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PvP Community's Plans for Server Transfers


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Game Genie was also known as Squad Six on Sanctum. Same guild, same players (mostly). When transfers happened they got other players. I was approached by Dizeren to join him, Jevy, Bay, (I think Braddock was a founder too), Matter-healer and a couple of others when they were still only forming Squad Six (which later became Game Genie). For me personally, I like the community nature of Pax Gaming, and there are other benefits besides winning WZs, that outweighed my enjoyment of PVP so I declined.


I couldn't remember if they had changed their name to GG or not when we were still on SoTE. I'm pretty sure they had a few different names aside from just GG and S6 as well. Also, they had their imp guild Conflicted Loyalties..which was basically a name mocking the fact that several people were upset they were kill trading on Ilum or /saying with Imps while running the race track instead of actually fighting.


From Tor'barr's list of core GG players:

Core Game Genie:

Manlio- Core Game Genie

Peyton-Core Game Genie/Mostly gone




Bay-Recently back

Demetri-Core Game Genie

Arina- Core Game Genie


Maybe I just don't remember them, but I'm pretty sure Manlio, Peyton, Tuvor, Demetri and Arina didn't come from SoTE. Could certainly be that I just don't remember the names though. Not that it really matters, but I guess my hope with those original transfers/mergers was that a balance of power would happen rather than further consolidation.


Edit: I will admit that while Conflicted Loyalties rubbed some the wrong way at least back then those folks would switch sides when it seemed there was a faction imbalance of skill queuing. Now, it seems that people just swap to the side that is winning. I've seen all to often a GG/S6/(Insert Good Player Here) alt pop on to the Imp side after getting stomped on the pub side. At least the Conflicted Loyalties/GG of old would go where the challenge was rather than taking the easy road.

Edited by ML_DoubleTap
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The Huttball macro:


Two former members of empire let this one out, and since I do not have the right to share their names I won't (one of the reasons I edited my original post).


I always knew there was something fishy going on here. I can't tell you how many times I'd be standing at mid with a Guerrilla premade about to score, furiously spam-clicking the area that the ball spawns in. Like my pimp hand, I keep my clicking finger strong. And without me being stunned or controlled in any way, one of them walks right up and grabs it.


As for the rest of this thread.....


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I tend to solo que unless friends are on, which means most times I'm pugging it.


The school-yard posturing and egos I will not be sad to see go. Maybe I'll finally do some PvE if PvP dies after all these people leave, but I highly doubt this will kill PvP.

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but I highly doubt this will kill PvP.


My thought as well. I've actually been seeing more people from my guild queue just due to the new Bolster system because games are generally more competitive. Competitive games are fun...with some of the most hardcore planning to find like-minded individuals I see games here becoming more and more competitive. Like I said on page 2...good for both sides :D

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Ok, so I have been reading through this thread for about 10-15 mins now. I must say,,, As a the social butterfly I am, it may be in my best interest to stay in the cocoon on this one. However, as the Bi Polar belligerent stoner that the rest of you know.... I simply cant. lol.


As you may know, I am now with Guerilla. This has given me a unique insight, as I have now participated on both side of this coin. Ill say that the feeling in Guerilla's mumble is about as close to any other guilds as Ive participated in. Despite what people may think, No one is talking ****. Well at least about other players. (I talk more **** about **** than any of you anyway. So much so that I cant even keep my **** straight sometimes. lol).. The majority of the conversations are dictated by tactical discussions and debates about gearing. And yes rambling about unrelated ****.


As far as Mort getting Poached. I pretty much went out and asked to be poached. So is that poaching.. uggh. IMO... no. I did roll for several hours with Bay and a few of his buddies. After many WZs of epic facestomps I inquired about the state of PVP guilds. I expressed to him that I was interested in becoming involved in a more competitive guild and asked if he had any suggestions. The rest is history


Pax is a TREMENDOUS community.. I have nothing by great things to say about all of them. I love and respect the friends I made there, and it was with a heavy heart that I made the decision to leave. There are people that continue to be my friends on facebook, and if Im ever in their neck of the woods, I will make every attempt to get a beer with. The truth is Pax is not a PVP oriented community, and at this time in my MMO experience I want a PVP guild.



RE: QQ and Trollolo


I Think this is whats happened:

Early on Great players grouped up with other great players. People got facestomped. They QQ'd and threw around accusations. Some members responded by lashing out with an even greater resolve. If you back people in a corner with allegations and haterorade, some will fold to the fetal position, others will come out biting, kicking, and smashing face. I was on the Stompee side of this debate for months. Honestly It MADE ME A BETTER PLAYER. Had these dudes not kicked my teeth in night after night. I would still be that clicky Sorc with his feet glued to spot casting **** until it was time to respawn again.


Earlier in this thread it was stated that Guerilla/GG don't care for the community and have only put on 1 event, only because they were called out.. This is both true and false.


Truth: They only hosted a Tourney because they were called out..

This is true only because they lacked a player who was interested in organization of such events. Some people lack the motivation and or mind set to put things like this together. Its tough, it takes a lot of effort and you have to WANT to do it. Call someone out enough and they will eventually bend, unless there Ghandi or some ****.



In my experience Guerillas do care about the community. They know enough about each of you to focus those who are dangerous and play objectives. There really isn't a bunch of **** talk like "player X is garbage". Its more.. Oh Player X is in here. They are pretty good. Don't let them free cast. I havnt met everyone in the guild yet So there may be exceptions, but that goes for any guild. My experiences with them have all been positive.


After all, If you all quit PVPing who will we have to play with?


...... anyway...


Look for that to change. I derive great pleasure from a strong community interaction within a PVP genre. I will be taking a personal responsibility in organizing server events and make every effort to diffuse the bad blood.. Its just what I enjoy doing. No other reason than that.


If however, you just want to continue to hate and be angry.. then go **** yourself. and have a nice day :D

Edited by DarthBror
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I just can't make the connection between this,

I did roll for several hours with Bay and a few of his buddies. After many WZs of epic facestomps...

and this,

I expressed to him that I was interested in becoming involved in a more competitive guild ...


How does a few hours of facestomps lend itself to competition? I've always enjoyed most of you're posts here..don't think I've ever played on your team but you seem like a decent person. So, don't take this as me bringing out the 'hatorade' or whatever, I just don't understand the logic.



If however, you just want to continue to hate and be angry.. then go **** yourself. and have a nice day :D


As I've said, some Guerilla members already showed their colors telling me to f*ck off after a "GG", so this is nothing new :D Ya'll can talk about community and competition, but actions speak louder than words. Even if it's a few bad apples it makes the whole guild look bad...not to mention when I posted the screenie(which I probably shouldn't have done, and deleted it shortly after) of the response it was defended by a couple members, and Bay mocked me w/ a YouTube video. Yeah, community.

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I just can't make the connection between this,


and this,



How does a few hours of facestomps lend itself to competition? I've always enjoyed most of you're posts here..don't think I've ever played on your team but you seem like a decent person. So, don't take this as me bringing out the 'hatorade' or whatever, I just don't understand the logic.





As I've said, some Guerilla members already showed their colors telling me to f*ck off after a "GG", so this is nothing new :D Ya'll can talk about community and competition, but actions speak louder than words. Even if it's a few bad apples it makes the whole guild look bad...not to mention when I posted the screenie(which I probably shouldn't have done, and deleted it shortly after) of the response it was defended by a couple members, and Bay mocked me w/ a YouTube video. Yeah, community.


For me it was about a cohesive PVP experience. Rolling with them made me feel as tho I had a roll to play other than being a mobile training dummy. I still kite and such as part of my Sorc Healz roll, but not as my primary objective.


Naturally synergy leads to facetomps, and how is that competitive you ask? Well,,, Being competitive starts with team dynamic. Bull ******** on Speak channels and knowing what others are and are supposed to be doing. Regardless of the competition, I want to be the best Sorc I can be. At this time, its playing as objectively as possible and developing a good team dynamic. In this case with PVP centric people. Win or lose that is my goal.



I don't understand why other Republic guilds don't consolidate into meta PVP guilds too then? I spent a long while trying to fight this process and making every excuse about how being the underdog was cool.. etc etc. For some it may be. Hey its your 15$. For me, it became clear that Competition is not just about facestomps. Its about doing the best you can, and taking your game to the highest possible level. That simply wasn't going to be possible in an RP-PVE guild.

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As I've said, some Guerilla members already showed their colors telling me to f*ck off after a "GG", so this is nothing new :D Ya'll can talk about community and competition, but actions speak louder than words. Even if it's a few bad apples it makes the whole guild look bad...not to mention when I posted the screenie(which I probably shouldn't have done, and deleted it shortly after) of the response it was defended by a couple members, and Bay mocked me w/ a YouTube video. Yeah, community.


Try not being so melodramatic, it was one person, myself.


And in case you haven't gathered from the responses in the previous thread:

It isn't a GG when you absolutely destroyed the other team and tell them GG, some people have yet to catch up on that point. What is a GG for one side is total rape for the other.


But sure, use this as a leg to stand on when you try and argue the entirety of Guerrilla are terrrible people.

I'd happily tell you to **** off again under the same circumstances.

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I don't understand why other Republic guilds don't consolidate into meta PVP guilds too then? I spent a long while trying to fight this process and making every excuse about how being the underdog was cool.. etc etc. For some it may be. Hey its your 15$. For me, it became clear that Competition is not just about facestomps. Its about doing the best you can, and taking your game to the highest possible level. That simply wasn't going to be possible in an RP-PVE guild.


For me, its because I enjoy my guildmates and I'd rather be with people I enjoy than win at all costs. Maybe once you're part of the clique they treat you differently, but a majority of the Gamepirella crew act like jerks and trolls in game and on the forum. Doesn't take long to find examples, and I'd prefer not to surround myself w/ that type just to win. From some of the comments I've seen in game they don't even treat each other very well...


Maybe I've just had bad experiences and they really are a rosy happy bunch that gets a bad reputation...for some reason I doubt this. I wil admit I thought it was funny when one of them created a toon named DoubleTap ... in fact I was honored they thought enough of me to troll :rak_03:

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Try not being so melodramatic, it was one person, myself.


And in case you haven't gathered from the responses in the previous thread:



But sure, use this as a leg to stand on when you try and argue the entirety of Guerrilla are terrrible people.

I'd happily tell you to **** off again under the same circumstances.


You mopped us up the game prior and immediately following and I said 'GG' in both of those instances as well. So, like I said, it was unwarranted. Be a grown up and take a loss...I know it doesn't happen often, but a least try ;) You're free to queue up with me if you need practice!

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For me, its because I enjoy my guildmates and I'd rather be with people I enjoy than win at all costs. Maybe once you're part of the clique they treat you differently, but a majority of the Gamepirella crew act like jerks and trolls in game and on the forum. Doesn't take long to find examples, and I'd prefer not to surround myself w/ that type just to win. From some of the comments I've seen in game they don't even treat each other very well...


Maybe I've just had bad experiences and they really are a rosy happy bunch that gets a bad reputation...for some reason I doubt this. I wil admit I thought it was funny when one of them created a toon named DoubleTap ... in fact I was honored they thought enough of me to troll :rak_03:


for sure.. I would guess its prob a little of both. I see that in any guild tho. Pax is HUGE.. mult games, titles and genres. For every 100 cool people there is always 1 D-bag that talks some ****, trolls, or other douche move. Hell Ive even been that person on occasion.


I use Pax not to slander them in anyway, just because its an example of a guild with a pretty upstanding reputation.


Just as much as I like to win, I like to be competitive.. Guerilla is about being as competitive as possible. For me I sacrificed guildies I loved for fulfillment in PVP.. That **** weighs heavily on my conscience, and I alone have to live with that. It may not be for you or anyone else, but for me... I want to surround myself with other like minded people. get as cohesive as possible and fine tune tactics.

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It isn't a GG when you absolutely destroyed the other team and tell them GG, some people have yet to catch up on that point. What is a GG for one side is total rape for the other.



IDK man.. I completely disagree. I was taught that win or lose you go shake hands and say GG. Period. If you don't,, your a sore *** loser, or an ******e.


If I don't type GG at the end of a match its because im too baked to remember to do so. lol.

Edited by DarthBror
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Yes, the incestuous knot of guilds at the top hurt PvP on this server. There are many talented players not in those guilds, but being a member of that triumvirate is such a draw that maintaining a large enough base of talent to run a ranked team is unbelievably difficult. I'm seriously impressed by the few guilds that can. (And it's not just talent that's needed - people need to have Dashto's level of masochism and perseverance, which are rare commodities when most people are playing the game to unwind and relax.)


I think by-and-large the things that happened weren't malicious, but they were definitely short-sighted. I don't think anyone can disagree that PvP on TEH is in a sorry state, and I think you'd be hard pressed to show that the incestuous three had nothing to do with that, especially considering that the huge majority of the most talented players are in those guilds.


I commend those committed to the viability of PvP on this server. I think Spurlock's point, that we shouldn't celebrate members of the incestuous three leaving because there will always be a top dog, isn't quite right. Yes, absolutely, there will always be a top dog. But I think if those new top dogs are committed to the longevity of server PvP -- people like Nadir, Dashto, Alecia, Panopticus, etc. -- the departure of the incestuous three might go a long way towards reviving ranked on the server. But, no, I'm not cheering to see players I respect leaving (Spurlock's another matter entirely); I'm hopeful that those who stay can learn from the past and make TEH PvP all that it should be.


Also, seriously, like 90% of this thread should be in the hate thread, omg. I don't want to have to check all the pvp-related threads just to luxuriate in the trolly drama. C'mon, guys, get it together.

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for sure.. I would guess its prob a little of both. I see that in any guild tho. Pax is HUGE.. mult games, titles and genres. For every 100 cool people there is always 1 D-bag that talks some ****, trolls, or other douche move. Hell Ive even been that person on occasion.


Yeah, that's certainly understandable. Unfortunately, fair or not, Guerilla and the like tend to live under a microscope given their elite status on the server.


Like I said, I've enjoyed your comments on the forums in the past and was in no way trying to be negative towards you. Just explaining from my point of view. I've always tried to be friendly in games and it generally blows up in my face w/ most of that crew.

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IDK man.. I completely disagree. I was taught that win or lose you go shake hands and say GG. Period. If you don't,, your a sore *** loser, or an ******e.

^ This... Maybe coming from someone else it will get across. I wasn't trying to be a d*ck...I always say good game, and I lose more than I win :cool:. Heck even in out of shape, old man, beer league softball...one of my competitive outlets...we shake hands with teams we don't necessarily get along with and tell them 'good game' regardless of the outcome.

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Yeah, that's certainly understandable. Unfortunately, fair or not, Guerilla and the like tend to live under a microscope given their elite status on the server.


Like I said, I've enjoyed your comments on the forums in the past and was in no way trying to be negative towards you. Just explaining from my point of view. I've always tried to be friendly in games and it generally blows up in my face w/ most of that crew.


+1 totally understand. I hope that we can all move forward and really create a better PVP atmosphere on this server.


It can be done.


It will be people like us, who get on here and hash the **** out. Complain and call each other out. In the end.. the King and Pawns all go back into the same box, but we are all part of the same community.


The time has long passed for us to bury the hatchets of our indiscretions.

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^ This... Maybe coming from someone else it will get across. I wasn't trying to be a d*ck...I always say good game, and I lose more than I win :cool:. Heck even in out of shape, old man, beer league softball...one of my competitive outlets...we shake hands with teams we don't necessarily get along with and tell them 'good game' regardless of the outcome.



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^ This... Maybe coming from someone else it will get across. I wasn't trying to be a d*ck...I always say good game, and I lose more than I win :cool:. Heck even in out of shape, old man, beer league softball...one of my competitive outlets...we shake hands with teams we don't necessarily get along with and tell them 'good game' regardless of the outcome.


I think that's just part of the difference between being able to look someone in the eye after competing publicly and in person, versus having to deal with keyboard warriors who are safely insulated in anonymity on the internetz. They aren't worth the trouble IMO. I like the perspective you bring to this discussion, BTW. I wish there were more like you.

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Didn't mean to offend anyone with the Kings and Pawns comment. Im an old school chess nerd and its a figure of speech meant to illustrate good bad or indifferent we all belong..


No offense at all, I knew what you meant, I used play chess too. My college house had a chess set that had shot glasses for all the pieces...talk about levelling the playing field ;)

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Let's take a stroll down memory lane. Once upon a time in a magical place there was a server called Sanctum of the Exalted. I was in a guild called Hand of the Republic. Along with Grimmlok, Tak and Dizeren. We queued with a lot of different people on the Republic side and met a lot of good PvPers. This is where we met Jevi and Bay (Helalin at the time). Conflicted Loyalties was created to have a place for Imperial alts to PvP and try to help out the other side when they were often getting wrecked. This is where we were in the same guild. Most of us were spread around throughout other guilds on the Republic side.


As for this:

I couldn't remember if they had changed their name to GG or not when we were still on SoTE. I'm pretty sure they had a few different names aside from just GG and S6 as well. Also, they had their imp guild Conflicted Loyalties..which was basically a name mocking the fact that several people were upset they were kill trading on Ilum or /saying with Imps while running the race track instead of actually fighting.


From Tor'barr's list of core GG players:

Core Game Genie:

Manlio- Core Game Genie

Peyton-Core Game Genie/Mostly gone




Bay-Recently back

Demetri-Core Game Genie

Arina- Core Game Genie


Maybe I just don't remember them, but I'm pretty sure Manlio, Peyton, Tuvor, Demetri and Arina didn't come from SoTE. Could certainly be that I just don't remember the names though. Not that it really matters, but I guess my hope with those original transfers/mergers was that a balance of power would happen rather than further consolidation.


Edit: I will admit that while Conflicted Loyalties rubbed some the wrong way at least back then those folks would switch sides when it seemed there was a faction imbalance of skill queuing. Now, it seems that people just swap to the side that is winning. I've seen all to often a GG/S6/(Insert Good Player Here) alt pop on to the Imp side after getting stomped on the pub side. At least the Conflicted Loyalties/GG of old would go where the challenge was rather than taking the easy road.


Eventually what happened was we were doing nothing but queuing for PvP and Jevi decided to create Squad Six on the Republic side. The name came from Jevi pushing the six button on his keyboard, which was smash. It had nothing to do with Navy Seals, despite popular belief. One by one people left whatever guild they were in and joined it. We were only playing together anymore anyways and it was a no brainer decision.


We switched the name to Game Genie one day just because of sheer boredom and people always saying we are hacking and we grew tired of having to defend ourselves. No member of GG has ever hacked, this is fact. There used to be a guild named Your Companion. This guild hated us with a passion and one of their members reported our guild name and during a huttball match the guild was renamed by a GM to "Jevi Guild". Squad Six came back.


Once we transferred to the Ebon Hawk we decided to rename again to Game Genie and see if it will stick, it did. We met a lot of good people on this server. The first people we met were The Code. We quickly became friends with Shamaya, Kincaid and a few others. When ranked came out this was true that we didn't really have enough to queue a full team at times. So we asked friends to queue with us. This wasn't because we thought some of our members weren't good enough or anything like that. This was a timing issue and for me i could only do ranked games Saturday through Mondays because of my work schedule. Which i mainly only did during Monday nights.


Once we first started doing ranked games, the first guild we came across was Broken Chains. They were basically our equals. Those matches were fond memories and we had a lot of amazing matches. We quickly became friends as we had a lot of respect for each other.


Things happen in MMOs and players leave. There isn't a contract like in sports where you are playing there until it expires. Players on both sides of the ball left, myself included when Guild Wars 2 came out. Some players came back (myself), but a lot of players either left for that game or Diablo 3. This happens. When i came back The Code, Game Genie, Resistance and Broken Chains had successively merged their remaining members (except for a select few that decided not to.) Hey all of my friends are in one guild and there is new people, it was an exciting time and here we are at a new exciting time with server transfers.


As of late Guerrilla and Game Genie have continued to lose members to other games and RL. So we made it an open policy for our guilds to share each others members on either side.


We have not made a final decision on where we are transferring and who we are transferring, but know this at least for the time being: Game Genie and Guerrilla aren't going anywhere and these threads just make us a little bit stronger.

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If the *********** scrub-*** morons queueing today are in any way representative of what server PVP will be like once Gamepirella takes off, I'll be on the next train to "anywhere but here".


There have been some more-or-less legit complaints about them in this thread, but it is becoming increasingly clear that there is NOT a great number of other talented PVPers with any real competitive spirit. At least not enough to make PVP fun.


Even worse, there is a shocking proportion of utterly clueless *******s who probably can't even walk and chew bubblegum, much less make any serious effort to win a WZ.


It is not fun to watch people repeatedly ignore objectives to deathmatch. It is not fun watching people FAIL at that. It is not fun to be the only player on the team with any appreciation whatsoever of what tactics win warzones, and make any effort at executing them.


There is nothing less fun than losing, and the folks in Gamepirella are pretty much the only ones to openly admit that and behave accordingly.

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<Hex> doesn't have a plan yet, as we're waiting to see how transfers are implemented first. Once they go live, we'll make a decision as a guild to make sure no one gets left behind.


I'm guessing (based on informal conversations with our members), that we'll be moving to POT5.


Many ask PVPers on TEH why they chose TEH over PVP servers. I can only answer for myself. I didn't plan on sticking with SWTOR for very long. I was guessing I'd play PVE for my first month, and quit. The PVP game really hooked me, and I've been playing only PVP since pre-launch access. I rolled on an RP server as I've found them to have more stable populations than other server types.


I think moving for ranked play is a mistake though. Currently, ranked is in a bad spot as the design of the WZ's hasn't scaled well with the changes to PVP. From what I've heard, post-2.0 ranked is mostly stalemates due to the strength of post 2.0 healer/tank combos. Even pre-2.0, ranked games were often stalemates. Now it's much worse. This is all based on what I've heard from players on other servers.


Additionally, holding an 8 player team together is nigh impossible. People are busy. Interest in the game comes and goes. It's really, really hard to field a consistent 8 players from week to week when you're in a small guild. Larger guilds have their own problems as folks get bent out of shape when they aren't on the "A" team. It's a complicated issue, and I believe it comes down to the fact that ranked play is poorly implemented.


<Hex> would love to play ranked again, and I believe our best option would be on a dedicated PVP server. We wouldn't move just for ranked though. I personally want to be part of a community who shares a common love for PVP. I think our best bet would be to transfer.


I read this and it is something they really need to address. Getting, Succeeding, and keeping an 8 player team is pretty impossible in today's ultra casual MMO mentality. Gone are the days of the hardcore players, and we need something to make it easier to keep PVP alive. I would love to see arena's and possible 1v1 deathmatches set in an arena environment. While most games emphasize gear as rewards or gear currency. I would like to see possible credit/cash based games. How many more people would pvp if they could make significant credits doing it, as opposed to earning rewards for gear that are only good for pvp?


Seriously Bioware, start offering 500k credit prizes or escalate them based upon a player's rating. You know giving them 3:1 odds or something if you are the underdog.

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I... I had to take a minute to quote this, even though things have sort of gone off the rails a bit.


Sanctum PvP was... bad. Well, if you were an Imperial. My wife kept track. Over a period of about a week a few months before server transfers the win % was a consistent ~30%. Reason? Game Genie (or Squad Six as it were) but Pubs overall just had better players. While in Fallen Order we did our best to be competitive but Imp side in general just didn't have the juice to keep up. But I really just wanted to point out the selective memory you seem to be employing here. Game Genie originated on Sanctum and you bet your shiny hooha that they steamrolled over everyone and everything. When they weren't doing it on GG they did it on Conflicted Loyalties.


Sanctum PvP was the very definition of "trial by fire".


This may be a difference in experiences then. I played a smuggler and warrior up to 50 and constantly qued solo with both. I'll admit to plenty of dislike for Squad Six, but for myself, the w/l ratio was about 35/65 pregear, then it jumped to about 50/50, and I had fun. "Trial by fire?" Yup. I'll freely admit to losing my way into my gear. But I had fun, and to me that was what counted. I don't have as much fun with the current group. I preferred pre-50, and would often stop playing a toon all together once capped. It's better with the new bolster, but I want a community, not elite stomping pugs.

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I love some of the chest puffing in this thread, especially from the Gorillas. You have some good players and a couple great ones. But the rest are FOTM spec type players (Pyro PTs, Derpsmashers, CC/Heal hybrid) whatever happens to be king of the hill at the moment. There are some great players on this server like Arash, Amber, and Dashto to name a few, who are able to bring it no matter what (even in PUGs). But you damn dirty apes...well, it's power in premades or no dice.


Truth is, there are no special snowflakes among you. Get over yourselves.

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