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PvP Community's Plans for Server Transfers


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I'll transfer a toon over, if all of the current teams head over.


PVP wont be better here without GG/Empire/Guerilla, it just means that Zen will be top dog when they can field a full team, or republic or Dark Empire. And any guild will have it's bad apple, someone who wants to exploit or just troll people.


as for all the excuses about whos better, lets get it on, we've a few weeks left.


Lets do ranked, until you leave, then you can all leave and people don't need to dispute whos better.




Kloma, I don't think anyone claims to be better, I actually think that most of the Empire/GG/Guerilla players are amazing players, I just wish that I didn't have to go into a warzone against them thinking "what kind of ******** are they going to pull today..."


It's fairly sad that things are the way they are, because there only a hand full of groups that I enjoy playing against,, and Empire/GG/Guerilla/etc rank among the top.

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Guerrilla losing to AB? What are you talking about? and Game Genie carrying Guerrilla? See now you are just talking out of your ***. I understand you are frustrated, but beating Republic and Fully Buffed in a rated warzone don't count for anything when you haven't beaten a team that's actually been playing together for a while. If AB ever beat Guerrilla, I wasn't in the guild, so I guess in my eyes, it doesn't count. But for whatever reason, you aren't in AB anymore, so I'm going to assume that you just want to try and recall your one "win" against another guild.


You aren't going to start anything between Game Genie and Guerrilla, it's just kind of stupid to say that they are carrying us. I'm pretty sure if they were carrying us, they wouldn't be associating with us. It goes back to what I was saying earlier, it's really hard to carry someone, so why bother. You seem very desperate for a final grasp at trying to be on top. I like you Alecia, you have a good "I want to win" attitude; but everything else, the rage, the hate, the anger, yeah, it's showing. I wish you luck if you ever beat a team in a rated warzone with a good group. Stop picking on other guilds, and pick on someone whose win factor might not be in your favor.


Spurlock, I was not referring to Guerilla, I was referring to you.


And yes, you were in the match.


BTW, if I was only worried about "being on top," I would have joined GG a long time ago when Dizeren asked me what it would take for me to leave AB, or Empire when Animosity invited my assassin, or even Guerilla when Tor'barr asked me to join Guerilla the night before I joined Hex.

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This whole thread is full of fail, people are selectively reading what they want to read and ignoring entire posts.


Yeah.. My post will be lost on the previous page :(. I suppose it was either too long, not trolly enough, or didn't contain personal attacks.

Edited by Jenzali
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Spurlock, I was not referring to Guerilla, I was referring to you.


And yes, you were in the match.


BTW, if I was only worried about "being on top," I would have joined GG a long time ago when Dizeren asked me what it would take for me to leave AB, or Empire when Animosity invited my assassin, or even Guerilla when Tor'barr asked me to join Guerilla the night before I joined Hex.


Let's just be honest, once again, you were probably being trolled by both people. You wouldn't fit in GG, and you for sure would've never fit in Guerrilla. If you really think they were serious, then you were mistaken. I've never been in a ranked warzone, and been beaten by Azure Blades, and I don't even think that I've ever seen Azure blades queue lol


Now what are you talking about me? Are you trying to say i get carried by Game Genie? Because if that's the case, you are smoking that good stuff. I bring something to the table that you don't. Otherwise, I wouldn't be where I am, and who I am with. If I'm being carried, I'm very happy to be carried by my friends, and I'm glad they let me jump on their shoulders.

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Let's just be honest, once again, you were probably being trolled by both people. You wouldn't fit in GG, and you for sure would've never fit in Guerrilla. If you really think they were serious, then you were mistaken. I've never been in a ranked warzone, and been beaten by Azure Blades, and I don't even think that I've ever seen Azure blades queue lol


Now what are you talking about me? Are you trying to say i get carried by Game Genie? Because if that's the case, you are smoking that good stuff. I bring something to the table that you don't. Otherwise, I wouldn't be where I am, and who I am with. If I'm being carried, I'm very happy to be carried by my friends, and I'm glad they let me jump on their shoulders.


/shrug, I never thought I would fit in, just one of the reasons that I didn't say yes.

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I originally came to this thread to troll it, at the request of former guild members. However, as I sit here pondering what should be truly stated in this thread I can't help but feel a bit guilty as to the actions that my so-called friends have taken in the past. And so, instead, I've decided to be upfront and honest about everything.


As a former member of Game Genie I can confirm that at one point in time the guild used what BioWare would consider hacks and exploits. However, we also shared these particular methods with members of Pax Imperius and Hex, so if you truly want to point fingers at who has destroyed PvP on this server it has been all of us who were guilty of using these hacks and exploits continually throughout the game's maturation.


For what it's worth, I apologize for our guild's action and the state it has left the PvP community in.





Edited by AlanShore
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Stop writing paragraphs and come to the Bastion. ;)


hey hey that wasn't derogatory, your forums are grade A entertainment!


and I actually may end up playing with you on the bastion, because as a west coaster on an east coast server it is very sad when the pvp queue dies at 11pm my time :(

Edited by NadirPalo
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I originally came to this thread to troll it, at the request of former guild members. However, as I sit here pondering what should be truly stated in this thread I can't help but feel a bit guilty as to the actions that my so-called friends have taken in the past. And so, instead, I've decided to be upfront and honest about everything.


As a former member of Game Genie I can confirm that at one point in time the guild used what BioWare would consider hacks and exploits. However, we also shared these particular methods with members of Pax Imperius and Hex, so if you truly want to point fingers at who has destroyed PvP on this server it has been all of us who were guilty of using these hacks and exploits continually throughout the game's maturation.


For what it's worth, I apologize for our guild's action and the state it has left the PvP community in.






not sure if trolling.... >.>

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Definitely trolling.


You've no reason to either believe or disbelieve what I'm telling you. However, if you know anything about me or my past on these forums you're already well aware of my history of trolling these forums. Posing as various individuals and playing all sorts of games to go about getting obsurred threads closed. This is me being honest. Maybe it's too late to win back any trust, but I think some of you know who I am and know the role I've played in Game Genie, previously Squad Six, back on Sanctum.


Like I said, take it or leave it how I feel about it just makes it seem not worth it anymore. I left the game ~4 months ago and haven't looked back. I have my account on a recurring 6month sub that has already been cancelled. Wish you all the best and hope you can work things out and come to terms with each other, build a community worth being a part of.


As I said before, Peace.



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hey guy, I don't know you, but..... We will go where the action is at. So hopefully we'll run into you.


Indeed, I know a lot of the APAC servers will probably be coming our way due to the proximity to us as opposed to East Coast servers. I would try and advertise and tell you all the teams that are queueing but I'm sure you've probably heard the same from other servers. So, either roll over there and test it out for a bit or here are some active streamers that do ranked: Justbodies, Hoodwrath, rrManiac.

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Indeed, I know a lot of the APAC servers will probably be coming our way due to the proximity to us as opposed to East Coast servers. I would try and advertise and tell you all the teams that are queueing but I'm sure you've probably heard the same from other servers. So, either roll over there and test it out for a bit or here are some active streamers that do ranked: Justbodies, Hoodwrath, rrManiac.


I've seen some of your servers streams. Quite comical in a sense. I've seen a couple rated warzones over there, but I guess we'll see what it's really like when the time comes. Like i said, the action is where it is. Connection can play a big part in people rolling on a specific server, so we'll see.

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There are some good posts in this thread but they're getting ignored because the point here is not to have a real discussion. Keep your argument and guild drama in private please; it looks really pathetic from outside. It's also ironic, people who are qualified to complain are not the ones complaining here.


And don't care this much about winning or losing, it does not make you better or worse. It's the effort that counts, put more effort into getting better and less time into arguing and hey, you might actually realize you can win both without and against exploits. I won't hold my breath though, it's an easy advantage for the winner and a good excuse for the loser.


It's can also be a good way to bloat your ego.

Edited by Advanderer
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Coming from Sanctum of the Exalted, I knew both my teammates and opponents, it was a small tight-knit community. Nobody was smashed or steamrolled, it was competetive, there was a camaradarie. With the server merges, that went away. Too many premades were getting paired against total pugs, there were times where I'd go a week or more without a win. My hope is with the transfers coming up, and the hardcore transferring out, the community will shrink again. The steamrolls will stop, and we can get back to enjoying a hard-fought match.


I... I had to take a minute to quote this, even though things have sort of gone off the rails a bit.


Sanctum PvP was... bad. Well, if you were an Imperial. My wife kept track. Over a period of about a week a few months before server transfers the win % was a consistent ~30%. Reason? Game Genie (or Squad Six as it were) but Pubs overall just had better players. While in Fallen Order we did our best to be competitive but Imp side in general just didn't have the juice to keep up. But I really just wanted to point out the selective memory you seem to be employing here. Game Genie originated on Sanctum and you bet your shiny hooha that they steamrolled over everyone and everything. When they weren't doing it on GG they did it on Conflicted Loyalties.


Sanctum PvP was the very definition of "trial by fire".

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I do think its mind-boggling how when Game Genie rolls into a match against anyone, including some of the better PVP guilds on the server, it becomes nothing short of a massacre.


What I would love to see is for these guilds, such as Game Genie, Empire, and Guerilla to open their recruitment doors a little wider to those new players, such as myself who want to learn true PVP from those who have clearly mastered it.

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First of all, I must say, you are being trolled by whoever it is from Empire that you are talking about. Huttball macro? lol That is just the funniest thing I have ever heard. You know Octavia is a nice person too, but she always seemed a little more concerned about sticking up for the "underdog" and I can't really blame her for that.


But in all honesty, I see no whining coming from me. I see it only coming from the same side that it's always coming from. The same guilds who can't seem to get a ranked warzone win under their belt. The same guilds who think Guerrilla is poaching from other guilds. If you all are blinded by the past, or stuck on things that take no part in what goes on anymore, then you are just completely lost. Please list a name of players that Guerrilla has "poached" Arash. Keep in mind, poaching means talking to players, and convincing them to leave their guild. Players that wanted to leave on their own, don't count as poaching. So please give me a list.


As for Alecia, you are still falling for the same troll that you have fallen for since day one, except this time I'm not telling you that you are garbage. If I'm whining, and you are tired of hearing it, why don't you do something about it? Why don't you put together a ranked team, and WIN?


It's funny, now that I think about it, if you (Alecia), were getting win, after win, after win, the /stuck command wouldn't bother you, and you would call players a joke. But I can understand how frustrating the losing can be, so calling players out because you are losing justifies it. Why aren't players banned for using /stuck? has that ever occured to anyone? I'm not too concerned about it. I see Republic players use /stuck all the time; do I care? NO. I just make it an effort to beat them. I don't mind getting beat in a regular warzone. Sometimes it's hard to carry more than your weight in a warzone. But in a ranked warzone, that's a whole new ballpark. You just won't win. I won't allow it, my friends won't allow it. Cheating would get someone in the swtor community banned, and so far the /stuck command is "working as intended."



I'm kind of confused about what the problem is with being friends with Dark Empire? Arash, explain that to me.


No problem at all with you, or anyone, being friends or cross-guilding. Mort was poached, plain and simple. I know that he was approached by some of the Guerilla leads after queueing with you guys. I have no problem with this. No one in Pax does. Was I or anyone else saddened by our friend's departure? Yes, of course we were saddened and disappointed. But that is a part of life and we all wear big-boy pants.


All it takes is 1 player to make or break a Ranked team and their chances to win.


Again, there is nothing wrong with poaching/inviting. I've talked to Sifter about applying to Pax Gaming when he confided that his guild's PVP was pretty awful and he was considering leaving for a PVP guild. Well, he left the game entirely. I might not call notifying him of 'open recruitment' as poaching, but others from his guild might.


/stuck is an exploit (and therefore a cheat) if you are using it NOT AS INTENDED. I used a sports and PEDs (performance enhancing drugs) because they are considered a form of cheating. Maybe you're a fan of Barry Bonds and Mark Maguire and think that they should get to keep all of their big records, I don't.


Here is the definition via Wiki: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploit_(online_gaming)


You can argue that exploits are not cheats and I'll argue that the Sun revolves around the Earth, that'll get us far.


I originally came to this thread to troll it, at the request of former guild members. However, as I sit here pondering what should be truly stated in this thread I can't help but feel a bit guilty as to the actions that my so-called friends have taken in the past. And so, instead, I've decided to be upfront and honest about everything.


As a former member of Game Genie I can confirm that at one point in time the guild used what BioWare would consider hacks and exploits. However, we also shared these particular methods with members of Pax Imperius and Hex, so if you truly want to point fingers at who has destroyed PvP on this server it has been all of us who were guilty of using these hacks and exploits continually throughout the game's maturation.


For what it's worth, I apologize for our guild's action and the state it has left the PvP community in.






Now you got me curious, please elaborate.


oh now you wanna talk? you know its like 3am now, right?


He's gonna whip out his sexy voice. :D

"Nadiiiiiir, come into my lair."

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Now that ranked is dead, I almost always solo queue nowadays, or group with my best friend Averth and lose our 4-6 games a day for the dailies. It usually takes me an entire week's worth of PvP to get the 9 wins for the weekly done. We're the minority, however. Most people enjoy seeing they have a fighting chance, thus giving them motivation to queue up again and improve their skills.


Welcome to the club. There were days I'd go 20 games with just one win. I consider myself a competent player...don't care what others think...and it could get frustrating going on these runs.



My first post in this thread I tried to keep it civil and give my opinion that the transfers will be best for both sides. I find it ironic how many people here are saying many of the same things I did a few months ago and gave me a hard time for it...that's all I'll say on the matter. I never tried to be malicious to anyone else in describing what I saw wrong w/ the pvp community but it was usually taken that way. Honestly in my younger days I probably would have found myself acting the same way and forming some of the 'super teams'. But, now I can see it for what it's worth and understand that it just kills competition.


As far as poaching talent, I'm pretty sure that Game Geanie wasn't even a thing prior to original transfers. I know Diz had a really strong group on SoTE...can't remember their name, but I know it changed a few times. But when transfers happened instead of some of the better players trying to form competitive teams with their original server guilds they slowly began to merge and create small pockets of talent. Maybe it was out of necessity because their guilds had lost members or became to small, but it was a shame to see the skill gap between guilds become larger and larger as more folks got sucked up.


Anyways, I used to let it bother me...now, I just go in and have fun and try to be polite to both teammates and opponents alike. Apparently that's a bad approach too as I get told to "F off" for saying 'gg' to a group of Guerilla members :p I guess the game is only fun when you're winning. Attitudes like those are another reason that opinions have soured on some of these guilds. I know that not all members have these attitudes but coming across them quickly paints the entire guild in that light. When teamed up with these folks they seem too good to even talk to the rest of the team. There are only select members of GG that ever talk in /ops... I assume they are only talking in Vent/TS/Mumble/whatever and they just assume that those grouped with them are so far below them they won't bother. I try to be friendly in games with them and it generally is talking to a brick wall as they don't even reply. Not all...but again it just takes a few bad apples. I will say, Athena, Dizeren and Peyton stand out as a few that have always been kind when teamed up.

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Welcome to the club. There were days I'd go 20 games with just one win. I consider myself a competent player...don't care what others think...and it could get frustrating going on these runs.



My first post in this thread I tried to keep it civil and give my opinion that the transfers will be best for both sides. I find it ironic how many people here are saying many of the same things I did a few months ago and gave me a hard time for it...that's all I'll say on the matter. I never tried to be malicious to anyone else in describing what I saw wrong w/ the pvp community but it was usually taken that way. Honestly in my younger days I probably would have found myself acting the same way and forming some of the 'super teams'. But, now I can see it for what it's worth and understand that it just kills competition.


As far as poaching talent, I'm pretty sure that Game Geanie wasn't even a thing prior to original transfers. I know Diz had a really strong group on SoTE...can't remember their name, but I know it changed a few times. But when transfers happened instead of some of the better players trying to form competitive teams with their original server guilds they slowly began to merge and create small pockets of talent. Maybe it was out of necessity because their guilds had lost members or became to small, but it was a shame to see the skill gap between guilds become larger and larger as more folks got sucked up.


Anyways, I used to let it bother me...now, I just go in and have fun and try to be polite to both teammates and opponents alike. Apparently that's a bad approach too as I get told to "F off" for saying 'gg' to a group of Guerilla members :p I guess the game is only fun when you're winning. Attitudes like those are another reason that opinions have soured on some of these guilds. I know that not all members have these attitudes but coming across them quickly paints the entire guild in that light. When teamed up with these folks they seem too good to even talk to the rest of the team. There are only select members of GG that ever talk in /ops... I assume they are only talking in Vent/TS/Mumble/whatever and they just assume that those grouped with them are so far below them they won't bother. I try to be friendly in games with them and it generally is talking to a brick wall as they don't even reply. Not all...but again it just takes a few bad apples. I will say, Athena, Dizeren and Peyton stand out as a few that have always been kind when teamed up.


I tend to only tell my own teammates GG. It isn't a GG when you absolutely destroyed the other team and tell them GG, some people have yet to catch up on that point. What is a GG for one side is total rape for the other.


Game Genie was also known as Squad Six on Sanctum. Same guild, same players (mostly). When transfers happened they got other players. I was approached by Dizeren to join him, Jevy, Bay, (I think Braddock was a founder too), Matter-healer and a couple of others when they were still only forming Squad Six (which later became Game Genie). For me personally, I like the community nature of Pax Gaming, and there are other benefits besides winning WZs, that outweighed my enjoyment of PVP so I declined.


One other thing Sithus. Some guilds, such as Pax, have an open recruitment policy. I'm pretty sure that none of the top-end PVP guilds such as Hex/GameGenie/Guerilla/Empire have open recruitment (don't know anything about Team One/Inconceivable). When you bleed players to rerolls and unsubs you either atrophy in the long run or you find a way to get good players. From my experience the aforementioned guilds only recruit the top-notch players. When is the last time you saw an unguilded elite player? So it follows that you HAVE TO use a poach recruitment tactic so that the player pool doesn't run dry. It is what it is.

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I tend to only tell my own teammates GG. It isn't a GG when you absolutely destroyed the other team and tell them GG, some people have yet to catch up on that point. What is a GG for one side is total rape for the other.


Eh, I say good game everytime...it's a sportsmanship thing I learned growing up in organized athletics I suppose. Usually it's after getting stomped myself, so I guess I don't think much of it the few times my team beats "Gamepirella" or whatever. After a game of basketball I didn't tell the other team to f*ck off instead of shaking their hand after we lost. I suppose I shouldn't have expected much of a positive reaction when the majority of time they're /laughing or /dancing as they walk all over PuG teams, though.

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