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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BIOWARE: Please hire some new forum mods.


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Incorrect. I'm saying that the numerous threads that cover the same topic (using the cartel market, the flavour of the month as an example) are redundant, and we should have a stronger moderation presence ensuring that the boards not only cover a wide variety of topics, but are also a more pleasant place to browse than now.


I'm not saying people shouldn't criticize the game or its developers if that's their opinion, I'm saying that the boards shouldn't be flooded with a million two post threads making the same complaint - that topics need to be moderated more strongly.



Cool if i would have seen that in first thread i would have supported it, but i still think away to calm the storm is to talk to the players and let them know they hear us and show some interest in our concerns.


thanks for clarifying i resend the fanboy name you may resume as you were...:D

Edited by JediJonesJr
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Cool if i would have seen that in first thread i would have supported it, but i still think away to calm the storm is to talk to the players and let them know they hear us and show some interest in our concerns.


thanks for clarifying i resend the fanboy name you may resume as you were...:D


You're welcome - sorry about any confusion!

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Honestly, I wouldn't care if 50K people thought the developers were fat and ugly and wanted to post about it all day long.... as long as it was kept in one thread. It's annoying that the only threads that ever get attention here are whine threads and on top of that, because there are a bajillion of them, that's all anyone ever sees.


I do agree that we need to go back to when topics were consolidated.

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I like these forums because there is more freedom here compared to others. I suggest you find one of those. There's plenty of heavy moderated forums on the internet.


I would argue that there is a difference between freedom and anarchy, but I suppose that's a matter of perspective.

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Eh, I disagree. Until recently mods were too restrictive, recently they've lightened up and that's a good thing. The forums should allow the free flow of ideas, even if they are mindless drivel and qq. Closing them down just makes it look like the company is trying to falsify what people are saying about it.


I generally agree with this.


Plus.. it's good to give people plenty of room to make themselves look silly with all the foaming and stump watering IMO. Let them speak.. and remove all doubt as to their views IMO.


The only thing they need to reign in IMO, is the nasty personal attacks that the venters are directing at anyone that disagrees with them. As if .. only negative opinions should be allowed in the forum. :rolleyes: Some of the nasty attacks toward the venters needs to get reigned in as well though. That said, at least now days when someone takes a swing at you, you can defend yourself without getting baited&infracted.

Edited by Andryah
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good idea. just delete all the negative threads. then the forums can be a bundle of happy "we all love paying twice for content as subscriber" posts. that sounds like a fun, happy, brainwashed place. just don't forget to pass out cups of spiked kool-aid at the door.


it's always easier to just delete the complaints than god forbid actually listen to them

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Seriously, the 20 million threads about how the Cartel Market gives you cancer is a bit redundant. These forums seriously need some strong moderation.


Seems to me I recall the days before Eric took over and there was complaint after complaint over heavy-handed moderation.


At least now they're letting discussion happen without stifling it, redirecting it, or jumping in the middle of it. Except for the worst transgressions of forum etiquette which the should definitely keep under control.

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They cant afford to hire more mods. They have no money and need to make everything go to cartel market


They don't need to hire more mods. They're doing a fine job as they are.


They have plenty of money, roughly $15 million per month.

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Hey here is one I have seen a lot over the last few days.


If you don't like it then quit ..... in this case quit the forums ... no body is forcing you to log on here and read the post. :rolleyes:



See how silly that sounds.... I hated even writing it.

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I don't know. A little consolidation wouldn't hurt. I'm not saying the moderators should start deleting threads of any particular opinion. Just consolidate posts that have the same theme. "QQ bioware is taking all my money" in one thread. "QQ bioware lied to me about content" in another thread "shut up with all the QQ!" in another thread and there we have it. problem solved.
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Blizzard lost about 1 million players at the beginning of year, suddenly here is an angry mob complaining about almost everything. Coincidence? I think not. They all switched from playing WoW to complaining in swtor forums.


Thats my theory anyway.

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At the very least they need to more aggressively merge threads, and start locking new ones so people get the point.


I'm fine with them being more tolerant about posting, but I'm not fine with the forums becomes a spam whine fest.

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Blizzard lost about 1 million players at the beginning of year, suddenly here is an angry mob complaining about almost everything. Coincidence? I think not. They all switched from playing WoW to complaining in swtor forums.


Thats my theory anyway.


I wish I could agree with you but this was happening way before WoW lost those subs.

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They don't need to hire more mods. They're doing a fine job as they are.


They have plenty of money, roughly $15 million per month.


Lol no. They are under 500k subs and you have to factor in costs for employees, electricity bills, rent on buildings used as operations, etc.. Its not pure profit

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Honestly, TOR likely has the most whiney/entitled forum base out there. Everything they dislike is blown up like it's the end of the world.


IMO, it should have been expected. This game combines two of what I consider some of the most vocal and opinionated groups of people into one place: Star Wars fans and MMO fans.


Not a jab at either, just an observation of somebody who was around when Lucas was bashed after each movie release (be it in theaters or each of the edited/remastered/etc box sets). Yes, there are those that are content with what was done who happily continue to like what we like and not pay for what we don't like (instead of sending hate mail to Lucas...or now Disney and EA/BW).


I can get frustrated and spew some bile on occasion. But I realize it doesn't help very much so I try to enjoy what is good and ignore what may be bad and I can't do anything about (still working on that).

Edited by ClarkNineCD
cleaned up wording...
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Lol no. They are under 500k subs and you have to factor in costs for employees, electricity bills, rent on buildings used as operations, etc.. Its not pure profit


I never said profit. They said during their last earnings call they were just under 500k subs and that CM was half their revenue. Do the math. 500,000 * $15 = $7,500,000 * 2 = $15,000,000 revenue per month.


Is that completely accurate? Nope. But it's a reasonable estimate given the information they've provided.

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