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This game is a GIGANTIC disappointment


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That's where I am too.


Played beta BTW. I gave release a shot though to see if anything would change


Although I really do enjoy this game and do not share some of your original posting thoughts or feelings, I am really disappointed on the launch. We were told that they were saving out on some things and that there were surprises for the beta testers. I have yet to see a nice surprise or even acknowledgement in some of the most heavily discussed points in the beta forums.


For now, the story is driving my husband and I to continue playing and we do not feel it is like a single player game, in fact we think quite the opposite. Since we group all the time with each other or with friends, the dynamic of group cut scenes is very enjoyable for all of us. If, however, things are not fixed and content is not released at blazing speeds, my husband and I will go, "yay! we win!" at lvl 50 and cancel our subscriptions.

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  1. Space combat is horrible - it's a mini game, they already stated in a news article there are big changes coming to this area. For now it is a really fun mini game, that gives good cash and XP. Not your cup of tea? Ignore it then. It will not slow your progress one bit.
  2. No real incremental improvement over other MMO's in the field - Why do they have to be. They only had to be better than the last SW IP. They have done that in almost every single way.
  3. Severe lack of social options -- come on people this is STAR WARS! - Really, I do not remember a lot of social options in the movies, bookes, etc. What does lack of social stuff have to do with Star Wars?
  4. Clunky HUD - Same article, they said they are working on it.
  5. Lack of customization of your character - ? Can you be more specific?
  6. 4 classes to select on each side (?!!?!) Advanced class is the class there are 8 classes per faction.
  7. No real difference between each race (anyone play Everquest in 1999?) - because racial advantages, hurt balance. nuff said
  8. Auction house. Nuff said - Who cares? AH is not game breaking
  9. Glitches galore. I can honestly say I have never seen a game where the autofollow bugs out 90% of the time. Every MMO has bugs. That is why they have hot fixes and patches.

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Innovative is what FFXI did to combat, with skillchains and subjobs (sub-classes). The rest of FFXI's combat sucked, but the skillchain aspect was amazing.


Every new MMO that comes along does not need to change the face of gaming. TOR only had to be better than SWG the other SW MMO. It has succeeded.

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  1. Space combat is horrible
  2. No real incremental improvement over other MMO's in the field
  3. Severe lack of social options -- come on people this is STAR WARS!
  4. Clunky HUD
  5. Lack of customization of your character
  6. 4 classes to select on each side (?!!?!) And yes I know they branch out...but still
  7. No real difference between each race (anyone play Everquest in 1999?)
  8. Auction house. Nuff said
  9. Glitches galore. I can honestly say I have never seen a game where the autofollow bugs out 90% of the time



I know right because of the vast number of other MMOs out there with fully voiced enthralling story. Sure other MMOs had some decent story to them, but you had to work at it. SWTOR makes enjoying the story a breeze as they have talented actors read it to you.

Edited by KeitMacheen
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To be honest, I think a lot of this talk about glitches and what not has to do with peoples computer. This game isn't really THAT intensive on the graphics field, but it was enough to give my Laptop a run for its money. Now my desktop PC runs everything jsut fine, no lag, no glitches, except when I am in movie mode when accepting quests and talking to NPC's. The tree's leaves seem to go all haywire, but that doesn't effect the preformance or anything at all.


This game is solid all around. I've got a tropper to lvl 21, a consular to lvl 12 and a smuggler to lvl 15. Everything is just solid. All quest's work, Companions do a decent job, even the Warzone's are rockin it on all levels. Still trying to figure them out, but I will get it down! I have yet to try the full raid functionality of the game, but I'm sure it's more than adequate.


My ONLY issue with this game is directly related to it's success. But again, that will fix itself in time and yes, I am talking about the queues. I am a patient man though, so it doesn't realy bother me like it does a lot of others.


So I'm not sure what it is that people are finding bad about this game that can't be fixed by upgrading their gear or fixing any issues on their side. It could also be that they just don't like the game itself, which is bound to happen. Not everyone is made for the Star Wars Universe :D

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Sorry, if I wanted that experience, I'd go play a SINGLE PLAYER GAME.


Sure. Sounds like this game is not for you.


Why post here then, why not just leave?


I really don't get why people who don't like the game insist on coming to the games forums and QQ, whine, rant, and gnash teeth.

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Seeing as I paid extra bucks for collectors edition of this game, I'm going to write my QQ post.


I am hugely disappointed by this game. Let me tell you why:



  1. Space combat is horrible
  2. No real incremental improvement over other MMO's in the field
  3. Severe lack of social options -- come on people this is STAR WARS!
  4. Clunky HUD
  5. Lack of customization of your character
  6. 4 classes to select on each side (?!!?!) And yes I know they branch out...but still
  7. No real difference between each race (anyone play Everquest in 1999?)
  8. Auction house. Nuff said
  9. Glitches galore. I can honestly say I have never seen a game where the autofollow bugs out 90% of the time


I feel like Bioware had the opportunity to make some serious strides with this game. Combat is the same recycled garbage that we have had for years now... Why not make something like Vindictus? I hear that Guild Wars 2 will have an innovative combat system.


I know some people that love this game IRL and they rave about the interaction in questing and the options.


Sorry, if I wanted that experience, I'd go play a SINGLE PLAYER GAME.


And before anyone starts their rant on features to come, I'm not going to operate on what MAY come. Let me remind you that Star Wars Galaxies promised a first-person shooter experience in PVP when it first came out. Yeah...


Bioware creates some great single player games...and this feels like a single player game where I see my friends walking around.


I believe I'm speaking on behalf of most of the community when I say...




Thank you, have a great day!

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*** did i am the only one with cant stop playing this game? it is entirely AWESOME in my opinion, i was simply lolling the entire first sith instance,it was an online exerience that i never had before.

This game is full of innovation, if you dont see them, you should probably go to play drunken pandas.

The graphic is GREAT with a proper PC, we have 8 classes and the game just released on 20,

The story driven quest are just amazing compared to any other MMO around where u just click accept and kill critters for the first 20 lvl, but you probably skipped all the cut scene..

The galatics war are yet a minigame that i find really enjoyable while i am smoking a cigarette and thinking about what to do next in game..

i really dont see what the hell are you complaining about?

i belive you are the kind of player that keep buying COD every year and still loving it...mah

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I agree with most of what you say. But still it launched yesterday, there will be improvment. I think they could upgrade a combat a lil bit, not the system of it but how it looks, make attacks for jedi and sith look more awsome :D. But anywho, its STAR WARS :eek: it is awsome.

No rly i do agree with some stuf but still game is fun, its a refreshment. I had enough of non stop grind mmos. Here you can enjoy lvling, there is no rushing to max lvl. Once I finish jedi guardian story and stuff I will just start with other char to see his story, and then all over again.

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I had a friend that bought the game, played for 2 hours and quit. He said the game was "same old MMO" and was discouraged to find him being asked to "kill 10 XYZ's". I said "What the hell did you think was going to happen? It is an MMO." Then he said "I don't have the time to commit to this" but plays his XBox for about 6 hours a night. People do what people want to do.


The reality? It is better he is not playing. I don't need someone raining on my parade. If MMO's are not for you then it is better you don't buy them.


Sure, the game needs improvements. However I remember well every single MMO launch and this is, by far, the best - even with the frustrating log-in queues.

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Seeing as I paid extra bucks for collectors edition of this game, I'm going to write my QQ post.


I am hugely disappointed by this game. Let me tell you why:



  1. Space combat is horrible
  2. No real incremental improvement over other MMO's in the field
  3. Severe lack of social options -- come on people this is STAR WARS!
  4. Clunky HUD
  5. Lack of customization of your character
  6. 4 classes to select on each side (?!!?!) And yes I know they branch out...but still
  7. No real difference between each race (anyone play Everquest in 1999?)
  8. Auction house. Nuff said
  9. Glitches galore. I can honestly say I have never seen a game where the autofollow bugs out 90% of the time


I feel like Bioware had the opportunity to make some serious strides with this game. Combat is the same recycled garbage that we have had for years now... Why not make something like Vindictus? I hear that Guild Wars 2 will have an innovative combat system.


I know some people that love this game IRL and they rave about the interaction in questing and the options.


Sorry, if I wanted that experience, I'd go play a SINGLE PLAYER GAME.


And before anyone starts their rant on features to come, I'm not going to operate on what MAY come. Let me remind you that Star Wars Galaxies promised a first-person shooter experience in PVP when it first came out. Yeah...


Bioware creates some great single player games...and this feels like a single player game where I see my friends walking around.



And who was saying this over 2 years ago and kept getting blasted by the fanbois? Me, thats who. I warned all of you what this game was going to be like and in true dev fashion they only listened to the player base that pretty much agreed with every little peice of hype the crapped out. I will stand by my statement that this will be the biggest mmo dissapointment in history. BW just cant do MMO's. they got some small things right but the big picture is nothing but copied, rehashed same old same old gaming. Nothing that merits the money they threw at it.

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Recycled ideas or no, the game is fun. I mean incredibly fun. If you have actually played mid to late game group content and can still say you're not having fun, then your opinion is >1% anyways. Stop whining and enjoy the game you bought instead of expecting Heaven: The MMO. It's a great addition to the MMO market and I'll be subbing it for years and years, alongside everyone else I know.
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It feels like nothing new i agree. But i am approaching it that way and not burning myself out....stopping smelling the roses. I am level 23 and still only on the second planet. After i get my assassin to 50 im going to run a smuggler for a completely different experience so i dont have to re-do quests.


Having a great time but playing the game way differently then i usually play a theme park.

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I had a friend that bought the game, played for 2 hours and quit. He said the game was "same old MMO" and was discouraged to find him being asked to "kill 10 XYZ's". I said "What the hell did you think was going to happen? It is an MMO." Then he said "I don't have the time to commit to this" but plays his XBox for about 6 hours a night. People do what people want to do.


The reality? It is better he is not playing. I don't need someone raining on my parade. If MMO's are not for you then it is better you don't buy them.


Sure, the game needs improvements. However I remember well every single MMO launch and this is, by far, the best - even with the frustrating log-in queues.


Agree 100%

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