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B30 Ranked Schedule 2.0


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Starting this Sunday, Beer Thirty will be q'ing up for ranked IF we have an optimal team on Sun/Mon/Wed/Thurs. This allows our members the weekends off for drunken debauchery.


I would like to invite LD-50, Uncensored, Trinity, Unicorns, Chaotic Pixels, and any other guilds that have the people to q up those nights as well. I understand certain schedule conflicts may arise but i would like to see at least 3-4 teams q'ing up. Winning a ranked game is equal to winning like 3-4 regs. Losing a ranked game is still equal to winning like 2 reg games. Faster ways to gear yourself and alts if need be.


Just a fair warning, if no one else is q'ing and we are the only ones waiting for a ranked pop, there is a chance that when we q up for regs, we may get a Super Q. I will try to avoid this as much as possible by staggering our Q's but BW's matchmaking system is somewhat retarded.

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Just a fair warning, if no one else is q'ing and we are the only ones waiting for a ranked pop, there is a chance that when we q up for regs, we may get a Super Q. I will try to avoid this as much as possible by staggering our Q's but BW's matchmaking system is somewhat retarded.


superQing is timing your Qs to get the same pop and dropping grp until you get that. not that you care, but I /gquit b30 because I was told about it a few times by banksy and then confirmed it myself when I heard it in your mumble.

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superQing is timing your Qs to get the same pop and dropping grp until you get that. not that you care, but I /gquit b30 because I was told about it a few times by banksy and then confirmed it myself when I heard it in your mumble.


I don't deny q'ing at the same time, but i don't ever recall dropping a q to get in the same q as another group. Just because we have a lot of groups going at the same time and who doesn't want to play with a full 8 man of their people. Now if this happened when i wasn't around then there's nothing i can do, and i'm not gonna hold the hands of anyone in the guild.


You and anyone here can't deny that we were one of the only guilds consistently q'ing up for rateds against LD-50 and Uncensored and losing, badly sometimes, but we still did it. The times you were in mumble, you probably heard us as we took those superq's and played them as a practice for rateds, working on focus targets, cc rotations, etc. Many of those superq's were vs 2 solid 4man premades so we got good practice in.


As for leaving B30, i'm sorry this was the reason you left. I hold no ill thought or animosity to you and hope you enjoy the game how you want to since you pay for it.


Edit: i did change some wording around cuz i misread Kracks's original statement when i replied.

Edited by Jadenn
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in any case, it's not a superQ if it occurs randomly, which does happen more often with imps because there are fewer of them in the Q. it's a superQ when someone from each grp takes the pop, then tells the rest to take it or drop it depending on whether or not they're on the same team. ;)


but this is just reopening an old wound and I'm getting pedantic.

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Who's GM of B30? I'm leveling an op healer right now, if you guys wouldn't mind picking up another. Have a *scoundrel healer at 55, so I pretty much know what I am doing.



Edit: iPhone autocorrect is stupid as ****.

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Trinity hasn't had more than 8 people on since Afterlife left. Now the name doesn't make sense and we don't have enough for ranked. We have 7 good players who are ranked ready as far as skill goes. We're all pretty active though so once we get another tank we should be queueing regularly.
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Who's GM of B30? I'm leveling an op healer right now, if you guys wouldn't mind picking up another. Have a *scoundrel healer at 55, so I pretty much know what I am doing.



Edit: iPhone autocorrect is stupid as ****.


Hit me up next time i'm in game and we'll talk about your op healer. Maybe even your sniper. throw me on your friends list, i have a little accent over the "a" in jaiden, its alt code 0228. should be 2 dots above it. like so Jäiden

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we may get a Super Q. I will try to avoid this as much as possible by staggering our Q's but BW's matchmaking system is somewhat retarded.


I find this amusing, one of your teams of 4 could leave IF you got a super queue, but no, you go through with it and well.. for a Sunday night, if your double premade is the ones that are actually doing ranked, I may suggest that you stick with super queues.

I know I have run into a few B30 members that are good, but what I just saw in a Hypergate should not be doing ranked yet. One successful hold out on a cap and one failed attempt against a team sporting 5 people with about 26K buffed health.


Aside from that, even practicing for ranked, target switching was dreadful, most kills were done because some 26Ker decided to go all hero and run in the middle of your team. Aside from a few moments in were I was dealing with the tidal force bug, I never felt threatened to be killed, it was almost as if one person would attack me, then switch and another take their place. It always seemed like only one person was attacking another at any given time (except for those "heroes" on my team) Team stacking was aweful as well, spent way too much time following each other from side to side of the center area and I noticed a sorc wanting to stand on the op healer far too often with the another healer hanging out in range of smash or chain.


Though, what do I know, I'm just a solo queuer with not enough play time to do ranked nor really the ambition to do it either.

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i remember this game, we were waiting for rateds, q'd up regs while LD-50 was getting their team together, our 2 groups on our rated team got 2 separate pops for different wz's and we got matched with one of our off groups that was q'ing up separately in a diff channel. Not planned, just happened that way. As far as all the stuff you said about focus firing and stuff, the other half of our team was not part of our rated group so we were dickin around in mumble, laughing and trolling each other cuz none of us went to our node on the start, so yea, we were sloppy .


So when you say we should drop when matched up with another one of the 2-3 groups we have goin, i say no. Just cuz we all pay to play this game and enjoy being on the same team as each other. You solo Q, that's you're prerogative. Play how you want and don't suggest to others how you think we should play in your world.

Edited by Jadenn
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green stuff


why do you run two kinetic sages?


we all pay to play this game and enjoy being on the same team as each other. You solo Q, that's you're prerogative. Play how you want and don't suggest to others how you think we should play in your world.

lol really? don't suggest? we've come to that? don't suggest? we cannot make suggestions anymore?



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why do you run two kinetic sages?


Rerolled on JC a month after launch when 50 only PvP was added. Assassins of Sion server could not support 50 PvP so I just made a 2nd Sage. Then left game for some time and returned with my original Sage moved to JC. When 2.0 hit, I decided that with my limited available play time that I would just grab all the legacy gear and use one as a feeder to get the extra daily comms. I can barely get in enough time to get dailys done for both Sages, so the speed at which you get comms in ranked isn't really an option.


As for the "suggestion" You are the one that said you would try to avoid the combined queues, though how about actually doing something about the combined queues? Though, I really don't care I don't play enough to have to deal with it more then maybe twice in a night. The whole superqueue thing is not looked highly upon and if that is what you want to be known for, have at it. Just please, I forgot the characters name but there is a certain Jugg from your guild that doesn't know he is getting trained in Huttball. So, don't get rid of any of them. As long as I can go against him a few more times and have him leap to me 5-6 times in a single match while i'm standing at the very edge of a fire trap, i'm happy. It is amazingly enjoyable to get backfilled into Huttball then watch the same person from a semi PvP guild get stunned in fire over and over.

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When we q up we get a group of four random pugs that are not the best geared.....do we leave? No, we play and take our licks or win.


When we q up we get a 4 man of unicorns or angry dragons.........do we leave? No, we play and take the win or loss.


When we q up we get a 4 man of our our guild and get a super q cuz we have 4-5 groups running at primetime. Do we leave? EHRMEGHERD!! DROP DROP OR WE WILL BE LABLED SUPERQERS ARRRHHHGG BY THAT GUY THAT POSTS EVERYTHING IN GREEN AND BLAH BLAH.


So the next time we wait for a pop and get matched up with one of the other 4-5 groups that are playing.....I promise you I will think very very hard about dropping. No guarantees though. :)

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I see alot of QQ from people that never queue for rateds


TBH when we get paired with another group from our guild, I swear 9/10 we play another double premade of a quality pub teams, and if we don't we generally do stupid stuff to keep it fun. Not every game vs imps is going to be a faceroll for your pub toons :p


Coming from someone that endured LD/Watchmen/Bloodline (when they were good) double premades for months suck it up :p

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Criticizing a guild in their own thread about what may or may not happen while waiting for ranked WZ's to pop, especially when that guild is the only one willing to queue up on a regular basis and keep queueing like champs, AND when they have the balls to post their schedule for the server to see, is chickens h i t. Boohoohoo, nobody cares about how bad your reg warzone experience was.
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Criticizing a guild in their own thread about what may or may not happen while waiting for ranked WZ's to pop, especially when that guild is the only one willing to queue up on a regular basis and keep queueing like champs, AND when they have the balls to post their schedule for the server to see, is chickens h i t. Boohoohoo, nobody cares about how bad your reg warzone experience was.


This and thanks for the games last night B30

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Criticizing a guild in their own thread about what may or may not happen while waiting for ranked WZ's to pop, especially when that guild is the only one willing to queue up on a regular basis and keep queueing like champs, AND when they have the balls to post their schedule for the server to see, is chickens h i t. Boohoohoo, nobody cares about how bad your reg warzone experience was.


says the guy whose guild has literally gutted every other team on the server. c'mmon man. and yeah, when b30 aren't manufacturing a superQ (not what jaiden is talking about even though he uses the term) or win trading (yes, that's what playing one game for real and then giving the other team a free win with max medals is), they will jump in rated and take their lumps. often drunk and just screwing around in my experience. but whatever.

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says the guy whose guild has literally gutted every other team on the server. c'mmon man. and yeah, when b30 aren't manufacturing a superQ (not what jaiden is talking about even though he uses the term) or win trading (yes, that's what playing one game for real and then giving the other team a free win with max medals is), they will jump in rated and take their lumps. often drunk and just screwing around in my experience. but whatever.


When we have the numbers and no one is queing we play rated games against each other its fun alot actually, I’m certain other guilds on our sever do the same for fun as well. If other guilds aside from the usual 3 queued we could have some fun nights of ranked play which was the point of this post, there are at least 6 (off the top of my head) quality guilds that pvp that could field a team (or two) for rateds at least once a week and don't.

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When we have the numbers and no one is queing we play rated games against each other its fun alot actually, I’m certain other guilds on our sever do the same for fun as well. If other guilds aside from the usual 3 queued we could have some fun nights of ranked play which was the point of this post, there are at least 6 (off the top of my head) quality guilds that pvp that could field a team (or two) for rateds at least once a week and don't.

you win trade. your GM said as much:


Yea we've been doing the GvG games when we have the people on, which has been almost every night. Good practice and we are picking up ranked comms faster this way for gear.


lol didn't sound like practice.


Well we play a legit game, then the loser of that game auto wins the next, we will swap players in, play another legit game, then loser wins next......this way everyone gets around the same number of comms. We basically make the teams as even as possible so it isn't a roflstomp. You probably came in during one of our tradeoff win games where we are all fracking around trollin each other with no objectives in mind. Those are actually more fun imo :)


frankly, I don't care. it's between you, and nobody else gets caught in the crossfire. you get rated comms faster than other ppl, but whatever. I hav 8 toons to pass gear through. so on and so forth. it is, however, the definition of win trading. personally, I would just run two teams and let the loser have their pick from the winning team and trade (must be same role). but that's just me. it feels too much like a waste of time to just roll over for the losing team.

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You seem to have a lot of animosity towards us just by the manner in which you seem to hang on every post i make and throw out subtle cheap shots at us in replies. I don't know the reason why, but I was always cordial with you and when you wanted an invite in the early days i gave you one no questions asked. I don't think anyone ever was disrespectful to you. On the rare occasions you were logged on, we offered you spots in the GvG games or in regs, although you played pub side more. I never even knew you quit the guild until awhile later just because you rarely logged on so it was by your own accord. I hear stories of you on pub side constantly talking crap about us.


I'm just curious, what happened that made you so angry with us?

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