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The Potential Benefits of Remastering KOTOR


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I was just going back an watching this clip from Knights of the Old Republic, just remembering how much fun I had on that game... Star Wars TOR is a good game no doubt. It is the best that can be done... on an MMO. Now, I'm not suggesting that they make a KOTOR3—because this is KOTOR3456789&10, and there is no way that anyone could top the first one. Nothing could have that KOTOR feel like KOTOR1 can—which is exactly why I propose that whoever now has the license for these games (be it Bioware, Lucasarts, Disney, EA—I really don't care and it's not the point) remake the first one, with the same everything—only with higher graphics (and I mean realism, not cartoon). It would be well worth the cost, I'm sure of it.


But I'm sure that some of you probably aren't buying into this idea... Watch this clip from KOTOR (now, it's got major spoilers), enjoy the nostalgia (listen to the way that the music, the sound effects, and the excellent voice overs blend and compliment each other to make a unique experience), and tell me—does it feel anything like TOR?



Of course it doesn't—it couldn't. Because in an MMO, it's about everyone's cartoon not about a single character.


Just... Please consider what I've said. I know that TOR didn't do as good as you had originally intended—such a project as a remake, but for next-gen consoles (or even next-next-gen consoles), would be a great way to make a profit—all-the-while giving the players to enjoy again one of the greatest games of all time. Who knows, it may even attract more subscribers to TOR.

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I personally understand your love for KOTOR. It's immersive feel, it's music everything about it made you feel apart of it. But you see as much as I loved it and believe me I still do. I don't think remastering it would make fans happy, in fact I think they will take it as insult. See that game is something that will go down in history as one of the best if not the best RPG's of all time and saying that I think it would be best to leave it as is because people will always love it and will always play it no matter what the generation.


Another thing is you need to be careful about making the comparisons to TOR. See an MMO and a single player RPG are completely different and even though TOR had a rough start it seems to be getting into the groove of things much better now. In the end I am a fan of both games, I love TOR and I love KOTOR there is no need to modify KOTOR as it's loyal fans will want to remember it as it is and regards to TOR, well let us see what the future holds as I am quite optimistic.

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If they remake that game I'd buy it and play it again and again and again like I did with KoToR and KoToR II. I loved both of those games. I'm actually going to buy them again so my son can play them since he's expressed interest in playing both games.
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I personally understand your love for KOTOR. It's immersive feel, it's music everything about it made you feel apart of it. But you see as much as I loved it and believe me I still do. I don't think remastering it would make fans happy, in fact I think they will take it as insult. See that game is something that will go down in history as one of the best if not the best RPG's of all time and saying that I think it would be best to leave it as is because people will always love it and will always play it no matter what the generation.


Another thing is you need to be careful about making the comparisons to TOR. See an MMO and a single player RPG are completely different and even though TOR had a rough start it seems to be getting into the groove of things much better now. In the end I am a fan of both games, I love TOR and I love KOTOR there is no need to modify KOTOR as it's loyal fans will want to remember it as it is and regards to TOR, well let us see what the future holds as I am quite optimistic.


I hear ya man, and I agree for the most part—know I'm not calling TOR a failure, no I look forward to its bright future—I'm just saying that remastering it would help preserve the liscence, all-the-while be a great way to turn a profit and make new fans of the franchise. Most game stores don't even sell original Xbox games anymore, and if trying to maximize the potential of the franchise remastering KOTOR is definitely a wise decision. Think about the remastered Halo 1—some of the original Halo fans thought it silly, but the remake didn't lose the franchise any fans (in fact it picked up new ones) and people still bought it. And just think of how many more improvements can be made to this game with the earnings from a remastered KOTOR and more subscribers.


I very much look forward to the future of this game. That's why I propose a remastering of KotOR; I'm not just living in the past. I'm considering the future of the franchise. (But, hey, it's just a game—and it won't upset me if they don't remaster it.)

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I've been saying for years they should do exactly that....remake KOTOR 1 & release it on the 360 & PS3. I'd go a step farther & say do the same with KOTOR 2, complete the unfinished stories on it, & release them as an "anniversary edition" or something. I'd buy em day 1 with no hesitation...
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