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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What is the future of this game?


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You need not worry, this post isn't about the whole issue of the recent patch.


I began playing when the game was first released, and while I haven't been the most experienced of subscribers, I remember that Bioware promised ''new class story content,

New raids, etc...''


With the recent change to F2P, and the obvious focus Bioware would have to place into the new system (which is completely understandable from my point of view) I wonder what would happen now? What course is this game heading towards?


Do we get new class stories? Or has the introduction of F2P/Cartel Market changed how the game's content is now focused?


Just a curiosity post, in all honesty.

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The future of this game:


roughly 3000 years from now, the war between Jedi and Sith will have come to extremes. Both sides will have immense losses.


At that time a man will emerge from the sniper troops of the empire and will become a sith, who names himself Bane. He will deceive the other Sith and ultimately bring them all down with the help of the republic, making him the sole surviving sith lord.


He then takes on a young female human as apprentice, who ultimately kills him, following the rule of two, that Darth Bane himself invented.


A couple sith generations later, Darth Plaguis is killed by Darth Sidious, the republic falls, the empire rises, hundreds of Jedi are slaughtered.


One generation later, the sith empire is once again brought down by a farmer, an outlaw, a princess and a stuffed animal, alongside two cool droids.


And they lived happily ever after...

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While BW did not 'officially' declared class stories dead, they said that those stories are too expensive(compared to shared stories) and they intend to focus on shared stories from now on.

That most likely means no more than one story of similar size as Makeb, once per year or so.


As for focus, before 2.0 we got cartel market rep, now we got whole patch focused on sucking CC away from players with appearances and collections, so even if 2.2 has new FP or new event, biggest focus in recent months will still stay on F2P and making players spend more money.

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On a more serious approach:


I would guess, that after the gazillion of complaints on this board about everything being only for F2P anymore (which I do not agree to, by the way), the following patch will again be a "normal" content patch, which will include new colors, new (insanely useless) jawagrams, a new (probably recolored) armor set and some new time sink.


The next expansion however I personally predict for christmas or later and it will again be costing as much as Makeb did and folks will again complain that it is not an expansion but only a DLC and other folks (like me) will again point out, that they do not care for the name of it, as long as it is entertaining.


With EAs last quartly report, the future of the game is good. Now if only the forums could become less invested by the dark force and its destructiveness.

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While BW did not 'officially' declared class stories dead, they said that those stories are too expensive(compared to shared stories) and they intend to focus on shared stories from now on.

That most likely means no more than one story of similar size as Makeb, once per year or so.


As for focus, before 2.0 we got cartel market rep, now we got whole patch focused on sucking CC away from players with appearances and collections, so even if 2.2 has new FP or new event, biggest focus in recent months will still stay on F2P and making players spend more money.


Do you have a source to cite re: expenses vs story content? I'm not arguing that it exists, I'd just like to see it for myself.

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Do you have a source to cite re: expenses vs story content? I'm not arguing that it exists, I'd just like to see it for myself.


Now that I think about it, I'm not etirely sure if it was official BW response in some interview or just reasonable reasoning from 'normal' user.. It was putting time and effort required to produce and check 2 stories against 8 stories. Now I'm almost sure it wasn't BW response, because in each answer to question regarding class stories they try to speak as little as possible about them instead praising their shared story, so it's rather unlikely they would say anything as clear as declaring them too expensive.


So most likely, it was just me accepting reasonable speculation as truth.

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Now that I think about it, I'm not etirely sure if it was official BW response in some interview or just reasonable reasoning from 'normal' user.. It was putting time and effort required to produce and check 2 stories against 8 stories. Now I'm almost sure it wasn't BW response, because in each answer to question regarding class stories they try to speak as little as possible about them instead praising their shared story, so it's rather unlikely they would say anything as clear as declaring them too expensive.


So most likely, it was just me accepting reasonable speculation as truth.


No worries - thanks for your response regardless.


The pattern I see in regards to patch is two content patches on opposing cycles - CC content and non CC content interchanging, with story content (expansions) for spice at...whatever interval they've assigned.

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The future of the game is monetize everything via Microtransactions on the Cartel Market, and try to pressure, cajole and entice subscribers to pay twice for the same content.


to accomplish getting their subscribers to pay even more than their 15 dollars a month by slowly take existing mounts, weapons and armor out of the game in patches, only to add it to the Cartel Market via armor sets or cartel packs a couple months later.


then have a staffer playing KOTOR and KOTOR 2 in order to get ideas for more armor, weapons and mounts that they can add to the Cartel Market. then get that staffer once they're done with the XBOX walk down memory lane to get an old launch disc of SWTOR, and datamine all the armor, weapons and mounts which are in the coding but not on live yet, and pull them out of mothballs and add them to the Cartel Market.

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No new class stories. No new classes anywhere in the near future. Makeb was a lazy addition with everyone having the same story.


The future of this game is pay to win.


Fixed, italics mine.


I don't even see this game existing a year, or at best, two years from now.

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The glorious future of this game will be heralded by the Cartel Market, soon... there will be no meaningless story missions, flashpoints, operations... warzones, none of that will exist. The game will simply consist of patches revolving around the magnificent Cartel Market, we'll eventually get Darth Vader armor, Palpatine's robes, etc. Basic features will cost a small sum of cartel coins to unlock per character for several hours.


The wrath is coming... but this is not the Emperor's Wrath. This is the Wrath of the Cartel Market, and with your help it can become a reality. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=640084

Edited by Esperanz
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With EAs last quartly report, the future of the game is good. Now if only the forums could become less invested by the dark force and its destructiveness.


Did you actually READ the quarterly report? And if so, what exactly is "good" in it that pertains to SWTOR?

Unlike some of the previous quarterly report press releases, this one doesn't even mention the game anymore.



If you really want to see the future of SWTOR check here:


Fact is, the game has been bleeding players every week since April.

I wonder why...:rolleyes:

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I expect the future of stories to be all classes having the same "big goal" (since you are a bona fide galactic hero by the end of chapter 3), but with possibility of contributing to that goal in their own ways (separate missions, like Knight leading the frontal assault, smuggler sabotaging critical infrastructure, consular convincing some major figures to help with attack, etc), and occasionally having the possibility to team up with other classes for some big step (same mission for all)



Did you actually READ the quarterly report? And if so, what exactly is "good" in it that pertains to SWTOR?

Unlike some of the previous quarterly report press releases, this one doesn't even mention the game anymore.


It was said during the Conference Call in May.

If you really want to see the future of SWTOR check here:


Fact is, the game has been bleeding players every week since April.

I wonder why...:rolleyes:

TORstatus.net is very much unofficial website. The guy who wrote the script was a guild leader of my guild, and all the script does is reading what the server status page says and converting it to graphs. Without actually knowing approximately how many players does "heavy" or "standard" mean, you cannot make any statements based on it

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Did you actually READ the quarterly report? And if so, what exactly is "good" in it that pertains to SWTOR?

Unlike some of the previous quarterly report press releases, this one doesn't even mention the game anymore.



If you really want to see the future of SWTOR check here:


Fact is, the game has been bleeding players every week since April.

I wonder why...:rolleyes:


Check your own stats. Before April 9 numbers were steady, then they experienced a spike, now we're back to those stable numbers.

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