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Healing IS TOTALLY ouf of control


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This in so many ways. I played in the same number of warzones today. We won half and lost half. In each and every one of them they were epic battles. Both sides, for the most part, had an equal number of healers and tanks. I must say that I had the most fun today then I have in a long time and this was in level 55 PvP. I know I killed a few healers or finished them off as well as harassed them so they couldn't do their job properly. We all did.


I believe the more people gear up, play their ACs, while adapting to the changes, we'll have more epic battles. However, kills won't come easy anymore. People have to work for them. And that, in my opinion, is why we see so many QQing about 'healers' and 'tanks.' Because they cannot have instant gratification like they enjoyed before 2.0.


Welcome to the new and improved Star Wars Warzones where you have to actually work for your kills and objectives! :D


Kills won't come easy anymore? What happens when you're up against the team without healers or tanks? Really easy kills for your team (like shooting ducks).

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Im a healer, heals are fine, the problem is that its too easy.


Im ok with the potential numbers a good healer can put out but the problem is that its TOO EASY to just spam AoE and heal for trillions.


Healers just need to be harder to play. Just make every healer skill be put on 4 sec shutdown when we get interrupted mid cast or REMOVE SALVATION FROM THE GAME and i will be a proud skill sage.


Operative solution:

Tone down OPs HoTs by at least 10%, make emergency cockpack an autocrit (yolosmashlife) but put a 10 sec CD on it. That would force operatives to use their TA casted heal, which would force them to ACTUALLY manage energy and TA, because they dont need to. Autocrit on SUB30% cockpack also would take away RNG from the game while keeping it a very powerfull skill. Everyone wins, good OPs will heal the world HAM style, trash OPs will be trash. Since 99% of the medic OPs are bad because they just spam 2 heals and dont manage nothing, people would rerrol out of the spec in one week. YOLO.




Sorc has one problem in PvP, salvation heals for too much. Salvation is a PvE tool and shouldnt have this kind of impact in PvP. Just gut salvation, dear god remove it from warzones if possible. Were fine otherwise, salvation is just plain stupid, its the heal version of smash. And you thought bubble stun was bad, rofl.

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That's a lot of words for, "I don't qualify in the big league".


You said you played this since 2011. If what you say is truem you have two years of experience and you're still propagating the same BS a typical 2-week n00b would spatter out. You know, the typical, "Wwwaaaa, StunWars! Waaaa Mara/sent OP! Waaaaa healers invincible!"


How are we supposed to take any of your comments seriously when clearly, there are teams and players who directly oppose this supposed 'problem'? :eek:


Just today I've been in about 8 matches, and among them around half of them had at minimum two enemy healers in every engagement. In each case, there were long, bloody, and epic battles around the key strategic points of the map befitting good ol' PvP fun. In the end, most of the times our team ended up successfully neutralizing the enemy healers before ours fell, so we came on top of that big push, got our PvP objectives, and won.


The only times when my team failed to push back the enemy, was when we had something like (1) too many healers = pathetic damage capacity, (2) no melee classes to stand in the frontline, (3) fellow tank classes did not protect other healers (since I sure as protected mine admirably, if I say so myself), (4) people did not focus and harass enemy healers.... in short, all in all, when our team performed below expectations due to lopsided team composition or unskilled players.


Whoa, stop the presses! Is something supposed to be wrong with the great fun I've experienced today? :eek:


Was I supposed to just check the enemy healer, force leap onto him and destroy him in about 2~3 attack rotations, and just crush any enemy heal/support classes this way, so our team can derp-steamroll the enemies?


Being a fully defense-committed guardian, I sure as wasn't able to kill any healer by myself, but it wasn't too difficult to make sure none of his heals got out to his own teammates. So, our DPS wore down all the other enemies slowly but surely, while a few of us endlessly chased around multiple enemy healers here and there, forcing them to move around instead of heal, throwing them out of range with KBs so they can't heal, locking them up in that spot with CCs so they take a long time to come back and heal, guardian leap back to the fight during that small time frame to help focus enemy tanks and DPS who don't receive any heals for around 10 seconds, then attach ourselves to healers again, harass them some more, and on and on and on... until we killed every tank and DPS. So, in the end, only the enemy healers are left, focused without protection, and dead fairly quick enough.


Wow, I couldn't kill any healers! How did we win? :rolleyes:


You are actually smarter than your avatar looks :D I hope you have a sense of humor as well. As much as i agree with you it doesn't change the fact that there are games only with 2-3 kills each player. Maybe i will make a video to prove it and then we can comment the video. I had one game like that today. In this case we had no healer and they had 3 healers + tank in a normal warzone.


And one more thing.. i was never talking about win or killing healers, i was talking about killing in general. Where is the fun if people don't die? When i was playing WoW for example tanks had a lesser role and pvp was fun because people were dieing. Too bad i am a Star Wars fan thought.

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Its good that I make you laugh. However I wonder why you start talking about 1v1 when I clearly said :


You can't kill a healer that is guarded by a tank. I also wonder why you didn't like to play ranked and wich roles you got. Also why you got that specific role. Care to explain ?


Hf enjoying all the classes in this game :)


Actually i do not care to explain i will do it only because you care. I was playing assassin at that time and:

- Huttball - go in their half and be my jumping tool so i can enjoy my jugg!

- Aldearan - guard the side - some games not much action there.

- Novare - Omg someone finally went to ninja east and i will do some damage!

- Voidstar - those 2 stealthers think they gonna ninja the bomb? Now i gonna i gonna..! I am gonna sap them till the others come and then only to see them escape..


Well i kind of dramatize, but you see my point - i didn't have much action and i am a man of action. And i am sure that someone will now tell me just reroll. But at that time i liked that class (i still do) and i was playing only with him.

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Im a healer, heals are fine, the problem is that its too easy.


Im ok with the potential numbers a good healer can put out but the problem is that its TOO EASY to just spam AoE and heal for trillions.


Healers just need to be harder to play. Just make every healer skill be put on 4 sec shutdown when we get interrupted mid cast or REMOVE SALVATION FROM THE GAME and i will be a proud skill sage.


Operative solution:

Tone down OPs HoTs by at least 10%, make emergency cockpack an autocrit (yolosmashlife) but put a 10 sec CD on it. That would force operatives to use their TA casted heal, which would force them to ACTUALLY manage energy and TA, because they dont need to. Autocrit on SUB30% cockpack also would take away RNG from the game while keeping it a very powerfull skill. Everyone wins, good OPs will heal the world HAM style, trash OPs will be trash. Since 99% of the medic OPs are bad because they just spam 2 heals and dont manage nothing, people would rerrol out of the spec in one week. YOLO.




Sorc has one problem in PvP, salvation heals for too much. Salvation is a PvE tool and shouldnt have this kind of impact in PvP. Just gut salvation, dear god remove it from warzones if possible. Were fine otherwise, salvation is just plain stupid, its the heal version of smash. And you thought bubble stun was bad, rofl.


This is a reasonable assessment. Even when healers were 'weak' it was always possible, if not inevitable, to get into stalemate when you've two very strong teams. But that's fine if you've great players on both side, and it was not just the healer that alone is responsible for the stalemate match. It's everyone else on both teams working effectively that results these mega marathon matches, and although these games aren't as epic as they sound, at least you can look at it and say, "Well they're an awesome team and so are we so it's got to take a long time to finally beat them."


I don't even know why there's the faster casting on Salvation talent. Actually I do, because pre 2.0 Salvation usually gets you killed. Either they interrupted it at 0.1s from completion and then stun you and kill you, getting an extra 2.0s of focus fire, or they just let you finish casting it and then stun you and kill you (Salvation heals for a lot but the amount healed on the Sage himself is relatively little compared to incoming DPS). Salvation was supposed to be dangerous to cast in PvP, as it has a high probability of interrupted and it doesn't heal enough on yourself to save yourself if you're already under attack, so you absolutely have to be a good healer to know when it's safe to drop one. Now pretty much anyone can drop a Salvation for no risk.

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So basically a smash jug or mara has the ability to 8-10k instant crit on everybody but a sorc should not be allowed to have an instant salvation? So everybody in the game can crit for 8-10k, but a healer is not allowed to?


Um, you know the answer to that is "Smash is balanced, L2P".


Using one obviously broken ability as a justification for another one is hardly balance. By that logic every DPS needs to have the ability to AE for 10K, and you can keep your instant Salvation and we'll see how well that works out.

Edited by Astarica
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Um, you know the answer to that is "Smash is balanced, L2P".


Using one obviously broken ability as a justification for another one is hardly balance. By that logic every DPS needs to have the ability to AE for 10K, and you can keep your instant Salvation and we'll see how well that works out.


If smash is so broken why is it that they cant out dps snipers anymore? Also salvation does not heal everybody for 8-10k regardless. Also every dps has an aoe damage that does more than salvation. Salvation was never broken and salvation is not instant unless you get 3 stacks. Everybody wanted the game to be balanced therefore people don't die as much because it is balanced. If a lot of people died all the time that means it favors dps toons which means the game is not balanced.

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This in so many ways. I played in the same number of warzones today. We won half and lost half. In each and every one of them they were epic battles. Both sides, for the most part, had an equal number of healers and tanks. I must say that I had the most fun today then I have in a long time and this was in level 55 PvP. I know I killed a few healers or finished them off as well as harassed them so they couldn't do their job properly. We all did.


I believe the more people gear up, play their ACs, while adapting to the changes, we'll have more epic battles. However, kills won't come easy anymore. People have to work for them. And that, in my opinion, is why we see so many QQing about 'healers' and 'tanks.' Because they cannot have instant gratification like they enjoyed before 2.0.


Welcome to the new and improved Star Wars Warzones where you have to actually work for your kills and objectives! :D


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Im a healer, heals are fine, the problem is that its too easy.


Im ok with the potential numbers a good healer can put out but the problem is that its TOO EASY to just spam AoE and heal for trillions.


Healers just need to be harder to play. Just make every healer skill be put on 4 sec shutdown when we get interrupted mid cast or REMOVE SALVATION FROM THE GAME and i will be a proud skill sage.


Operative solution:

Tone down OPs HoTs by at least 10%, make emergency cockpack an autocrit (yolosmashlife) but put a 10 sec CD on it. That would force operatives to use their TA casted heal, which would force them to ACTUALLY manage energy and TA, because they dont need to. Autocrit on SUB30% cockpack also would take away RNG from the game while keeping it a very powerfull skill. Everyone wins, good OPs will heal the world HAM style, trash OPs will be trash. Since 99% of the medic OPs are bad because they just spam 2 heals and dont manage nothing, people would rerrol out of the spec in one week. YOLO.




Sorc has one problem in PvP, salvation heals for too much. Salvation is a PvE tool and shouldnt have this kind of impact in PvP. Just gut salvation, dear god remove it from warzones if possible. Were fine otherwise, salvation is just plain stupid, its the heal version of smash. And you thought bubble stun was bad, rofl.


Healing might be too easy, for a long term pvp veteran. How the game system is now I think its perfectly balanced for everyone.


New players have some space to improve without beeing roflstomped in pre-mades.

Veteran players should play ranked. Wait let me correct,


Veteran players should be able to play ranked against a pool of enough ranked teams. With the current lack of cross server PVP or character transfers this is not the case.

Edited by Jorojus
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You are actually smarter than your avatar looks :D I hope you have a sense of humor as well. As much as i agree with you it doesn't change the fact that there are games only with 2-3 kills each player. Maybe i will make a video to prove it and then we can comment the video. I had one game like that today. In this case we had no healer and they had 3 healers + tank in a normal warzone.


... and so you decided to blame the healers, instead of blaming your bad team composition...


Brilliant, Holmes!! :rolleyes:



And one more thing.. i was never talking about win or killing healers, i was talking about killing in general. Where is the fun if people don't die? When i was playing WoW for example tanks had a lesser role and pvp was fun because people were dieing. Too bad i am a Star Wars fan thought.


You obviously never played against an enemy team with 3 priests and a druid.

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Healing might be too easy, for a long term pvp veteran. How the game system is now I think its perfectly balanced for everyone.


New players have some space to improve without beeing roflstomped in pre-mades.

Veteran players should play ranked. Wait let me correct, Veteran players should be able to play ranked agains a pool of enough ranked teams.


You got a point there i cant deny it.


Operative medic is too damn faceroll even for ranked tho, i dunno about bastion but P5 ranked teams are full of dual medic OPs setups and hot damn the players are awful, they wouldnt get 2 kilometers close to a ranked team spot if they played any other spec in the game.


Still, they are there and people think they are good players because they play a joke of a spec.


I have a very close friend that is a DPS concealment OPs by instinct. The guys is an amazing DPS OP, one of the best in the bussiness, he was forced to rerrol heals so his guild could run the facerroll dual OP comp.


Now the guy never plays heals, he admit he doesnt have healer awareness (because hes a DPS mind) and he almost never practices his heal skills.


Still, 1 million heals per game with this joke of a class. Never dies because hes smart and can actually use the roll.


And dual OPs isnt even the best healing setup BTW, OP / Sorc with skilled players is suposed to be the ultimate comp, damn, even SKILLED merc / sorc is better than dual OPs, the problem is even a 5 yo child with brain damage can play an OP so basically you dont have the hassle to find a skilled healer, just get someone in the fleet who has 2 brain cells to roll Operative medic, there you have it, a healer fit for rankeds.

Edited by Laforet
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Still, they are there and people think they are good players because they play a joke of a spec.


Yup, same with smash spec, same with Pyro PTs pre-nerf and its been this way for a while with operative healers. Both could use some "rebalancing" - if for no reason other than to stop letting them be so faceroll easy.

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You got a point there i cant deny it.


Operative medic is too damn faceroll even for ranked tho, i dunno about bastion but P5 ranked teams are full of dual medic OPs setups and hot damn the players are awful, they wouldnt get 2 kilometers close to a ranked team spot if they played any other spec in the game.


Still, they are there and people think they are good players because they play a joke of a spec.


I have a very close friend that is a DPS concealment OPs by instinct. The guys is an amazing DPS OP, one of the best in the bussiness, he was forced to rerrol heals so his guild could run the facerroll dual OP comp.


Now the guy never plays heals, he admit he doesnt have healer awareness (because hes a DPS mind) and he almost never practices his heal skills.


Still, 1 million heals per game with this joke of a class. Never dies because hes smart and can actually use the roll.


And dual OPs isnt even the best healing setup BTW, OP / Sorc with skilled players is suposed to be the ultimate comp, damn, even SKILLED merc / sorc is better than dual OPs, the problem is even a 5 yo child with brain damage can play an OP so basically you dont have the hassle to find a skilled healer, just get someone in the fleet who has 2 brain cells to roll Operative medic, there you have it, a healer fit for rankeds.


I agree about everything you said.


But again, you have to keep in minds that as the communities are spead out over the servers right now you need OP classes for new players and veteran players should play a lesser spec to get a challenge.


Also perfect balance in an mmo is never heard of, or so I heard. Bioware is doing a great job as they are doing right now. Do you think they don't think about how to best serve the ENTIRE community ?

Edited by Jorojus
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I agree about everything you said.


But again, you have to keep in minds that as the communities are spead out over the servers right now you need OP classes for new players and veteran players should play a lesser spec to get a challenge.


Also perfect balance in an mmo is never heard of, or so I heard. Bioware is doing a great job as they are doing right now. Do you think they don't think about how to best serve the ENTIRE community ?


That's like saying there should be a spec that instantly kills the opposing healer so that the worst DPS can play as that and better players will refrain from picking the autowin DPS spec.


Op healing was always kind of easy mode, but before 2.0 it wasn't as easy mode as it is now, so you can still pick the easy mode back then but you might not be able to actually do significant healing when it matters. Even against good players, a lot of the time it's simply best to ignore the Operative because you can't stop him from spamming heals anyway. Instead you take advantage of Operative's tendency to hump pillars by focus fire a guy outside of his LoS. That doesn't work on the Operative himself as he will always have LoS on himself. Sorcerers are always some kind of high risk high reward healer classes (highest output but easiest to kill), and Commando is somewhere in between.


Currently Operative healing is unbelievably even more easy mode than before, and Sorc seems to be modeled after Operative. Combined with the fact that more people are rolling Operative this makes it pretty hard to kill a Sorc. An Operative/Sorc combo is pretty darn safe, as is double Operative. Better yet just have 2 Operatives and a Sorc and try to bore the opposing team to death.

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That's like saying there should be a spec that instantly kills the opposing healer so that the worst DPS can play as that and better players will refrain from picking the autowin DPS spec.


Op healing was always kind of easy mode, but before 2.0 it wasn't as easy mode as it is now, so you can still pick the easy mode back then but you might not be able to actually do significant healing when it matters. Even against good players, a lot of the time it's simply best to ignore the Operative because you can't stop him from spamming heals anyway. Instead you take advantage of Operative's tendency to hump pillars by focus fire a guy outside of his LoS. That doesn't work on the Operative himself as he will always have LoS on himself. Sorcerers are always some kind of high risk high reward healer classes (highest output but easiest to kill), and Commando is somewhere in between.


Currently Operative healing is unbelievably even more easy mode than before, and Sorc seems to be modeled after Operative. Combined with the fact that more people are rolling Operative this makes it pretty hard to kill a Sorc. An Operative/Sorc combo is pretty darn safe, as is double Operative. Better yet just have 2 Operatives and a Sorc and try to bore the opposing team to death.


Your opinion on this matter is that everyone in this game has the same skills and plays this game as long as the guy that started playing on early access. That is not the case, yesterday x amount of players bought swtor and are currently learning how to play.


I think Bioware makes OP classes so these players will not leave the game next week or as soon as they reach level 55.

I like it because like I said, if veterans want a challenge they should play a "non OP class". New players should start with the FOTM classes and it will still take time to decently learn how to play.


I know it takes some thinking to get here, but its simple logic really ...


BTW plz dont put words in my mouth about instantly killing healers ... I never said that.

Edited by Jorojus
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Your opinion on this matter is that everyone in this game has the same skills and plays this game as long as the guy that started playing on early access. That is not the case, yesterday x amount of players bought swtor and are currently learning how to play.


I think Bioware makes OP classes so these players will not leave the game next week or as soon as they reach level 55.

I like it because like I said, if veterans want a challenge they should play a "non OP class". New players should start with the FOTM classes and it will still take time to decently learn how to play.


I know it takes some thinking to get here, but its simple logic really ...


BTW plz dont put words in my mouth about instantly killing healers ... I never said that.


The pre 2.0 Op healer is as close to easy mode as it gets without being utterly broken. They have a relatively low ceiling, but is still quite potent in the hands of a good player.

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The pre 2.0 Op healer is as close to easy mode as it gets without being utterly broken. They have a relatively low ceiling, but is still quite potent in the hands of a good player.


/sigh I already said I agree that there are OP classes, try reading my entire posts ...


Whining about something that doesn't suit you or you dont like is easy, even if it is true.

Helping eachother out seems the be the worlds problem these days ... :(

Edited by Jorojus
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Not sure if you have seen this, but there is a bug that is helping Sorc's that they are goign to fix.




If you have Salvation you can't get the talent in question, though it's pretty funny to have all your heals/bubbles permanently discounted 75%, because heals do not use up a charge of the 75% Force discount buff because they're not attacks, but still benefit from the discount.

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... and so you decided to blame the healers, instead of blaming your bad team composition...


Brilliant, Holmes!! :rolleyes:





You obviously never played against an enemy team with 3 priests and a druid.


Well in this case maybe it was the bad team composition, but this was just an example. What if they had 3 healers and 2 tanks and we had the same? It will be a fair composition and still no kills.


I remember times at lv 60 when i was playing like 22 hours per day only BGs just to get the title Grand Marshal.. Well i had like 200 000 kills, so i am not sure, but i think 4 of them may be are 3 priest and a dru in the same BG. I fought a lot of premades you know..

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Hi Bioware can you please put a forum admin here that keeps double forumtopics away so I don't have to post in more then one topic to make my point ?




Thank you, I am glad I was able to convince you to write something really useful imo. Do you think that in a very well coordinated team and thus ranked games there is definetely a chance to win against the other team ? And if you can win, what makes the difference ?


I mean just imagine, everyone has the same skill, same gear, but acts like a brainless robot that only looks at numbers, what would happen ?

Think about, you'll always have a stalemate, where nobody gets killed, nobody dies and everyone will have the same stats.


THAT my good sir is the "perfect" balanced pvp explained for you. The only way to counter that in competitive pvp is to actually use your brains. Judging from your facts about the numbers, thx for the numbers btw, for burst dps/healing I'd say Bioware is pretty close to having the "perfect balanced pvp game for robots"


That isn't balance sir, that is tilted in favor of healing and tanking. In all cases dps tanks and heals will all be screwing up and performing badly because there are people playing them. Healers surviving doesn't mean healers are playing smart and dps isn't (though that frequently happens), it means heals are overtuned. Stop thinking so highly of yourself because a patch that buffed health pool, shielding mechanics, and resource management for healers all in the same patch while keeping dps at roughly the same burst potential and nerfing crit chance as pre-2.0 has suddenly made you able to keep up your entire team.

A perfect balance would be a case where 16 robots are playing against each other and 50% of the time they died and 50% of the time they lived, with crits being the determining factor. Of course, when one guy dies it can lead to others dying, so in the grand scheme of things more people should be dying than living if "balance" truly exists in this game, which is a fact healers and tanks need to live with.

I realize that sounds kind of like "balance = everyone dies" but I'm just giving it to you factually and logically.


In fact, when you think about all the buffs to healing and tanking I listed up there compared to big crits being roughly the same, it makes me wonder how people who are being healed ever die. This makes me think it's actually healers and tanks who are being bad and not dps as you claim. Though I realize this is moving out of the realm of numbers it's still based on facts of changes in 2.0.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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I agree about everything you said.


But again, you have to keep in minds that as the communities are spead out over the servers right now you need OP classes for new players and veteran players should play a lesser spec to get a challenge.


Also perfect balance in an mmo is never heard of, or so I heard. Bioware is doing a great job as they are doing right now. Do you think they don't think about how to best serve the ENTIRE community ?


I dont know if keeping this anomalities in the game is good for us in the long run.


Every MMO has two kind of specs, and balance is not perfect ofc. There are specs that are naturally more "straightfoward" than others. Think the warrior class versus a stealth class. Warrior class is straightfoward: get in their face beat them up, you have the cooldowns for it. If you get overwhelmed, you can generally camo / intercede away.


Stealth classes are a tad more complex, their DPS is focused in their opener. Screw the opener screw the damage, they usually dont have the best sustained in the world and they are generally fragile when left in the open, with the exception of in combat stealth. They also have more control at their disposal, stun, saps and the like and they have to use it constantly to their favour otherwise they get easily overwhelmed and explode.


So a class like a DPS guardian is naturally more straightfoward, thus less complex for the ordinary man to pick it up by nature . The problem is that bioware not only made straightfoward classes but made them INSANELY POWERFUL.


This screws up everyone in the long run. Skilled players that love playing specs that arent insanely powerful will eventually quit the game, more casual players will feel the "rerrol pressure" to play the right specs and will eventually quit or turn to PvE. The presence of these insane specs is actually a cancer to the game.


And what are these insanely overpowered straightfoward specs that are cancering the game? We all know who they are:


The entire warrior AC, excluding watchman. Smash and vengeance are a disease to the game.

Operative healer.


What about sniper? Sniper is ridiculously tuned up, i mean ridiculously. 20 sec hunker down in 1 minute CD is just profane. But sniper has a saving grace, its not that straightfoward. Snipers AT LEAST have to worry about positioning otherwise he will get overwhelmed. They are also countered by stealth as they counter warriors.


Snipers are overtuned and OP but they arent a disease to the game ATM as being chased by a bunch of warrior monkeys is, also OP healing.


Monkey warrior team with op healing is the ultimate cancer that will kill the game, and rated is full of it.

Edited by Laforet
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