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Beware: Dye Modules, TOTAL RIPOFF


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Sweet one less person i dont have to worry about being before me in the que


Yay! This looks a lot like the SWG forums did in 2005. All of the little baby trolls telling people to leave. Guess what happened????






They don't care if you quit. They are counting on it. It's part of their business plan at this point. They are hoping that you cancel. The only goal EA has for this game is to suck as much money out of gambling packs as possible and then shut it down. So go ahead. Keep telling everyone to leave. Keep defending this pile of dog crap system they developed. Keep spending your money LOL. Also, your subscription is due.

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Yay! This looks a lot like the SWG forums did in 2005. All of the little baby trolls telling people to leave. Guess what happened????


Except for the 18 busy servers with nearly a million active player accounts at any given time.


Telling a few dozen disaffected forum cry babies that they might benefit from playing a game they like rather then this one that they hate so much is far different then anything in SWG era of gaming.


You want the game to fail hard. It won't. That point in time as come and passed and they survived it. Do not over-estimate your power, influence and worth as one player.

Edited by Andryah
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Explaining over and over again how this garbage system works doesn't make it any less crappy. A steaming pile of dog cap smells just as bad no matter how many times you 'explain' it to us.


1.) The dyes are part of the new gambling system that is predatory and unethical at best

2.) They are disposable. Spend hundreds of dollars for that special color? Its a one time use. Just keep spending.

3.) They purposely convoluted a system that should have been both simple and FREE.


You stating the same hyperbolic hate filled commentary over and over again is not going to make your statements correct.


1) with freely tradable dyes from the CM kits, your are blowing smoke. For you to be correct, they have to be bind on aquire, they are not.


2) Most dyes in most MMOs are disposable. Get over it. And if you are fantsizing over black or white dyes... you need a reality check, as your issue is with other players competing with you for them. Black and White dyes are very often the rarest and most coveted dyes in MMOs. Silly IMO for the gear in this game.. but players are conditioned by habit.


3) everything should be free in your eyes. So.. play the game as F2P and embrace your fantasy. Oh wait... that's right... MMOs make things non-free ALL THE TIME. Good luck finding one that pleases you.

Edited by Andryah
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1) It's only predatory or unethical if the people buying the gambling packs are unaware they're buying gambling packs. So basically you're saying you're unaware that you're buying gambling packs? How could you possibly be unaware of that fact?


2) Why would you spend hundreds of dollars when you can wait patiently for 2 days and buy it from GTN for a few million credits (worst case on my server)? If you can't afford a few million credits, read the stickies in the Crew Skills forum or figure out how to turn cartel coins into credits risk-free. (Hint: $ -> Cartel Coins -> Gambling Packs (UNOPENED!) -> GTN -> Credits!)


3) They did it because they need to draw revenue from this game because they spend money to keep it running. They deserve to draw revenue from the customers who enjoy the game because customers are getting value (entertainment - enjoying the game) and EA is providing the service through which that happens.





As a subscriber, that's the best part of it for me. I don't have to spend a single cartel coin. I can be a bit patient (and my wife says I have none, HAH!) and get whatever I want for credits.


It's the Kiosk that grinds me a bit - no other way to do that than to spend cartel coins.


I agree with every statement you made here. :) Well, except for the Kiosk.. I have no need to use it so it does not chaff me.

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Sorry WHAT ????


SWG had a million active player accounts at any given time ????


Pretty sure that reference is to SWTOR's servers and estimated number active accounts based on numbers EA gave during the most recent earnings call.

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Sorry WHAT ????


SWG had a million active player accounts at any given time ????


No shoogli.. I was pointing out the starkness of a difference between this MMO (which does have a million active accounts or more) with SWG.. whereas our dear Anzel was trying to draw parallels between the two games implying that history was repeating itself. :)


Poor Anzel is still bent about them shutting down the dead MMO known as SWG.. even though he could be playing it in one or more EMUs if he misses it so badly.

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i love star wars but this game has become a bad joke:(


Minus the majority of what you said, I think this statement is a little more on target.


The gaming media seemed to have a field day with this last update and how subscribers are treated. SWTOR is not seen as some amazing game that it should be.


It's a decent game with potential but BW is shooting themselves in the foot in media and word of mouth by gamers. I'd bet media and perception of this game from outside sources helped spur on what was mentioned in the cantina tour thread about treating subscribers better (as well as the player feedback)

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You stating the same hyperbolic hate filled commentary over and over again is not going to make your statements correct.


1) with freely tradable dyes from the CM kits, your are blowing smoke. For you to be correct, they have to be bind on aquire, they are not.


2) Most dyes in most MMOs are disposable. Get over it. And if you are fantsizing over black or white dyes... you need a reality check, as your issue is with other players competing with you for them. Black and White dyes are very often the rarest and most coveted dyes in MMOs. Silly IMO for the gear in this game.. but players are conditioned by habit.


3) everything should be free in your eyes. So.. play the game as F2P and embrace your fantasy. Oh wait... that's right... MMOs make things non-free ALL THE TIME. Good luck finding one that pleases you.


1) Expecting players, who already pay for this game, to gain access to something so trivial by spending more of their own money is horrible. Putting that content into gambling packs is a whole new level of unethical and predatory behavior. But go ahead, keep spending your money over and over again. No wait, you don't spend your money. You let everyone else do that for you and then get them off of the GTN. What does that make you?


2) I don't care for one minute what other garbage systems there are out there. Making the dyes disposable is just a slap in the face. It's a total pile of steaming dog crap. Telling me about some other morons running some other garbage game doesn't make this pile of crap smell any nicer. The majority of MMOs fail. The VAST majority of them. Ever wonder why? Of course you haven't. You just migrate from one steaming pile of crap to another like locusts.


3.) Free? Did you say free? I've paid a subscription every single month. I paid over $100.00 to buy the box. How is that free? Is your sub free? Did you pay to download the game or the box? Did you stand in line at midnight to get the game? Free? They make $7,500,000 on this game every single month from subs alone... and that's just what they are "reporting". That doesn't even count the other $7,500,000 in gambling packs... EVERY MONTH. Let's not start using the "F" word until it's actually true. Don't try to convince people that they can't run this game on $7.5 million dollars every month. Don't try to convince people who've paid to play this game that we're asking for ****anything**** to be free. IMEANREALLY

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Disclaimer: I do not work for BW or EA and I am not an apologist or fanboi


I'm happy that they added a system. I have several armor pieces that are dyed. It's not perfect but who says they won't perfect it. They just might. I think it was a hastily implemented system and they didn't have to do it at all.


My favorites are the red/black, red/purple, and the white with other color combos.


1) I think some of the color combinations are ugly and really need to be rethought.


2) They need to relook at their armor sets and see how they're coloring. Most that I've tried look really good.


3) Black/Black. You know they knew everyone would want it right? I mean that's why it's a super rare. Of course they're in it to make money. That's the entire point of an MMO, make money over the long term or this game would be KOTOR III.


Now I have no desire at all to have my characters, any of the 14, in black/black but it is on the market for around 2 million credits so work at dailies. It would take 10 days to get the money for the dye. But really red/black is a much better combination and that is going for around 75K.


Yes it needs work and anyone who didn't think they were going to put the dyes in packs on the CM really doesn't know EA/BW well. It was obvious that they were.

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1) Expecting players, who already pay for this game, to gain access to something so trivial by spending more of their own money is horrible. Putting that content into gambling packs is a whole new level of unethical and predatory behavior. But go ahead, keep spending your money over and over again. No wait, you don't spend your money. You let everyone else do that for you and then get them off of the GTN. What does that make you?


I can buy a dye pack per character - black/black even - without spending a dime over my sub fee. Why can't you?


2) I don't care for one minute what other garbage systems there are out there. Making the dyes disposable is just a slap in the face. It's a total pile of steaming dog crap. Telling me about some other morons running some other garbage game doesn't make this pile of crap smell any nicer. The majority of MMOs fail. The VAST majority of them. Ever wonder why? Of course you haven't. You just migrate from one steaming pile of crap to another like locusts.


Are you also incensed that augmentation kits are disposable?


This game was absolutely heading toward failure. Now it's growing, which seems to be quite the opposite of failure. So yes, MMO's fail. This one almost did. Then it came back. Where's your point?


3.) Free? Did you say free? I've paid a subscription every single month. I paid over $100.00 to buy the box. How is that free? Is your sub free? Did you pay to download the game or the box? Did you stand in line at midnight to get the game? Free? They make $7,500,000 on this game every single month from subs alone... and that's just what they are "reporting". That doesn't even count the other $7,500,000 in gambling packs... EVERY MONTH. Let's not start using the "F" word until it's actually true. Don't try to convince people that they can't run this game on $7.5 million dollars every month. Don't try to convince people who've paid to play this game that we're asking for ****anything**** to be free. IMEANREALLY


Try not to think of it as "free" if that word wads your panties so...


Try thinking of it as "included with your subscription".


It can't be free. EA has expenses to keep this game running and growing. And they deserve to make a profit. They're not a charity.

Edited by DarthTHC
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1) Expecting players, who already pay for this game, to gain access to something so trivial by spending more of their own money is horrible. Putting that content into gambling packs is a whole new level of unethical and predatory behavior. But go ahead, keep spending your money over and over again. No wait, you don't spend your money. You let everyone else do that for you and then get them off of the GTN. What does that make you?


Thinking that you personally have to spend additional real money on this game tells me you either do not understand, do not want to understand, or are just upset becasue you pissed all your coins away on random packs/kits. Or perhaps you simply feel entitled to rare dyes for no cost to you...which by the way is completely doable via ingame credits and other players willing to trade/sell.


As for the moral/ethical dilemma you seem to have inflicted upon yourself.. that's your problem. They are not forcing anyone to purchase anything with real money in the context of the CCM. It's optional content, obtainable in a number of different ways in the game, and none of it contributes to your ability to play the game.


You can complain until the end of time, but your complaints are personal, and since you never say anything positive about this game and often bash it in the context of your beloved SWG... why are you even subjecting yourself to such personal anguish of playing this game? It makes no sense whatsoever, unless you are simply a masochist who wishes to perform in front of others.

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You just migrate from one steaming pile of crap to another like locusts.


No my friend.. I do not.


I will be here playing SWTOR long after you have left for something else.


My play style is to stick with an MMO and develop within it with what it offers me. Embrace it for what it offers, not whine and QQ for anything and everything it does not offer. I keep active subscriptions in and in fact play several different one in rotation (depending on my mood), which personally for me lets me appreciate the strengths of each, without resorting to hyperbolic hartred toward any MMO. This particular MMO gets the lions share of my time and attention because for me it is the best of the genre for me personally.


3.) Free? Did you say free? I've paid a subscription every single month. I paid over $100.00 to buy the box. How is that free? Is your sub free? Did you pay to download the game or the box? Did you stand in line at midnight to get the game? Free? They make $7,500,000 on this game every single month from subs alone... and that's just what they are "reporting". That doesn't even count the other $7,500,000 in gambling packs... EVERY MONTH. Let's not start using the "F" word until it's actually true. Don't try to convince people that they can't run this game on $7.5 million dollars every month. Don't try to convince people who've paid to play this game that we're asking for ****anything**** to be free. IMEANREALLY


To give you due credit for effort... you DO play the roll of victim really really well.

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2) Making the dyes disposable is just a slap in the face.


Are you trying to say that you can paint your car, red for example, change your mind and pull the red paint off of the car and put it back into the can for use on another vehicle?


Dye packs, like paint, are disposable. Deal with it.

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Only Bioware and Hickman could take something thats loved and easily functional in just about every other game out there and turn it into a barely useable farce like this.


I don't understand how it's barely usable, but admittedly I've never tried it.


I've looked at them on GTN and used the GTN preview feature and that seemed to show me what my armor would look like had I applied that dye pack.


I would assume (again, haven't done it) that I could just buy the dye pack from GTN, slot it into my chest piece just like I do with a mod or armoring, turn on match colors, and my whole set would be re-colored.


Where am I missing the "barely usable" piece?

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Are you trying to say that you can paint your car, red for example, change your mind and pull the red paint off of the car and put it back into the can for use on another vehicle?


Dye packs, like paint, are disposable. Deal with it.


Because properties of digital items should be limited by the properties of their real-world counterparts. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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I don't understand how it's barely usable, but admittedly I've never tried it.


I've looked at them on GTN and used the GTN preview feature and that seemed to show me what my armor would look like had I applied that dye pack.


I would assume (again, haven't done it) that I could just buy the dye pack from GTN, slot it into my chest piece just like I do with a mod or armoring, turn on match colors, and my whole set would be re-colored.


Where am I missing the "barely usable" piece?


That is precisely how it works.


In addition, some of the more common and less expensive dyes do wonders for improving the color schemes on many armor pieces. White/Orange for example transforms Recovered Chest Piece into one of the best looking White-Gold caped armors in the game (given that you are looking to go with a White schema). I mix in a few other moddable armor pieces and I have an awesome White/Gold-trim armor set for my new Cathar. Dye cost me 5k credits off the GTN.

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That is precisely how it works.


In addition, some of the more common and less expensive dyes do wonders for improving the color schemes on many armor pieces. White/Orange for example transforms Recovered Chest Piece into one of the best looking White-Gold caped armors in the game (given that you are looking to go with a White schema). I mix in a few other moddable armor pieces and I have an awesome White/Gold-trim armor set for my new Cathar. Dye cost me 5k credits off the GTN.


5,000 whole credits? Might as well be free for you & me, eh? (not kidding - that's chump change).


Might have to check that combo out. I have white & gold on my 2 favorite characters, but they're clothies. Some sturdier white/gold armor for some others would be very interesting.

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They don't care if you quit. They are counting on it. It's part of their business plan at this point. They are hoping that you cancel. The only goal EA has for this game is to suck as much money out of gambling packs as possible and then shut it down. So go ahead. Keep telling everyone to leave. Keep defending this pile of dog crap system they developed. Keep spending your money LOL. Also, your subscription is due.

Since you're so "in the know" about BWEA's plans for the future of TOR, shouldn't you get out while the gettin's good?

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They don't care if you quit. They are counting on it. It's part of their business plan at this point. They are hoping that you cancel. The only goal EA has for this game is to suck as much money out of gambling packs as possible and then shut it down. So go ahead. Keep telling everyone to leave. Keep defending this pile of dog crap system they developed. Keep spending your money LOL. Also, your subscription is due.


So, can you quit now? It is awfully tiresome to watch people argue with you. Mainly because everything you say is BS.

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That is precisely how it works.



That;s not precisely how it works, because you're failing to take into account the third color that many pieces have, that ends up not changing color. My Trooper is currently in what you would think would be green/white or white/green armor. Now, let's say I want to change him to black/black (I don't have any desire to do this, but previewed it, just because I was curious how it would look). The chest turns about 90% black, minus parts on the bandolier and the shoulder pauldron. The legs turn less than 50% black, and in fact the most visible part of them does not change. The helmet turns about 75% black, again, with very noticeable parts remaining in their unalterable color.


My Imperial Agent suffers similar problems. He's currently in a black/red Imperial officer's top. I had toyed with changing this to the white/red set from the security key vendor, until I previewed it and realized how horrible it would look because of the same issues with various pieces.


Sure, it probably works fine for a lot of pieces in the game, but I'm willing to bet that there are just as many for which it does not.

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Thinking that you personally have to spend additional real money on this game tells me you either do not understand, do not want to understand, or are just upset becasue you pissed all your coins away on random packs/kits. Or perhaps you simply feel entitled to rare dyes for no cost to you...which by the way is completely doable via ingame credits and other players willing to trade/sell.


For all you know I buy a hypercrate of Cartel Packs every day. Or several of them. That doesn't change the fact that the system they've developed is a rotting mess of putrid dog crap. The fact that they are asking subscribers, people who pay to play this game, to spend real money on something so trivial is garbage. Whether it's me, or you or whoever. Putting the dyes (which this thread is about) into random packs is a horrific mistake. This design philosophy is terrible. If you support this game the way you do then I don't see how you feel this is good for the overall health and future of it.


As for the moral/ethical dilemma you seem to have inflicted upon yourself.. that's your problem. They are not forcing anyone to purchase anything with real money in the context of the CCM. It's optional content, obtainable in a number of different ways in the game, and none of it contributes to your ability to play the game.


I love this one. This is right out of the Objection's Guide that they issue to all new and existing EA employees. Everything is now optional. If you want new stuff you have to buy gambling pack after gambling pack after gambling back. Oh wait. No, you can just have everyone else spend their money on them and then get it off of the GTN. Because that's more "ethical".


You can complain until the end of time, but your complaints are personal, and since you never say anything positive about this game and often bash it in the context of your beloved SWG... why are you even subjecting yourself to such personal anguish of playing this game? It makes no sense whatsoever, unless you are simply a masochist who wishes to perform in front of others.


I am entitled to my opinion of this game and this garbage system. ENTITLED. I am ENTITLED to it. I pay my subscription so I am ENTITLED to express my opinion. And yes, I saw the same thing happen with SWG. They took a fantastic game and completely turned it on its ear because:


1.) They designed something and forced it on the community without even telling their customers (sound familiar?)

2.) They refused to listen and respond to what the players (read customers) actually wanted.

3.) They introduced gambling packs as a way to suck all the remaining money out of the game before they closed it. (sound familiar?)


If you cared at all about the future of this game you would quit worrying about what WoW or GW or anyone else is doing. This game isn't supposed to be those games. Think back to what the Doctors wanted to create. I know you like being contrary and witty and superior but stop for a second and think what this game would be like without gambling packs.


Think about what it would be like if everything was just listed. Think about what the game would be like if there was a REAL incentive to subscribe. Read that again... What would the game be like if there was a REAL incentive to subscribe. How much better would SWTOR be with 5,000,000 subs instead of 500,000? Ask yourself if these design concepts are the designs of people who really care about the long term success of this game or whether there is some small sliver truth to my (incessant and exaggerated) ranting.

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That;s not precisely how it works, because you're failing to take into account the third color that many pieces have, that ends up not changing color.


It is still precisely how it works. When you preview.. you will see that those third color palettes on some armors do not change in preview and hence not in actual application either.


Don't confuse a limitation with tertiary textures with how the preview and applications of dye work for the primary and secondary texture colors.


In some cases the tertiary textures work out nicely with some dye sets. For example: Rist Statesman Coat, when previewed/applied with White/Orange results in a white coat, with gold sash, trim, and charcoal wrap highlights around the chest. It looks amazing compared to the default colors on the coat (which frankly are blah).

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