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Healing IS TOTALLY ouf of control


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I do think healing is not the problem. It is just how EA understand PvP. They made the PvP in SWTOR close to PvE. Healer, tank , dps. Tanks are ruing everything with their permanent shield on the healer + they have taunt and mass taunt. Giving major role for tanks in PvP is always a fail, because the point and fun in pvp is to kill the enemy player and with so much protection i can clearly say this game lost the focus in killing the player.


The 50% tank shield should not be permanent. They need to put a cooldown, or you will have a lot of games with no one dieing and pvp will never be the way it has to be.


In games like WoW and Aion for example, pvp works better, cause tanks have a lesser role.


This is pure conjecture and opinion on your part. you're just looking at it from your perspective. From the healing perspective, in PVP, no one is supposed to die. Thus making it fun for the healer. When I get a match and no one died on my side i feel vindicated as a healer(more so since I play CM). Just as you would feel vindicated and proud of yourself if you completely obliterated the other team. People come on here wanting to nerf healers when that healer is working just as hard as you are (if not more) trying to heal as you are trying to kill. It all comes down to who wants it more and if you lost to a bunch of healers they wanted to win more than your team did. In most matches I play though, I'm able to out DPS the people who are meant to DPS, and from my perspective, that's the problem. Not the healing.

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Lol now you question my skill. Well maybe i am a noob and i do not know :rolleyes:


It's not about that and you know it. And because you and your healer want to hear "You are and immortal" more often - pvp will suffer. My healer never dies before i do when i play a tank. And if the player base can't understand why this shield needs duration and cooldown future in the pvp is doomed. But most of the good pvpers left that game long ago.. don't you agree? So how can we have efficient opinion?

Edited by ilifus
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This is pure conjecture and opinion on your part. you're just looking at it from your perspective. From the healing perspective, in PVP, no one is supposed to die. Thus making it fun for the healer. When I get a match and no one died on my side i feel vindicated as a healer(more so since I play CM). Just as you would feel vindicated and proud of yourself if you completely obliterated the other team. People come on here wanting to nerf healers when that healer is working just as hard as you are (if not more) trying to heal as you are trying to kill. It all comes down to who wants it more and if you lost to a bunch of healers they wanted to win more than your team did. In most matches I play though, I'm able to out DPS the people who are meant to DPS, and from my perspective, that's the problem. Not the healing.


I do respect your opinion i rally do, but jeez man let some people to die.. It's a warzone not a medic center after all..

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Where are these immortal healers? I would like to know so I can copy their specs. My healers die plenty in warzones. If they don't, it's because the other team is over stocked with healers and doesn't have enough dps and I have a tank guard (which is almost never in a pug) and other healers on my team. So ya, if there are 3 or more healers per team and tanks, and a couple of dps, stuff doesn't die. But to claim that that means that healing is OP is absurd. If each team has a 1-2 healers there are plenty of deaths and objectives are achieved. It doesn't reach stalemate status until each team has 3 or more and tank guards.


But then it isn't really healing that is at fault, but lack of dps.

In 9/10 pug groups I am in, the dps doesn't even mark the other team's healers, let alone focus them. And they are clueless most of the time who their own healers are, and never, ever peel for a healer. So for players that are oblivious, I can see where a couple of healers with a tank guard peeling for them might pose a problem. But again, that is not the fault of healing, but of derp dps.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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...believe it or not DPS is not the only role in PvP... objectives.... not deathmatch is the real prize in SWTOR warzones. People with your mentality are the ones that lose warzones for teams.


You will never cap my side in void star or cap a node of mine in Civil War without killing me. Ever. Because I'm not stupid. So unless you want to keep playing stalemate matches, people do actually need to respawn in PVP.

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I am going to ignore the other two people who comment me (noting personal) as i will answer to you. You guys clearly miss understand me. I am complaining only about their permanent 50% shield on healers. By nerfing this the joy in PvP will increase and i am not saying there should not be that kind of shield, but this shield has to have duration for example 45 seconds and cooldown 15 seconds.


And yes i have a tank too..


The question is, why are you really complaining ?


You have a dps class where you can't kill healers with, that are guarded. How many times do you play in a pre-made ?

Edited by Jorojus
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I was playing few mmos and from my pov warhammer was the first solid pvp I have ever encountered. especially for tank role as low dmg tough guy who run around guarding grp players that are under focus fire, using CC to either defend or to push and using other nasty tricks to annoy enemies (aoe snare, dmg reduction, increased cast time, interupts, heal debuffs....). that really made the pvp not only "we have better dps so we are going to own u hard" but also true team play. u could have great dps and godly healers but when u had terrible tank who never heard about guard/switch guard, knockback, challenge, taunt etc. u were going to have tough times. sure now all turned to "tank guard slayers and WP use aoe detaunt" win tactic but it was better. swtor is kinda similar. tanks have also tools to soak the dmg, protect allies, use CC and even provide some assist dmg.


maybe its just my pov but all these MMOs that were decided only by dps/heal factor seems like some fps to me and not as part of grp based pvp action in MMORPG.


only problem I see is - tanks can close the distance to guarded ally in matter of seconds thus making it hard to separate solid tank from his guarded target and these abilities are on low cd. though its still possible to separate them and try to burst the healer down

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I was playing few mmos and from my pov warhammer was the first solid pvp I have ever encountered. especially for tank role as low dmg tough guy who run around guarding grp players that are under focus fire, using CC to either defend or to push and using other nasty tricks to annoy enemies (aoe snare, dmg reduction, increased cast time, interupts, heal debuffs....). that really made the pvp not only "we have better dps so we are going to own u hard" but also true team play. u could have great dps and godly healers but when u had terrible tank who never heard about guard/switch guard, knockback, challenge, taunt etc. u were going to have tough times. sure now all turned to "tank guard slayers and WP use aoe detaunt" win tactic but it was better. swtor is kinda similar. tanks have also tools to soak the dmg, protect allies, use CC and even provide some assist dmg.


maybe its just my pov but all these MMOs that were decided only by dps/heal factor seems like some fps to me and not as part of grp based pvp action in MMORPG.


only problem I see is - tanks can close the distance to guarded ally in matter of seconds thus making it hard to separate solid tank from his guarded target and these abilities are on low cd. though its still possible to separate them and try to burst the healer down


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IMO since 2. 0 there is a "who has more healers is the winner" even more then before. It is ridicolous that 2-3 good geared and decent dps cannot kill a healer. Yes I know many of you rolling monkeys and bubble bastards will say: you are not cordinating, you are bad player etc. well... of course you say that: you are ruling the WZ's!
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IMO since 2. 0 there is a "who has more healers is the winner" even more then before. It is ridicolous that 2-3 good geared and decent dps cannot kill a healer. Yes I know many of you rolling monkeys and bubble bastards will say: you are not cordinating, you are bad player etc. well... of course you say that: you are ruling the WZ's!


A little story;


On a cold day an operative dps decides to go head on against 2 healing classes, lets call them Mr derp and Mr new player, they are focused on guarding the turret in civil war. Mr derp and Mr new player are sitting comfortably next to eachother holding eachothers hands and giving eachother bubbles. They are really relaxed, because they have 2 turrets firing at the enemy fleet. On the other turret, word reached them that they are under heavy attack but that is no problem because the other players in their team are all healers and tanks.


Suddenly Mr derp falls asleep, Mr new player is wondering what happened ? "Did I bore this guy really that much that he falls asleep :confused:"


Out of nowhere a blue man appears, the human jedi recognizes him as a Chiss, probably working for Imperial Intelligence.

Before he knows what happens The Chiss puts a knife in the backbone of Mr "New player" wich cause him to spasm and fall flat down on the floor.


Mr "New player" did a little bit of research on his abilities and he already figured out it would be best to "keybind" his abilities.

So the latest ability he learned about is called "cc breaker". Mr "New player" is lightning fast already with his keybinds and smashes the "cc breaker" because he cannot allow that dirty operative to push him flat down on the ground.


Mr "Derp" saw what happened even tough he was sleeping, he is a little bit more experienced then Mr "New player" so he used his "cc breaker" as soon as Mr "New player got knocked facedown on the ground because he cannot allow that Imperial bastard to kill his friend !!


The operative starts running around Mr "New player" and viciously stabs him in his back, in his belly, EVERYWHERE.

Mr "Derp" decides to come a little closer to Mr "New player " to hold hands with eachother and support eachother in heals against the agressiveness that this Imperial scum is forcing upon them.


Suddenly a flash blinds Mr derp and Mr new player. They both are blind, don't see a thing. When their vision returns the turret that was aiming on the enemy fleet is now shooting at their own fleet !!!!


In panic, they start healing eachother. Before their own fleet comes crashing down on their heads ...


The End.

Edited by Jorojus
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I rarely see the interruptable type of heals cast by Operatives. It seems they don't have to use those.


They rarely use it because if you're actually good, you know a good DPS can abuse those. They will wait until you're at 1.9/2.0s, interrupt it, and then stun you, giving them a whole 6 seconds to burst DPS on you instead of just 4 (they're bursting you down while you're casting the heal too), and that represents 50% burst DPS intake compared to normal. Spamming instant heals is obviously not super efficient, but there's no chance for this to be interrupted by interrupt type abilities for obvious reasons.

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You will never cap my side in void star or cap a node of mine in Civil War without killing me. Ever. Because I'm not stupid. So unless you want to keep playing stalemate matches, people do actually need to respawn in PVP.


Whenever I see the other side try to do something cute to cap I always feel compelled to tell them if they want to cap the objective I am at they'd haev to do it over my dead body. I know everyone has these cool stories about how you capped Alderaan while next to 6 blind guys. I've been on a lot of those games too, but all it takes is one guy who isn't blind to stop you.

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I've always been of the opinion that healers need great survivability, but the current situation is completely out of control. I've had WZs lately where 1 healer would be focussed by 3 and still be able to survive and to heal his mates. While I agree that it's important to know how to fight a healer with interrupts, cc etc. no classes other than tanks should be able to survive 3 DPS even if the DPS are not too good.


This game is going a strange path with tanks having a dmg output close to that of DPSers and healers having a survivability like tanks. I understand that BW favours tanks and healers cause otherwise nobody would want to play these speccs, but this should stay within certain bounds.

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A little story;


The End.


Every balance problem goes away when you imagine the situation as your enemy being incredibly stupid. The more realistic story is that the healers heal each other, DoT the scoundrel/operative until he's forced to blow his dodge/cloak and leave. Nothing happens other than some crafting missions getting completed.

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The question is, why are you really complaining ?


You have a dps class where you can't kill healers with, that are guarded. How many times do you play in a pre-made ?


You make me laugh.:) I can kill a healer 1v1. It may take time if he is good yes. I pointed the problem. 1 or 2 kills per warzone is not enjoyable if both sides have lot of healers and tanks. I played ranked before, but didn't like it cause sometimes you get games like this and i didn't like the roles they gave me + i have become a multiple char user so i now like to play with all my 15 chars. Normal warzone pre - mades i play every day.

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I do think any changes to healing should be followed by standardizing all interupts to 12s CD and not improved by talents (the talents can do stuff like increase range or increase lockout time or whatever). The interrupt-then-stun when executed by a good DPS is absolutely devastating, and a class with 8s let alone 6s CD interrupt can basically execute this manuever at will.
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You make me laugh.:) I can kill a healer 1v1. It may take time if he is good yes. I pointed the problem. 1 or 2 kills per warzone is not enjoyable if both sides have lot of healers and tanks. I played ranked before, but didn't like it cause sometimes you get games like this and i didn't like the roles they gave me + i have become a multiple char user so i now like to play with all my 15 chars. Normal warzone pre - mades i play every day.


That's a lot of words for, "I don't qualify in the big league".


You said you played this since 2011. If what you say is truem you have two years of experience and you're still propagating the same BS a typical 2-week n00b would spatter out. You know, the typical, "Wwwaaaa, StunWars! Waaaa Mara/sent OP! Waaaaa healers invincible!"


How are we supposed to take any of your comments seriously when clearly, there are teams and players who directly oppose this supposed 'problem'? :eek:


Just today I've been in about 8 matches, and among them around half of them had at minimum two enemy healers in every engagement. In each case, there were long, bloody, and epic battles around the key strategic points of the map befitting good ol' PvP fun. In the end, most of the times our team ended up successfully neutralizing the enemy healers before ours fell, so we came on top of that big push, got our PvP objectives, and won.


The only times when my team failed to push back the enemy, was when we had something like (1) too many healers = pathetic damage capacity, (2) no melee classes to stand in the frontline, (3) fellow tank classes did not protect other healers (since I sure as protected mine admirably, if I say so myself), (4) people did not focus and harass enemy healers.... in short, all in all, when our team performed below expectations due to lopsided team composition or unskilled players.


Whoa, stop the presses! Is something supposed to be wrong with the great fun I've experienced today? :eek:


Was I supposed to just check the enemy healer, force leap onto him and destroy him in about 2~3 attack rotations, and just crush any enemy heal/support classes this way, so our team can derp-steamroll the enemies?


Being a fully defense-committed guardian, I sure as wasn't able to kill any healer by myself, but it wasn't too difficult to make sure none of his heals got out to his own teammates. So, our DPS wore down all the other enemies slowly but surely, while a few of us endlessly chased around multiple enemy healers here and there, forcing them to move around instead of heal, throwing them out of range with KBs so they can't heal, locking them up in that spot with CCs so they take a long time to come back and heal, guardian leap back to the fight during that small time frame to help focus enemy tanks and DPS who don't receive any heals for around 10 seconds, then attach ourselves to healers again, harass them some more, and on and on and on... until we killed every tank and DPS. So, in the end, only the enemy healers are left, focused without protection, and dead fairly quick enough.


Wow, I couldn't kill any healers! How did we win? :rolleyes:

Edited by kweassa
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You make me laugh.:) I can kill a healer 1v1. It may take time if he is good yes. I pointed the problem. 1 or 2 kills per warzone is not enjoyable if both sides have lot of healers and tanks. I played ranked before, but didn't like it cause sometimes you get games like this and i didn't like the roles they gave me + i have become a multiple char user so i now like to play with all my 15 chars. Normal warzone pre - mades i play every day.


Its good that I make you laugh. However I wonder why you start talking about 1v1 when I clearly said :


You can't kill a healer that is guarded by a tank. I also wonder why you didn't like to play ranked and wich roles you got. Also why you got that specific role. Care to explain ?


Hf enjoying all the classes in this game :)

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Healing is out of control. It's a fact, even the healer defenders know it. They are just holding on for dear life because they know their God status is in jeopardy next re-balance.


I think every semi-serious player needs to have a cap level healer, dps, and tank so that they can speak intelligently about things like this.

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Just today I've been in about 8 matches, and among them around half of them had at minimum two enemy healers in every engagement. In each case, there were long, bloody, and epic battles around the key strategic points of the map befitting good ol' PvP fun. In the end, most of the times our team ended up successfully neutralizing the enemy healers before ours fell, so we came on top of that big push, got our PvP objectives, and won.


The only times when my team failed to push back the enemy, was when we had something like (1) too many healers = pathetic damage capacity, (2) no melee classes to stand in the frontline, (3) fellow tank classes did not protect other healers (since I sure as protected mine admirably, if I say so myself), (4) people did not focus and harass enemy healers.... in short, all in all, when our team performed below expectations due to lopsided team composition or unskilled players.


Whoa, stop the presses! Is something supposed to be wrong with the great fun I've experienced today? :eek:


This in so many ways. I played in the same number of warzones today. We won half and lost half. In each and every one of them they were epic battles. Both sides, for the most part, had an equal number of healers and tanks. I must say that I had the most fun today then I have in a long time and this was in level 55 PvP. I know I killed a few healers or finished them off as well as harassed them so they couldn't do their job properly. We all did.


I believe the more people gear up, play their ACs, while adapting to the changes, we'll have more epic battles. However, kills won't come easy anymore. People have to work for them. And that, in my opinion, is why we see so many QQing about 'healers' and 'tanks.' Because they cannot have instant gratification like they enjoyed before 2.0.


Welcome to the new and improved Star Wars Warzones where you have to actually work for your kills and objectives! :D

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Healing is out of control. It's a fact, even the healer defenders know it. They are just holding on for dear life because they know their God status is in jeopardy next re-balance.


I'm a Sage Healer and I do not agree with this statement. It's working as intended. Learn to adapt and improve your game play. It's as simple as that. ;)

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I think every semi-serious player needs to have a cap level healer, dps, and tank so that they can speak intelligently about things like this.


i do have a healer i rarely play and its piss easy to heal and get 1 mil + on warzones after 2.0 that is a fact. I consider myself a garbage healer and still manage to heal quite easily with sorc (again after 2.0, before 2.0 most of the time was timberrrrrrrrrr on the ground).

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