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Farwell, BC.


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I've been playing on BC for the better part of a year and I must admit, I've thoroughly enjoyed my time here. I've met a lot of really great people, come across some complete and total ******s (one can't help but think of Aggression when this word is said), and made some very good friends along the way. But ever since the unfortunate events that caused the PvP members of Faceroll Syndicate to either quit the guild or stop playing all-together, I've been contemplating on whether or not BC is the right place for my PvP characters. After talking with others who were wondering this themselves, I've decided to take my Juggernaut to The Bastion and test the waters over there when server transfers become available. I made this decision because I want to better myself as a player by playing a more competitive PvP scene, as well as meet new people and just see what the other communities are like. No offense intended to the PvP'ers who are staying, but there's simply nothing interesting to me about facing the same 3 ranked teams over and over again. There's nothing else for me here, in regards to PvP.


I'll miss all of you (yes, even you Neo) who regular the battlefield and hope we cross paths again when cross-server ques become available.


Thank you for the gg's, Colony.

I'll wave the BC flag high and proud.

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Ammut, since you are leaving, I will tell you my favorite memory of you. Huttball, I killed your lovely smashmonkey and you ragequit/"Dc'ed". haha. But on a more serious note, I'm sad to see you go, after all you are one of my only imp friends. But hey, you are going to go to a server that you will enjoy. Remember to pop by our TS every so often, we are going to miss our scrye 2.0.
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