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Nothing in the update is worth the subscription fee

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Don't get me wrong I didn't expect 2.1 to have a huge amount of content with it as the customization features were the mainly advertised beforehand however when bioware advertised they'll be quality of life improvements I expected that along with the features said above there would be more focus on things like quashing old bugs as well as minor changes here and there to improve the players experience with the game.


However reading the patch notes it seems this update is nothing more than a cartel market update and nothing more, there's nothing in the patch notes to suggest that the small nags like for instance (but not limited to) the esseles/foundry CTD's on cutscenes, or half your raid having disconnection issues/crashes in middle of bossfights. Many small things like this have been plaguing us since early updates like 1.4 but have not been touched, instead all we get is some customization features (that us subscribers have still got to play extra for), a new race (that was already in the game and probably didn't require much additional development), and a bunch of cartel market bits, for a major update the actual game changes are poor and in fact there are less bug fixes and actual game changes to we usually see from a major update... and probably some minor updates too.


For regular subscribers who pour money on a regular basis into the game it's a kick in the teeth, it seems to me priorities have shifted instead of some of the money (if any) getting ring fenced for the development of the actual base game it all gets shifted to cartel market development and we end up with the same old buggy content and no in game improvements that we don't have to pay more for while EAware cash in on their niche and not add any real improvements to the actual game.


Unfortunately my patience has worn thin, I like the game but I know as a subscriber when I'm getting shafted from the rear. I won't be paying another penny until I see actual game improvements rather than the cartel market cash grab.

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2.1 is an "extra" patch. It is not part of the 8-week content cycle they've promised us.



2.2 - ?

2.1 focused on CM content - partially "free" to subs (CCs included in monthly sub)

RotHC added new content. Mini-expac $10 to subs

2.0 made massive changes to the game. - Free to subs

1.7 added new content.- Free to subs

1.6 added new content.- Free to subs

1.5 added new content.- Free to subs

1.4 added new content.- Free to subs

1.3 added new content.- Free to subs

1.2 added new content.- Free to subs

1.1 added new content.- Free to subs


They've made quite a few bug fixes in 2.1 that I was happy to see. 2.2 comes out in 4 weeks, and is actually part of the promised schedule. I'm happy to see the number of people who are EXCITED about everything 2.1 has -- and since I won't use the majority of it, I'm basically ignoring it until 2.2 drops.

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Soz, in order to access the changes in 2.0 we still had to pay for RothC. 2.0 could be downloaded for free but not accessed for free. Most of it.




2.0 was completely free.

RotHC was not.


The only things you could not access without purchasing were those included ONLY in RotHC.

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Soz, in order to access the changes in 2.0 we still had to pay for RothC. 2.0 could be downloaded for free but not accessed for free. Most of it.


Nope. 2.0 introduced changes for everyone that were nothing to do with RotHC. Only the changes above level 50 needed the purchase of RotHC.

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They've made quite a few bug fixes in 2.1 that I was happy to see. 2.2 comes out in 4 weeks, and is actually part of the promised schedule. I'm happy to see the number of people who are EXCITED about everything 2.1 has -- and since I won't use the majority of it, I'm basically ignoring it until 2.2 drops.


Not really, they've fixed nothing more than they would usually fix, there were more bug fixes and changes in 2.0.1 than 2.1. Considering there was no major content development like an new op or dailies in this patch you'd think they'd have enough people free to actually improve some aspects of the game like quashing even more bugs.


Instead all we got is cartel market stuff and a customization feature which is basically a cartel market addition in itself. Also while some might argue it's not part of the development cycle it's still a major update wasted on a cartel market cash grab rather than actually improving the game, a sign of things to come perhaps?

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In past patches usually they are either heavy PvE, heavy PvP, event, ect. This one they are heavy F2P. That's a portion of their community now (and probably the largest) they need to cater to it sometimes. The fact that it's not their 8 week cycle as well makes this completely fine. Everyone needs to stop being butt hurt over the focus of the patch (the content/quality of the patch complains are more legit though)
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This update is such a travesty, they really don't give a **** about their customers. All you apologists, they see you like they see the complainers: a wallet to try and take money from; wise up and stop being taken advantage of.


What they need is for another 1-million people to buy and play their game and tell them their piece of **** game isn't worth their money, just like at launch.


Unfortunately this didn't work then, and they're still pissing on our legs trying to tell us its raining.


I removed my billing information. I wholeheartedly hope other people do the same, and show BW the same respect they are showing us.

Edited by Primarch_PWnD
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Hmm. That's interesting.


I'd say pretty much the same thing if a patch contained only PvP stuff. You see, I don't play PvP at all.


Yet I realize that there are people who do play that style of game and the game needs to serve them too.


So patches can go out that support other play styles. I mean, heck, I just got a nice patch not too long ago for the play style -I- want. And it looks like there's another interesting patch coming up in a short while that will have more stuff that I want.


So, yeah, this one patch here in the middle didn't really float my boat.


But since I'm incapable of remembering the recent past or imagining the future based upon information delivered by the communication team here, I guess the game's going to crash and burn now and I'll ragequit or something.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Hmm. That's interesting.


I'd say pretty much the same thing if a patch contained only PvP stuff. You see, I don't play PvP at all.


Yet I realize that there are people who do play that style of game and the game needs to serve them too.


So patches can go out that support other play styles. I mean, heck, I just got a nice patch not too long ago for the play style -I- want. And it looks like there's another interesting patch coming up in a short while that will have more stuff that I want.


So, yeah, this one patch here in the middle didn't really float my boat.


But since I'm incapable of remembering the recent past or imagining the future based upon information delivered by the communication team here, I guess the game's going to crash and burn now and I'll ragequit or something.


*Slow clap*

Nicely done.

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2.1 is an "extra" patch. It is not part of the 8-week content cycle they've promised us.


They've made quite a few bug fixes in 2.1 that I was happy to see. 2.2 comes out in 4 weeks, and is actually part of the promised schedule. I'm happy to see the number of people who are EXCITED about everything 2.1 has -- and since I won't use the majority of it, I'm basically ignoring it until 2.2 drops.


yes and a lot of players cant log to game at all

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Not really, they've fixed nothing more than they would usually fix, there were more bug fixes and changes in 2.0.1 than 2.1. Considering there was no major content development like an new op or dailies in this patch you'd think they'd have enough people free to actually improve some aspects of the game like quashing even more bugs.


Instead all we got is cartel market stuff and a customization feature which is basically a cartel market addition in itself. Also while some might argue it's not part of the development cycle it's still a major update wasted on a cartel market cash grab rather than actually improving the game, a sign of things to come perhaps?



Except -- 2.0.1 was solely a bug patch.

2.1 being released means that the CM team was finished with it. Content team is working on 2.2, which is being released in 4 weeks. I'd bet the bug fixes included in 2.1 were probably slated for 2.0.1 -- but weren't completely ready for release.


Oh, and 2.1 isn't a "content" update, really. It doesn't count as an update when talking about the 6-8 week time frame, and it doesn't add gameplay content.


You can't claim it is "a major update wasted on a cartel market cash grab" when you have two separate teams working on these things.


If you'd like the CM team to start working on actual content and bug fixes -- well, THAT would be the point the game failed. Graphic artists really shouldn't ever touch the same systems that the content team is working on.



As far as bugs. If you haven't worked in Software Dev, you may not know this -- but it is a continous endeavor to fix them. You cannot fix most of them in a day -- or else you'd be releasing bugs in the process of fixing bugs. They most likely have a small team working solely on bug fixes -- or, they are simply prioritized among the entire development team.

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yes and a lot of players cant log to game at all


That doesn't negate the fixes that have happened. They are looking into the issue -- and yeah, it sucks when these things pop up.


1.) Welcome to the world of Software Development. Bugs should always be expected when you merge in new code to a production environment.


2.) At least they owned up to it fast, and are working on it. The majority of threads I've seen about it on the CS forums had people coming back in to say, "It was fixed! All I had to do was restart my computer / restart client / click the play button."

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Hmm. That's interesting.


I'd say pretty much the same thing if a patch contained only PvP stuff. You see, I don't play PvP at all.


Yet I realize that there are people who do play that style of game and the game needs to serve them too.


So patches can go out that support other play styles. I mean, heck, I just got a nice patch not too long ago for the play style -I- want. And it looks like there's another interesting patch coming up in a short while that will have more stuff that I want.


So, yeah, this one patch here in the middle didn't really float my boat.


But since I'm incapable of remembering the recent past or imagining the future based upon information delivered by the communication team here, I guess the game's going to crash and burn now and I'll ragequit or something.


*gives Standing round of applause*

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That doesn't negate the fixes that have happened. They are looking into the issue -- and yeah, it sucks when these things pop up.


1.) Welcome to the world of Software Development. Bugs should always be expected when you merge in new code to a production environment.


2.) At least they owned up to it fast, and are working on it. The majority of threads I've seen about it on the CS forums had people coming back in to say, "It was fixed! All I had to do was restart my computer / restart client / click the play button."


same problem occurred last year after patch with bug fixes like this, its like its cursed cuz every time they say they have a patch with bug fixes all hells break loose


and youre wrong most ppl still cant log in

Edited by Kissakias
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Hmm. That's interesting.


I'd say pretty much the same thing if a patch contained only PvP stuff. You see, I don't play PvP at all.


Yet I realize that there are people who do play that style of game and the game needs to serve them too.


So patches can go out that support other play styles. I mean, heck, I just got a nice patch not too long ago for the play style -I- want. And it looks like there's another interesting patch coming up in a short while that will have more stuff that I want.


So, yeah, this one patch here in the middle didn't really float my boat.


But since I'm incapable of remembering the recent past or imagining the future based upon information delivered by the communication team here, I guess the game's going to crash and burn now and I'll ragequit or something.


Preach on, good sir. Preach on.

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2.1 is an "extra" patch. It is not part of the 8-week content cycle they've promised us.



2.2 - ?

2.1 focused on CM content - partially "free" to subs (CCs included in monthly sub)

RotHC added new content. Mini-expac $10 to subs

2.0 made massive changes to the game. - Free to subs

1.7 added new content.- Free to subs

1.6 added new content.- Free to subs

1.5 added new content.- Free to subs

1.4 added new content.- Free to subs

1.3 added new content.- Free to subs

1.2 added new content.- Free to subs

1.1 added new content.- Free to subs


They've made quite a few bug fixes in 2.1 that I was happy to see. 2.2 comes out in 4 weeks, and is actually part of the promised schedule. I'm happy to see the number of people who are EXCITED about everything 2.1 has -- and since I won't use the majority of it, I'm basically ignoring it until 2.2 drops.


as I've stated before this is misleading as pre 1.6 there was no Cartel Market (CM was rolled out in 1.5 almost one year after launch). 1.6 was ancient hypergate, which was one Warzone primarily so yes free content. 1.7 was the Gree - a temporary set of dailies that went away shortly afterwards and included alot of Cartel Market items) 1.8, 1.9, 2.0, and now 2.1 have been additional Cartel Coin expenses and 2.0 includes the DLC rise of the hutt cartel which was exclusively an additional charge.


so basically the past 6 months we've gotten one new WZ, and a temporary gree special event free. the rest was additional charges. in that eight months subscribers have paid 120 dollars. one warzone and a few Gree dailies for a couple weeks doesn't fulfill the content promise in my opinion

Edited by Feztonio
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Honest question...What was in the patch that wasn't for above lvl 50?


exactly ;) 2.0 was an added cost. it was a few bug fixes and all content for 50-55. since F2P couldn't go above 50, you had to subscribe and purchase the DLC in order to utilize 2.0. therefore it does not count as free content. trolls and BW supporters are ignoring the facts and skewing them to their lies

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Oh, and 2.1 isn't a "content" update, really. It doesn't count as an update when talking about the 6-8 week time frame, and it doesn't add gameplay content.


I didn't say it was a content update, I said considering it's a major update that wasn't adding new game content like an op and the fact bioware themselves said they were looking at adding QoL improvements I expected them to be free shift focus on things like quashing even more bugs than they usually would and adding those small things to make the QoL for all players better.


Instead what we generally got is updated CM features (i.e. customization) and nothing more.

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