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Letter from a Sithlord


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Am I evil ? Why because I fight for my people ? Because I am passionate about our cause ? Because I want to protect the ones I love and care about from those who would seek to opress them and control them ?


Maybe my people started this war , but I was not there ! Does this make me evil ?


My love and passion drive me , my hate is evenly given out to even my own people . My love is for my family , the planet and lands they live on , my passion is for the placing of my family and I in the empire which I serve and am a member of .


The Republic seems evil to me , they wish their people to share their hardwork with those who work not as hard , with planets without resourses to put in their far share .


The Jedi seem evil to me , they tell their people who they can love , how they can love , to control their passions , to control their powers , to follow those weaker then themselves , most of all to remain in chains .


I as a Chiss have worked hard for my position , my power , my skills in a Empire that does not respect "Aliens" . I have had to go through trials , kill , and work to train myself beyond the training of my master to get to where I am , to gain the respect of the Lords and Darths .


Do not get me wrong , I hold no love for the Lords and Darths , the Dark Counsil who sit in their chairs while I fight their War ,and a Emperor whom my people have forgotten what he looks like and hides behind voices . None of which would have given me any respect without my power and skill in the Force .

All of which would see me lesser than the most weakest Human Imperal Trooper .

Its because of my Power , skills, Passion , Drive and Goals why they have to give me the respect ! If they didn't , it would be a day they would regret .


Why am I evil ? Seems to me those who fear Work , Drive , and Goals are Evil and I am doing as Good should be .



I did not start this war , I am in it !

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OP, yes you are Evil, why because you put blue writing on a black background, which is hard to read, this is pure evil.


I can get what you are saying, but have to disagree with the part about the Republic, allowing planets without the resources to join can't be agrued as evil, diluting the efforts of those who work hard can be though.


Basically, nobody could see the Republic giving less fortunate planets a chance as evil, it is an act of charity, allowing them to contribute to the greater whole. However you can argue that constantly supporting weaker individuals weakens everybody to some degree, the strong are depleted and the weak stay weak, this to a Sith or a Chiss would appear evil.

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(Is this some sort of In-Character thing? I'm in! Spoilers for the JK arc ensue)


As a Jedi, I've been fighting Sith since this war started. I've tasted the Dark Side, and turned away. That said, I do not fear work, or drive. Most don't. I would encourage you to turn your back on the Dark Side, but I've tried that argument before, and it seldom works. In short, you're a good person on the wrong side. I do not think you are evil. But, in the heat of battle, should we ever meet as foes, it's advisable that you walk away.

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Whether or not you are evil is irrelevant; you are most likely a tool that it wields, and at best someone that merely stands by and does nothing whilst it spreads under the name of your Empire. To a Jedi neither is acceptable. To any honest, honourable man/woman of the Republic neither is acceptable. The best of intentions cannot save your heart from the darkness that resides there. By your hand the dark side oppresses the galaxy, by your hand and the hand of those like you innocent men and woman are slaughtered, by your hand any with the potential to use the Force are corrupted and moulded into weapons like you or killed in the process. For those crimes you will be brought to justice. For those sins retribution must be had.
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Whether or not you are evil is irrelevant; you are most likely a tool that it wields, and at best someone that merely stands by and does nothing whilst it spreads under the name of your Empire. To a Jedi neither is acceptable. To any honest, honourable man/woman of the Republic neither is acceptable. The best of intentions cannot save your heart from the darkness that resides there. By your hand the dark side oppresses the galaxy, by your hand and the hand of those like you innocent men and woman are slaughtered, by your hand any with the potential to use the Force are corrupted and moulded into weapons like you or killed in the process. For those crimes you will be brought to justice. For those sins retribution must be had.


In the sense of objectivity, the Jedi aren't exactly flawless. The act of separating infants from their families and stifling any relationship between the families and anyone else isn't exactly fair/just to the family. I realize that the Sith also do this but the flawless perception of the Jedi has some holes as well. For the Sith to have war, they need someone to fight. The Jedi seem to jump into that role without a second thought. Personally I definitely side with you in that the Sith register far more on the "evil" scale but I can't say the Jedi don't tip the scale at all.


Ps, to those making the Sith aren't so evil argument. Imagine you are stranded in the middle of the desert and you saw a car approaching. Which logo would make you feel more confident of your chances to be brought to safety, the Jedi's or the Sith's? Which will make you feel like you are more likely to remain stranded or "wacked" on the spot? If you answer objectively, I think conclusion of who's more evil is clear

Edited by sell-dog
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No, you're evil because you seek war and destruction as a means to advance your society. Not only that, but to get what you want you are willing to sacrifice whole civilizations without an afterthought. Whole species are wiped out without regard for age or sex. That is evil. Don't get me wrong, I understand that some dark siders have good intentions. But even the best intentions have no purpose if you seek to destroy anyone and anything to impose your will.
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Darth Mefit, youre a disgrace. Youre not real Sith. Those of your kind are the reason why we hasnt won yet. Its pitiful that you even feel need to excuse your actions in the eyes of your enemies. Who the hell cares what they think? Get your act together before I instruct my apprentice Jaesa to hunt you down and bring you before me for punishment.
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The flaw of the Jedi is not in their teachings, for instance the tenet to place reason above passion. The flaw is in who they "serve". Palpatine himself says millennia later that the Jedi could run the show in the Republic if they so chose. If they had any sense, they would not submit to the authority of a corrupt Republic, but compel that Republic to submit to them. Letting corrupt Senators and pampered nobles run free and do backroom deals with smugglers, gangsters and other seedy elements, instead of addressing galactic poverty and discrimination against members outside of the Core, is going to be their undoing.


Flawed as Sith teachings about passion are, they don't generally put up with corrupt aristocrats sitting on unearned wealth inherited from a noble lineage, nor do they tolerate dealers in spice or deathsticks turning otherwise able-bodied potential soldiers into suffering junkies in the streets.


Plagueis and Palpatine hit the nail on the head when they said this is not about "good versus evil", but is rather a clash between different ways of running a society. Take solace in the fact that no matter how hard they fight to beat back the Empire, corruption will rot them from within. Yes, there are similar elements within the Empire, but Sith and non-Sith Imperials devote resources to rooting them out. The Jedi are content to continue serving a corrupt Senate without question, unaware that one day those same people they serve will applaud their slaughter across the galaxy.

Edited by BradTheImpaler
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The flaw of the Jedi is not in their teachings, for instance the tenet to place reason above passion. The flaw is in who they "serve". Palpatine himself says millennia later that the Jedi could run the show in the Republic if they so chose. If they had any sense, they would not submit to the authority of a corrupt Republic, but compel that Republic to submit to them. Letting corrupt Senators and pampered nobles run free and do backroom deals with smugglers, gangsters and other seedy elements, instead of addressing galactic poverty and discrimination against members outside of the Core, is going to be their undoing.


Flawed as Sith teachings about passion are, they don't generally put up with corrupt aristocrats sitting on unearned wealth inherited from a noble lineage, nor do they tolerate dealers in spice or deathsticks turning otherwise able-bodied potential soldiers into suffering junkies in the streets.


Plagueis and Palpatine hit the nail on the head when they said this is not about "good versus evil", but is rather a clash between different ways of running a society. Take solace in the fact that no matter how hard they fight to beat back the Empire, corruption will rot them from within. Yes, there are similar elements within the Empire, but Sith and non-Sith Imperials devote resources to rooting them out. The Jedi are content to continue serving a corrupt Senate without question, unaware that one day those same people they serve will applaud their slaughter across the galaxy.


A legitimate point, however I feel that the Jedi are honourable and noble because they eschew power, if they took power themselves they would be corrupted by it themselves.


At the moment they recruit those who want to serve, there has been another thread pointing out that they don't recruit every force sensitive, and weed out a lot they do recruit (maybe one a thousand force sensitives become Jedi, maybe less). If they ruled, they would have to increase their intake, which would mean a lowering of standards, plus people who avoid the Jedi order because they want power rather than serving it, would join the order. At this point some of those corrupt officials would be in the Jedi order, corrupting from within.


Also the act of ruling would bring more potential for corruption, eg. which planet in a trade dispute is right, what if the planet in the right has slavery, what if both sides are wrong, etc. The temptation to impose their morality on the situation increases, and that erodes their impartiality (impossible if they rule anyhow), and suddenly they are in the midst of a confusing ethical muddle. You mention that the Sith stop corrupt aristocrats sitting on undeserved wealth, but taking that wealth away by force is merely banditry, or murder if they just kill the aristocrats, neither of which can be applauded.


I'm not saying that the Jedi wouldn't make better rulers than the Senate, just that it's not as clear cut as it might seem.

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The only absolute evils in Star Wars are the Emperor and Darth Nihilus.


Every other point of view has some kind of valid arguments and serves a purpose that ultimately is not antagonistic to the Force.

A galaxy of nothing does not.

Edited by Kaedusz
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