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Next expansion, what do you want to see?


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Wow...so creative. "More of what already exists, please!"


Wow so insulting.. What I asked for is what we didn't get with Makeb.. So your remarks are a little out of place and irrelevant.. The 'Rise of the Hutt Cartel' expansion was very creative.. What it lacked was a box.. The things I mentioned..


Perhaps next time you will think a little more before you respond to someone.. There really was no reason for your post.. It didn't even apply to anything..


Bioware doesn't have a shortness of creativity.. Have some faith.. They lost a lot of money selling it the way they did.. WOW sells it's expansions Collectors Editions sometimes for as much as $69.00.. I know.. I have 4 of them.. Some people happen to like that tangible hold in your hand item.. I would have paid much more for a 2nd collectors Edition.. After all I spent $300 on two copies of the CE for SWTOR.. Have a nice day. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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I would really like to use 3 of my own companions for heroic 4 missions, since its near impossible to find people for some of the heroics. Like for example the heroics at the end of the gsi missions, because i would really like to play them someday and not just look at them on youtube. I have been having that lying around in my log for over a month now. Same goes with several flashpoints that you never find people for. like the false emperor for example (which is needed for hk droid ffs!!). Flashpoints in hardmode could continue to be exclusive for human player groups only. Edited by Hans-Olof
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They did not exist in this time period


Neither did Ewoks :D


As for the OP's question, I would like to see an actual expansion rather then a DLC with a price tag.


More class stories, new races available with the purchase (rather than additional cost on top), new planets and companions consistent with the Old Republic timeline, mini-games, and all that things that have been promised for over a year now and have still not been released.

Edited by Mjollnir
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Next expansion? I want to see an actual expansion instead of just a few hours of extra content.


If you completed the Makeb planetary arc and all the random quests, for both factions. Microbinocular and Seeker Droid missions and got a group together and completed Scum and Villainy Operation in 'just a few hours' ... you are a gaming legend.

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Wot id like to see if and when a new expansion would be this.


1. Some new species and not something lame like cathar who only have a few customization optiond. So races lije nautalons (my fav species). Kaleesh and kel dor along with tugruta maybe ithorians rodians and trandosians. Would love my merc to be trandoshian.


2. Continued class storys and not just new planet storys. Stuff that continues the players story not just the war story.


3. New planets that tie into class dtorys like kaashyk, Ziost, naboo dantooine and maybe even ryloth.


4. New classes. Yes I said it and its not as ludacris as it sounds. Let me explain. When new class topics break out whenppl say it wont happen cos the cost. And free to play limits the possibilty. But think bout it more since f2p swtor has made more money than before. Subs have dropped yes but many ppl f2p pkayers and subs alike spend alot of cash on coins.


So it could be possible to do but its unlikely anytime soon.


My ideas on new classes would be something like the sis agent for reps and maybe shock trooper for imps.


Hard to say how the story could works but one idea fir sis agent would be gor act one your undercover in the imperial intelligence. Gathers top secret data for the Republic.


4. Im sure this idea has been mentioned before but I would love a neutral faction that maybe allowed the smuggler and bounty hunter to be played neutrally. Obvious problem with that tho is class story so the would have to make mirror classes or new ones specific to the faction . So maybe make the faction the hutts and you can align with either faction or remain neutral smdoing the hutts work.


Your thoughts on my ideas would be nice. But please respect my opinions and ideas even if you dont agree with them

Edited by Nucairion
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I personally would like to see more worlds that were in kotor I and kotor II, like Manaan, Dantooine, Kashyyyk, Telos, Onderon, Duxn, ect... also give the high levels a place of their own like wow did with Shattrath and dalaran (i think Manaan's Atto City would be perfect for this) the fleet is cool but i want to be able to hang out in more places.


The level cap should be raised, yet how much depends on how big the expansion is going to be.


I don't think it is really possible to add any more classes, even though it would be awesome if they were to. But they should allow us to have another chapter of the classes there currently are, so we can continue our own unique story as that character.


I feel this game needs a lot more flashpoints and warzones, and could probably also do for a few more operations.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I personally would like to see more worlds that were in kotor I and kotor II, like Manaan, Dantooine, Kashyyyk, Telos, Onderon, Duxn, ect... also give the high levels a place of their own like wow did with Shattrath and dalaran (i think Manaan's Atto City would be perfect for this) the fleet is cool but i want to be able to hang out in more places.


The level cap should be raised, yet how much depends on how big the expansion is going to be.


I don't think it is really possible to add any more classes, even though it would be awesome if they were to. But they should allow us to have another chapter of the classes there currently are, so we can continue our own unique story as that character.


I feel this game needs a lot more flashpoints and warzones, and could probably also do for a few more operations.




Id love to see Cloud City bespin appear as a Dalaran kind of hang out place.. like Fleet

I too agree with another poster on this page who said that SIS agent for reps and Shock Trooper would be good new classes as well as the introduction of neurtal alliance wjere u work for neither side of the current factions.

As for races i ony have one main one i want in the game.. Togruta

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As has been stated, I really want something big. I think for the next expansion (because I do believe there IS a next expansion) to be a success and bring back more people, it has to add some big content.


I haven't seen anyone (sorry didn't read every page, but several), mention faction changing. I think allowing Sith to turn to the light and vice versa, Agents and troopers defect and BH just work for the highest bidder.


I don't see this as being game breaking since each class basically mirrors each other. What I do see, is this being is changing things up. The path should not be easy and should require some sort of sacrifice making the decision difficult.

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  1. A new, known planet. Preferably a follow-up to something featured in the OR franchise previously.
  2. Multiple new species, including Togruta, Nautolans and Kel Dor (perhaps working them into the story, as Cathar were).
  3. Either a return to class stories or a continuation of the "core" story of the game - let's deal with the war directly, not in another roundabout way. Explore the fate of Revan and the Emperor. Weave the outcomes of the class stories into the main story in vague ways.


A new class isn't likely (although it would be welcome, particularly if it allowed the implementation of more species) simply because of the amount of new content that would need to be development, twice over.


I agree with you there. One planet I would absolutely love to see again is Manaan. SWTOR is currently severely lacking in aquatic environments, and BioWare's own creation from the original Knights of the Old Republic would fill this role nicely. It would even allow for underwater environments without the need for expanding the game's engine, if they implemented an automatically-applied diving suit armor skin to characters on transition to an underwater zone.


I also think that the game could use a couple more classes, as there are two groups currently not represented by playable characters in either faction; Republic SIS, and Imperial Military. Surely there would be some exceptional individuals that players could control, seeing as there are quite a few examples of elite members of these organizations among NPCs already. Not to mention Theron Shan.

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Id love to see Cloud City bespin appear as a Dalaran kind of hang out place.. like Fleet

As for races i ony have one main one i want in the game.. Togruta


Cloud city did not exit in this era, it was constructed circa 400 BBY. Bespin itself was colonized at1989 BBY.

Togrutas would be awesome

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Loved the Cathar but would also like to see a more non-human looking race. I especially would love to see Trandos, Wookies and Nautilans.


Please advance in-depth personal story lines! They are what makes this game exceptional in comparison to others.


Would love to see some really large worlds not just a "world" release that feels like a few miles in size. Kashyyk would be awesome. I know some people complain about places like Hoth and Tatooine being "too big" but I love a world to feel like ...well...a world, filled with things to discover, etc.


If they would do a story line for a new class: SIS agents on Republic side with as gritty and awesome a story line as the Imperial Agent one is and perhaps a soldier type class on Imp side.

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New specs for current classes. New classes if possible. Level cap to 60. Increased speeder speed. New planet. New pet quest. 2 new raids. 2 new warzones. New type of group content, maybe staged progression content. Epic weapon quests. SSSP.
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Would love to see some really large worlds not just a "world" release that feels like a few miles in size. Kashyyk would be awesome. I know some people complain about places like Hoth and Tatooine being "too big" but I love a world to feel like ...well...a world, filled with things to discover,


Kashyyk would be awesome. I would love it if he treetops were the size of Coruscant or Kaas in terms of land mass. The tree tops could offer a new independent class story (unique to each class) that is between 17 and 50. then have the shadowlands be a new area that is equal in land mass to the tree tops for levels 55-60.

Edited by Truami
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I want to see non shared ops, and as little shared content as possible really.


As an imp I want an op to go and take it to the pubs. Maybe board a battle station to take it down, or a ship, etc.


It doesn't make sense for us to be killing the same people all the time. Let us kill eachother.

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•Mini-games like pazzaak or swoop racing (KotOR).

•More and further detailed ship customisation options.

•Less tights/leggings for trooper leg armour.

•Class and companion story continuations.

•Character select screen to have all companions visible in background (with on/off option and updates as companions are acquired).

•More armour customisation (addable/removable backpacks/shoulder pads/straps etc.)

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What I want to see are the things they promise us, and I also would like to see new species like wookies or nautolans I don't want another cash grab where you spend more money for something you should have gotten with the expansion I want to see at least 2 new worlds and a level cap to 65 if possible I want 2 new WZ and 3 new FP I also want better Ops, like mentioned before SIS and Shock Trooper I also think the cartel market needs to be nerfed but above everything that has been said my game is based on RP of this game I want to see Guild forts that can be attacked by other guilds if you want to go to war with them, but only If you choose to open your fort's to the world, I also want guild ships and things because I want Guild RP's not some open area that anyone can come and spy on your meetings also...if we cant sit in the chairs you have...WHY HAVE THEM THERE?
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Some fluff that isn't tied to CM.


like mini-games already mentioned (Pazaak, Swoop Racing, etc)


continuation of class stories (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH ahem) and not just a general all-classes-planet quest.


more than one planet


new "hub" world


maybe new AC's...not new classes..but new AC's..like a 3rd AC for each class


and for GOD SAKES to have them chill out on mobs...no more Mobkebs

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id like to see new species, without doing legacy and other stuff to unlock them.


And yeah more darth revan story, he was the main character of the kotor universe and this game craps all over him, being defeated by lvl 30 imperials is disgusting. Revan is most plps favourite character since kotor came out and one of the main reasons i started playing this game.

And lastly alot more continuation of the main class story if nothing else

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