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i did my first rwz game last night lol


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and saw how effective respecin in warzone was. opposing team on defense had 4 heals, then the next round 2 of them respecd to DPS (2 corruption sages ---------> 2 tk sages).


is this a common occurence in ranked warzones and is this intended?

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If a sorc dps couldn't respec to heals for defense in voidstar you might as well bring a sniper assuming equal skill levels. My primary class is sniper/gunslinger and I think it's great that mult-role classes can contribute their full utility to the team.


Otherwise ranked would be very uniform and monotone (even more than it is now).

Edited by EnzoForMe
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Yeah, I gotta say it seems very cagey.


I mean the point of RWZs is supposed to test how good you are, despite any perceived or real disadvantage as far as team comp. or skill. Seems to me that if some one really cares about RWZ action, they would not respec to have more healers just to make up for some potential team flaw.


However it would seem that this is intended by BW.

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I think its a really cheesy game mechanic. But yes we all do it. It is -standard- for Rated PvP warzones.


I wish warzones would prevent the respec of talent trees, so it was an ACTUAL skilled group comp vs another, instead of a lame game mechanic of gear swapping and spec switching. But it is what it is.

Edited by WeaponsOfWar
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my question is if what if you run 1 tank, 1 sniper 1 marauder and 5 hybrid classes. during defense you have all hybrid classes respec to healing. is this even possible to beat? say in voidstar for example :confused:


well ya probably if the two teams are the A+ teams on their server and really good at cc and swapping targets and what not. but versus the more average players 5 or even 4 healers to deal with.. lol thats crazy :o

Edited by paowee
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my question is if what if you run 1 tank, 1 sniper 1 marauder and 5 hybrid classes. during defense you have all hybrid classes respec to healing. is this even possible to beat? say in voidstar for example :confused:


well ya probably if the two teams are the A+ teams on their server. but versus the more average players 5 or even 4 healers to deal with.. lol thats crazy :o


When defending everyone respecs to heals/tank

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Boarder the strategy you alluded to is for teams that turtle on defensive voidstar (though usually 4 healers at the most).


The point is to have 0 deaths (and usually 0 kills) and not let the other team advance past the first door, then win by kills on offense. It works okay, but it's boring as **** for both sides.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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Boarder the strategy you alluded to is for teams that turtle on defensive voidstar (though usually 4 healers at the most).


The point is to have 0 deaths (and usually 0 kills) and not let the other team advance past the first door, then win by kills on offense. It works okay, but it's boring as **** for both sides.


yup i love field respec but i wouldnt complain if they only let you respec during the first minute of the first round.

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and saw how effective respecin in warzone was. opposing team on defense had 4 heals, then the next round 2 of them respecd to DPS (2 corruption sages ---------> 2 tk sages).


is this a common occurence in ranked warzones and is this intended?


Not only is it common and WAI, but it's absolutely necessary and almost required...depending on your team comp and the competition of course.




I'm surprised you had never run a RWZ match before. You would probably get a kick out of how I use some of your Engineering tips and tricks in PvP. Very, very powerful and effective. heh



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Boarder the strategy you alluded to is for teams that turtle on defensive voidstar (though usually 4 healers at the most).


The point is to have 0 deaths (and usually 0 kills) and not let the other team advance past the first door, then win by kills on offense. It works okay, but it's boring as **** for both sides.


Warzones like voidstar should be changed so that a stalemate (i.e. nobody gets past the first door and we go to the deaths tie breaker) result, when two highly skilled teams are playing, is not a very common result.


Ditto for Civil War.

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respec in ranked is cuz all solid pvp players left this game. so now all casual pvp players might change their spec and totally remove skill of their premade.


if u make your premade tanky u should stay that way for whole wz. cuz you decided to build your premade that way and think its the ideal way. respec in wz might be great if that happen right before wz start and stay that way till the end. it would give players chance to respec for that wz and wouldnt remove challenge as u would have to play with your spec whole wz

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Personally, I don't respec, but only because I can't figure out how to re-allocate all my skill points properly at re-adjust my skill bar so I can press skills intuitively without actually looking at them in the short 20 seconds between rounds. I think re-speecing is a great mechanic and wish I could figure out how to use it faster. Normally I'm stuck on healing duty (well, I could respec damage and say "too bad" to people who want me to heal... but we'd probably lose), and the offensive portion of Voidstar is the one time when healing doesn't matter and I have the opportunity to try being a damage. Except trying to be a heal-specced damage doesn't really work very well. I would really like to actually try out being a specced damage in a warzone for a change, preferably in a situation where I'm not needed to heal and not just telling people "too bad, I know you need me, but I don't feel like healing".


If other people do manage to re-allocate their skill points and re-arrange their skill bars in just 20 seconds, kudos to them. Gives people a chance to try out a spec they don't normally try and in doing so discover the full potential of their class.


It would be nice if there was a way to save multiple spec trees and skills bars, but I doubt that's going to happen any time soon.

Edited by Dawncatcher
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They should probably change it to where you can respec before the fight on every map and once the map starts you can no longer respec. This way the game wouldn't essentially be over once a team took a node/objective. Maybe then we'd see more than a maximum of 2 doors in Voidstar as well. Edited by DimeStax
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From 1:34:30 to 1:50:00 you can see what you're describing Boarder. http://www.twitch.tv/razgrizthree/b/376316759This is a rated game from the PTS of Squirtle Squad V Casual. Both teams had respecs going, and both teams actually managed to completely wipe the opposite team. Its not always a stalemate, and the way for it to not be is to have the amount of raw damage to push the other team down. Irregardless of how many tanks/heals they have. (One could argue that our team would have out killed them had Megatfz actually respecced to tank though.) Both teams were evenly matched here, and it was a very fun match. Edited by IAmViiOLENT
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They should probably change it to where you can respec before the fight on every map and once the map starts you can no longer respec. This way the game wouldn't essentially be over once a team took a node/objective. Maybe then we'd see more than a maximum of 2 doors in Voidstar as well.


This is what I proposed a long time ago but others with more rated experience said "respeccing while WZ is in progress makes the game more interesting not less interesting". My criteria for evaluating which policy is better is "which policy results in more variation of composition and specs used"? From what I hear, mid-WZ respec results in less variation as everyone that can goes to tank/heal spec for defense and DPS for offense.


Some are claiming that DPS sages would never get invited to RWZ if they couldn't respec mid WZ.


there are other ways to make stalematish WZs less stale. E.g. in Voidstar, you could gradually apply a stacking debuff of some sort (expertise?) to the defender and reset this debuff each time a door blows. By tuning this debuff you could ensure that the norm among top teams is getting through multiple doors.


I like the idea someone else had for CW of periodically resetting the turrets to neutral and having to recapture them. I don't know that NC or AHG needs any changes to make them less stalematish

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