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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Next expansion, what do you want to see?


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Actually, you find out late in the Sith Warrior story that the emperor is not, in fact, dead. Close to it, but not yet. As for new content? I'd love to see a lot of things. Definitely a new planet or two, but maybe for lower levels. Absolutely a level cap raise. Please, dear heavens, no Gungans. Me-sa kick its *censored*. Maybe a Wookie? And, story extensions are a must. So tired of the repetitious dailies.


Mini games would be awesome. Pazaak and swoop racing would make total sense on Nar Shadaa. And, I'd love, love, LOVE to see a guild ship and housing. I have the urge...to redecorate!

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3-a gungan companion



with this, a new ability also. were you kill and resurrect your companion over and over again. it can be called "Galactic Favor" or some variant of it.


also when you summon this particular companion, a face palm animation should also show up, a quick growl or huff from you toon should sound, followed by a quick backhand across your companion, prompting them to scream in pain.

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Class and companion storys or at least what happened to the emperor or the empire actually making a real advance on the jedi like the launch video , something with real bloodlust

new races torgruta etc

maybe they could make a male and female companion and finally add same sex romance options

Guild ships list could go on

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with this, a new ability also. were you kill and resurrect your companion over and over again. it can be called "Galactic Favor" or some variant of it.


also when you summon this particular companion, a face palm animation should also show up, a quick growl or huff from you toon should sound, followed by a quick backhand across your companion, prompting them to scream in pain.


Lol! And rather than buy this companion, it is desperately given away by someone in the Cartel Bazaar. Their entrance into the area should be followed by a clumsy fall over some electrical equipment and a complete black out of the entire place.

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1. Revan and the Emperor to be made main focuses in the over arcing story line of the game

2. Class stories

3. Level cap 60

4. A new warzone (similar to alterac valley maybe) something a bit more interesting and bigger scale.

Edited by RTCBrad
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Any of the following planets:








A new race like the Kaleesh. Don't really know about new classes...........since they would need their own class story and those are supposedly not going to happen, I guess there is no point talking about it.


Pazaak and racing would be great.


Of course, LV 60 becoming the new cap.

Edited by Kain_Turinbar
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I would prefer that bugs from beta till now were fixed instead of yet another expansion that will break more of the game that's if Disney grant the licence for star wars coming next contract negotiation! Edited by keitzy
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What would you do on Dagobah? I don't think it was even surveyed until something like 3000 years after the Old Republic timeline.


If we don't get kashyyk it would be a good alternative. Think of it like the forest floor part of kashyyk where you'd be looking through Rakata temples/relics.

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If they give us a new planet, I want it to be more like Tatooine and Hoth, open and big. Makeb is one of the most annoying planets, since you can't go anywhere without having to fight loads of enemies over and over again. There are to many enemies scattered about the planet.


If we do get a new race, it will probably be Togruta which is fine, but I also want Nautolan. Since I do not raid, I have no connection or any care for the story with the dread masters. What I do want is more story about the war. Of course I wish they made more class stories, but I doubt that will ever happen.


Man I wish this game became really successful, Then we would have had a real expansion with lots of content, not just daily quest grinds and annoying raids.

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  • 3 weeks later...

--At least 10 Levels

I would like to see a full class chapter added, to do that in five levels/one planet would be either too little class drama or the planet would need to be huge to the point where a change of scenery would be wanted.

--Class and Planet story

The separate but entwined class quest/planet quests made repeat playing more entertaining...just going planet (i.e Makeb) was drab the second/third time around.

--Emperor/Revan continuation

I'm going to assume you've played through multiple classes/sides stories at this point. Rep freed Revan and he then went a little genocidal and was killed by Imp's (well kinda killed, exploding into the force). JK story class clearly kills the Emperors body...but there is a question of his soul. Imps do announce Emperor's death post Makeb.


Fast forward to post Makeb. With the power vacuum left by the Emperor the dark council does its thing and infights. In steps the Chiss Ascendancy. So first Imp planet could be a minor skirmish where the player chooses to back either the CA or DC (this was done to a lesser extent on Hoth and if you actually watched the quest play out I thought it was done really well)


Meanwhile a republic planet is assaulted by Revanites bent on using forgotten tech to resurrect Revan. Again we now have Revanites vs Rep high command so the player gets solid light side/dark side options. Inevitably the story would resurrect Revan but with an unforseen consequence of also resurrecting the Emperor (they're souls were linked for hundreds of years afterall)


So now we'd move on to a final planet with both Revan/Emperor alive and presumably lead to a direct face-off.


--The possibility of a Companion Perm Death

I'll use just one class for this. As a trooper, I don't think Dorne would be very happy if you started siding hardcore with the Empire based Revanites... so if you were to side with them, you may need to kill her off (send her on a suicide mission) now to keep comp numbers/functions the same doing so would gain you a female mando revanite. It'd be mostly a cosmetic change with some new dialogue, but at least it would spice things up a bit.

--Crafting tweek

An expansion is a good time to take a hard look at what's working and whats not working within crafting. My only huge gripe atm is that Armormech/Synthweaving are pretty much relogated to crafting cosmetic gear and knocking out Augmentation Kits. The idea of receiving aug components from RE is interesting, but lets face it.... after about level 20 you don't wear green/blue gear anymore. So REing just to get components and some mats back becomes the norm. I'd scrap every green/blue clothing peice in the game and replace them with sets for companions like the Droid gear. (that'd also get rid of the "can I need for my comp" question...which is usually kinda BS. I'm looking at you troopers needing on str gear for your comps...we know you don't need that)

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Togruta or Aqualish as playable

Kashyyk with a really cool mission questline (wookies impartial and both sides trying to curry favour..... ).

Kamino with underwater PVP or underwater space missions.

Power droid for use as a legacy unlock that can be placed in -ops and clicked on to heal...

Hood toggle as stated (I wonder what happens if I try equip Gault with a hooded robe... he can't diplay a helm.. must check out).

LVL 55 Heroics on all worlds except starters.

Endor warzone.. log traps, catapults, pits with spikes, crazy tarzan ewoks, combat on the walkways up in the treetops.. what's not to love!!?

A beret headpiece.

Mynok pet.

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