idea.


You could single-handedly make this the most successful game in the history of mankind if they started charging CC's for a permit to blame other players for the game's shortcomings!


How is it a shortcoming of the game for people to be retarded and stand in things?


Im not one to sit here and act elitist, and berate people for making mistakes, however, i am also not one who is as absent-minded to think that it is somehow the developer's/game's fault that people cannot avoid mechanics that have been in most MMO group content for the last 10 years...

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How is it a shortcoming of the game for people to be retarded and stand in things?


Im not one to sit here and act elitist, and berate people for making mistakes, however, i am also not one who is as absent-minded to think that it is somehow the developer's/game's fault that people cannot avoid mechanics that have been in most MMO group content for the last 10 years...


The post you are referring to was a jab at a poster who has a habit of blaming everything on players.


If players are only give an Option A, then it is not their fault for picking Option A.

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If I am going through an ops or flashpoint, when we get to a boss or anything other than a random fight, I ask if everybody has done this before. If not, I give a brief summary of what to expect ex: Esseles final boss, stay out of the circles. Then you can rightfully tell them off if they don't listen...


I did a flashpoint yesterday - story mode Collocoid War Games. Asked at the start if anyone was new here. No response.


We got onto the turrets and one died pretty quick. But we pulled it out. Asked again if anyone was new here. No response.


Got to the first of the maze/puzzles. Told everyone to watch the knockback. On the first patrol droid, 2 get knocked off the edge. Anyone new here? No response.


Killed the mob on the first terminal. "Need a DPS to please click on that and stay on it." Nothing. "Seriously guys, just click the *(^@$)*%&$*% terminal." Nothing.


Patrol droid respawns.


"FFS, really guys? First you can't own up to it being your first time here then you can't follow simple direction? I'm out."


Yeah, asking does wonders.

Edited by DarthTHC
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This post illustrates full well that LordArtemis had it spot on: some people take the game way too seriously. Do you take at least equally seriously things in life which actually matter?


Why are you labeling being "serious" as a bad thing?


What if football players didn't take things seriously? Did it ever occur to you that being serious in certain hobbies might actually be fun for some people? Oh wow, who would of thought. :rolleyes:


Don't enforce bad ideas on good people.

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Why are you labeling being "serious" as a bad thing?


What if football players didn't take things seriously? Did it ever occur to you that being serious in certain hobbies might actually be fun for some people? Oh wow, who would of thought. :rolleyes:


Don't enforce bad ideas on good people.

I agree with this.

It is not that everything has to be perfect. especialy in a pug.

However it would be nice if other people at least do an effort to try to play decent. If not they are just wasting everyones gaming time to!

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Why are you labeling being "serious" as a bad thing?


What if football players didn't take things seriously? Did it ever occur to you that being serious in certain hobbies might actually be fun for some people? Oh wow, who would of thought. :rolleyes:


Don't enforce bad ideas on good people.


When it results in a demanding lecture to other players.... it's a bad thing. Why? Because it's way too serious in the context of playing a game that is NOT a professional sport where you are paid millions of dollars to be serious about it. Football is a bad analogy. And puging PvE content in an MMO is not even an esport.. much less any kind of competitive sport or hobby.


And serious hobbies.. are fine.. but you do not get to lecture others in how they pursue the same hobby. Doing so is making a job out of a hobby.

Edited by Andryah
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The post you are referring to was a jab at a poster who has a habit of blaming everything on players.


Except that I was not blaming a player.. so all you did was jab your own eye that time. Nor, do I blame everything on players. I do however believe players should be accountable for their own choices and decisions. There is a difference.


Stop trying so hard to jab a me. In fact do us both a favor.. put me on your /ignore list, especially if you cannot even jab in context. ;)

Edited by Andryah
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I did a flashpoint yesterday - story mode Collocoid War Games. Asked at the start if anyone was new here. No response.


We got onto the turrets and one died pretty quick. But we pulled it out. Asked again if anyone was new here. No response.


Got to the first of the maze/puzzles. Told everyone to watch the knockback. On the first patrol droid, 2 get knocked off the edge. Anyone new here? No response.


Killed the mob on the first terminal. "Need a DPS to please click on that and stay on it." Nothing. "Seriously guys, just click the *(^@$)*%&$*% terminal." Nothing.


Patrol droid respawns.


"FFS, really guys? First you can't own up to it being your first time here then you can't follow simple direction? I'm out."


Yeah, asking does wonders.


I agree it can be a complete waste of time to ask. Then again.. IMO.. it's a waste of time to PUG and expect intelligent team play and forethought. If you get it.. great.. if not.. roll with it..IT'S A PUG. You PUG.. you takes your chances IMO. If you are a "serious" player... don't PUG..... play with people you know and trust.

Edited by Andryah
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So you prefer to wipe on the same boss over and over during your playtime?


To each his own I guess. :rolleyes:


No. And that rarely if ever happens.


When it does because someone made a mistake...no bid deal. I tell the player its not big deal and I can help them out with some tips if they want.


But then again I'm not the kind of player that takes the game too seriously.

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Why are you labeling being "serious" as a bad thing?


What if football players didn't take things seriously? Did it ever occur to you that being serious in certain hobbies might actually be fun for some people? Oh wow, who would of thought. :rolleyes:


Don't enforce bad ideas on good people.


You mean like the OP is doing? After all, they are the same thing. Trying to force a play style on someone else instead of just worrying about yourself. If you don't want to take the chance that you will be grouped with players that either are not good at playing their class or new to the game...then you probably should not PUG. It is really the only way to solve the problem.

Edited by LordArtemis
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No. And that rarely if ever happens.


I tell the player its not big deal and I can help them out with some tips if they want.


But then again I'm not the kind of player that takes the game too seriously.


This is what i do to. And i agree with it. but when youy tell a player 10 times. pls do not aoe when we have cced things and he says 'ok' and then does it for the 11 time. well then my patience is growing thin...

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This is what i do to. And i agree with it. but when youy tell a player 10 times. pls do not aoe when we have cced things and he says 'ok' and then does it for the 11 time. well then my patience is growing thin...


I understand how you feel. I am of the opinion that one is never wrong for how they feel.


Only how they act based on those feelings.


I'm not saying that I'm right or that others should do what I do. That would be hypocritical naturally. But I think its pretty important to recognize the negative consequences of PUGs over premades.


The way I feel about it is...you know the risk, you chose to take the risk, you must accept the consequences. Maybe you will get lucky and get a skilled set of folks. Maybe not.


If I am faced with that kind of kind of situation I simply politely excuse myself from the group. Repairs can get expensive after all.


But, IMO, I am at fault for choosing to pug in the first place. Goes with the territory.

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