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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BIOWARE: Please hire some new forum mods.


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Seriously, the 20 million threads about how the Cartel Market gives you cancer is a bit redundant. These forums seriously need some strong moderation.


Agreed. There's a limit to letting stupidity run rampant. I get not wanting to piss off customers, but if they are already pissed off, at least merge all their crying into one thread.

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Seriously, the 20 million threads about how the Cartel Market gives you cancer is a bit redundant. These forums seriously need some strong moderation.



Yep. We really don't need a new thread complaining about the same issues every 4 or 5 minutes. It's crazy.

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If you think about it, TOR's forums already had a horrid reputation even amongst the MMO community back around post-launch, and that was when the forums had even a slight moderation presence reining everyone in. Now, members are beginning to realize they can get away with more and more rule breaking without recieving any punishment, and things are just getting worse. Even when you factor out duplicate threads, the general tone of the boards is increasingly volatile and hostile. It's not exactly an attractive community for newcomers.
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Eh, I disagree. Until recently mods were too restrictive, recently they've lightened up and that's a good thing. The forums should allow the free flow of ideas, even if they are mindless drivel and qq. Closing them down just makes it look like the company is trying to falsify what people are saying about it.
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If you think about it, TOR's forums already had a horrid reputation even amongst the MMO community back around post-launch, and that was when the forums had even a slight moderation presence reining everyone in. Now, members are beginning to realize they can get away with more and more rule breaking without recieving any punishment, and things are just getting worse. Even when you factor out duplicate threads, the general tone of the boards is increasingly volatile and hostile. It's not exactly an attractive community for newcomers.


Honestly, TOR likely has the most whiney/entitled forum base out there. Everything they dislike is blown up like it's the end of the world.

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Eh, I disagree. Until recently mods were too restrictive, recently they've lightened up and that's a good thing. The forums should allow the free flow of ideas, even if they are mindless drivel and qq. Closing them down just makes it look like the company is trying to falsify what people are saying about it.



Condensing/locking redundant threads =/= falsifying what people are saying.

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Seriously, the 20 million threads about how the Cartel Market gives you cancer is a bit redundant. These forums seriously need some strong moderation.


Interpreted for non fanboys:

Yes please hire more mods don't worry about spending money on game or better customer service just concentrate on hiring mods to shut up those people who sub and complain about concerns they have with game, it is always good to keep those troublemakers quiet because the fanboys are blinded by the light and they can't handle anything negative without requesting it be shut down or banned , they are the only ones allowed to have an opinion and everyone else needs to shut up.
Edited by JediJonesJr
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Eh, I disagree. Until recently mods were too restrictive, recently they've lightened up and that's a good thing. The forums should allow the free flow of ideas, even if they are mindless drivel and qq. Closing them down just makes it look like the company is trying to falsify what people are saying about it.


They could, however, keep one thread open for people to continue QQing/Praising the patch and allow the rest to actually find the information they need or discuss different things.

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Eh, I disagree. Until recently mods were too restrictive, recently they've lightened up and that's a good thing. The forums should allow the free flow of ideas, even if they are mindless drivel and qq. Closing them down just makes it look like the company is trying to falsify what people are saying about it.


They were a bit heavy handed back in the day, I'll agree with that - I've recieved some really weird warnings in the past - but I think a presence is better than no presence. If anything, I'd say that the efforts of the team prior to recently were admirable, but their energy was misplaced in only really handling reported posts rather than active forum checking (which as an admin for a board of only about 200 regular members, I can vouch is both time consuming and painful).

Edited by GrimAce
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Honestly, TOR likely has the most whiney/entitled forum base out there. Everything they dislike is blown up like it's the end of the world.


Thats because most of the SWG crowd came here. They were bar none the worst Community in MMO history, and now they've come here to whine and moan.

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I don't think that new mods are needed, but I do think that these forums have gotten too liberal with what they allow. It almost makes me wish for the days when people thought that we were over-moderated.
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I don't think that new mods are needed, but I do think that these forums have gotten too liberal with what they allow. It almost makes me wish for the days when people thought that we were over-moderated.



Honestly, I wouldn't care if 50K people thought the developers were fat and ugly and wanted to post about it all day long.... as long as it was kept in one thread. It's annoying that the only threads that ever get attention here are whine threads and on top of that, because there are a bajillion of them, that's all anyone ever sees.

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See what I meant about them blowing everything out of proportion? This guy seems to believe that more mods = less game content. I mean...for serious?




yes we need more mods and cartel packs heck i think they should add customer service to cartel packs and maybe a mod you can buy with a cartel pack.


lets just make the game everything you need is on cartel market.

Edited by JediJonesJr
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If you think about it, TOR's forums already had a horrid reputation even amongst the MMO community back around post-launch, and that was when the forums had even a slight moderation presence reining everyone in. Now, members are beginning to realize they can get away with more and more rule breaking without recieving any punishment, and things are just getting worse. Even when you factor out duplicate threads, the general tone of the boards is increasingly volatile and hostile. It's not exactly an attractive community for newcomers.


That's a fact. I almost didn't buy the game because of all the crap people were saying on the forums. Once I did, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the forums were just angry bed-wetters letting the world know how unhappy they were.

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yes we need more mods and cartel packs heck i think they should add customer service to cartel packs and maybe a mod you can buy with a cartel pack.


lets just make the game everything you need is on cartel market.


What does the Cartel Market have to do with forum moderation?

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Condensing/locking redundant threads =/= falsifying what people are saying.


Where you hear when they did that all the time? It felt like you were in the middle of Communist regime and people were being silenced left and right. Locking/consolidation threads should only be done if:

- The old thread with all it's posts is left searchable, but locked to new posts.

- The last post in the thread is a yellow posts explaining why the thread is locked and putting a link to the thread where the same conversation should be continued.


Instead what happened is threads just disappeared. It looked like a cover up and it only encouraged the negativity and distrust between the community and the mods/devs. Leaving a freer more open dialog give people the ability to vent their frustration and hopefully get their ideas heard and that is both good and necessary if the game is going to continue to improve.

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Woah, did I just get labeled a fanboy for criticizing Bioware's current handling of the forums?


Someone's dividing by zero here, folks.


you said


Quote: Originally Posted by GrimAce

Seriously, the 20 million threads about how the Cartel Market gives you cancer is a bit redundant. These forums seriously need some strong moderation.



I interpreted or got the impression you wanted the content in the forums to be controlled and more mods to do this, heck maybe if the company would answer the questions people pose in these threads the amount of these types of threads would be less hiring more mods is not the solution, answering the player base should be.

Edited by JediJonesJr
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you said


Quote: Originally Posted by GrimAce

Seriously, the 20 million threads about how the Cartel Market gives you cancer is a bit redundant. These forums seriously need some strong moderation.



i read that as you saying people need to stop or mods need to stop the cartel market discussions hire more mods to control the content in the forums, heck maybe if the company would answer the questions people pose in these threads the amount of these types of threads would be less hiring more mods is not the solution answer then player base should be.


Incorrect. I'm saying that the numerous threads that cover the same topic (using the cartel market, the flavour of the month as an example) are redundant, and we should have a stronger moderation presence ensuring that the boards not only cover a wide variety of topics, but are also a more pleasant place to browse than now.


I'm not saying people shouldn't criticize the game or its developers if that's their opinion, I'm saying that the boards shouldn't be flooded with a million two post threads making the same complaint - that topics need to be moderated more strongly.

Edited by GrimAce
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Where you hear when they did that all the time? It felt like you were in the middle of Communist regime and people were being silenced left and right. Locking/consolidation threads should only be done if:

- The old thread with all it's posts is left searchable, but locked to new posts.

- The last post in the thread is a yellow posts explaining why the thread is locked and putting a link to the thread where the same conversation should be continued.


Instead what happened is threads just disappeared. It looked like a cover up and it only encouraged the negativity and distrust between the community and the mods/devs. Leaving a freer more open dialog give people the ability to vent their frustration and hopefully get their ideas heard and that is both good and necessary if the game is going to continue to improve.


I don't know if threads were being deleted, but at least as far as vbulletin goes, merged threads don't have options for redirects or anything. The posts could still exist, but they may have just been moved into an existing thread, which kind of causes more questions then anything. a good old fashioned thread lock with a link to an existing relevant discussion is always the better option.

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