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Cyborgs don't count as human... lame.

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Cyberpunk and Shadowrun! Humans with cybernetics are still...human!


Cyborg, from Teen Titans (who doesn't love that cartoon?!) was still human.


Cyborg never considered himself human. Hence the reason he chose the moniker "Cyborg". In fact, I remember an episode where he had a crisis of faith in his humanity and contemplated going full machine. And then there was another episode where he would have cast off his machinery and become Stone, his Brotherhood persona.


Plus Cyberpunk is a genre about corporate intrigue over the internet, and Shadowrun is a fantasy mash up.

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Cyborgs should never have been a species on its own anyway, but a customization option, or maybe the result of making certain decisions on key missionchains (mission 1 option A: left foot, mission 7 option C: right hand, mission 13 option C: left eye, etc).


Agreed. When I saw the option for Cyborg I said to myself "So, why is this in there again?" it should have been a customization to add cybernetics to your character.

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Cyborg never considered himself human. Hence the reason he chose the moniker "Cyborg". In fact, I remember an episode where he had a crisis of faith in his humanity and contemplated going full machine. And then there was another episode where he would have cast off his machinery and become Stone, his Brotherhood persona.


Plus Cyberpunk is a genre about corporate intrigue over the internet, and Shadowrun is a fantasy mash up.


In the show he always came around to seeing himself as human. But he would have crisis of "am I still human" That still wouldn't make one an alien, as you started human and then became mostly machine, which is not the definition of alien. :p

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In the show he always came around to seeing himself as human. But he would have crisis of "am I still human" That still wouldn't make one an alien, as you started human and then became mostly machine, which is not the definition of alien. :p


Alien means different or unlike the people around you. It doesn't necessarily mean extraterrestrial. ;)

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It does when you're talking about an Alien Race.


No, it does not. Cyborgs are not "human" anymore. They are machines with organic batteries. They are considered, by laws of nature and most likely the Laws of the Imperial Biological college, a completely different species. And you will notice at the top of the character creation, the option says "Choose your Species".


Plus, if race makes you an alien, then the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are aliens. And if you believe that, you are in league with Micheal Bay and I have to destroy you.

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Bought the new hair pack and was excited to use it, until I noticed that my Jedi, who had 2 barely visible implants around his ears for extra effect, counted as a Cyborg and was not considered human, and because of that, the hair was not available. That is just... cmon. No fair, Bioware. (That rhymed) Cyborgs are human too!


Agreed, same thing, quite annoying.

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  • 6 months later...
Cyborgs are considered a separate race in many prominent sci-fi franchises like Defiance (The Volge) Doctor Who (Cybermen, Daleks) and Battlestar Galactica (Cylons). Just because you personally choose to remove them from your idea of alien race doesn't make it so.


The NPC's considering themselves human is, again, part of the great question that comes with cyborgs. What makes (you) human? Is it because it possesses a soul. because it has an organic brain, etc.


Cybernetic implants do not make a cyborg. It requires a deeper and more invasive set up than "Here's a metal eye." Read up on cyborgs and what makes them different from your run of the mill android. It's quite a fascinating research venture.


Talking Star Wars, famous cyborgs that come to mind include Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, and Dengar. Is Leah a different race/species than her father and twin brother? Did Luke become a different race/species when he got the new hand? Is Dengar only called a Corellian because he is from there, despite the fact the term is usually (possibly only as far as i remember) used for racial humans? Was his brain surgery a racial transplant?


EDIT: Also, from SWTOR itself... "Cyborgs are Humans enhanced by cybernetic implants. Most cybernetics are implanted into humans to compensate for their injuries."

Edited by HogarthUndead
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  • 1 year later...
I read that about the Cyborgs being called human according to SWTOR. Let's hope they see this and make the change. my toon, a human, has a facial scar that I could easily include in her backstory IF I could use the Human hair pack for my cyborg. I really don't want to keep the change I made to HUMAN just to get the hair.
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Cyborgs aren't human, they're transhuman with a man/machine interface. Don't spit brimstone at Bioware for being accurate in their assessment just because you want to do what you want to do. You're no more human than robocop. Go pay some cc at the customization center to become human or read the fine print before you make a purchase. Assumptions have no legal merit in proceedings. Edited by Aeristash
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I read that about the Cyborgs being called human according to SWTOR. Let's hope they see this and make the change. my toon, a human, has a facial scar that I could easily include in her backstory IF I could use the Human hair pack for my cyborg. I really don't want to keep the change I made to HUMAN just to get the hair.

But.... you can.

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