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Traitors to the Empire/Republic Turncoats


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I have been thinking about this, since I first met Elara Dorne on my Vanguard. (My first toon, back during the launch)

And it occurs to me it would be interesting to have the ability to have a character jump over to the other side.

Or, like the Imp Operative might do, play double agent.

So many different things you could do with that.


I think it would be fun to have an imp agent, that moves over to the republic side.

Or a Jedi that falls to the dark side, and becomes Sith.


Would be an interesting option at some point, to be able to switch over to the other side.


Granted, yes, it would take a LOT more work on Bioware's part. I understand it would make it two times the stories for a single class. Still, it would be an interesting idea.


Putting it out there, and hope someone likes the idea.

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People have wanted this since the game was announced and these forums were launched. We don't have this due to the story-driven nature of the game.


I call BS on that explanation.


This idea would add a new dimension to the game and multiple different possibilities to a story.


It would also make it much more enjoyable to people, allowing them to move through different paths. For alt-aholics, it would get them motivated to see all the differing possibilities. For people that don't want to switch over, it can just be a choice they don't take.


In the long run, it would do more to attract new players to the game, by allowing them more choice in how their character develops.


Also, it would be something no other MMO has really done, from what I have seen.


Again, yes, I know it would make things a bit more time consuming from the programming aspect. Yes, I am aware of how much more work will have to go into scripting additional parts of the game, both for code and for an actual story line.


But, breaking new ground, and creating something no one has done before takes work and dedication, as well as thinking outside the norm.


Now, tell me why the story driven nature of the game keeps the game from adding in a divergent path?

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You could easily let you move over. You just changing class according to what you where on the other side. Defection would be the word :) If you move over at lvl 35 it would be a waste of your money as lvl 35 takes no time to get to. it can even be limited to lvl 50's because Makeb doens't have Class story missions, it wouldn't be any problem at all.


I have suggested this a couple of times to the CS's i have spoken too and they never said to me they weren't gonna do it, and they really think it's and interesting aspect that could be really useful.


I have 4 Imp lvl 50's i don't play anymore because i really use my time on the rep side. And they are the opposite advanced class as of what i have on my 5 lvl 55 rep's with exception of my knights, where ,i have one of each. So for me it would be a lovely change to the game, even if it would cost 1000-2000 Cartel Coins, if we look at the pricing of what that service cost i.e. in wow it would fit in there. Since the items have the right names and mods, barrels, armoring and so on are easy "translated" if you need to go from 2 guns to 1 gun and generator/shotgun/vibroknife and so on. In the cases where you have 2 special guns from for example cartel packs, you could then choose a set of equally rare items when Defecting. This is what i have discussed with a CS and he said to me "It's a really interesting aspect and something there have been thought on. We can't promise anything, but it's not unlikely we will see this in the future"

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I call BS on that explanation.


And that is your right to do so. It doesn't make it any less true.



Also, it would be something no other MMO has really done, from what I have seen.


Everquest 2 allows you to change factions via a large quest chain. They have since day 1. However, their classes are not beholden to an individual story each.

Edited by TheBBP
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And that is your right to do so. It doesn't make it any less true.





Everquest 2 allows you to change factions via a large quest chain. They have since day 1. However, their classes are not beholden to an individual story each.


Fair point on EQ2. I have never played it, so I wouldn't know.

However, I fail to see how it is true. Saying something is true, does not make it so.

Explain how your reasoning makes it true. Show proof that it can not be done the way I am saying.

And right afterwards, I can throw out a few storyline possibilities that can make it true.

Edited by Kelvarn
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Since I said it, I will show what I mean by throwing out storylines that allow for crossing over.

Can be it's own expansion for 55-60, which is my preference.


Here are quick ideas I had for each class:

Trooper - Have Havok squad pretend to defect, as a plot to destroy the empire from within.

Imp Operative - Go double agent, trying to infiltrate and destroy Republic Intelligence.

Sith Warrior - Have Jaessa's former master come to try and redeem Jaessa and the Sith.

Sith Inquisitor - (work in progress, as I am level 18 on my toon)

Bounty Hunter - (work in progress, same as Inquisitor, but have a general idea) - The bounties haven't been coming of late, and the character decides to do some work hunting down fugitives for the Republic.

Smuggler - Get's hired for some shady deals that run similar to helping the Empire, but are still humanitarian in nature.

Jedi Knight - A dark council member is starting to show Light side leanings. See if he can be brought into the light.

Jedi Consular - (I am being a bit lazy, for this one, might come up with a different idea, later) - Have a high ranking member of the Dark Council hound the consular, in attempt to turn them.


Very easy. I have even scripted out an idea for the trooper sequence, already. (Bioware, contact me and we can work out a deal for me to help script it)

Also, can have a companion addition for this set of stories. I can even tell you how.

Really, it doesn't seem that impossible to me, to have this added into the game.

Would just prefer to not just change them into the other faction version, but keep them as they are. Just flip them to working for the other side. Keep the animations, but they work for the other side, basically.

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I have even scripted out an idea for the trooper sequence, already. (Bioware, contact me and we can work out a deal for me to help script it)


This just shows how truly delusional you are.......

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This just shows how truly delusional you are.......


It's called taking a chance.

As a great thinker once said: Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

If you think you can come up with something better, I dare you to.

And I actually already have an opening scene in mind for the trooper storyline, that fits right into this post.

So it isn't delusion. I can actually deliver.

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OP, I'll leave this link here:



Take a look if you want, it's the same subject you presented here, but a thread I made in the suggestion forum.


Thanks. It looks good.

Will go through it in more detail, later. Possibly add my idea to it.

Maybe flesh out a good way to get it done with you and the others that have posted in it.


but what about those who already switched sides? that wouldn't make sense

Actually, try this: It's a way to switch over, during the story. (or to not switch, maybe give a huge blow to the enemy through setting them up)

If you are asking about switching back, well I can't tell you.

Might be an opportunity, later on.

But think on this: How many people who switch sides, switch back again?

I am not saying it doesn't happen, just that it's an extremely rare case.

Those rare people who would, most likely would switch sides any time they feel they are on the losing side. (And most likely would eventually be hunted by both sides)

That would be someone like a smuggler or Bounty hunter who will switch sides, just for money. (Jane Cobb comes to mind)

Not so much for someone who actually believes what they are doing is right.

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I mean


agents already have the possibility to switch to republic side at the end of their class story


to those who did that, your idea wouldn't really make much sense at all


I checked for that spoiler, but I have been unable to find anything that actually says you have the option to do so.

So I would have to say the option really isn't there, just from what I have been able to find.

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I checked for that spoiler, but I have been unable to find anything that actually says you have the option to do so.

So I would have to say the option really isn't there, just from what I have been able to find.


It is there if you make the right choices earlier, I did that on my agent :D


it's also mentioned here

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You could easily let you move over. You just changing class according to what you where on the other side. Defection would be the word :) If you move over at lvl 35 it would be a waste of your money as lvl 35 takes no time to get to. it can even be limited to lvl 50's because Makeb doens't have Class story missions, it wouldn't be any problem at all.


I have suggested this a couple of times to the CS's i have spoken too and they never said to me they weren't gonna do it, and they really think it's and interesting aspect that could be really useful.


I have 4 Imp lvl 50's i don't play anymore because i really use my time on the rep side. And they are the opposite advanced class as of what i have on my 5 lvl 55 rep's with exception of my knights, where ,i have one of each. So for me it would be a lovely change to the game, even if it would cost 1000-2000 Cartel Coins, if we look at the pricing of what that service cost i.e. in wow it would fit in there. Since the items have the right names and mods, barrels, armoring and so on are easy "translated" if you need to go from 2 guns to 1 gun and generator/shotgun/vibroknife and so on. In the cases where you have 2 special guns from for example cartel packs, you could then choose a set of equally rare items when Defecting. This is what i have discussed with a CS and he said to me "It's a really interesting aspect and something there have been thought on. We can't promise anything, but it's not unlikely we will see this in the future"

Yes! So, let's say my level 40 Knight becomes a level 40 Warrior. For some reason, I am hating Darth Baras and seeking to destroy him-- why? How the hell should I know, I didn't play the previous 39 levels of this class!

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I checked for that spoiler, but I have been unable to find anything that actually says you have the option to do so.

So I would have to say the option really isn't there, just from what I have been able to find.


You do, but your actual FACTION doesn't change. You still fight for the Empire in PvP, and join Empire FP and Raid queues.

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You do, but your actual FACTION doesn't change. You still fight for the Empire in PvP, and join Empire FP and Raid queues.


Yeah. I am actually talking about really switching over to the other side.

Not just for storyline purposes.

I saw in that last link the guy gave, it says you join the republic.

However, I also see that it technically keeps you with the imperial side.

What I am talking about is this will actually switch you over, instead of just sort of switching you over.


But, now that I see it happens, I can see it as a logistical problem that would need a solution.


Will work on that.

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I checked for that spoiler, but I have been unable to find anything that actually says you have the option to do so.

So I would have to say the option really isn't there, just from what I have been able to find.

It's a very hidden thing, there is maybe one or two youtube videos that have actually recorded the process in which to do this...


Here's how it works: During the SIS Chapter, you must spare all of the possible SIS agents, ESPECIALLY the guy on Taris, and look through the options on Ardun Kothe when you defeat him. If the dramatic music starts playing, hit ESC and try again. You should eventually see an option to forgive him, he'll leave.


Later on for Corellia, you will have to explode a building. He and the SIS Sniper intercept you at the final bomb. You have to explain what you are doing, and then he'll let you leave as his own unit leaves the soon to explode building.


Finally, at the

Star Cabal Station

When you find the

Black Codex


Kill Hunter

A Sith will walk up to you mortally wounded, warning of a Jedi. Ardun Kothe comes into the room. You surrender the Codex to him, and if you say you have some Sympathy to the Republic, he will offer you the chance to work for them covertly, as a sleeper agent.


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It's a very hidden thing, there is maybe one or two youtube videos that have actually recorded the process in which to do this...


Here's how it works: During the SIS Chapter, you must spare all of the possible SIS agents, ESPECIALLY the guy on Taris, and look through the options on Ardun Kothe when you defeat him. If the dramatic music starts playing, hit ESC and try again. You should eventually see an option to forgive him, he'll leave.


Later on for Corellia, you will have to explode a building. He and the SIS Sniper intercept you at the final bomb. You have to explain what you are doing, and then he'll let you leave as his own unit leaves the soon to explode building.


Finally, at the

Star Cabal Station

When you find the

Black Codex


Kill Hunter

A Sith will walk up to you mortally wounded, warning of a Jedi. Ardun Kothe comes into the room. You surrender the Codex to him, and if you say you have some Sympathy to the Republic, he will offer you the chance to work for them covertly, as a sleeper agent.


Cool. Even though it spoils some stuff (no worries, will probably forget about it between now and the 30 levels my imp operative has to go to see the end of chapter 3), it still keeps the agent on the imp side, for now.


What I am proposing is full on switch over possibility, with consequences, and at the end of the switch you fight on the side of the opposing faction. Or deal it a hard blow, if you choose to remain with your faction.


Just so much fun that can be had, using this idea as part of the story.

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