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Beware: Dye Modules, TOTAL RIPOFF


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But we can't... still.


Each piece of gear has at least 3 (THREE!!!!!!!!!!!) colors. The Dye Modules change up to 2 (TWO?!?!?) colors. Meaning that gear which would otherwise be nice looking like the Pathfinder's set... remains primarily a dismal color. In this case brown.


How about an option to change the third color? We'd pay you for it! How about AT LEAST an option to match the third color to one of the other two?


I bought the Pathfinder set in anticipation of 2.1. Thinking FINALLY a style with a hood AND cloak colored like a Sith!! You DO know that many of the Sith in your trailers and in canon wore clothes with a black hood and a cloak, right? Sadly you've only made this style Jedi colored. What a pity...

Edited by OpenSorce
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Oh and let's not forget, not only can you not change the colors... you also cannot simply buy the colors you want from the market! No, when you buy a Dye pack it's luck of the draw!


Of course, probably the most sought after color BLACK is rare and ridiculously hard to find. Here's an idea: Give us the option to pick the color we want and buy it. Let us color ALL the colors of the armor piece. So many more people would spend money on this if you did it. What you're hoping for: to have each player spend money on multiple dye modules is not going to happen.

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Oh and let's not forget, not only can you not change the colors... you also cannot simply buy the colors you want from the market! No, when you buy a Dye pack it's luck of the draw!


Of course, probably the most sought after color BLACK is rare and ridiculously hard to find. Here's an idea: Give us the option to pick the color we want and buy it. Let us color ALL the colors of the armor piece. So many more people would spend money on this if you did it. What you're hoping for: to have each player spend money on multiple dye modules is not going to happen.


Umm... yes, that's exactly what going to happen..

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What you're hoping for: to have each player spend money on multiple dye modules is not going to happen.


It will happen. they will sell like hotcakes and most of the people who complain here including you will buy tons of dye packs. and this is why they are doing it this way.

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But we can't... still.


Each piece of gear has 3 (THREE!!!!!!!!!!!) colors. The Dye Modules change up to 2 (TWO?!?!?) colors. Meaning that gear which would otherwise be nice looking like the Pathfinder's set... remains primarily a dismal color. In this case brown.


How about an option to change the third color? We'd pay you for it! How about AT LEAST an option to match the third color to one of the other two?


I bought the Pathfinder set in anticipation of 2.1. Thinking FINALLY a style with a hood AND cloak colored like a Sith!! You DO know that many of the Sith in your trailers and in canon wore clothes with a black hood and a cloak, right? Sadly you've only made this style Jedi colored. What a pity...


Funny thing is.. I always thought they didn't have armor dye because it would make their "new" CM armor, aka recolored armor, pretty much useless unless you wanted the armor for a different class. When I saw the armor dye coming out, I thought.. oh, I guess bioware isn't ALL about cash grabbing. Then I found out that you can't completely change the color of your armor and thought.. That's the bioware I know!

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Umm... yes, that's exactly what going to happen..


Gonna have to disagree with you there, I think a few people will spend that kind of money, but not many. Many like me, will go back to whatever gear they found that works and not try and gamble for something better. After all, this is real cash for cartel coins we are talking about not just in game currency.


BioWare has gambled on greed and will lose. We should all boycott Dye modules altogether.

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There were so many different ways they could have set up the dye system to monetize it so that it would be profitable and give players the choice they wanted to be able to customize their characters.


As everyone can see, none of those options were used.

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First of all, I do want to thank them for trying. People have been asking for this for a long time.


That said, I really wish they'd put more thought into it. I was so excited at the prospect of being able to apply some decent looking colors to my clothing because the color combinations they currently have look hideous. So I log on my artifice character, buy the schematics and... more hideous colors. I log on another character, thinking the Collector vendor would have something nicer... more hideous colors.


This seemed like such an easy thing to implement correctly, and though I thank them for trying, they completely missed the mark. To me, anyway, the logical setup would have been:


1. Every piece of clothing has one primary color slot and one secondary color slot. Sure, a tertiary one would be nice, but even two would be an improvement over what we had.


2. Let us choose the color we want and apply it to the slot we want. And for goodness sakes, give us some normal colors.


This is particularly frustrating with the random nature of the dyes from the Cartel market. We're paying actual money for that, why can't we pick a color? There's really no reason to make that random other than to milk more money out of us.

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Each piece of gear has 3 (THREE!!!!!!!!!!!) colors. The Dye Modules change up to 2 (TWO?!?!?) colors. Meaning that gear which would otherwise be nice looking like the Pathfinder's set... remains primarily a dismal color. In this case brown.


Did you honestly not know this?


Color matching has demonstrated this for many months now.


As for dyes on the CM coming in random packs.. that too should have been pretty obivous. I'm sure they will also sell some dyes directly in future patches, but for now.. it's random packs.


Looks at the bright side... the pack lovers will be saturating the market with dyes rather then cartel pack items for a while. Shop for what you want on the GTN. That is what I will be doing. Turn lemons into lemonade IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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Did you honestly not know this?


Color matching has demonstrated this for many months now.


As for dyes on the CM coming in random packs.. that too should have been pretty obivous. I'm sure they will also sell some dyes directly in future patches, but for now.. it's random packs.


Looks at the bright side... the pack lovers will be saturating the market with dyes rather then cartel pack items for a while. Shop for what you want on the GTN. That is what I will be doing. Turn lemons into lemonade IMO.


I haven't been on for months, like many I abandoned this game long ago when they broke PvP and then a GM ordered world PvP on Hoth to stop and then lied about it causing Forum employees to belittle and slander the players involved.


Yes, the market will be flooded with Dye Modules, but not the ones anyone wants. The ugly ones. I play a Sith, I want the color black. Not red and black or blue and black but black. With random color combo purchases and an unchangeable third color in every armor piece, I won't get that easily. So, I'm done with Dye and possibly the entire game yet again.


I have not been here since long before Free to Play. The BioWare I bought the game from and signed up with was the company that gave us all a free month because of game issues. This is clearly not the same company. They may as well sell SWTOR to NCSOFT or SOE at this point.

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Each piece of gear has 3 (THREE!!!!!!!!!!!) colors. The Dye Modules change up to 2 (TWO?!?!?) colors. Meaning that gear which would otherwise be nice looking like the Pathfinder's set... remains primarily a dismal color. In this case brown.


Actually, gear can have a number of colors; Bioware looks to have done the standard setup of creating a mesh and UVW mapping it, then applying masks to the mapping, designating one mask as 'primary', one as 'secondary', and the remainder 'uncolorable'; the uncolorable part of the mapping will always be in the colors of the texture image that was mapped onto the mesh. For example, I have a Sorceror whose chest piece has a collection of red 'lights' around the body; when I was fiddling with dye previews, I noticed that these 'lights' remained red regardless of what dye colors I previewed. So they're in the 'uncolorable' part of the texture map. But I agree with you that the implementation of armor dyes leaves a lot to be desired; Bioware could have done color changes in a number of ways that would have made it more attractive to the players -- and therefore more profitable for them -- than what they actually released.

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Dumbest thing I've ever seen. And it takes a TON to top what NCSoft did with Aion.


Care to elaborate? I missed that whole Aion crash and burn fiasco. How is the game now that it's FTP?


Sorry, I know this is a bit OT.

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