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What's wrong with in-game community?


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I hate to say this but they are probably the same in real life. It's dangerous to generalize too much, but I often feel that most people have lost their civility. How they got that way is debatable, but I believe too much of a dependency on technology and the Internet isn't helping their real-world social skills.


this ...

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There are times they think they are helping but they are don't. I was in Ilum tonight and was doing my dailys and a commando kept jumping in. The first time couple of times I thought maybe we just tagged the same mobs in the cave and I moved to another area. Then he did it again and I asked him to stop it. He thought he was helping as he thought I was still getting the items I needed to drop. when I explained when he tags the mobs and they pull away from me and they turn gray for me it doesn't help me get the items I need.


He didn't know that so I said it was okay. So sometimes people don't know. they honestly think they are helping.

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Since f2p i shut down general chat most of the time, i got a feeling alot of wow players stepped in since that point.

Anal this anal that, you momma here yo momma there, fart poo pie pie etc etc is going on in chats thats the iq lvl now these days.


About helping oout, i only help on big targets ( champions ) the thing if you help out some 1 who need x kills and you start to help it can steal away the mobs if the other person hvnt touch them yet and your help then screws up the quest cause he doesnt get the kills

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I mean... you see people having trouble with mobs, you stop by, help kill the mobs twice as fast as the person could solo'ing them and then the person calls you a-hole, or worst, or whatever with things like "Go mind your own business a-hole...!"


I can't comment on pvp as I don't do it but as far as the above statement, I love the challenge of taking on a group of mobs solo, when someone jumps in killing them without asking if u need help it's annoying, I have the view if someone asks for help they need it if they don't then they don't, so like in your experience I get very annoyed when ppl take it upon themselves to help me if I don't require it.

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I think the only thing that bothers me about the community at the moment is the endless amount of questions that are asked, all through the game. 'How do I do this?' 'How do I do that?' 'How do I get on my ship?' 'How do I...' you get the idea. I don't mind helping, but, how do they think we all learned? On the day of release, Bioware/EA didn't turn around and say 'ok guys, this is a new game, here is a player manual for you!'


Oh and, the constant spamming of general chat on the fleet 'LFG' 'LFM: Black Talon' etc. People asked for a group finder, bloody well use it! Funnily enough, it works and it's not that hard to get your head around the concept. It works the exact same way as the warzone one does, so come on people >.<


Oh and one last thing, PVE/PVPERS choosing an rp server to play on, and then trolling the rpers on the server...constantly...I mean, really? That bugs me the most...I get that some of the original, from day one players didn't get a choice in that, but, that's not the rpers fault. Don't ruin their fun just because you don't like rp. They don't run around trolling your operations. It's poor form.


Ok...so...that was three things :p

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I think the only thing that bothers me about the community at the moment is the endless amount of questions that are asked, all through the game. 'How do I do this?' 'How do I do that?' 'How do I get on my ship?' 'How do I...' you get the idea. I don't mind helping, but, how do they think we all learned? On the day of release, Bioware/EA didn't turn around and say 'ok guys, this is a new game, here is a player manual for you!'


The wonderful thing about chat is that you can turn things off. Just make a tab to include what you want and exclude the rest. If you are not in the charitable mood, then you can switch over to your "Do Not Disturb" tab and game in blissful silence.


Oh and, the constant spamming of general chat on the fleet 'LFG' 'LFM: Black Talon' etc. People asked for a group finder, bloody well use it! Funnily enough, it works and it's not that hard to get your head around the concept. It works the exact same way as the warzone one does, so come on people >.<


Once you get past level 14, you can't do the group finder for Black Talon/Esseles. These people may need social or gear and are beyond the point to use it. There is also the fact that you can do both runs with only 2 people and it is sometimes more effeicient to see if you can pull a group that doesn't fit into the 1 tank, 1 heal, 2 dps format.

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Since f2p i shut down general chat most of the time, i got a feeling alot of wow players stepped in since that point.

Anal this anal that, you momma here yo momma there, fart poo pie pie etc etc is going on in chats thats the iq lvl now these days.


I have never seen any of that. A lot of Jawa jokes. But, none of that. Sadly, people being rude elitist jerks... That is all over. I agree with what most have said here. It is the internet syndrome of everyone being ten feet tall and bullet proof.

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I think the only thing that bothers me about the community at the moment is the endless amount of questions that are asked, all through the game. 'How do I do this?' 'How do I do that?' 'How do I get on my ship?' 'How do I...' you get the idea. I don't mind helping, but, how do they think we all learned? On the day of release, Bioware/EA didn't turn around and say 'ok guys, this is a new game, here is a player manual for you!'


Oh and, the constant spamming of general chat on the fleet 'LFG' 'LFM: Black Talon' etc. People asked for a group finder, bloody well use it! Funnily enough, it works and it's not that hard to get your head around the concept. It works the exact same way as the warzone one does, so come on people >.<


Oh and one last thing, PVE/PVPERS choosing an rp server to play on, and then trolling the rpers on the server...constantly...I mean, really? That bugs me the most...I get that some of the original, from day one players didn't get a choice in that, but, that's not the rpers fault. Don't ruin their fun just because you don't like rp. They don't run around trolling your operations. It's poor form.


Ok...so...that was three things :p


Yes! To all of that!

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Yeah I have noticed the community in game is a very hostile place, there doesn't seem to be a time when anyone can put something into general chat without them getting flamed by (what I am assuming is) a 'play to mess around for an hour' F2P'er and / or 12 year old judging by the low-brow abuse...usually worse on the starter planets where general chat may as well be turned off as it contains nothing but absolute adolescent drivel! And yes there is a real element of elitism from the long term player base that permeates through the game which rears its head all too often in some quarters.


Later on in the game I have seen and experienced some of the things already posted myself and have to say, and i'm sorry if this offends, but the online community in this game is the worst I have ever experienced. Not everyone is bad I have met a few nice people but the rest of the time it is just hostility and trolling. Maybe it is just me, but then again, this thread seems to tell me it isn't


A shame really :(

Edited by Vigilanis
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The fact is we are all individuals, we all have our own idea of what the done thing should be. No matter how any of us comport ourselves someone will be writing an angry forum post about it.


Why invest so much of your time over it? Is it really that important to you?


Just call them a dick in your own head (or out load to your monitor if that makes you feel any better) and get on with enjoying the game. No need to make a big production over a momantary anoyance.


Take that how you will.

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Not sure about the PVP stuff because I don't PVP. But why would you assume someone is worried about racing through content and killing things twice as fast? If I see someone running for their life from a mob, then I'll usually jump in to help them out. But just jumping into someone else's battle because you assume that they want or need your help is pretty presumptuous. You could be hindering their quest or achievement objectives by taking kills away from them. Maybe they are trying to make the game more challenging by seeing how much they can handle at once or how much higher of a level mob they can take on. Plus, there are so many people running around trying to ninja chests and quest objectives that some people probably get jumpy any time someone else just shows up in their battle out of nowhere. But I sure wouldn't cuss someone out for doing what you described....that's pretty uncalled for.


This has happened to me a couple of times. Some well meaning person jumps in to help and then I have to wait for a re-spawn to finish my quest.

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No offense, but why?


I often jump in to down a quest mob, whether it be one that requires a manual respawn or one that will respawn on a timer. Usually the person will stick around and kill mine with me, sometimes even if the timer is a long one. In my opinion, the people who are the real problems are the ones who cruise up at the last minute, refuse to group, and try to steal the respawn. Those people are part of the reason why I do what I do as well -- not only do I not know if one of them is going to show up, causing me to wait even longer, but if it's a timed respawn then I can group with the person I helped and have one more person ready to try and get the tag when the mob shows back up.


I don't think I've ever had a person complain about what I do. Sometimes they just leave and don't say a word, but that's fine. Other times they'll toss a buff even if I don't need it as a way of saying thanks, and then be on their way. But every single day I see people complaining about that other kind of person (ninjas, etc.) and I'm pretty sure many people feel that kind of behavior is like virtually giving someone the finger.


I can't speak for uniz, but for me, this is exactly like, "You're not finishing your dinner fast enough, here let me help you eat it!" *Exactly* like that.

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